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Production of Similar Fragments from the Glycine, Alanine,

and Methionine Amino Acid Molecules

under Low-Energy Electron Impact

a b a c a
L.G. Romanova , J. Tamuliene , V.S. Vukstich , T.A. Snegurskaya , A.V. Papp
a, *
and A.V. Snegursky
Institute of Electron Physics, Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences,
21 Universitetska str., 88017 Uzhgorod, Ukraine
Vilnius University, Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy, 12 A. Go²tauto str., 01108, Vilnius, Lithuania
Uzhgorod National University, Department of Physics, 46 Pidhirna str., 88000 Uzhgorod, Ukraine

(Received March 30, 2015; in nal form April 24, 2015)

Production of the ionic fragments of the same chemical composition due to a low-energy electron impact on
the glycine, alanine, and methionine amino acid molecules has been studied both experimentally and theoretically.
The mass-spectrometric technique was applied to detect the above ionic fragments within the 1720 a.m.u. mass
range with the ±0.25 a.m.u. resolution, while the density functional theory based theoretical approach allowed the
relevant species to be identied and the mechanisms of their production to be claried. A special attention has
been paid to analysis of the geometrical structures of the molecules under study as well to nding the appearance
potentials of their fragments with the accuracy of ±0.1 eV.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.128.15
PACS: 34.50.Lf, 34.90.+q

1. Introduction electrons are of a primary interest from the viewpoint of

tracing the consequences of malignant transformations in
Amino acids being biologically relevant organic sub- living cells under the inuence of ionizing radiation and
stances involved in the live organisms include gener- also provide useful radiation therapy eect on tumors in
ally the amine (NH2 ) and the carboxylic acid (COOH) human beings [5].
functional groups. Their generic formula looks like The studies of the basic mechanisms of the amino acid
H2 NCHRCOOH (R being an organic substituent, the so- molecule structural changes caused by low-energy elec-
called side-chain [1]). Amino acids also serve as build- tron impact are far from being complete despite their
ing blocks of proteins and intermediates in metabolism. undoubted signicance. According to the National Insti-
The chemical properties of these molecules determine the tute of Standards (NIST) database [6], the available rele-
biological activity of the proteins. In addition, proteins vant data are a bit disputable, while those on the parent
contain the necessary information needed to determine molecule ionization thresholds and fragment appearance
the structure and the stability of the live organism. This energies are extremely scarce.
is an important eld of scientic research, and today it is
still one of the most important tasks of modern biological
and chemical science [2].
Regarding the possible degradation of amino acids un-
der the external impact, it is a well-known fact that ion-
izing radiation causes in live tissue the irreversible eects
at the genetic level [3]. The mechanism of such degra-
dation does not include the direct action of high-energy
Fig. 1. Structural formulae of the molecules under
ionizing radiation only, because the inuence of the pro-
cesses related to the low-energy secondary electrons ap-
In our previous papers (see, e.g. [79]), we have stud-
pears to be signicant [4]. Secondary products of ion-
ied both experimentally and theoretically fragmenta-
izing radiation in living tissues are capable of damaging
tion of the glycine, alanine, and methionine molecules
the structural units of nucleic acids and proteins leading,
by low-energy (below 150 eV) electrons and noticed
in particular, to dissociative ionization with both posi-
yield of some fragments of the above three molecules
tive and negative-ion production. Thus, the low-energy
having the same chemical composition not comparing
their production mechanisms. Therefore, the aim of the
present paper was to study the mechanisms of their
* corresponding author; e-mail: production and compare these mechanisms with each
other. The amino acid glycine, alanine, and methionine

16 L.G. Romanova et al.

molecules (see schematic view in Fig. 1) have dier- electron gun provided an electron current Ie = 30−50 µA
ent substituents R: H, CH3 and C2 H4 SCH3 . One within a wide (0150 eV) energy range with the energy
of them (methionine) involves not only the main con- spread < 0.3 eV (full width at the half-maximum of the
stituents such as carbon and hydrogen, but also the sul- beam energy distribution) [10]. The experimental ap-
fur atom. The above molecules present good example pearance potentials were determined by means of a t-
for predicting the inuence of substituents on the pro- ting technique based on the least-squares method approx-
cess of fragmentation of the core part (H2 NCHCOOH) imation using the MarquardtLevenberg algorithm de-
of the amino acid. To our knowledge, no similar data are scribed in detail in our previous studies (see. e.g. [710]).
present in literature. The accuracy of the appearance potential determination
was not worse than ±0.1 eV. The energy dependences
2. Experimental of ionization and dissociative ionization cross-sections to
be measured in the incident electron energy range from
In our study, we used a conventional magnetic mass- the threshold up to 150 eV. The ions produced in the
spectrometer MI-1201 (see, e.g. [10]) as the mass- ion source and extracted by the electric eld entered a
separator unit enabling the fragments of electron magnetic ion separator and were detected by means of
molecule interaction to be identied. Figure 2 shows the an electrometer.
schematic diagram of the experimental setup. The ex- The data acquisition and processing system was con-
perimental apparatus developed and applied is based, as trolled by a PC. Special measures were taken to stabi-
already mentioned above, on the magnetic mass spectro- lize the mass analyzer transmission, thus, making the
meter capable of operating within the 1720 a.m.u. mass of the fragment under study to be reliably xed.
mass range. High sensitivity (≈10 A) and resolu- An electron energy scale was calibrated with respect to
tion (±0.25 a.m.u.) of the mass analyzer enabled the known ionization thresholds for argon atom and nitrogen
fragments of the target molecule to be reliably separated molecule (see below) with the accuracy not worse than
and detected even at low levels of ion currents reaching ±0.1 eV. The molecular beam M (see Fig. 2) was directed
the ion detector (see Fig. 2). to the ionization chamber normally to the electron beam
(the beams intersect in the gure plane). The experi-
mental procedure was as follows.
First both electron and molecular beam sources were
put into operation and after reaching the optimal con-
ditions of beam generation a mass spectrum of the
molecules under study was measured. The masses of the
fragments produced were then xed and the energy de-
pendences of the relevant ion yields were measured. Elec-
tron energy was varied with an energy step of 0.10.3 eV
enabling the threshold areas of the dissociative ioniza-
tion functions for all the fragments under study to be
measured. In this case the problem of the incident elec-
tron energy scale calibration becomes very signicant.
To calibrate the above energy scale we have measured
the threshold areas of the ionization functions for the two
Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of the experimental setup test gases  Ar and N2 . The experimental ionization
and supporting electrical circuits. thresholds were determined by means of a tting tech-
nique is based on a least-squares method approximation
The primary molecular beam (M in Fig. 2) was formed
using the MarquardtLevenberg algorithm suggested by
by means of an eusion source with a resistive oven
Maerk's group (see, e.g., our earlier paper [11]).
providing target molecule concentrations not less than
1010 molecule/cm .
The operating temperature of the
3. Theoretical

molecular beam source was varied up to 200 C being
controlled by a thermocouple allowing the temperature The structures of the molecules and their fragments
dependences of the fragment yields to be determined. were studied using the generalized gradient approxima-
As it has been shown in our previous papers [79], the tion for the exchange-correlation potential in the den-
linear behaviour of the above temperature dependences sity functional theory (DFT) as it is described by the
(plotted in the semi-logarithmic scale) within the temper- Becke three-parameter hybrid functional, applying the

ature range of 50120 C indicated unambiguously that non-local correlation provided by Lee, Yang, and Parr.
production of the above fragments due to the thermal The DFT method is commonly referred to as B3LYP [12],
degradation of the parent molecule was negligible. i.e. as a representative standard one described in more
The temperature and pressure conditions of the molec- detail below. The cc-pVTZ basis set was used as well [13].
ular beam formation excluded the possibility of molecular The structures of the molecule isomers/conformers and
cluster formation. A specially designed three-electrode their fragments under study were optimized globally
Production of Similar Fragments from the Glycine, Alanine. . . 17

without any symmetry constraint. The bond order and

the bond length of the molecule conformers were investi-
gated to nd the weaker bonds possible to be destructed.
Additionally, the vibration spectrum was evaluated to
predict the possible elongation of bonds and the change
of the angle aiming to analyze the most probable frag-
ments produced due to electron impact. On the other
hand, the results on the vibration modes were analyzed
to be sure that the equilibrium point of the molecular
systems was found. In order to model the fragmentation
processes, the possible fragment anions, cations and frag-
ments with a zero charge were evaluated. Dissociation
energies were calculated as the dierence between the to-
tal energy of the molecule and the sum of the energies of
the fragments predicted. We assumed that in our exper-
imental conditions the structure of the fragments formed
could be changed inuencing, thus, the dissociation en-
ergy. To evaluate the above inuence, the dissociation
energy was calculated for the following two cases: (i) the
single point energy calculation of the fragments was per-
formed taking into account the geometry of a certain part
of the molecules under study (in these cases the energy of
fragment formation is not the lowest one); (ii) the struc-
ture of the fragments was optimized, i.e. the fragments
were allowed to reach their equilibrium geometry and the
obtained energy (the lowest energy of the fragments) was
used to calculate the dissociation energy.

4. Results and discussion

The amino acid molecules studied by us, despite their

dierent composition, produce a series of neutral and
ionic fragments with the same mass. Therefore, com-
parison of possible mechanisms of their production is of
certain interest when studying the processes of the ini-
tial molecule decomposition. Obviously, it is intriguing to
trace their production in this process as well as to study
the possible mechanisms of their formation. In this sec-
tion, we will summarize some results of our studies.
Figure 3 shows the mass spectra of the three molecules
under study measured using the technique described
Fig. 3. Initial areas of the mass spectra of the
above. We would like to draw attention that the glycine, molecules under study: (a) glycine molecule, inset 
alanine, and methionine molecules could be presented as that in the vicinity of the parent molecule peak, (b) α-
the COOHCHRNH2 compounds, where R is H, CH3 alanine molecule, (c) methionine molecule.
and C2 H4 SCH3 in case of glycine, alanine, and me-
thionine, respectively. This allows one to expect that
several fragments with equal mass could be formed un-
4.1. Detachment of amino acid molecules
der the low-energy electron impact. Formally, such frag-
functional groups
ments could be NH2 (m = 16 a.m.u.), CH2 N, CO (m = 4.1.1. Deamination
28 a.m.u.), CH3 N, COH (m = 29 a.m.u.), CH4 N, CH2 O The mass spectra of the above amino acids reveal a
(m = 30 a.m.u.), C2 H4 N (m = 42 a.m.u.), CO2 , C2 H6 N small-scale peak of the NH2 (m = 16 a.m.u.) fragment,
(m = 44 a.m.u.), CHO2 (m = 45 a.m.u.) and C2 HO2 , because the peaks observed are due to fragmentation
C2 H3 NO (m = 57 a.m.u.) and they may be charged of the molecule by a preferred cleavage of those bonds,
both positively and negatively or be neutral. It should which lead to energetically more favored, i.e. best stabi-
be emphasized that we have no possibility to measure the lized, ions. Indeed, NH2 stability is very low as compared
mass spectra of negatively charged ions as well as the ap- to that of the neutral and negatively charged ones (see
pearance energies for such fragments, thus, some of the Table I).
results presented below are based on the theoretical con- The positively charged amino group detachment from
siderations only. the parent molecule is the rare event, despite the rela-
18 L.G. Romanova et al.

TABLE I of amino acids aects considerably the dissociative pro-

Binding energy per atom (eV) for the dierently cess (1). While the hydrogen atom (R in the glycine
charged fragments produced from the above molecules. molecule) substitution by the methyl group does not in-
uence the character of the main fragmentation channel,
Fragment charge
Fragment the presence of the sulfur atom complicates signicantly
1 0 1 this process.
NH2 3.43 3.38 0.83 In case of glycine after the CCα bond rupture two
COOH 4.13 4.45 1.31 complementary fragments CHO2 (m = 45 a.m.u.) and
CH4 N 3.94 4.12 3.06 CH4 N (m = 30 a.m.u.) appear. The calculated bind-
CH3 N 3.94 4.24 2.63 ing energy per atom shows that CH4 N
is three times
CH2 N 4.10 4.39 2.27 more stable than COOH
(see Table I). Hence, forma-
CHO 4.02 3.63 0.93 tion of CH4 N
(m = 30 a.m.u.) and COOH

(m =
CH6 N 4.20 4.32 3.71 45 a.m.u.) is more probable because of the energetically
C4 H10 NS 4.24 4.28 3.94 more favored ion formation, and this leads to the small
C2 H4 NO2 4.71 4.63 3.82 (nearly 3% relative intensity) peak at m = 45 a.m.u. in
C2 HO2 4.78 4.34 2.14 the glycine mass spectrum.
C2 H3 NO 4.53 4.73 3.60 In the mass-spectra of the alanine and methionine
molecules, the fragment with the m = 45 a.m.u. mass
assigned to COOH could be observed as well with the in-
tively low values of calculated energies required to break tensities ≈3% and ≈14%, respectively. In case of the ala-
the CN bond but our theoretical investigations pre- nine molecule, the theoretical results prove that reaction
dict that, under a low-energy electron impact, all the
C3 H7 NO2 + e → C2 H6 N+ + CHO−
2 +e (2)
molecules investigated could produce the m = 16 a.m.u.
− could be more probable due to the stability of the frag-
mass fragment assigned as NH2 . In addition, the amine
ments produced, however, the comparison of the calcu-
fragment could be obtained as the other product when
lated and measured appearance energies indicates that
it has negative or zero charge. In the case of glycine the
−/0/+ reaction
NH2 fragment could be formed with very low possi-
bility in the appearance energy range 12.8525.58 eV [7]
C3 H7 NO2 + e → C2 H6 N+ + CHO2 + 2e (3)
+ 0
(the other fragment formed is positively charged). For is more energetically probable, i.e. C2 H6 N and CHO2
the alanine molecule this calculated energy is equal to formation is more expected, while CHO2 could be formed

12.0424.77 eV depending on the structural dierences only in the case when the hydrogen bond O· · ·H in the

between the isomers and intramolecular hydrogen bond- alanine molecule occur favoring this fragment stability.
−/0/+ It is interesting that in case of methionine the frag-
ing [8], and for the methionine molecule, the NH2
fragment can be formed as well at 10.4223.14 eV [9]. ment with the m = 45 a.m.u. mass is produced with
higher intensity as compared with other amino acids un-
4.1.2. Carboxyl group detachment der study. This peak increase may be due to the iso-
According to the early (that has become classical) + +
baric fragments, such as CHS and C2 H7 N that can
work [14], fragmentation of amino acid molecules is re- contribute to the peak intensity. We assign the peak at
lated to the removal of one electron from the nitrogen +
m = 45 a.m.u. to the COOH fragment because in order
lone pair resulting in the charge localization on the ni- to produce the above fragment the rupture of only one
trogen atom and on the adjacent α-carbon atom. Such CC bond is required, while formation of other isobaric
amine type ionization seems to dominate over the other + +
fragments, such as CHS and C2 H7 N , require a break
possible ionization channels with the nitrogen atom pro- of several bonds and, in some cases, the rearrangement of
ducing the iminium ion structure typical in the dissocia- the hydrogen atoms. In addition, our experimental ap-
tive ionization of amines pearance energy values obtained for the fragments with

. (1)
m = 45 a.m.u. (13.5 ± 0.1 eV) and m = 104 a.m.u.
(9.7 ± 0.1 eV) are close to the calculated ones. According
Here R is an amino acid side chain. The one-electron to our data, the intensity of the peak at m = 45 a.m.u. is
shift ( ) from both the ionized nitrogen atom and the somewhat lower than that of the complementary peak at
α-carbon atom results in the double bond formation ac- m = 104 a.m.u., thus, after the CCα bond rupture the
companied by the energy release. cation center is mainly displaced to the C4 H10 NS frag-

This CCα bond rupture and the carboxyl group de- ment. The calculated appearance energies for CHO2 and

tachment is a dominant channel of the glycine and ala- for the complementary fragments of the glycine, alanine,

nine molecule fragmentation. But in case of methionine and methionine molecules are presented in Table II.

this process is much less ecient as compared to the dis- The last row of this table shows the energy of the CCα
sociation channel occurring via the Cβ Cγ bond rupture bond rupture calculated not taking into account the
that is, evidently, due to the inuence of the sulfur atom ionization energies and electron anities of the comple-
that changes the HOMO character. So the side chain mentary fragments produced. Certainly, the CCα bond
Production of Similar Fragments from the Glycine, Alanine. . . 19

TABLE II fact the CH4 N

ion peak intensity in its mass-spectrum
Calculated appearance energies (in eV) for the CHO2 and is very small and lower than those of the CH3 N and
complementary fragments for glycine, alanine, and me- +
CH2 N ion peaks, production of which requires less num-
thionine molecules. ber of regrouping.
However, in case of the methionine molecule, for-
CHO2 Appearance energy
Complementary mation of the CH4 N
ion can proceed due to the
(m = 45 a.m.u.)
fragment charge rearrangement of one hydrogen atom upon fragmenta-
fragment charge Glycine Alanine Methionine
tion from dierent parts of the molecule. The fragment
1 1 8.57 7.58 7.35
0 1 9.99 9.12 8.7
with m = 30 a.m.u. could be produced dierently via
the following pathways:
1 -1 16.11 13.16 12.34
1 0 14.99 12.08 11.76 H11 NO2 S + e →
0 0  3.51 3.14 
 (CH3 N + H)+ + (COOH + C3 H6 S)− + e, (5)
 (CH N + H)+ + (COO + C H S)− + e,

3 3 7

dissociation energy and the appearance energy for the  (CH3 N + H)+ + (COO + C3 H7 S)0 + 2e,
 (7)

above ions depend on the side-chain type in the amino (CH3 N + H)+ + (COOH + C3 H6 S)0 + 2e. (8)

acid molecule and decrease with its increase.
Summarizing the results discussed above related to the In the above cases the (CH3 N + H) compound be-
functional group detachment, one may predict that the comes the most stable when the H atom is joined with
−/0/+ −/0/+ +
NH2 and COOH fragments are formed when CH3 N , i.e. when the lowest-energy geometry is reached
the glycine, alanine, or methionine molecules undergo the and the CH4 N fragment is formed. The hydrogen atom
low-energy electron impact. The comparison of the cal- attachment to CH3 N is followed by release of the 6.12
culated appearance energies for these fragments of three or 7.85 eV energy, when H originates from the C3 H7 S
amino acids shows that the decrease of the complemen- or COOH fragment, respectively. Thus, the hydrogen
tary fragment mass reduces the calculated appearance atom from the hydroxyl group preferably takes part in
energy for these fragments. the CH4 N fragment formation. In this case, the lowest
energy is required to divide the methionine molecule into
4.2. Production of the ionic fragments the (COO + C3 H7 S)

anion and the CH4 N
of the same chemical composition According to our measurements, the appearance en-
4.2.1. Fragments with the m = 28, 29 and 30 a.m.u. ergy for the CH4 N
fragment production from the me-
masses thionine molecule is 11.0 ± 0.1 eV. Taking into account
The fragment peak with m = 30 a.m.u. in the glycine, the energy released during the H atom attachment, the
alanine, and methionine mass spectra is accompanied by calculated appearance energies for this fragment accord-
the satellite peaks with the m = 28 and m = 29 a.m.u. ing to pathways (5) and (6) are 12.13 eV and 9.30 eV,
masses. When analyzing the appearance of the fragments respectively.
with the masses m = 28 and 29 a.m.u., we would like to Another assignment of the peak with the m =
draw a special attention to the formation of the fragment 30 a.m.u. mass is CH2 O .
But its appearance from
with the m = 30 a.m.u. mass due to the assumption that the amino acid molecules requires essential energy, and,
the fragments with the m = 28 and 29 a.m.u. masses may therefore, formation of this ion is less probable than that
be related to this one. of the CH4 N
The fragment with the m = 30 a.m.u. mass (i.e. the
The fragment with the m = 29 a.m.u. mass may be
CH4 N ion) is the most prominent peak in the glycine + +
assigned to the COH or CH3 N ion. According to the
mass-spectrum (Fig. 3a). According to our results re-
results of theoretical investigation, one may state that in
ported in [15], the appearance energy for the CH4 N
all cases the COH fragment formation is a complicated
fragment of the glycine molecule is 10.1 ± 0.1 eV being
process because the probability of the simultaneous CO
close to the calculated value and this fragment is pro-
and CC bonds rupture is very low. In addition, the
duced via the following pathway: +
stability of the CHO fragment is lower than that of the
C2 H5 NO2 + e → CHO02 + CH4 N+ + 2e, (4) CH3 N
ion and this fact explains why the peak with m =
i.e. the fragment is formed due to a simple rupture of 29 a.m.u. is not assigned as CHO+ . Hence, the fragment
the CCα bond and the carboxyl group detachment ac- with m = 29 a.m.u. is preferably the CH3 N cation.
cording to pathway (1).
For the glycine molecule, the CH3 N fragment for-
Formation of the fragment with m = 30 a.m.u. at mation occurs with the minimal energy consumption in
the dissociative ionization of the alanine and methionine case of the process C2 H5 NO2 + e → (CHO2 + H)0 +
molecules requires additional energy consumption for the CH3 N+ + 2e. Our analysis of the charge distribution for
carboxyl group detachment and one more skeleton bond the (CHO2 + H) fragment group shows that the minimal
rupture with simultaneous hydrogen atom displacement. energy corresponds to the CH2 O2 compound production.
Of the molecules under study, the H-atom migration Thus, the break of the CC bond accompanied by the
process is most complicated in alanine, and due to this H atom migration from the amino group to oxygen of
20 L.G. Romanova et al.
the carbonyl group is the most probable channel of the is more probable than that for the CH3 N fragment.
CH3 N fragment formation for glycine. The m = 28 a.m.u. ion may have the following gross
formulae: CH2 N, C2 H4 and CO. The comparison of the
+ +
stability of the C2 H4 , CH2 N and CO ions allows us
+ +
to conclude that C2 H4 is more stable than both CO
and CH2 N . In case of alanine and methionine [17], we
found that formation of the CO ion is energetically less
+ +
probable than that of the C2 H4 and CH2 N ions.

Fig. 4. The area of the DL α-alanine mass spectrum Fig. 5. The CH2 N+ cation isomers before (top) and
in the 26.529.5 a.m.u. mass region. after (bottom) the geometry optimization.
The structure of the CH2 N ion depends on the par-
In the case of the alanine molecule, we have found an ent or intermediate ion bonds being broken. Four pos-
interesting phenomenon not revealed in the mass spectra sible relevant isomers are shown in Fig. 5. It is impor-
of other amino acids under study. A double-headed peaks tant that in cases when dierent bonds of the CH4 N or
of the fragments with the m = 27−29 a.m.u. masses are CH3 N cation are broken the fragments become planar
due to the two constituent parts of each peak (see Fig. 4). after the geometry optimization. Calculations [16] have
A double-headed peak with the m = 29 a.m.u. mass is shown that the HCNH structure is the most stable of
due to the two components and consists of the CHO those presented in Fig. 5. According to our calculations,
and NH2 CH ions with some preference being given when the geometry optimization is performed with the
to the CHO ion. The isobaric fragments with the B3LYP cc-pVTZ approach application, the trans- and
m = 29 a.m.u. mass could be formed according to the cis-isomers (III and IV in Fig. 5) transit to the most
following pathways: stable structure with the linear conguration (the point
group Cs ). Note that the C and N atoms in this case

 CHO + C2 H6 NO + 2e,
 (9)
undergo the sp-hybridization.
C3 H7 NO2 + e → CH3 N+ + C2 H4 O−
2 + e, (10)
In the case of the glycine molecule the fragment with
 CH N+ + C H O + 2e.

(11) +
3 2 4 2 m = 28 a.m.u. is the positively charged CH2 N ion

It should be noted that deuteration of the α-alanine because the experiment for the deuterated d5- and d3-
glycine [16] has unambiguously shown that this peak be-
molecule does not assist in choosing between these two
+ +
possible assignments [16] and our results show that both
longs to the CH2 N (CD2 N ) ion.

ions are formed in the collision event. In the alanine molecule mass spectrum, the ion with

For the methionine molecule this fragment, as men- the m = 28 a.m.u. mass is the second intensity-related

tioned above, could be formed according to pathways peak and may have gross formulae: CH2 N, C2 H4 and CO.

(5)(8) in the case when it is not joined with the H atom. Jochims et al. [16], Ipolyi et al. [18] and Bari et al. [19]
According to our calculations, the lowest appearance en- assigned it to the HCNH ion exceptionally, but Lago
ergy of CH3 N is required when the methionine molecule et al. [20] identied this peak as consisting of the HCNH
is divided into the ion pair according to the following and CO ions. In our spectrum, only two distinct peaks

pathway (when the ion geometry is the same as in the arise in the vicinity of the 28 a.m.u. mass (see Fig. 4),

core molecule, i.e. the equilibrium point of ion is reached so at least two ions may contribute to this peak.

very slowly): According to the qualitative mass-spectrometry the-

ory, where the direction of fragmentation of the molecu-
C5 H11 NO2 S + e →
lar ion is dened by the stability of the fragments pro-
+ − duced, formation of the CH2 N ion in the case of alanine
CH3 N + (COOH + C3 H7 S) + e. (12)
molecule seems to be most probable according to the fol-
It should be noted that the calculated appearance energy
+ lowing pathways:
for the CH3 N fragment is at least 3.48 eV higher than

that for the (CH3 N + H)
fragment. Based on these re- C3 H7 NO+ +
2 → CH2 N + (CH3 + CO2 + 2H) →
sults, we can predict that the electron-impact fragmenta-
tion of methionine producing the (CH3 N + H)
CH2 N+ + (CH•3 + CO2 + H2 ) (13)
Production of Similar Fragments from the Glycine, Alanine. . . 21

and from sp3 to sp2 . However, based on our results of studies,

• it is not possible to nd formation of what fragments, i.e.
C3 H7 NO+
→ CH2 N +(CH3 +CO+(OH+H)) +
CH2 N or C2 H4 , is more probable.
& (14)
As for the calculated appearance energies for the
H2 O. + +
CH2 N and C2 H4 fragments for alanine (see Ta-
bles III, IV), it should be noted that they are a bit dif-
Thus, the fragments that might be produced are the sta-
ble molecules and the radical. But our calculations of the
appearance energy for the CH2 N fragment according to
the pathways (13, 14) show that the system does not
reach its equilibrium state, i.e. these processes are not Calculated appearance energies (in eV) for the C2 H4
completely realized during the alanine molecule electron- and (NH2 + COOH) fragments formed from the alanine
impact dissociation. So, we have calculated the CH2 N
+ molecule.
ion production from the alanine molecule with dierent
C2 H4 (m = 28 a.m.u.) NH2 + COOH Appearance
bonds being ruptured. If the equilibrium geometry struc-
fragment charge fragment charge energy
ture of the alanine molecule fragments is taken into ac-
1 −1 13.44
count, the smallest appearance energies were obtained by
+ 1 0 11.80
us when the CH2 N ion was formed according to the fol-
lowing general pathways:
Thus, in case of the C2 H4 ion, the appearance energy
H7 NO2 + e →
is smaller by more than 4 eV if the alanine molecule ge-
 CH2 N+ + (COOH + H + CH3 )− + e,
 (15) ometry was not changed. It implies that when the frag-
CH2 N+ + (COOH + H + CH3 ) + 2e, (16) ment energy is minimal and the level of its excitation is
 CH N+ + (COOH + H + CH )+ + 3e.

(17) below the energy barrier for dissociation, the appearance
2 3
of the C2 H4 ion is more probable. When the positively
The calculated energies required to produce the above
charged ion and the neutral fragment are formed, the
fragments are listed in Table III.
appearance energy values become very close, so both the
+ +
TABLE III C2 H4 and CH2 N ions might arise. Thus, we may con-
clude that two isobaric ions peaks with the m = 28 a.m.u.
The calculated appearance energies (in eV) for the CH2 N +
mass in the experimental spectra belong to the C2 H4 and
and (COOH + H + CH3 ) fragments formed from the + +
alanine molecule. CH2 N ions and the channel of the C2 H4 ion formation
is more ecient at the 70 eV collision energy than that
CNH2 +
of the CH2 N ion.
COOH + H + CH3 Appearance
(m = 28 a.m.u.) +
The C2 H4 fragment of the methionine molecule could
fragment charge energy
fragment charge be formed as follows:
1 1 9.98 C5 H11 NO2 S + e →
1 0 12.41
1 1 19.51 C2 H +
4 + (C2 H4 O2 N + CH3 S) + n e. (19)
Here n = 1, 2, 3.
The experimental appearance energies for the CH2 N
fragment are most adequately described by path-
ways (15) and (16).
Two ways of formation of the CH2 N fragment from the
Calculated appearance energies (in eV) for the C2 H4
and (C2 H4 O2 N + CH3 S) fragments of the methionine
methionine molecule were investigated because this frag-
ment could be produced when two CC and CH or NH
bonds of the initial molecule are ruptured. It implies that C2 H4 (m = 28 a.m.u.) (C2 H4 O2 N + CH3 S) Appearance
the CH2 N fragment could have structures just like those fragment charge fragment charge energy
presented in Fig. 5. The analysis of the appearance ener- 1 −1 9.52
gies for the CH2 N fragment produced from the neutral 1 0 10.98
and ionized molecule shows that the calculated appear- 1 1 22.2
ance energy 11.83 eV according to the pathway

C5 H11 NO2 S+ → CH2 N+ +(CHO2 +H+C3 H7 S) (18) In this case much attention should be paid to the en-
coincides with the measured value 11.4 ± 0.1 eV. ergy released due to a rapid change in the geometrical
The fragment with m = 28 a.m.u. in the cases of structure of the C2 H4 fragment. This energy is equal
alanine and methionine molecules can be not the pos- to 2.44 eV. Hence, if the released energy is taken into ac-
+ + +
itively charged CH2 N ion only, but the C2 H4
ion as count, the C2 H4 ion is produced, most probably, accord-
+ ing to a pathway with ion pair production (see Table V).
well. The stable structure for this C2 H4 fragment corre-
+ +
sponds to that of the ethylene molecule, and its formation The positively charged CH3 N and CH2 N ions could
is accompanied by the carbon atom hybridization change result from the secondary dissociation of the CH4 N ion,
22 L.G. Romanova et al.
while the CH2 N ion could also appear due to deproto- ture for this fragment, not mentioned among the possible
nation of the CH3 N ion. The above secondary dissocia- structures calculated for this stoichiometry, presented in
tion is more possible in case when the energy transferred Table VI. To indicate the stabilities of the structures un-
to the initial molecule increases. Our experimental mass der study the energy dierence is presented as well when
spectra of the glycine and methionine molecules reveal a the lowest energy is assumed to be zero. A comparison
diuse peak at the mass of about m∗ ≈ 26.1 a.m.u. [7, 9] of the values of the binding energy per atom indicates
that corresponds to the 30 → 28 transition with the that the CH3 CNH fragment is the most stable one, but
detachment of a neutral fragment with m = 2 a.m.u., our calculations show that the C2 H4 N ion formed in the
i.e. the secondary fragmentation of the CH4 N ion oc- case of the alanine and methionine molecules dissociation
curs. Due to this dehydration, when the stable hydrogen has another structure.
molecule is formed as the dissociation product, the frag- +
The appearance energies for the C2 H4 N ions cal-
ment with the mass of m = 29 a.m.u. seems less probable culated in our recent paper [9] according to the path-
as well. However, this dissociation channel was not ob- way C3 H7 NO+
2 → CH3 CNH
+ (H2 + CHO2 )− are
served by us for α-alanine. Thus, the dehydration process closer to the experimental value than the ab initio re-
according to the pathway CH4 N+ → H02 + CH2 N+ is not sult (10.87 eV) presented in [18], where it was stated
realized in the electron-impact-induced alanine molecule +
that the CH3 CNH ion is formed via the following reac-
fragmentation. The probable cause of this phenomenon tion process: C3 H7 NO+ + −
2 → CH3 CNH + HCO + H2 O.
+ +
is the marginal pathway of the CH4 N formation in the Note that in both pathways the C2 H4 N ion appears in
electron impact dissociation of the alanine molecule as a case of an ion pair formation. Thus, the mechanism
compared with glycine and methionine. +
of the C2 H4 N ion production includes the detachment

4.2.2. Fragments with the m = 42, 44 and 57 a.m.u. of a carboxyl group from the initial molecule accompa-

masses nied by the molecular hydrogen formation rather than

the disintegration process of the COH group and the wa-
In the mass range 4044 a.m.u., a perceptible peak at
ter molecule elimination as suggested in [18].
m = 42 a.m.u. was observed experimentally in the me-
thionine and alanine mass spectra. This peak may be
attributed to the C2 H4 N ion. In case of glycine, to pro-
duce the C2 H4 N fragment (m = 42 a.m.u.) the C = O
and the COH bonds must be broken. It is known that
the average bond energy for the C = O and the CO
bonds is ≈8.28 eV and ≈3.7 eV, respectively, while for
CC it is about 3.61 eV [21]. The simplest observation al-
lows one to predict that reaction producing the C2 H4 N
fragment in the case of glycine is energy consuming and,
thus, should be deemed not possible or having very low
probability to occur.
Fig. 6. Views of the CH3 CHN+ fragment when alanine
is ruptured (left) and at the equilibrium point (right).
Total (internal) energies of the C2 H4 N +
fragment with It is interesting to note that optimization results indi-
dierent geometrical structure. +
cate changeability of the initial CH3 CHN ion geomet-
Total energy Total energy rical structure. The CH3 CHN fragment transforms to
Fragment structure the CH3 NCH
one at its equilibrium point. We started
[a.u.] dierence [eV] +
our optimization from the CH3 CNH structure and -
NH2 CH2 C 132.88 2.84 +
nally obtained the CH3 N=CH structure. The geomet-
CH3 CH=N 132.97 0.54 +
rical structures of the C2 H4 N ion both before and after
CH3 C≡NH 132.99 0
optimization are shown in Fig. 6.
CH2 =CHNH 132.91 2.15
The mechanism of the structural change during forma-
CH2 =CNH2 132.97 0.44
tion of the above ion could take place via the intermediate

+ cyclic structure of the dehydrated ethylene imine accord-

For the alanine molecule, the C2 H4 N ion formation
ing the pathway given below
is energetically more probable, because in this case the
weaker CC and two NH bonds could be broken. It im-
plies that the mechanism of the C2 H4 N
ion production . (20)

includes the detachment of a carboxyl group from the

initial molecule being accompanied by the molecular hy- This intermediate structure can be obtained when ana-
drogen formation as well as by the H atoms migration. lyzing the optimization process. The bond order analy-
Jochims et al. [16] and Ipolyi et al. [18] identied this sis indicates that in the C2 H4 N positive ion structure
·+ +
fragment as NH2 CH2 = C and CH3 C ≡ NH , respec- the double bonds are formed between both the N and
tively. On the other hand, we suggest the another struc- C atoms, while the bond order between the CC atoms
Production of Similar Fragments from the Glycine, Alanine. . . 23

is 0.846. Thus, this bond is the weakest one in the inter- appearance energy is approximately twice larger than
mediate cyclic structure, and the above bond rupture is that for the isobaric C2 H6 N fragment. Summarizing
possible. In the obtained structure, the C atom under- previously mentioned, it is possible to conclude that the
goes, obviously, the sp-hybridization. peak at m = 44 a.m.u. in the experimental mass spec-
+ tra of the alanine and methionine molecules could be at-
In case of the methionine molecule, C2 H4 N fragment
could be formed via the following pathway: tributed to the formation of the C2 H6 N fragment. For
the alanine molecule the appearance of the C2 H6 N frag-
C5 H11 NO2 S + e →
ment is described above as the result of the CCα bond

C2 H4 N+ + (C2 H5 S + H + CHO2 )− + e, (21) rupture and the carboxyl group detachment. However,
+ we failed to nd the channel of this fragment formation
where the C2 H4 N ion has the following structure:
from the methionine molecule: the calculated appear-
CH2 =CHNH. Formation of the initial structure was pre-
ance energy of this fragment is approximately 5 eV less
dicted based on studying the bond order. On the other
than the measured one or 4 eV higher, when this peak is
hand, we have checked the channel of formation of the
assigned as CS .
fragment with the CH2 =CNH2 structure that is more
stable than CH2 =CHNH, but less stable than CH3 
We also predicted the formation of the m = 57 a.m.u.
fragment that can be attributed to the C2 HO2 or
C≡NH. Notably, the most stable CH3 C≡NH fragment
C2 H3 NO ions, but the relevant peak with small inten-
cannot be formed in the case of methionine. It should
sity (≈12%) is present in the methionine mass-spectrum
be mentioned that the measured appearance energy for
+ only. For the glycine and alanine molecules the inten-
the C2 H4 N fragment is 12.9 eV, while calculated one is
sity of the peak at m = 57 a.m.u. is small (≈0.20.4%)
9.37 eV or 6.95 eV. Taking into account that the frag-
despite of the high stability of the C2 H3 NO fragment
ments are not the most stable ones (see Table VI), one
and the small-scale calculated appearance energy for this
may predict the H atom migration that requires the
fragment (9.38 eV and 11.23 eV for glycine and alanine,
2.15 eV or 0.44 eV energy.
+ respectively).
Hence, the C2 H4 N ion in the case of the alanine and
It is interesting, in our opinion, to note that in the
methionine molecules has a dierent structure.
glycine and methionine mass spectra (but not in the case
The peak at m = 44 a.m.u. observed in the experi-
of alanine) a weak peak located at m = 28.5 a.m.u. is
mental mass spectra can be attributed to the CO2 for
+ observed experimentally [7, 9]. Obviously, this peak is as-
all three molecules under study, C2 H6 N in case of ala- 2+
signed to the doubly charged C2 H3 NO ion. Formation
nine and methionine but in the latter case it may also
+ of this ion requires the water molecule elimination after
be CS .
the two-electron loss from the rst two highest occupied
In the glycine mass spectrum, the peak at m = molecular orbitals of the parent molecule. The calcula-
44 a.m.u. can be attributed to the CO2 ion only and tion of the energy required to produce the doubly charged
the relative intensity of this peak is 5.8% [6]. For the C2 H3 NO
ion from the neutral glycine molecule with
CO2 fragment, the relevant complementary fragment cor- multiplicity 1 shows that the hydrogen atom detachment
responds to CH3 NH2 . This pair of fragments is produced from the carbon atom proceeds with a higher probability
due to the hydrogen atom migration from the hydroxyl than that from the nitrogen atom. As for the methion-
group to the carbon atom via the 4-term transient state. ine molecule, the C2 H3 NO
ion occurs after the doubly
Two alternative decay channels are possible here diering charged parent molecule ion skeleton CC bond disso-
by both the reaction rate and the nal charge localization ciation accompanied by the water molecule elimination.
Taking into account that the hydroxyl group and the hy-
drogen atom required for the water molecule formation
. (22) are located in the opposite parts of a parent molecule,
one may conclude that H2 O is eliminated simultaneously
or slightly before the skeleton bond dissociation.

The intensities of the corresponding peaks in the mass-

spectrum may characterize the eciencies of the above 5. Conclusions
reaction channels. According to our data, the inten-
sity of the m = 44 a.m.u. peak is higher than that We have studied both experimentally (applying the
of the m = 31 a.m.u. peak, thus, in case of the C mass-spectrometric technique with the ±0.25 a.m.u.
C bond dissociation accompanied by the hydroxyl group mass resolution) and theoretically (using the DFT-based
H atom migration; the cation center is mainly displaced theoretical approach) the mass spectra of the amino acid
to the CO2 fragment and the neutral CH3 NH2 fragment molecules (glycine, alanine, methionine) and have iden-
is eliminated. tied the main components having the same chemical
We have checked the possibility of CO2 formation at composition/masses. Their absolute appearance poten-
the dissociative ionization of the alanine and methionine tials have been determined. The analysis of the obtained
molecules. The calculated results indicate that produc- results using the newly developed DFT approach has al-
tion of this ion is energetically non-favorable because its lowed the principal mechanisms of the initial amino acid
24 L.G. Romanova et al.

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