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Reflect on my first

First of all, my first observation was on the 20th of March. However, it
was an excellent lesson for me because I prepared my lesson plan
carefully and identify my goals to be more specific. For example, I was
focusing on time management to achieve learning outcomes because
it’s the basic point to the lesson control. In addition, my mentor college
teacher was gives me feedback and there are strength points. For
example, she said Shamma you have a good control of your student’s
behavior since I was used positive, negative and punishment
reinforcement according to behaviorism theory. Also, she said you
create a creative classroom environment that was very good point such
as I related the activity to real life which mean I was used Fortnite to
keep my learners exited to learn and understand the concept of the
lesson in easy way. Moreover, during my observation lesson I was used
several methods. For example, begin my lesson with revision. Then,
review the concept through the activity way to keep my leaners
interesting while they play to learn what we are learned through the
lesson. In addition, there are also areas for development that my
mentor college teacher gives it to me. For example, she said you should
review the concept before starting the activity that will be more
successful. Also, she notices that I need to work with my voice such as
show your students that you are more intense while you speak to them
and there is last point which is you should give each student one paper
of quiz that will be more useful to you and them. Finally, I believe that
we always learn from our mistakes as student’s teacher, but we need
to work on it to be a perfect teacher to our students.

students was excellent during the lesson

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