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Muslim Holiday “Ramadan”

Book title: A Night at the Moon

October 12, 2018

Grade level: Elementary Grades K-2

Multicultural theme: Valuing a different culture and holiday and called Ramadan in the muslim

Materials: The book “A Night at the Moon”, Construction paper (black and yellow), glue sticks,
pencils, scissors

Standard(s): RL.2.7 Use information gained from the illustrations and words in a print or digital
text to demonstrate understanding of its characters, setting, or plot.

Objective(s): Students will be able to identify story elements including character, setting, moral,
and plot by creating individual waxing crescent moons.


1. Introduce: Begin a class discussion on different cultures that we all come from, ask
students what kind of holidays we celebrate? How are we all different? Same? Introduce
new cultural of Muslim and the holiday Ramadan.
2. Read: Teacher read aloud “A night of the Moon”
3. Discuss: Class discussion, Make key connections with students
•What they learned about this Culture and its holiday?
•What they found interesting?
•What questions they might have?
•What similarities do they show with their own Cultural?
•What is happens during the Ramadan holiday?

4. Activities: Activity #1
1. Explain that the moon goes through phases and that the crescent moon appears as a sliver
at the start of a new moon phase. A waxing crescent moon comes right before a full
moon, and a waning crescent signals that the moon will soon disappear before
reappearing in a new moon phase. The waning crescent phase is important as it marks the
beginning of Ramadan.
2. Have your students draw a large crescent moon in pencil onto black construction paper.
Ask him to draw it as large as possible.
3. Encourage him to draw stars using a pencil on the yellow paper. They can draw as many
stars in different sizes as he can fit on the page.
4. Have students carefully cut out each star using a pair of scissors.
5. Arrange the stars inside his pencil drawing of the moon and glue them in place.
6. Arrange and glue the last star outside of the moon off on the side as shown in the image.
This signifies either the planet Venus or completes the symbol of Islam.

Activity # 2 Once crescent moons are build students are to find a partner and explain what they
learned about the new Holiday of Ramadan. Share thoughts and ideas along with any questions
they still might have regarding the Holiday.

Evaluation: Teacher checks work on activity and provide an exit ticket by asking students
everything they learned from the Holiday Ramadan

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