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Stevie Williams


English III

19 February 2019

Persuasive Essay

Technology use has grown tremendously in the past few years. This has affected every

area of our lives. Similar to anything, the growth of use of technology comes with negative

consequences. Technology has a negative influence on society because it causes poor social

skills and can lead to bad health.

Due to more screen time and less face-to-face time, people's ability to connect with the

people and nature around them has worsened. Since people “aren’t getting enough practice

having two-way conversations”, normal human interaction becomes more difficult (Linde 1).

Although having conversation should be natural, it requires practice. Technology is inhibiting

practice with interacting with what or who is right in front of us. As a result of overuse of

technology and less social skills, people get anxiety and “they feel isolated and alone” (Linde 1).

A lack of social skills leads to social anxiety, which most people struggle with today. Practice

with conversations gives people confidence rather than social anxiety. Anxiety can also cause

health issues.

Technology is not only affecting people's minds, but now their physical health. Health

officials and researchers have recently learned that “mobile technologies emit radiofrequency

(RF) radiation” (Gale 1). Considering the amount of time teenagers use their phones or play

video games, many may face cancer risks. Since radiation is concentrated towards the head,

health professionals are concerned most with the probability of brain tumors. Technology has
also aided in distracted driving or walking. Researchers have noted that “individuals who use

mobile phones while driving are three to four times more likely to be involved in a traffic

accident” (Gale 1). It is even difficult to connect with the world outside of technology when

people most need to. Apple and most smart devices have programs that don’t allow use while

driving, that many parents use for new teen drivers. However, road signs, advertisements, and

phone alerts are not successful considering the raise in automobile accidents. Technology affects

one's health in ways that are not always obvious.

Technology has advanced our society in many ways including education and

entertainment, and helps connects us to people around the world. However, it is almost causing

us to go backwards when it comes to social skills. This is because technology takes away from

practice we could be getting of interacting with the real world.

Technology has a negative influence on society because it disconnects people from others

and it affects our health. It causes distractions that lead to procrastinations. A specific example is

having a due date for an essay at school, and having technology at such easy access causes


“Health and Technology.” Digital Responsibility,



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