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Course Outcomes of the Courses in the Third Semester of the UG programme in Electronics and

Communication Engineering
Name of the CO Course outcome (CO)Description
Course Designation At the end of course, the student should be able to:
Military History HSC301/CO2
and Maritime HSC301/CO3
Heritage HSC301/CO4
BSL 302/CO1
Engineering BSL 302/CO2
Mathematics - III BSL 302/CO3
And Statistics BSL 302/CO4
BSL 302/CO5
ESL 303/CO1
ESL 303/CO2
ESL 303/CO3
ESL 303/CO4
ESL 303/CO5
ESL 304/CO1
Basics of ESL 304/CO2
Mechanical ESL 304/CO3
Engineering ESL 304/CO4
ESL 304/CO5
ESX305/CO1 Explain the concepts of magnetic circuits
ESX305/CO2 Explain the operation of dc machines
Basics of Electrical
ESX305/CO3 Describe single phase and three phase transformers circuits
ESX305/CO4 Describe the operation of ac machines.
ESX305/CO5 Explain performance characteristics of ac machines.
Create an insight into the theory of PN Junction and the
PCX 306/CO1
working of Diodes
Electronic Devices PCX 306/CO2 Understand the theory of BJT and its applications
PCX 306/CO3 Design and analyse of various sinusoidal oscillators
PCX 306/CO4 Understand the working of JFET and MOSFET
Course Outcomes of the Courses in the Fourth Semester of the UG programme in Electronics and
Communication Engineering
Name of the CO Course outcome (CO)Description
Course Designation At the end of course, the student should be able to:
PCX402/CO1 Analyse different types of signals.
Represent continuous and discrete systems in time and
Signals and frequency domain using different transforms.
Systems PCX402/CO3 Sampling and reconstruction of a signal.
PCX402/CO4 Investigate the system stability using Laplace transform.
Understand Probability rules and apply them in solving
PCX403/CO2 Investigate probability models of random variables.
Probability Theory
Define random processes and find averages and spectral
and PCX403/CO3
Stochastic Process
PCX403/CO4 Understand propagation of random signals in LTI systems.
Understand noise and parameters related to noise in LTI
PCX404/CO1 Describe the fundamental concepts of digital logic design.
PCX404/CO2 Design and analyse combinational logic circuits.
Digital System PCX404/CO3 Design synchronous and asynchronous sequential logic circuits.
Design PCX404/CO4 Explain the concept of logic family, memory elements and PLDs.
Use HDL and appropriate EDA tool for digital logic design and
Understand the basics of electrical circuits with nodal and mesh
PCX405/CO2 Acquire knowledge about electrical network theorems.
Network Theory
PCX405/CO3 Apply Laplace Transform for steady state and transient analysis.
PCX405/CO4 Determine different network functions.
PCX405/CO5 Analyze the frequency domain techniques.
PCX406/CO1 Learn how computers work.
PCX406/CO2 Know basic principles of computer’s working.
PCX406/CO3 Analyze the performance of computers.
PCX406/CO4 Know how computers are designed and built.
PCX406/CO5 Understand issues affecting central processing unit.
Professional Electives
OEX 407/CO1
OEX 407/CO2
Elements of Naval
OEX 407/CO3
OEX 407/CO4
OEX 407/CO5
OEX 408/CO1
Manufacturing OEX 408/CO2
Technolgy – II OEX 408/CO3
OEX 408/CO4
Course Outcomes of the Courses in the Fifth Semester of the UG programme in Electronics and
Communication Engineering
Name of the CO Course outcome (CO)Description
Course Designation At the end of course, the student should be able to:
Understand the basic concepts of Amplitude, Frequency and
PCX 501/CO1
Phase modulation.
Analog and Digital
PCX 501/CO2 Be familiar with various pulse modulation techniques.
PCX 501/CO3 Learn the digital modulation techniques.
PCX 501/CO4 Draw block schematic of transmitters and receivers.
PCX 502/CO1 Analyse discrete time signals and perform operations.
PCX 502/CO2 Perform Z and inverse Z transforms.
Digital Signal PCX 502/CO3 Apply the FFT algorithm.
Processing PCX 502/CO4 Design and implement digital filters.
Use general-purpose mathematical package such as MATLAB to
PCX 502/CO5
design and simulate DSP systems.
Understand the significance of Maxwell’s equations in
PCX 503/CO1
PCX 503/CO2 Acquire knowledge about the various boundary conditions.
Understand the characteristics of wave propagation on high
Waves PCX 503/CO3
frequency transmission lines.
PCX 503/CO4 Carry out impedance transformation on Transmission Lines.
PCX 503/CO5 Use sections of transmission line for realizing circuit elements
PCX 504/CO1 Understand the concepts of networking thoroughly.
PCX 504/CO2 Design a network for a particular application.
PCX 504/CO3 Analyze the performance of the network.
PEX 505/CO1 Understand the concept of information and entropy.
Understand Shannon’s theorems for source coding and channel
PEX 505/CO2
Information coding.
Theory and Coding PEX 505/CO3 Calculate channel capacity.
PEX 505/CO4 Compare and apply coding techniques.
PEX 505/CO5 Understand the signal detection and estimation principles.
PEX506/CO1 To recall digital transform techniques.
To introduce architectural features of programmable DSP
Processors of TI and Analog Devices.
Architecture for To give practical examples of DSP Processor architectures for
Digital Signal better understanding.
Processors To develop the programming knowledge using Instruction set
of DSP Processors.
To understand interfacing techniques to memory and I/O
Nautical Studies - I OEX507/CO3
Navigation – I
Material Science OEX509/CO1
Course Outcomes of the Courses in the Sixth Semester of the UG programme in Electronics and
Communication Engineering
Name of the CO Course outcome (CO)Description
Course Designation At the end of course, the student should be able to:
PCX 601/CO1 Understand the working principle of instrumentation system.
PCX 601/CO2 Appreciate the importance of Control System in various fields.
Control Systems PCX 601/CO3 Investigate stability of a system using different tests.
Select the suitable control concept to solve any given real life
PCX 601/CO4
control problem.
PCX 602/CO1 Differentiate Microprocessors and Microcontrollers.
Write the assembly language programs for 8086
PCX 602/CO2
Microcontrollers PCX 602/CO3 Develop the 8051 assembly language programs.
PCX 602/CO4 Interface the peripheral devices to 8086 and 8051.
Develop applications using 8051 microcontrollers.
PCX 602/CO5
Explain differential and multistage amplifier circuitsand working
PEX 603/CO1
PEX 603/CO1 Design OP-AMP circuits for linear and nonlinear applications.
Analog Circuits
PEX 603/CO1 Describe the operation of several RC and LC oscillators.
PEX 603/CO1 Describe the 555 timer IC andits modes of operation
PEX 603/CO1 Explain voltage regulator and PLL.
Understand the important elements of antenna and
PEX 604/CO1
propagation theory.
Be familiar with important classes of antennas and their
PEX 604/CO2
Antenna and properties.
Propagation PEX 604/CO3 Apply design principles to design an antenna.
Numerically compute the directivity and power radiated from a
PEX 604/CO4
generic antenna.
Identify the suitable mode of radio wave propagation for
PEX 604/CO5
various applications
Understand the principles fiber-optic communication, the
PEX 605/CO1
components and the bandwidth advantages.
Fibre Optic and Understand the properties of the optical fibers and optical
PEX 605/CO2
Satellite components.
Communication PEX 605/CO3 Understand operations of optical networks.
Understand components and working of satellite
PEX 605/CO1
communication networks.
PEX 605/CO4 Study the design of Earth station and tracking of the satellites.
PEX 606/CO1 Build and test circuits using power devices such as SCR.
PEX 606/CO2 Analyze and design controlled rectifier.
PEX 606/CO3 DC to DC converters, DC to AC inverters.
Power Electronics
Learn how to analyze these inverters and some basic
PEX 606/CO4
PEX 606/CO5 Design SMPS.
Understand the non-linear control and the need and
PEX 607/CO1 significance of changing the control parameters w.r.t. real-
Adaptive Signal time situation.
Processing PEX 607/CO2 Mathematically represent the ‘adaptability requirement’.
Understand the mathematical treatment for the modelling and
PEX 607/CO3
design of the signal processing systems.
Navigation – II


Fluid Mechanics
and Fluid
Course Outcomes of the Courses in the Seventh Semester of the UG programme in Electronics and
Communication Engineering
Name of the CO Course outcome (CO)Description
Course Designation At the end of course, the student should be able to:
PCX701/CO1 Design and Validate DC and AC bridges.
Analyze the dynamic response and the calibration of few
Electronic PCX701/CO2
Learn about various measurement devices, their characteristics,
Workshop PCX701/CO3
their operation and their limitations.
PCX701/CO4 Understand statistical data analysis.
Professional Electives
Derive the Radar Range Equation and apply it for predicting the
PEX 702/CO1
expected range of given Radar.
Clearly distinguish between the operating principle of a CW,
PEX 702/CO2 FMCW, Pulse Radar and a MTI Radar and explain their block
Microwave Theory
Explain in detail the functioning of various sub-systems of a
and Radar PEX 702/CO3
Describe the various divisions of Electronic Warfare and suggest
PEX 702/CO4
the correct counter measure.
Describe the functioning of various microwave components
PEX 702/CO5
used in a Radar transmission chain.
Suggest design approach using advanced controllers to real-life
PEX 703/CO1
situations. .
Design interfacing of the systems with other data handling
PEX 703/CO2
/processing systems.
Appreciate engineering constraints like energy dissipation, data
Systems PEX 703/CO3
exchange speeds etc.
Expalin the working of different type of buses in embedded
PEX 703/CO4
PEX 703/CO5 Distinguish a real-time system from other systems.
PEX 704/CO1 Understand generations of mobile communication networks.
Analyze the radio propagation models for mobile
Mobile PEX 704/CO2
PEX 704/CO3 Understand the cellular communication architecture.
PEX 704/CO4 Understand GSM, and 4G technologies
PEX 704/CO5 Understand enabling technologies for 5G.
PEX 705/CO1 Learn about soft computing techniques and their applications.
PEX 705/CO2 Analyze various neural network architectures
PEX 705/CO3 Define the fuzzy systems.
Introduction to Understand the genetic algorithm concepts and their
PEX 705/CO4
Soft Computing applications
Identify and select a suitable Soft Computing technology to
PEX 705/CO5 solve the problem; construct a solution and implement a Soft
Computing solution.
To familiarize with the prominent methods for machine
PEX 706/CO1
Introduction to To understand the basics of supervised and unsupervised
PEX 706/CO2
Machine Learning learning
PEX 706/CO3 To learn the basics of connectionist and other architectures
PEX 706/CO4 To apply these methods to real life problems involving machine
PEX 707/CO1 List the applications of wireless sensor networks.
Describe the concepts, protocols, and differences underlying
PEX 707/CO1 the design, implementation, and use of wireless sensor
Wireless Sensor
Implement and evaluate new ideas for solving wireless sensor
Networks PEX 707/CO1
network design issues.
Simulate and compare the working of various protocols
PEX 707/CO1
working at various layers of wireless sensor node.
PEX 707/CO1 Implement a WSN using WSN kits.
Open Electives
OEX708/CO1 Understand the concepts of power systems.
OEX708/CO2 Understand concepts of renewable energy generation.
Power System
OEX708/CO3 Understand the basics of power system economics.
OEX708/CO4 Evaluate fault currents for different types of faults.
OEX708/CO5 Understand the basic protection schemes.
OEX 709
Gen Nav /
Seamanship Board

OEX 710
Nautical Studies –

OEX 711
Gen Nav / Chart
Work Practical

OEX 712
Strength of

OEX 713
Fluid Mechanics
and Fluid
OEX 714
Technology- III
Course Outcomes of the Courses in the Eighth Semester of the UG programme in Electronics and
Communication Engineering
Name of the CO Course outcome (CO)Description
Course Designation At the end of course, the student should be able to:
Internship (Afloat) PJX801

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