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"A Methuen Modern Flay Copyright © 1995, 1997 by David Harrower ‘The right af David Harrower to ie idenitied as the author of this work hat ‘been aserted hy him in accordance withthe Copyright, Designs and Patents ‘Act, 1988, inst published in Great Briain in ‘This cevied version frst published in Great Britain in 1997 Dy Methuen Random Mouse, 20 Vauxhall Bridge Road, Landon SWIV 254 Random Houee Australis (Py) Limited 20 Atied Street, Milsons Poin, Sydney, New South Wales 2061, Australia Random House New Zealand Limited 1M Poland Road, Glenfield, Aucland 10, New Zealand Random House South AMtica (Py) Limited [Endulin, 5A Jubilee Road, Parktown 2193, South Affica ‘Random House UK Limized Reg. No. 954009 Distributed inthe United States of America bby Heinemann, a divsion of Reed Elsevier Inc. 361 Hanover Street, Portsmouth, New Hampshire NH 03901 3959 ‘\ CIP catalogue record for this book i available trom the British Library Papers used by Random Houre UK Limite are natural, recyclable products ‘made from wood grown in sustainable Torts, The manufsturing procesee nnform to the environmental regulations of the country of righ, ISBN 0 413 721108 ypeset by Delttype [4g Bskenbead, Merseyide einwed and ound in Great Brtsin by Cox & Wyman Lid, Reading, Berkshire Caution All eighos whatsosver in this play ae strictly reserved and application for performance et should be made belore rchearsals begin to Casaroto Ramsay, National Howse, 60-66 Wardour Steet, Landon WIV 4ND, No performance may be given unles a licence has heen obtined, ‘This hook is sold subject co the condition tha shall not, by way of wade oF ‘otherwise bo lent, resold, hired out, or etherwise circulated without the publisher's prior consent in'any form of binding oF cover other than that ia hich i is published aad without a imilar condition being imposed on the Subsequent purchaser, SDA4 TRAVERSE wan TRAVERSE THEATRE COMPANY presents KNIVES IN HENS by David Harrower Gilbert Horn Liam Brennan Pony William Lewis Howden Young Woman Pauline Knowles with music composed and performed by Allan Henderson Director Philip Howard Designer Mark Leese Lighting Designer Chahine Yavroyan Voice Coach Ros Steen Stage Manager Gavin Johnston Deputy Stage Manager Kay Courteney-Chrystal Assistant Stage Manager Victoria Paulo Wardrobe Supervisor Lynn Ferguson Wardrobe Assistant Alice Taylor First performed at the Traverse Theatre Friday 2 June 1995; first performance of this production Sunday 3 August 1997. ‘Teare for nobody, no not J, if nobody care for me.’ Kxives in Hens was commissioned by and first performed at the Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh, on 2 June 1995 and transferred to the Bush Theatre, London, on 28 November 1995. The cast was as follows: Young Woman Pauline Knowles Pony William Lewis Howden Gilbert Horn Michael Nardone Diveced by Philip Howard Designed by Mark Leese Music composed and performed by Martyn Bennett for George Gunn

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