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Electrochimica Acta 85 (2012) 256–262

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Porous nickel oxide microflowers synthesized by calcination of coordination

microflowers and their applications as glutathione electrochemical sensor
and supercapacitors
Huan Pang a,b,c,∗ , Yunfeng Shi a , Jimin Du a , Yahui Ma a , Guochang Li a , Jing Chen a , Jiangshan Zhang a ,
Honghe Zheng b,∗ , Baiqing Yuan a,∗
College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Anyang Normal University, Anyang, 455000, Henan, PR China
School of Energy, Soochow University, Suzhou, 215006, Jiangsu, PR China
State Key Laboratory of Coordination Chemistry, Nanjing University, Nanjing, 210093, Jiangsu, PR China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Porous nickel oxide (NiO) microflowers have been successfully synthesized by calcining a coordina-
Received 26 June 2012 tion microflower without any hard template, seed or using soft template. More importantly, porous
Received in revised form 10 August 2012 NiO microflowers have been applied as effective electrochemical sensor of the tripeptide glutathione
Accepted 15 August 2012
(GSH) and electrochemical supercapacitors. The effectively electrochemical GSH sensor of porous NiO
Available online 23 August 2012
microflowers in 0.1 M HAc–NaAc (pH 5.0) solution was the first time evaluated. Moreover, the specific
capacitance of porous NiO microflower was up to 1678.4 F g−1 at current density of 0.625 A g−1 , and
maintained about 99.7% at 6.25 A g−1 after 1000 cycles.
Porous NiO microflowers
Glutathione electrochemical sensor © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Electrochemical supercapacitors

1. Introduction nanomaterials would serve to maximize the performance of using

inexpensive NiO for enhanced detection of regulatory peptides glu-
Thiols are very important to living organisms as they provide tathione.
regulatory intracellular and extracellular functions. The tripeptide Transition metal oxides such as ruthenium oxide, manganese
glutathione (Glu-Cys-Gly, GSH) is pivotal for reducing oxidative oxide, cobalt oxide, and nickel oxide are qualified to be electro-
stress in cells and maintaining redox homeostasis that is cru- chemical capacitor materials. Among these materials, NiO is of
cial for cell growth [1–3]. Electrochemical methods have proven great significance, and the theoretical capacitance of NiO can be
as very useful for determination of thiols as they are sensitive, ca. 2573 F g−1 within 0.5 V. With the development of nanoscience,
selective, with very good linear range and rapid response times. many groups found that nanomaterials generally exhibit many
The oxidation of thiols on carbon based electrodes exhibits rela- size and shape dependent properties, and the specific capacitance
tively low heterogeneous electron transfer rates. In the past, the of NiO nanomaterials is depended on the synthesis method and
electrode materials used for the determination of thiols consisted morphology [14–27]. In particular, there have been considerable
of mercury, edge plane pyrolytic graphite, boron doped diamond research efforts devoted to the use of nickel oxide for super-
electrode, fullerenes and carbon nanotubes [4–9]. The electro- capacitors, due to its good pseudocapacitive behavior, practical
catalytic enhancement of biologically related thiol detection was availability, environmentally begin nature and low cost compared
sought and PtFeNi [10] or PtNiCo [11] catalysts were employed. to the state-of-the-art supercapacitor material RuO2 [16–24].
Recently, Martin Pumera have successfully discovered that NiO The interaction between metal ions and ligands has been widely
nanoparticles significantly enhance the signal of glutathione dur- investigated in materials science and chemistry during the past
ing cyclic voltammetry measurements [12,13]. As the development few decades [28,29]. Recently, a growing number of studies are
of nanoscience, precisely control of the morphology of NiO now dedicated to the synthesis of nanostructured metal–organic
complexes [30]. Coordination complexes have been used as a
nanostructured precursor to prepare mesoporous metal oxides in
our previous work [31–33]. The coordination complex precursor
∗ Corresponding authors at: College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,
always has a micro or nanostructure due to the growth mechanism
Anyang Normal University, Anyang, 455000, Henan, PR China.
E-mail addresses: (H. Pang),
of the polymer complex precursor, and such unique nanostruc- (H. Zheng), (B. Yuan). ture may bring on an exciting performance of utility in many

0013-4686/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H. Pang et al. / Electrochimica Acta 85 (2012) 256–262 257

Fig. 1. (a) XRD patterns of coordination microflowers, NiO microflowers; (b) TG curve of coordination microflowers; (c) SEM image of coordination microflowers; (d–f) SEM
image of NiO microflowers; (g) TEM image of NiO microflowers; (h) HRTEM image and SAED.

fields [31–37]. More importantly, when calcining the nanostruc- 2. Experimental

tured precursor, there were a large number of gases releasing from
decomposed organic ligands and new pores were generated, finally 2.1. Chemicals
resulting in a novel porous structure. This ‘precursor method’ needs
no template. More importantly, the decomposition products have All the chemicals used in our experiments were of analytical
both retained micro/nano structures and generated porous struc- reagent grade and were directly used without further purifica-
tures [31–34]. tion. l-glutathione and isonicotinic acid were purchased from
In this study, a microflower structured coordination com- Sigma–Aldrich. Nickeldinitrate hexahydrate was purchased from
plex precursor was successfully synthesized in aqueous solution Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd, China; KOH and NaOH were
under room temperature conditions. More importantly, by con- purchased from Shanghai Chemical Reagents Company; Deionized
trolling the calcination condition, we have easily obtained porous 18 M cm water (Milli-Q reagent water system, Millipore, Bedford,
NiO microflowers. Unlike conventional approaches for preparing MA) was used to prepare all aqueous solutions. Unless otherwise
porous inorganic structures, this method avoids the subsequent noted, 0.1 M HAc–NaAc buffer (pH 5.0) was used as the supporting
to complicated work up procedure for the removal of the hard electrolyte solution for electrochemical measurements.
template, seed or using soft template. Electrochemical sensor tests
of GSH have revealed that the prepared porous NiO microflower 2.2. Materials preparation
material has significantly enhanced the signal of glutathione during
cyclic voltammetry measurements, and show good linear depend- In a typical synthesis, firstly, 0.147 g isonicotinic acid, 0.054 g
ence and high sensitivity to GSH concentration changes as GSH NaOH, 8.00 g H2 O and 50.0 mL alcohol were mixed together and
sensors. Moreover, porous NiO microflower material also can be were stirred for 1 h continuously at room temperature. Secondly,
used as electrochemical supercapacitor, which has a large specific 0.300 g Ni(NO3 )2 was added into the above system. After stirring
capacitance (1678.4 F g−1 at 0.625 A g−1 ), good rate capability and for 1 h continuously, a green precipitate could be obtained. The final
extremely excellent cycling property (maintained about 99.7% at product was collected by centrifugation and washed with deionized
6.25 A g−1 after 1000 cycles). water, ethanol several times and then dried in air. Then the products
258 H. Pang et al. / Electrochimica Acta 85 (2012) 256–262

were calcined in the air at 450 ◦ C for 440 min. The heating-up rate
was 1 ◦ C/min.

2.3. Electrochemical sensor electrode preparation

Bare carbon paste electrode (B-CPE), 1.8 mm diameter, was

prepared using graphite powder, liquid paraffin, with a ratio of
75:25 (w/w); NiO-carbon paste electrode (NiO-CPE), 1.8 mm diam-
eter, was prepared using graphite powder, liquid paraffin, and NiO
microflowers with a ratio of 74:25:1 (w/w). The electrochemical
cell was assembled with a conventional three-electrode system:
a Ag/AgCl/KCl (saturated) reference electrode and a platinum coil
as an auxiliary electrode. 0.1 M HAc–NaAc (pH 5.0) was used for
determination of glutathione.

2.4. Electrochemical supercapacitor electrode preparation

The working electrodes were prepared as follows: The electrode

material was prepared according to the following steps. The mix- Fig. 2. Brunauer–Emmett–Teller measurements of NiO microflowers; correspond-
ture containing 80 wt.% NiO, 15 wt.% acetylene black and 5 wt.% ing Barrett–Joyner–Halenda pore size distribution curve in inset of it.
polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) were well mixed, and then were
pressed onto nickel grid (1.2 × 107 Pa) that serves as a current col-
lector (surface is 1 cm2 ). The typical mass load of electrode material samples were performed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) on a Ultima
is 5 mg. The electrochemical measurements were carried out by III with Cu K␣ radiation ( = 1.5418 Å). Transmission electron
an electrochemical analyzer system, CHI660D (Chenhua, Shanghai, microscopy (TEM) image and HRTEM image were captured on the
China) JEM-2100 microscopy at an acceleration voltage of 200 kV.
The electrochemical supercapacitor measurements were car-
2.5. Characterization ried out by an electrochemical analyzer system, CHI660D (Chenhua,
Shanghai, China) in a three-compartment cell with a platinum plate
The morphology of as-prepared samples was observed by a JEOL counter electrode, a saturated calomel electrode (SCE), reference
JSM-6701F field-emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM) electrode and a working electrode. The electrolyte was a 3.0 M KOH
at an acceleration voltage of 5.0 kV. The phase analyses of the aqueous solution. And electrochemical impedance spectroscopy

Fig. 3. (a) Cyclic voltammetry measurements of GSH solutions, pH 5.0; (b) Cyclic voltammograms at NiO-CPE in 3 mM GSH solutions with different pHs. (c) The amperometric
responses at 0.4 V of the NiO-CPE electrode with successive increments of the GSH concentration from 10 ␮M to 0.62 mM, pH 5.0; (d) the amperometric responses at 0.4 V
of the NiO-CPE electrode with successive increments of the GSH concentration from 0.6 to 3.6 mM, pH 5.0.
H. Pang et al. / Electrochimica Acta 85 (2012) 256–262 259

(EIS) measurements were conducted at open circuit voltage in the

frequency range of 100 kHz to 0.01 Hz with AC voltage amplitude
of 5 mV using PARSTAT 2273.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Thermal behavior, crystal structure and morphology of

coordination microflowers, porous NiO microflowers

A green precursor can be obtained by mixing Ni(NO3 )2 and

isonicotinic acid alkaline alcohol solution. And then the coordi-
nation of isonicotinic acid and Ni2+ can self-assemble into novel
microflowers in alkaline alcohol solution. TG curve of coordination
microflowers is shown in Fig. 1a, from which it is seen that coordi-
nation microflowers have two weight loss steps and ends at 400 ◦ C.
An XRD pattern of the precursor is shown in Fig. 1b which shows
the good crystallinity of precursors. A SEM image of the precursor
is shown in Fig. 1c, in which we can see the size of microflower
precursor is about 10 ␮m.
Fig. 1d–f shows the morphologies of the products after heated
treatment at 450 ◦ C. Fig. 1b presents the XRD pattern of the heated
product, which perfectly fits with the standard spectrum of NiO
(JCPDS no.47-1049). From Fig. 1d and e, the microflower struc-
ture has been maintained with 10 ␮m. However there are some
differences on the surface of NiO microflower, which shows rough
surface with many small NiO nanoparticles with 20–30 nm in Fig. 1f.
The rough surface might be caused by the decomposed coordi-
nation microflowers. And this is reasonable because during the
thermal decomposition the remarkable shrinkage would occur as
generating gases (such as COx , N2 , or H2 O). The picture in Fig. 1g
shows TEM image of porous NiO microflowers, in which many
nanopores within 5 nm have been formed by NiO nanoparticles.
The crystalline nature of porous NiO microflowers were also con-
Fig. 4. (a) Cyclic voltammetry curves of porous NiO microflowers electrodes at dif-
firmed by a high resolution HRTEM image in Fig. 1h, which displays
ferent scan rates; (b) the specific capacitances of porous NiO microflowers electrodes
clear lattices of the NiO crystal. calculated according to the CV curves at different scan rates.

3.2. Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) measurements of porous NiO

microflowers 0.1 M HAc–NaAc (pH 5.0) solution. It is clear that a strong peak at
NiO-CPE electrode can be seen in 5 mM GSH in 0.1 M HAc–NaAc (pH
To gain further insight into the porous structure and size 5.0) solution, which means good electrochemical response of GSH
distribution of NiO microflowers, BET measurements were per- and the redox reaction of GSH on the surface of NiO-CPE electrode
formed to examine its specific structural properties. The porous has happened. What is more, we have also tested cyclic voltam-
NiO microflowers show a distinct hysteresis in the larger range mograms at NiO-CPE in GSH solutions with different pHs in Fig. 3b,
ca. 0.5–1.0 P/P0 in Fig. 2, indicating the presence of mesopores it was clear that 0.1 M HAc–NaAc (pH 5.0) solution is the best one
possibly formed by porous stacking of component nanoparticles for electrochemical GSH sensor of NiO-CPE electrodes.
[38,39]. The BET surface area of NiO microflowers (62.7 m2 g−1 ) is Fig. 3c shows the amperometric responses at 0.4 V of the NiO-
making an efficient contact of the microflowers with GSH molec- CPE electrode with successive increments of the GSH concentration
ular or the electrolyte. The corresponding Barrett–Joyner–Halenda from 10 ␮M to 0.62 mM. The current signals increase rapidly and
(BJH) pore size distribution curve in inset of Fig. 2 shows that the sensitively after each addition of GSH, which gives a good lin-
pore size is uniform, within the range of the mesopores (5–10 nm). ear dependence (correlation coefficient, R = 0.9918). This linear
These porous microflowers structures do not only offer high sur- dependence between the amperometric response and the GSH
face areas, but provide small molecular and electrolyte accesses. concentration can also be found in the high GSH concentration
The morphology of microflowers might offer a stable structure in the range of 0.6–3.6 mM with R = 0.9931 as shown in Fig. 3d.
for redox reactions of GSH or ion intercalated/extracted into/out, These results indicate that the NiO-CPE electrode sensor has a good
which might improve the electron transfers and cycle life of the sensitivity and detection concentration range for GSH. This phe-
electrode [40–44]. nomenon might be caused by many connecting pores of porous NiO
microflowers based on the TEM images in Fig. 1 and BET results in
3.3. Porous NiO microflowers as electrochemical sensor of GSH Fig. 2, which have more channels or pores to let the small molec-
ular go through easily and can enhance the travelling speed of the
We proposed the possible electrochemical oxidation of l- electron, and thus bring the high electrochemical response of GSH.
glutathione (GSH) proceeds as follows: 2GSH − 2e− − 2H → 2 GSSG And we also found the same electrochemical behavior of other
[13,45,46]. Fig. 3a shows cyclic voltammetry measurements at the thiol compounds – Cysteine. From cyclic voltammograms at NiO-
B-CPE electrode and NiO-CPE electrode. It can be seen that GSH CPE in serials of Cysteine (Cys) solutions, pH 5.0, ESI Fig. 1, it is clear
shows no redox peak at the B-CPE electrode in the GSH solution that the NiO-CPE electrode could detect Cys and the peak current
with the concentration as high as 5 mM GSH in 0.1 M HAc–NaAc (pH increased as the increasing concentration of Cys solution. The pos-
5.0) solution. There are also no redox peaks at NiO-CPE electrode in sible interference for the detection of GSH at the NiO-CPE electrode
260 H. Pang et al. / Electrochimica Acta 85 (2012) 256–262

Fig. 5. (a) CP curves of porous NiO microflowers electrodes at different current densities; (b) the specific capacitances calculated by the CP curves and current densities of
porous NiO microflowers electrodes; (c) the relationship of the specific energy against specific power for porous NiO microflowers electrodes materials; (d) the relationships
of the specific capacitance against cycling number for porous NiO microflowers electrodes with current density 6.25 A g−1 .

was also investigated. Cyclic voltammograms and differential pulse scan rates and the clear relationships are shown in Fig. 4b. The spe-
voltammograms at NiO-CPE in 3 mM GSH–0.1 mM uric acid were cific capacitance of NiO microflowers can reach a surprising value
also tested (ESI Fig. 2), which did not show interferences to GSH 863 F g−1 at the scan rate of 5 mV s−1 (ESI calculation1). Even though
detection at pH 5.0 by DPV method. the specific capacitance of NiO microflowers drops as the scan rate
It is important that we should consider the suitability of our increases, the specific capacitance is still about 63 F g−1 at the scan
approach to analyze ‘real’ samples. The test result of GSH concen- rate of 100 mV s−1 . The drop can be explained by the ion-exchange
trations in human plasma is 4.7 mM by our approach, while that of mechanism. The OH− needs enough time to transfer between solu-
High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) is 4.1 mM, indi- tions into the surface of porous NiO microflowers in order to be
cating it could be used as a practice GSH sensor. intercalated/extracted into/out of porous NiO microflowers when
charging/discharging. If the scan rate is low, such as 5 mV s−1 , the
3.4. Porous NiO microflowers as electrochemical supercapacitors OH− can have enough time to transfer and much more charge trans-
fers than at a high scan rate, which means more charge can be stored
Cyclic voltammetry (CV) was used to evaluate the electro- and thus higher specific capacitance. Based on TEM images in Fig. 1
chemical properties and quantify the specific capacitance of and BET results in Fig. 2, with many connecting pores, materials
as-prepared NiO electrodes. A NiO capacitor in an alkaline solu- such as porous NiO microflowers have more channels to let the ions
tion relies on charge storage in the electric double layer at the go through, which can enhance the travelling speed of the ions and
electrode–electrolyte interface and charge storage in the host thus bring the high specific capacitances.
material through redox reactions on the surface and hydroxyl ion Chronopotentiometry (CP) curves at different current densities
diffusion in the host material [47,48]. Fig. 4a shows CV curves of are shown in Fig. 5a. The symmetrical characteristic of charg-
porous NiO microflowers at different scan rates. The potential span ing/discharging curves is good, which means that the porous NiO
is from 0 to 0.50 V (vs. SCE) in 3 wt.% KOH aqueous solution. It is clear microflowers electrodes with excellent electrochemical capability
that the redox peaks reveal the Faradaic pseudocapacitive property and redox process are reversible. The relationships between the
of the porous NiO microflowers based on the surface redox mech- specific capacitances calculated by CP curves and current densities
anism of Ni2+ to Ni3+ at the surface of porous NiO microflowers are given in Fig. 5b (for detailed calculation seen ESI calculation
according to the following equation, NiO + OH− = NiOOH + e− . The 2). Based on the CP curves, porous NiO microflowers electrodes
large current densities suggest remarkably large specific capac- have the large specific capacitance and reach 1678 F g−1 at a current
itances of NiO microflowers. Specific capacitance is essential to density of 0.625 A g−1 and remain at 856 F g−1 even at 6.25 A g−1 .
the application of supercapacitors and in most cases the most Besides the large specific capacitance, another advantage of
important factor considered. The specific capacitances of NiO supercapacitors is that they have both large power density and
microflowers are calculated according to the CV curves at different large energy density at the same time. This unique property ensures
H. Pang et al. / Electrochimica Acta 85 (2012) 256–262 261

of porous NiO microflowers shows its excellent specific capaci-

tance retention under large current density 6.25 A g−1 . After 200
continuous charge–discharge cycles, porous NiO microflowers
almost remain the same specific capacitance as its initial value.
More importantly, porous NiO microflowers still retains more
than 99.7% of its specific capacitance after 1000 continuous
charge–discharge cycles. The little drop of specific capacitance
of porous NiO microflowers electrodes possibly results from the
slight collapse of the microflowers structures when the ions are
intercalated/extracted into the microflowers structures.
The electrode kinetics of the as-prepared material electrodes
were estimated by EIS. Fig. 6 shows the EIS of the porous NiO
microflowers electrodes at room temperature and its calculated
curve by ZSimpWin software. The EIS data can be fitted by an
equivalent circuit consisting of a bulk solution resistance Rs , a
charge-transfer Rct , a pseudocapacitive element Cp from the redox
process of NiO, and a constant phase element (CPE) to account
for the double-layer capacitance, as shown in Fig. 6b. The solution
resistance Rs of porous NiO microflowers electrodes was measured
to be 1.8 , while the charge-transfer resistance Rct was calculated
to be 5.6 . This clearly demonstrates the reduced charge transfer
resistance of porous NiO microflowers electrode. In addition, the
charge-transfer resistance Rct , also called Faraday resistance, is a
limiting factor for the specific power of the supercapacitor [47–49].
It is the low Faraday resistance that results in the high specific
power of the porous NiO microflowers electrode. The phase angles
for impedance plots of porous NiO microflowers electrodes and its
calculated curve by ZSimpWin software were observed in Fig. 6c.
These phase angles are nearly to 40◦ in the low frequencies clearly,
which means that the porous structure of NiO microflowers allows
ions or electrolyte transfer to occur quickly.

4. Conclusion

In this paper, porous NiO microflowers structures were suc-

cessfully synthesized by calcination of coordination microflowers
without any template, and its effectively electrochemical GSH
sensor in 0.1 M HAc–NaAc (pH 5.0) solution was the first time
evaluated. The capacitance of porous NiO microflower electrode
was 1678.4 F g−1 at 0.625 A g−1 , good rate capability and extremely
excellent cycling property (maintained about 99.7% at 6.25 A g−1
after 1000 cycles).

Fig. 6. (a) the electrochemical impedance spectra (EIS) of the electrodes at room
temperature; (b) the equivalent circuit for the electrochemical impedance spec-
trum; (c) the phase angles for impedance plots. This work is supported by the National Natural Science
Foundation of China (21201010, 21073129, 21071006), the Depart-
the wide use of supercapacitors in many fields which need both ment of Science and Technology of China for the 863 project
large power density and large energy density. Fig. 5c shows the (2009AA03Z225863). Henan Province of Science & Technology
relationship of the specific energy against specific power for porous Foundation (122102210253) and the Project of Science & Technol-
NiO microflowers electrode materials (ESI calculation 3). From ogy of Anyang city.
Fig. 5c, it is easily concluded that porous NiO microflowers elec-
trode has the good performance for both the power density and Appendix A. Supplementary data
the energy density. When its power density is 139.3 W kg−1 , its
energy density is 45.6 W h kg−1 . What is more, when the power Supplementary data associated with this article can be
density is 1405.5 W kg−1 , its energy density surprisingly remains found, in the online version, at
22.1 W h kg−1 . Its large power density and energy density as well j.electacta.2012.08.057.
as the large specific capacitance make it as a promising candidate
for the supercapacitor electrode material.
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