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Victory Elijah Christian College


Name: _______________________________________________ Score: ____________

I. Find the distance between the two points.

1. (5, -2) ; (0, 5) 6. (11, 7) ;(8, 2)

2. (3, -3) ; (12, 13) 7. (2, 8) ; (5, 6)
3. (-2, 0) ; (2, 10) 8. (-6, -6) ; (4, -5)
4. (-4, 12) ; (1, 0) 9. (0, 9) ; (-1, -2)
5. (5, 11) ; (-4, 5) 10. (-3, -12) ; (-3, 5)

II. Identify the center and radius of the following

1. (x – 3)2 + (y – 8)2 = 25 6. (x – 8)2 + (y + 9)2 = 16

2. x2 + (y – 8)2 = 32 7. (x – 7)2 + (y – 3/4)2 = 121
3. (x + 5)2 + (y + 9)2 = 144 8. (x – 6)2 + (y – 3)2 = 64
4. (x + 5)2 + (y – 7)2 = 60 9. (x – 3)2 + (y – 3/2)2 = 80
5. (x + 9)2 + (y + 3)2 = 49 10. x2 + y 2 = 81

III. Change the following into center radius-form.

1. x2 + y2 + 8x – 6y + 10 = 0
2. x2 + y2 – 4x + 12y – 6 = 0
3. x2 + y2 – 8y + 8y – 16 = 0
4. x2 + y2 – 2x + 3y – 4 = 0
5. 2x2 + 2y2 + 8x – 6y – 40 = 0

IV. Change the following to general form

1. (x – 2)2 + (y – 3)2 = 16
2. (x – 3)2 + (y – 5)2 = 21
3. (x + 5)2 + (y – 9)2 = 8
4. (x + 3)2 + (y + 2)2 = 100
5. (x – 6)2 + (y + 7)2 = 5

V. Answer the following.

1. Draw a tree diagram to show all the possible outcomes of flipping three
2. A fair coin and a fair die are thrown at the same time. List the sample space
of the event S.
3. A fair coin is thrown and a card is picked from a suit of 13 diamonds of well-
shuffled playing cards. List the sample space.
4. Six cards numbered 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are placed in a box and well-mixed.
A card is drawn at random from the box and the number on the card is noted
before it is replaced in the box. The cards in the box are thoroughly mixed
again a second card is drawn at random from the box and the number on it is
noted. The sum of the two numbers is then obtained. Copy and complete the
table, giving all the possible sums of the two numbers. Some of the possible
sums are shown.
0 1 2 3 4 5
1 1 4
4 5
5. A card is drawn at random from a box containing 10 identical cards
numbered 1, 2, 3, …, 10. Write down the sample space.
6. The number 1, 2, 7, and 8 are written on four cards. Two of these cards are
picked at random to form a two-digit number. Find the probability that a
number selected at random is
a. Prime
b. even
c. a multiple of 5
d. less than 75
7. A fair coin is thrown and a card is picked from a suit of 13 diamonds of well-
shuffled playing cards. Find the probability of getting
a. a head and a red card
b. a tail an ace
c. a head and a picture card
8. A bag contains 4 cards numbered 1, 4, 5, 6. A second bag contains 3 cards
numbered 1, 3, 7. One card is drawn at random from each bag. Calculate the
probability that the two numbers obtained
a. Have the same value
b. are both odd
d. have a sum greater than 4
e. have a sum that is even
9. Peter has two bags each containing 6 black marbles and 4 red marbles. He
takes one marble at random from each bag. Calculate the probability that he
a. a red marble from the first bag and a black marble from the second bag
b. two marbles having different colors
c. a black marble from the second bag.
10. Two balanced dice are thrown together. Find the probability that they will
a. the same number
b. two even numbers
c. two odd numbers
d. one odd and one even number.
Victory Elijah Christian College

Name: _______________________________________________ Score: ____________

Direction: Write true if the statement is true or false if the statement is false.
1. The theory of plate tectonics was developed before the idea of continental
2. Wegener believed that all the continents were once joined together.
3. Wegener’s hypothesis of continental drift was widely accepted as soon as it
was introduced.
4. Wegener and his supporters provided a lot of evidence for continental drift.
5. Wegener found rocks of the same type and age on both sides of the
Atlantic Ocean.
6. Wegener suggested that Pangaea broke up a short time ago.
7. Wegener developed a theory to explain how continents can drift.
8. The locations of earthquakes have been used to identify plate boundaries.
9. The movement of Earth’s plates is called plate tectonics.
10. The lithosphere is divided into just three major plates.
11. Most geologic activity takes place far from plate boundaries.
12. Mid-ocean ridges occur at convergent plate boundaries.
13. Many volcanoes occur along subduction zones.
14. The tallest mountains in the world formed at a transform plate boundary.
15. Geologic features called faults occur at divergent plate boundaries.

Direction: Write the word of the correct choice

1. Plate tectonics helps to explain
o how mountains form.
o where new seafloor is created.
o why earthquakes occur where they do.
o all of the above
2. The Pacific Ring of Fire is a ring around the Pacific ocean where
• volcanoes are common.
• tectonic plates interact.
• many hot spots occur.
• two of the above
3. Plates move over Earth’s surface at a rate of
• 100 kilometers per year.
• a few kilometers per year.
• a few centimeters per year.
• a couple of millimeters per year.
4. Plates move over Earth’s surface because of
• conduction within the crust.
• subduction in the outer core.
• radiation from the inner core.
• convection within the mantle.
5. Magma from the mantle rises up through Earth’s crust at
• deep-sea trenches.
• mid-ocean ridges.
• hot spots.
• all of the above
6. The edge of a plate sinks into the mantle
• where two plates diverge.
• at a subduction zone.
• at a transform boundary.
• none of the above
7. Continental plates do not subduct because they
• are very thick and low in density.
• do not collide with other plates.
• have only intraplate activity.
• two of the above
8. To develop the theory of plate tectonics, scientists first had to accept the
idea that
• Earth’s core consists of molten metals.
• some organisms can cross the oceans.
• Earth’s continents are able to move.
• all of the above
9. The idea of continental drift was first proposed in the early
• 1700s.
• 1800s.
• 1900s.
• 2000s.
10. Evidence for continental drift comes from ancient
• magnetic compasses.
• maps of Pangaea.
• coal seams.
• all of the above
11. Wegener observed that the Appalachian Mountains in eastern North
America matched mountain ranges in
• western North America.
• South America.
• Greenland.
• Africa.
12. What was Alfred Wegener’s role in the development of the theory of plate
• He proposed the hypothesis of continental drift.
• He provided evidence that continents have moved.
• He identified magnetic evidence for plate tectonics.
• two of the above
13. In Pangaea, the present continent of South America was attached to
• Australia.
• Eurasia.
• Africa.
• India.
14. Continental plates do not subduct because they
• are very thick and low in density.
• do not collide with other plates.
• have only intraplate activity.
• two of the above
15. The idea of continental drift was first proposed in the early
• 1700s.
• 1800s.
• 1900s.
• 2000s

Direction: Read this passage based on the text and answer the questions that
Magnetic Evidence for Continental Drift
Wegener collected a great deal of evidence for his continental drift hypothesis. But
during Wegener’s life, scientists did not know how continents could move, so Wegener’s
hypothesis seemed unbelievable. As a consequence, his idea that continents drift was
nearly forgotten for many decades. However, more evidence for continental drift was
discovered after Wegener’s death, and eventually his hypothesis was widely accepted.
An important type of evidence discovered after Wegener’s death was magnetic
evidence. To understand the nature of this evidence, it’s important to know that Earth has a
magnetic field like that of a bar magnet, with north and south poles at opposite ends. Earth’s
magnetic north pole is near the geographic north pole, and its south magnetic pole is near
the geographic south pole. If you have ever been hiking or camping, you may have used a
compass to help you find your way. The needle of a compass always points toward Earth’s
magnetic north pole. The reason? The compass needle is magnetic, so it aligns itself with
Earth’s magnetic field.
Like a compass, some rocks contain little “magnets.” As lava cools on Earth’s surface,
tiny iron-rich magnetite crystals form and line up with Earth’s magnetic field. Anywhere lava
has cooled, magnetite crystals point to Earth’s magnetic north pole. However, scientists have
discovered that some magnetite crystals do not point to the present location of Earth’s
magnetic north pole but to other locations. This shows that the continents were in different
locations relative to the magnetic poles when these rocks formed than they are today.
Therefore, the magnetic data provide additional evidence that the continents have moved
over time.

1. Why was Wegener’s hypothesis nearly forgotten for many decades?
2. Describe Earth’s magnetic field.
3. Explain this statement from the reading passage: “Like a compass, some rocks contain
little ‘magnets.’”
4. How do magnetite crystals in rocks provide evidence that the continents have moved
over time?
Victory Elijah Christian College

Name: _______________________________________________ Score: ____________

Paradigm: Directions: Read the poem entitled, “A Poison Tree” by William Blake
and apply the following literary vistas by making a paradigm.
Directions: The following phrases are used in the story ‘Two Gentlemen of
Verona'. Match the phrases to their meanings. Write your answers.
1. to start on a journey • Set up
2. to tolerate a situation or a person • Break down
3. to lose control of your feelings and start crying with • Set off

4. to enter • Put up
5. to be faced with or opposed by • Put off
6. to start/establish a company • Put on
7. to refuse /reject • Come in
8. to postpone • Come across
9. to try to get help/advice/sympathy from someone • Come up
10. to wear • Turn down
11. to meet or find by chance • Turn in
12. to inform on or deliver up • Turn into
Directions: Fill in the blanks. Use the phrases given above to complete the
following sentences. Write your answer.
1. The landlord was suspicious of the two men staying in his flat so he called
the police and __ them__.
2. Early on the morning we packed our bags and __ for a hike over the
3. Janvi __ some photographs of her grandfather in the old trunk.
4. My father __ his own business 10 years ago.
5. The Bank __ Paul’s request for a loan.
6. The Corporation’s decision to reduce the leave of the employees __ a lot
of opposition.

Sentence Construction: Directions: Read the following words below and use
them into the four types of sentences each; simple, compound, complex and
compound-complex sentences.

Words Simple Compound Complex Compound-

1 choose
2 look
3 work
4 perform
5 sing
6 make
7 blend
8 wish
9 appear
10 hope
11 capture
12 activate
13 concatena
14 approve
15 allure
16 abdicate
17 petrify
18 pulverize
19 arouse
20 swallow
Language Expression: Directions: In 3-5 sentences, answer the following
questions in a scholarly manner.

1. Upon reading the selection, what are the insights that you’ve gained from
the text in the views of the following approaches:
- Reader’s Response
- Deconstruction
- Hermeneutics

2. What are the differences and similarities of “A Poison Tree” to the Bible verse,
“Do not take revenge my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is
written. “It is mine to avenge, I will repay,” says the Lord.” (Rom. 12:19 [NIV])?
Explain and justify your answer.

Essay. Write your answers using 50 words for each question.

1. Some people think that students’ study more efficiently in groups, others
argues that studying separately is better. Discuss the advantages of both
ways and give your opinion.
2. In companies the promotion to higher positions should be given to
experienced employees of the company, as opposed to newly hired
workers, do you agree or disagree?
3. Some people think that scientific work on plants and food is good while
others deny its usefulness. Discuss both sides of the argument, give your
own opinion and examples.
4. Some people think cars should be banned from the city center, do you
agree or disagree?
5. Some people prefer to be self employed rather than work for a company.
Discuss, what is your opinion?
6. Many countries host international sporting events these days. What are
the positive and negative impact of hosting such events? Discuss both
sides and give your opinion on this.
7. Private cars now are banned from the city centres. Does this have more
advantages than disadvantages for individuals and businesses? What is
your opinion?
8. Nowadays children are less fit and healthy than they were in the past.
Why is this happening? How can this problem be solved?
9. Nowadays people are choosing unhealthy foods (fast foods), which
cause various health problems. Explain what is done in your country to
deal with this problem and what actions is the government taking to solve
10. Sometimes students are working for companies for free. What are
the advantages and disadvantages of this?
11. Living in the city is uncomfortable, why? What are the reasons and
problems? What can be done to solve these problems?
12. Some people say subjects like arts, music, drama and creative
writing are more beneficial to children, and therefore they need more of
these subjects to be included in the school program. Do you agree or
13. Nowadays as a part of the educational process students are working
for a company for a short period of time without pay. Are there more
advantages or disadvantages to this? Give your own opinion.
14. In many countries there are people with extremely high income.
Some say it is good for the country, while others claim that governments
should limit salaries. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
15. Computers have made the world a better place to live. Do you
agree or disagree with the statement? Use specific reasons and examples
to support your opinion.
16. Sometimes tourists may damage touristic sites. Explain what some of
the negative effects may be. Suggest some solutions to this problem.
17. Some people believe that the government should pay for and offer
housing to people who lost their homes or cannot afford them. To what
extent do you agree or disagree? Give your own opinion. Use specific
reasons and examples to support it.
18. Some people think that a car is the best way to travel in cities while
others believe a bicycle is a better way. Discuss both views and give your
19. Nowadays people get married and have children after the age of
30. Is it a positive or negative development? Give your opinion and
examples based on your experience.
20. Usually students have to study a range of different subjects. Some
people believe that learning subjects without being interested in them
won’t be beneficial. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
21. Some people say that public libraries should be free, otherwise they
are just a waste of money, especially because modern technologies and
the internet allow easy access to resources. Discuss and give your point of
22. Some parents think that childcare centres provide the best services
for children of pre-school age. Other working parents think that family
members such as grandparents will be better careers for their kids. Discuss
both views and give your opinion.
23. Some people think that higher salary is important when choosing a
company to work for, while others think that good atmosphere at a
workplace is more important. Discuss both views and give your opinion
with relevant examples.
24. Nowadays some families are moving to other countries because of
their work. Is it a positive or a negative development? How does it impact
their children’s life?
25. Internet contains a lot of information, however, sometimes this
information is inaccurate or wrong. Do you agree or disagree with this

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