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Human Resource Management

Questions and Topics: Med Exams:

Chepter#01 (HRM in a Changing Environment)
1. What is Knowledge Worker? (Page#6)
2. How Technology Affects HRM Practices? (Page#6 to 9)

Chepter#02 (Introduction to HR Functions)

1. Definition of Management, Planning, organizing, leading, controlling? (Page#30)
2. Why is HRM important to an organization? (Page#30 to 32)
3. The HRM functions? (Page#32 to 37)
4. How External influences affect HRM? (Page#38 to 40)
5. Structure of HR department? (Page#40 to 45)

Chepter#04 (Employer and employee Rights)

1. The Privacy act? (Page#92 to 93)
2. Discipline and Employee Rights? (Page#105 to 107)
3. Disciplinary Guidelines? (Page#108 to 109)
4. Disciplinary Actions? (Page#109 to 111)

Chepter#05 (Effective Job Analysis)

1. Definition HR Planning? (Page#120)
2. An organizational Framework? (Page#120 to 122)
3. Linking organizational strategy to Human Resource Planning? (Page#122 to 124)
4. Determining the demand of labor? (Page#124 to 125)
5. Predicting the future labor supply? (Page#125 to 126)
6. Where will we find workers? (Page#126)
7. Matching labor demand and supply? (Page#126 to 127)
8. The job analysis process? (Page#128)
9. Job analysis Methods? (Page#128)
10. Structured Job analysis Techniques? (Page#129 to131)
11. Purpose of job analysis? (Page#131 to 132)
12. Job design? (Page#133)
13. Job Enrichment? (Page#133 to134)
14. Flexible Work Schedule? (Page#135)

Chepter#06 (Employee Recruitment)

1. Recruiting Goals? (Page#142)
2. Factors that affect Recruiting Efforts? (Page#142 to 143)
3. Constrains on Recruiting Efforts? (Page#143 to 145)
4. Recruiting Sources? The internal Search? The External Search? (Page#145 to 152 Before online recruiting)

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