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Ministry of Health, Amman, Jordan Department of Internal Medicine, Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Department of Cardiovascular
Cleveland Clinic; Clinical Instructor, Sydell and Arnold Miller Family Heart and Medicine, Sydell and Arnold Miller
Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Case Vascular Institute, Cleveland Clinic; Assistant Family Heart and Vascular Institute,
Western Reserve University, Professor, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland, OH Medicine of Case Western Reserve University,
Cleveland, OH

Hypertension guidelines:
Treat patients, not numbers
The updated 2017 American College of Cardiology and
W hen treating high blood pressure,
how low should we try to go? Debate
continues about optimal blood pressure
American Heart Association (ACC/AHA) guidelines for man- goals after publication of guidelines from the
aging hypertension advocate tighter blood pressure control American College of Cardiology and Ameri-
than previous guidelines. This review summarizes the evi- can Heart Association (ACC/AHA) in 2017
dence behind the guidelines, discusses the risks and benefits that set or permitted a treatment goal of less
of stricter blood pressure control, and provides our insights than 130 mm Hg, depending on the popula-
on blood pressure management in clinical practice. tion.1
In this article, we summarize the evolution
KEY POINTS of hypertension guidelines and the evidence
The 2017 ACC/AHA guidelines lowered the definition of behind them.
hypertension to 130/80 mm Hg or higher, thereby increas-
ing the number of US adults with hypertension from ■■ HOW THE GOALS EVOLVED
31.9% to 45.6%. JNC 7, 2003: 140/90 or 130/80
The seventh report of the Joint National
For patients with known cardiovascular disease or a Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evalu-
10-year risk of an atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease ation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure
event of 10% or higher, drug treatment “is recommend- (JNC 7),2 published in 2003, specified treat-
ed” if the average blood pressure is 130/80 mm Hg or ment goals of:
higher. For those without cardiovascular disease and at • < 140/90 mm Hg for most patients
lower risk, drug treatment is recommended if the average • < 130/80 mm Hg for those with diabetes or
blood pressure is 140/90 mm Hg or higher. chronic kidney disease.
JNC 7 defined hypertension as 140/90 mm
Hg or higher, and introduced the classifica-
A treatment goal of less than 130/80 mm Hg “is recom- tion of prehypertension for patients with a sys-
mended” for patients with hypertension and known car- tolic blood pressure of 120 to 139 mm Hg or a
diovascular disease or a 10-year risk of an atherosclerotic diastolic blood pressure of 80 to 89 mm Hg. It
cardiovascular disease event of 10% or higher, and “may advocated managing systolic hypertension in
be reasonable” for those without additional markers of patients over age 50. It also recommended life-
increased cardiovascular risk. style changes such as the Dietary Approaches
to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet, moderate
Intensive blood pressure control has the potential to sig- alcohol consumption, weight loss, and a physi-
nificantly reduce rates of morbidity and death associated cal activity plan.
with cardiovascular disease, at the price of causing more JNC 7 provided much-needed clarity and
adverse effects. uniformity to managing hypertension. Since
then, various scientific groups have published
doi:10.3949/ccjm.86a.18027 their own guidelines (Table 1).1–9
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Blood pressure guidelines, 2003–2017
Guideline Published Blood pressure goals (mm Hg) Notes
JNC 72 2003 < 140/90 without comorbidity Introduced the term prehypertension
< 130/80 with diabetes mellitus Recommended lifestyle modifications
or chronic kidney disease

ACC/AHA/CDC3 2014 < 140/90 Recommended polytherapy for stage 2


JNC 84 2014 < 140/90 for < 60 years old Addressed intrapopulation variations,
< 150/90 for ≥ 60 years old race, and comorbidities

ASH/ISH6 2014 < 140/90 for < 80 years old Lacked systematic evidence
< 150/90 for ≥ 80 years old

AHA/ACC/ASH7 2015 < 150/90 for > 80 years old

< 140/90 with coronary artery disease
< 130/80 with comorbidities

ADA8 2017 < 140/90 for adults with diabetes mellitus

< 130/80 for younger adults with diabetes mellitus
120–160/80–105 for pregnant patients with
diabetes and preexisting hypertension

ACP/AAFP9 2017 < 150 systolic for ≥ 60 years old

< 140 systolic for ≥ 60 years old with transient
ischemic attack, stroke, or high cardiovascular risk

ACC/AHA1 2017 < 130/80 for general population, older patients Lowered hypertension classification
(≥ 65 years old), and those with comorbidities to 130/80 mm Hg

AAFP = American Academy of Family Physicians; ACC = American College of Cardiology; ACP = American College of Physicians; ADA = American Diabetes Associa-
tion; AHA = American Heart Association; ASH = American Society of Hypertension; CDC = Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; ISH = International Society
of Hypertension; JNC = Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure

ACC/AHA/CDC 2014: 140/90 JNC 8 2014: 140/90 or 150/90

In 2014, the ACC, AHA, and US Centers for Soon after, the much-anticipated report of the
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) pub- panel members appointed to the eighth JNC
lished an evidence-based algorithm for hyper- (JNC 8) was published.4 Previous JNC reports
tension management.3 As in JNC 7, they sug- were written and published under the auspices
gested a blood pressure goal of less than 140/90 of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood In-
mm Hg, lifestyle modification, and polytherapy, stitute, but while the JNC 8 report was being
eg, a thiazide diuretic for stage 1 hypertension (< prepared, this government body announced it
160/100 mm Hg) and combination therapy with would no longer publish guidelines.
a thiazide diuretic and an angiotensin-converting In contrast to JNC 7, the JNC 8 panel
enzyme (ACE) inhibitor, angiotensin II receptor based its recommendations on a systematic
blocker (ARB), or calcium channel blocker for review of randomized clinical trials. However,
stage 2 hypertension (≥ 160/100 mm Hg). the process and methodology were controver-

JNC 7 and JNC 8 guidelines compared
JNC 72 JNC 84
Methodology Nonsystematic literature review by expert Systematic review of randomized controlled trials

Treatment goal < 140/90 for most patients < 140/90 for < 60 years old
(mm Hg) < 130/80 for patients with diabetes < 150/90 for ≥ 60 years old
< 130/80 for patients with chronic kidney disease

Drug therapy Recommended use of 5 drug classes; Recommended 4 classes of drugs to be used;
thiazide diuretic for initial treatment in most thiazide diuretic, angiotensin-converting enzyme
cases inhibitor, angiotensin II receptor blocker, or
calcium channel blocker

Special Heart failure, postmyocardial infarction, high Black and nonblack patient groups, chronic
recommendations coronary disease risk, diabetes, chronic kidney kidney disease, and diabetes
disease, and recurrent stroke prevention

Lifestyle Based on literature review and expert opinion Endorsed the evidence-based findings
recommendations of the Lifestyle Work Group

JNC = Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure

sial, especially as the panel excluded some im- • < 140/90 mm Hg for most patients
portant clinical trials from the analysis. • < 150/90 mm Hg for patients age 80 and
JNC 8 relaxed the targets in several sub- older.
JNC 8 relaxed
groups, such as patients over age 60 and those the targets
with diabetes and chronic kidney disease, due AHA/ACC/ASH 2015: Goals in subgroups
In 2015, the AHA, ACC, and ASH released a in patients
to a lack of definitive evidence on the impact
of blood pressure targets lower than 140/90 mm over age 60,
joint scientific statement outlining hyperten-
Hg in these groups. Thus, their goals were: sion goals for specific patient populations7:
or those
• < 140/90 mm Hg for patients under age 60 • < 150/90 mm Hg for those age 80 and older
• < 150/90 mm Hg for patients age 60 and older. • < 140/90 mm Hg for those with coronary with diabetes
Table 2 shows the differences in recom- artery disease or chronic
mendations between JNC 7 and JNC 8. • < 130/80 mm Hg for those with comor-
kidney disease,
bidities such as diabetes and cardiovascular
Of note, a minority of the JNC 8 panel
disagreed with the new targets and provided disease. due to lack
evidence for keeping the systolic blood pres- ADA 2016: Goals for patients with diabetes of evidence
sure target below 140 mm Hg for patients 60
In 2016, the American Diabetes Association
and older.5 Further, the JNC 8 report was not
(ADA) set the following blood pressure goals
endorsed by several important societies, ie, the
for patients with diabetes8:
AHA, ACC, National Heart, Lung, and Blood
• < 140/90 mm Hg for adults with diabetes
Institute, and American Society of Hyperten-
• < 130/80 mm Hg for younger adults with
sion (ASH). These issues compromised the ac-
diabetes and adults with a high risk of car-
ceptance and applicability of the guidelines.
diovascular disease
ASH/ISH 2014: 140/90 or 150/90 • 120–160/80–105 mm Hg for pregnant pa-
Also in 2014, the ASH and the International tients with diabetes and preexisting hyper-
Society of Hypertension released their own re- tension who are treated with antihyper-
port.6 Their goals: tensive therapy.
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ACP/AAFP 2017: Systolic 150 or 130 in fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products,
In 2017, the American College of Physicians whole grains, poultry, and fish, and low in red
(ACP) and the American Academy of Family meat, sweets, cholesterol, and total and satu-
Physicians (AAFP) recommended a relaxed rated fat.2
systolic blood pressure target, ie, below 150 These recommendations were based on
mm Hg, for adults over age 60, but a tighter results from 3 large randomized controlled
goal of less than 130 mm Hg for the same age trials in patients with and without hyperten-
group if they have transient ischemic attack, sion.10–12 In patients with no history of hyper-
stroke, or high cardiovascular risk.9 tension, interventions to promote weight loss
ACC/AHA 2017: 130/80 and sodium restriction significantly reduced
The 2017 ACC/AHA guidelines recommend- blood pressure and the incidence of hyperten-
ed a more aggressive goal of below 130/80 for sion (the latter by as much as 77%) compared
all, including patients age 65 and older.1 with usual care.10,11
This is a class I (strong) recommenda- In patients with and without hyperten-
tion for patients with known cardiovascular sion, lowering sodium intake in conjunction
disease or a 10-year risk of a cardiovascular with the DASH diet was associated with sub-
event of 10% or higher, with a B-R level of stantially larger reductions in systolic blood
evidence for the systolic goal (ie, moderate- pressure.12
quality, based on systematic review of ran- The recommendation to lower sodium
domized controlled trials) and a C-EO level intake has not changed in the guideline revi-
of evidence for the diastolic goal (ie, based on sions. Meanwhile, other modifications have
expert opinion). been added, such as incorporating both aero-
For patients who do not have cardiovas- bic and resistance exercise and moderating al-
cular disease and who are at lower risk of it, cohol intake. These recommendations have a
this is a class IIb (weak) recommendation, ie, class I level of evidence (ie, strongest level) in
it “may be reasonable,” with a B-NR level of the 2017 ACC/AHA guidelines.1
Recommended evidence (moderate-quality, based on non-
randomized studies) for the systolic goal and ■■ HYPERTENSION BEGINS AT 130/80
lifestyle C-EO (expert opinion) for the diastolic goal.
The definition of hypertension changed in the
changes: For many patients, this involves drug treat-
ment. For those with known cardiovascular 2017 ACC/AHA guidelines1: previously set at
weight loss, disease or a 10-year risk of an atherosclerotic 140/90 mm Hg or higher, it is now 130/80 mm
sodium cardiovascular disease event of 10% or higher, Hg or higher for all age groups. Adults with
the ACC/AHA guidelines say that drug treat- systolic blood pressure of 130 to 139 mm Hg or
restriction, diastolic blood pressure of 80 to 89 mm Hg are
ment “is recommended” if their average blood
DASH diet, pressure is 130/80 mm Hg or higher (class I now classified as having stage 1 hypertension.
exercise, recommendation, based on strong evidence Under the new definition, the number of
for the systolic threshold and expert option for US adults who have hypertension expanded
moderate the diastolic). For those without cardiovascu- to 45.6% of the general population,13 up from
alcohol intake lar disease and at lower risk, drug treatment is 31.9% under the JNC 7 definition. Thus,
recommended if their average blood pressure overall, 103.3 million US adults now have hy-
is 140/90 mm Hg or higher (also class I, but pertension, compared with 72.2 million under
based on limited data). the JNC 7 criteria.
In addition, the new guidelines expanded
■■ EVERYONE AGREES ON LIFESTYLE the population of adults for whom antihyper-
Although the guidelines differ in their blood tensive drug treatment is recommended to
pressure targets, they consistently recommend 36.2% (81.9 million). However, this repre-
lifestyle modifications. sents only a 1.9% absolute increase over the
Lifestyle modifications, first described JNC 7 recommendations (34.3%) and a 5.1%
in JNC 7, included weight loss, sodium re- absolute increase over the JNC 8 recommen-
striction, and the DASH diet, which is rich dations.14

■■ SPRINT: adverse effects than the standard-treatment

The new ACC/AHA guidelines1 were based • Hypotension 2.4% vs 1.4%, P = .001
on evidence from several trials, including the • Syncope 2.3% vs 1.7%, P = .05
Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial • Electrolyte abnormalities 3.1% vs 2.3%, P
(SPRINT).15 = .02)
This multicenter trial investigated the ef- • Acute kidney injury or kidney failure 4.1%
fect of intensive blood pressure treatment on vs 2.5%, P < .001
cardiovascular disease risk.16 The primary out- • Any treatment-related adverse event 4.7%
come was a composite of myocardial infarc- vs 2.5%, P = .001.
tion, acute coronary syndrome, stroke, and Thus, Bress et al16 estimated that fully
heart failure. implementing the intensive-treatment goals
The trial enrolled 9,361 participants at could cause an additional 56,100 episodes of
least 50 years of age with systolic blood pres- hypotension per year, 34,400 cases of synco-
sure 130 mm Hg or higher and at least 1 ad- pe, 43,400 serious electrolyte disorders, and
ditional risk factor for cardiovascular disease. 88,700 cases of acute kidney injury. All told,
It excluded anyone with a history of diabetes about 3 million Americans could suffer a se-
rious adverse effect under the intensive-treat-
mellitus, stroke, symptomatic heart failure, or
ment goals.
end-stage renal disease.
Two interventions were compared: SPRINT caveats and limitations
• Intensive treatment, with a systolic blood SPRINT15 was stopped early, after 3.26 years
pressure goal of less than 120 mm Hg: the instead of the planned 5 years. The true risk-
protocol called for polytherapy, even for benefit ratio may have been different if the
participants who were 75 or older if their trial had been extended longer.
blood pressure was 140 mm Hg or higher In addition, SPRINT used automated of-
• Standard treatment, with a systolic blood fice blood pressure measurements in which pa-
pressure goal of less than 140 mm Hg: it tients were seated alone and a device (Model Many
used polytherapy for patients whose sys- 907, Omron Healthcare) took 3 blood pres-
tolic blood pressure was 160 mm Hg or sure measurements at 1-minute intervals after
higher. 5 minutes of quiet rest. This was designed to are still taking
The trial was intended to last 5 years but reduce elevated blood pressure readings in blood pressure
was stopped early at a median of 3.26 years the presence of a healthcare professional in
owing to a significantly lower rate of the pri- a medical setting (ie, “white coat” hyperten- manually,
mary composite outcome in the intensive- sion). which tends
treatment group: 1.65% per year vs 2.19%, a Many physicians are still taking blood
25% relative risk reduction (P < .001) or a pressure manually, which tends to give higher
to give
0.54% absolute risk reduction. We calculate readings. Therefore, if they aim for a lower higher readings
the number needed to treat (NNT) for 1 year goal, they may risk overtreating the patient.
to prevent 1 event as 185, and over the 3.26 About 50% of patients did not achieve the
years of the trial, the investigators calculated target systolic blood pressure (< 120 mm Hg)
the NNT as 61. Similarly, the rate of death despite receiving an average of 2.8 antihyper-
from any cause was also lower with intensive tensive medications in the intensive-treat-
treatment, 1.03% per year vs 1.40% per year, ment group and 1.8 in the standard-treatment
a 27% relative risk reduction (P = .003) or a group. The use of antihypertensive medica-
0.37% absolute risk reduction, NNT 270. tions, however, was not a controlled variable
Using these findings, Bress et al16 estimated in the trial, and practitioners chose the appro-
that implementing intensive blood pressure priate drugs for their patients.
goals could prevent 107,500 deaths annually. Diastolic pressure, which can be mark-
The downside is adverse effects. In edly lower in older hypertensive patients, was
SPRINT,15 the intensive-treatment group ex- largely ignored, although lower diastolic pres-
perienced significantly higher rates of serious sure may have contributed to higher syncope
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rates in response to alpha blockers and calci- older patients by reporting a reduction in fatal
um blockers. and nonfatal stroke risks for those with a sys-
Moreover, the trial excluded those with tolic blood pressure above 160 mm Hg.
significant comorbidities and those younger FEVER (the Felodipine Event Reduction
than 50 (the mean age was 67.9), which limits study)22 found that treatment with a calcium
the generalizability of the results. channel blocker in even a low dose can signifi-
cantly decrease cardiovascular events, cardio-
■■ JNC 8 VS SPRINT GOALS: vascular disease, and heart failure compared
WHAT’S THE EFFECT ON OUTCOMES? with no treatment.
JNC 84 recommended a relaxed target of less JATOS and VALISH (the Japanese Trial
than 140/90 mm Hg for adults younger than 60, to Assess Optimal Systolic Blood Pressure in
including those with chronic kidney disease or Elderly Hypertensive Patients23 and the Val-
diabetes, and less than 150/90 mm Hg for adults sartan in Elderly Isolated Systolic Hyperten-
60 and older. The SPRINT findings upended sion study)24 found that outcomes were similar
those recommendations, showing that intensive with intensive vs standard treatment.
treatment in adults age 75 or older significantly Ettehad et al25 performed a meta-analysis
improved the composite cardiovascular disease of 123 studies with more than 600,000 par-
outcome (2.59 vs 3.85 events per year; P < .001) ticipants that provided strong evidence sup-
and all-cause mortality (1.78 vs 2.63 events per porting blood pressure treatment goals below
year; P < .05) compared with standard treat- 130/90 mm Hg, in line with the SPRINT trial
ment.17 Also, a subset review of SPRINT trial results.
data found no difference in benefit based on
chronic kidney disease status.18 ■■ BLOOD PRESSURE ISN’T EVERYTHING
A meta-analysis of 74 clinical trials (N = Other trials remind us that although blood
306,273) offers a compromise between the pressure is important, it is not the only factor
SPRINT findings and the JNC 8 recommen- affecting cardiovascular risk.
The risk-benefit dations. It found that the beneficial effect
HOPE (the Heart Outcomes Prevention
of blood pressure treatment depended on the Evaluation)26 investigated the use of ramipril
ratio patient’s baseline systolic blood pressure. In (an ACE inhibitor) in preventing myocardial
of intensive those with a baseline systolic pressure of 160 infarction, stroke, or cardiovascular death in
mm Hg or higher, treatment reduced cardio- patients at high risk of cardiovascular events.
treatment vascular mortality by about 15% (relative risk The study included 9,297 participants over age
seems to vary [RR] 0.85; 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.77– 55 (mean age 66) with a baseline blood pres-
0.95). In patients with systolic pressure below sure 139/79 mm Hg. Follow-up was 4.5 years.
in different
140 mm Hg, treatment effects were neutral Ramipril was better than placebo, with sig-
patient (RR 1.03, 95% CI 0.87–1.20) and not associ- nificantly fewer patients experiencing adverse
subgroups ated with any benefit as primary prevention, end points in the ramipril group compared
although data suggest it may reduce the risk with the placebo group:
of adverse outcomes in patients with coronary • Myocardial infarction 9.9% vs 12.3%, RR
heart disease. 0.80, P < .001
• Cardiovascular death 6.1% vs 8.1%, RR
THE GUIDELINES • Stroke 3.4% vs 4.9%, RR = .68, P < .001
SPRINT was important for refining the appro- • The composite end point 14.0% vs 17.8%,
priate targets for blood pressure treatment, but RR 0.78, P < .001).
several other trials also influenced the ACC/ Results were even better in the subset of
AHA guidelines (Table 3).20–24 patients who had diabetes.27 However, the
SHEP and HYVET (the Systolic Hy- decrease in blood pressure attributable to
pertension in the Elderly Program20 and the anti­hypertensive therapy with ramipril was
Hypertension in the Very Elderly Trial)21 sup- minimal (3–4 mm Hg systolic and 1–2 mm
ported intensive blood pressure treatment for Hg diastolic). This slight change should not

Important clinical trials that influenced revised blood pressure guidelines
Trial Outcomes Key conclusions

Systolic BP goal < 150 mm Hg

SHEP21 Cardiovascular events: RR 0.64, 95% CI 0.50–0.82, Hypertension treatment significantly reduced fatal and nonfatal
(1991) P = .0003 risk of stroke in patients older than 60 with systolic BP above
Heart failure: RR 0.51, 95% CI 0.37–0.7, P < .001 160 mm Hg
Strokes: RR 0.64, 95% CI 0.50–0.82, P = .0003

HYVET21 Stroke events: HR 0.47, 95% CI 0.24–0.93 Hypertension treatment in patients older than 80 significantly
(2003) Stroke mortality: HR 0.57; 95% CI 0.25–1.32 reduced fatal and nonfatal strokes but may increase stroke and
Cardiovascular mortality: HR 1.13, 95% CI cardiovascular mortality
Total mortality: HR 1.23, 95% CI 0.75–2.01

Systolic BP goal < 140 mm Hg

FEVER22 Average systolic blood pressure 4.2 mm Hg lower Hypertension treatment in Chinese participants age ≥ 50 with
(2005) in treated group than in placebo group baseline SBP of 140–180 mm Hg produced only a modest re-
All cardiovascular events: HR 0.73, P = .0002 duction in SBP but substantially reduced cardiovascular events
Coronary events: HR 0.68, P = .015
Heart failure: HR 0.70, P = .26

JATOS23 Standard vs intensive treatment A 2-year trial of intensive treatment in Japanese participants
(2008) SBP > 160 mm Hg SBP: 135.9 vs 145.6 mm Hg age 65 and older with hypertension (SPB > 160 mm Hg) found
(P < .001) no significant difference between standard- and intensive-
Primary end points: morbidity (P = .99), mortality treatment groups in primary end points
(P = .81)

VALISH24 Strict vs moderate BP control (< 140 mm Hg vs A 3-year trial comparing strict vs moderate treatment in reduc-
(2010) between 140 and 150 mm Hg) ing cardiovascular mortality and morbidity in elderly patients
Primary end points: cardiovascular events: HR 0.89, (ages 70–84) with hypertension (mean SBP = 169.5 mm Hg)
95% CI 0.60–1.34 found no significant difference between the groups in primary
SBP: 136.6 vs 142.0 mm Hg (P < .001) outcome end points

BP = blood pressure; CI = 95% confidence interval; FEVER = Felodipine Event Reduction Study; HYVET = Hypertension in the Very Elderly Trial; HR = hazard
ratio; JATOS = Japanese Trial to Assess Optimal Systolic Blood Pressure in Elderly Hypertensive Patients; RR = relative risk; SBP = systolic blood pressure; SHEP
= Systolic Hypertension in the Elderly Program; VALISH = Valsartan in Elderly Isolated Systolic Hypertension study

have been enough to produce significant dif- events. Investigators randomized the 12,705
ferences in clinical outcomes, a major limita- patients to 4 treatment groups:
tion of this trial. The investigators speculated • Blood pressure control with candesartan
that the positive results may be due to a class (an ARB) plus hydrochlorothiazide (a thi-
effect of ACE inhibitors.26 azide diuretic)
HOPE 328–30 explored the effect of blood • Cholesterol control with rosuvastatin (a
pressure- and cholesterol-controlling drugs on statin)
the same primary end points but in patients • Blood pressure plus cholesterol control
at intermediate risk of major cardiovascular • Placebo.
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Therapy was started at a systolic blood lowering of systolic blood pressure signifi-
pressure above 140 mm Hg. cantly reduces the rates of all-cause mortality,
Compared with placebo, the rate of com- cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease,
posite events was significantly reduced in the stroke, albuminuria, and retinopathy. Stratify-
rosuvastatin group (3.7% vs 4.8%, HR 0.76, ing the results according to the systolic blood
P = .002)28 and the candesartan-hydrochlo- pressure achieved (≥ 130 or < 130 mm Hg),
rothiazide-rosuvastatin group (3.6% vs 5.0%, the relative risks of mortality, coronary heart
HR 0.71; P = .005)29 but not in the candesar- disease, cardiovascular disease, heart failure,
tan-hydrochlorothiazide group (4.1% vs 4.4%; and albuminuria were actually lower in the
HR 0.93; P = .40).30 higher stratum than in the lower.
In addition, a subgroup analysis comparing ACCORD (the Action to Control Car-
active treatment vs placebo found a signifi- diovascular Risk in Diabetes)33 study pro-
cant reduction in major cardiovascular events vides contrary results. It examined intensive
for treated patients whose baseline systolic and standard blood pressure control targets in
blood pressure was in the upper third (> 143.5 patients with type 2 diabetes at high risk of
mm Hg, mean 154.1 mm Hg), while treated cardiovascular events, using primary outcome
patients in the lower middle and lower thirds measures similar to those in SPRINT. It found
had no significant reduction.30 no significant difference in fatal and nonfatal
These results suggest that intensive treat- cardiovascular events between the intensive
ment to achieve a systolic blood pressure be- and standard blood pressure target arms.
low 140 mm Hg in patients at intermediate Despite those results, the ACC/AHA
risk may not be helpful. Nevertheless, there guidelines still advocate for more intensive
seems to be agreement that intensive treat- treatment (goal < 130/80 mm Hg) in all pa-
ment generally leads to a reduction in car- tients, including those with diabetes.1
diovascular events. The results also show the The ADA position statement (September
benefit of lowering cholesterol. 2017) recommended a target below 140/90
Bundy et al31 performed a meta-analysis mm Hg in patients with diabetes and hyper-
It is unclear that provides support for intensive antihyper- tension.8 However, they also noted that lower
tensive treatment. Reviewing 42 clinical tri- systolic and diastolic blood pressure targets,
which such as below 130/80 mm Hg, may be appro-
als in more than 144,000 patients, they found
blood pressure that treating to reach a target systolic blood priate for patients at high risk of cardiovascu-
targets pressure of 120 to 124 mm Hg can reduce car- lar disease “if they can be achieved without
diovascular events and all-cause mortality. undue treatment burden.”8 Thus, it is not
are best The trade-off is a minimal increase in the clear which blood pressure targets in patients
in patients risk of adverse events. Also, the risk-benefit with diabetes are the best.
with diabetes ratio of intensive treatment seems to vary in
different patient subgroups. Stroke
In patients with stroke, AHA/ACC guide-
■■ WHAT ABOUT lines1 recommend treatment if the blood
PATIENTS WITH COMORBIDITIES? pressure is 140/90 mm Hg or higher because
The debate over intensive vs standard treat- antihypertensive therapy has been associated
ment in blood pressure management extends with a decrease in the recurrence of transient
beyond hypertension and includes important ischemic attack and stroke. The ideal target
comorbidities such as diabetes, stroke, and re- blood pressure is not known, but a goal of less
nal disease. Patients with a history of stroke or than 130/80 mm Hg may be reasonable.
end-stage renal disease have only a minimal In the Secondary Prevention of Small Sub-
mention in the AHA/ACC guidelines. cortical Strokes (SPS3) trial, a retrospective
open-label trial, a target blood pressure below
Diabetes 130/80 mm Hg in patients with a history of
Emdin et al,32 in a meta-analysis of 40 trials lacunar stroke was associated with a lower risk
that included more than 100,000 patients of intracranial hemorrhage, but the difference
with diabetes, concluded that a 10-mm Hg was not statistically significant.34 For this rea-

son, the ACC/AHA guidelines consider it subgroups are at high risk of adverse events,
reasonable to aim for a systolic blood pressure including those with low diastolic pressure,
below 130 mm Hg in these patients.1 chronic kidney disease, a history of falls, and
older age. In those patients, we are extremely
Renal disease
judicious when titrating antihypertensive med-
The ACC/AHA guidelines do not address
ications. We often make smaller titrations, at
how to manage hypertension in patients with
longer intervals, and with more frequent labo-
end-stage renal disease, but for patients with
ratory testing and in-office follow-up.
chronic kidney disease they recommend a
blood pressure target below 130/80 mm Hg.1 Our process of managing hypertension
This recommendation is derived from the through intensive blood pressure control to
SPRINT trial,15 in which patients with stage 3 achieve lower systolic blood pressure targets
or 4 chronic kidney disease accounted for 28% requires a concerted effort among healthcare
of the study population. In that subgroup, in- providers at all levels. It especially requires
tensive blood pressure control seemed to pro- more involvement and investment from pri-
vide the same benefits for reduction in cardio- mary care providers to individualize treatment
vascular death and all-cause mortality. in their patients. This process has helped us to
reach our treatment goals while limiting ad-
■■ TREAT PATIENTS, NOT NUMBERS verse effects of lower blood pressure targets.
Blood pressure targets should be applied in the ■■ MOVING FORWARD
appropriate clinical context and on a patient-
by-patient basis. In clinical practice, one size Hypertension is a major risk factor for cardio-
does not always fit all, as special cases exist. vascular disease, and intensive blood pressure
For example, blood pressure can oscillate control has the potential to significantly re-
widely in patients with autonomic nerve dis- duce rates of morbidity and death associated
orders, making it difficult to strive for a spe- with cardiovascular disease. Thus, a general
cific target, especially an intensive one. Thus, consensus on the definition of hypertension
it may be necessary to allow higher systolic and treatment goals is essential to reduce the Blood pressure
blood pressure in these patients. Similarly, pa- risk of cardiovascular events in this large pa- targets should
tients with diabetes or chronic kidney disease tient population.
be applied
may be at higher risk of kidney injury with Intensive blood pressure treatment has
more intensive blood pressure management. shown efficacy, but it has a small accompa- in the proper
Treating numbers rather than patients may nying risk of adverse events, which varies in clinical context,
result in unbalanced patient care. The optimal patient subgroups and affects the benefit-risk
approach to blood pressure management relies ratio of this therapy. For example, the cardio-
on a patient-
on a comprehensive risk factor assessment and vascular benefit of intensive treatment is less by-patient basis
shared decision-making with the patient be- clear in diabetic patients, and the risk of ad-
fore setting specific blood pressure targets. verse events may be higher in older patients
with chronic kidney disease.
■■ OUR APPROACH Moving forward, more research is needed
We aim for a blood pressure goal below 130/80 into the effects of intensive and standard
mm Hg for all patients with cardiovascular treatment on patients of all ages, those with
disease, according to the AHA/ACC guide- common comorbid conditions, and those
lines. We aim for that same target in patients with other important factors such as diastolic
without cardiovascular disease but who have hypertension.
an elevated estimated cardiovascular risk (> Finally, the various medical societies
10%) over the next 10 years. should collaborate on hypertension guideline
We recognize, however, that the benefits development. This would require consider-
of aggressive blood pressure reduction may not able planning and coordination but would ul-
be as clear in all patients, such as those with timately be useful in creating a generalizable
diabetes. We also recognize that some patient approach to hypertension management. ■
CL EVEL AN D CL I NI C J O URNAL O F M E DI CI NE    V O L UM E 86  •   NUM BE R 1   J ANUARY   2019   55

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