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Heloderma horridus Gila monster Reptile

Heloderma Horridus
“I will move as I want at my own slow pace”

(Massimo, Forsaken p110)

Slowness/lazy (eats only eggs, doesn't use verbs)

Desires eggs - (this is animal’s main diet)
Fear of Darkness, despite fear she continues to live
Speech—interest in structure of language, kids
makes own language w/o verbs
Very good sense of humor

This is the only dinosaur that has survived

Fights against the idea of time - a DIFFERENT KIND OF AGGRESSION

The clock goes slower for Heloderma
To impose your slowness on other people is a kind of aggressive attitude
In this way, I can oblige other people to take care of me
“If you don’t speak my language there is no point in communicating”
Compared to Lach or Both—a much weaker system, a BASIC SYSTEM, a simple approach to life

If you don’t want to notice what I am doing, I’ll continue to go on doing it by myself
Like a fossilized animal that continues to survive in it’s own way

Poison? Heloderma has a poison (similar to Crot-c) - but only uses the poison for defense
You really can do whatever you like to them and they will not react
VERY rare to be bitten, they move very slowly
Even if you don't feed them for days, and give them eggs, it can take them HOURS to start eating
If they do bite—they grip down and don’t let go

I will remain who I am—I don’t want to change at all

If you try to train them to speak they will repeat what they said 30 times the same way

Mind; Indolence, aversion to work
Mind; mistakes, makes talking, omitting words
Mind; obstinate, headstrong
Mind, slowness
Mind, talk, slow learning to
Heloderma horridus Gila monster Reptile

Mouth, coldness, sensation of tongue

Extremities, formication, lower limbs night in bed
Chill, coldness in general
Chil, ICY, coldness of body
Gen; COLD, feeling in body
GEN; Food and Drinks, eggs, desires
GEN; HEAT, lack of vital

The formication, it’s not itchiness, but they rub it as if animal walking on their legs
In cold remedies like this, they often lack the feeling or possibility of a “warm” relationship with others
A deep sense of distance that can’t be overcome

To go from sofa to bed already 2/3rds of day’s energy—lazy
I hate milk, I love hard boiled eggs—desires eggs
After 2 years of taking Calc-Carb I still feel the same except my purse - humor
My grandparents called me “chilliness” because I was cold even by the heater—COLD
I don’t know who was more obstinate her or I—Obstinate

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