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1. Academic: task 1< interpret : a- a graph 1) table

2) bar
3) line
4) double line

b - A process

c- a map


a- They all have the same time intro.

1- I have to paraphrase the question given. ( No personal ideas)
2- The overall: It can be clearly seen that….( No details). It’s about
something really shocking either too high or too low.
b- Paragraph one: 2 facts ( 35- 30),
c- Paragraph two: 2 facts ( rest percentages)
d- Think carefully about what you need to include, you don’t have to describe
every detail of the info choose the most interesting.
e- Support your writing with figures, but you don’t need to give every number
exactly. Use words like over, above , around…
g- We start from the past throughout the future..
h- Use the language of change and the language of comparison when
appropriate. Also use words of sequence when describing a process.
i- WATCH your spelling mistakes.

General: Task 1> a letter 1) formal

2) semi-formal
3) friend

1) Greeting : - formal: Dear Sir / Madame

- semi formal : Dear Mr. Smith ( family name)

Mrs. Johns ( you know married/ widow)

Ms. Smith ( you don’t know her status)

- Friend: Dear Sam , Linda…

2) Body: you have three main parts

a- body one : introduce yourself and state why you are writing ( give

b- body two: you have to mention the problem ( as much as you can give

c- body three: propose a solution.( more than one)

3) closing:

Close with :

- formal: Yours faithfully

- semi-formal: Yours sincerely
- informal: best wishes

Things you CANT use in a letter:

1- we can’t use contractions

2- No use of direct question ( polite)
3- No slang language
4- No idioms / phrasal verbs
Task 2:

Essay: 1- agree – disagree ( you should tell a stand)

2-advantages – disadvantages / benefits – drawbacks ( both views

and your opinion)

3-cause >>> effect / problem >>> solutions ( 2 questions )


1- analyze the question. Think about what you are being asked to do.
2- All the same Intro : paraphrase the given + thesis statement
3- Agree / disagree : paraphrase + thesis ( I strongly agree / disagree for the
following reasons.)
- Body one : reason one >> main idea + 2 supporting details
explaining my idea + one example ( study, research, survey)
ex: to illustrate a good example is a study conducted by
( any university) showed that 60% …..BUT NO personal
examples( my family , my friends …..)

- Body two: reason two ( the same like in body 1), but at the
end of part two or body two I write the Counter Argument
<< On the contrary ……etc

- Conclusion: No new ideas just restatement for the intro.

Ex: ( there isn’t an easy answer to this (…topic..) however,
some people agree while the others disagree….) OR ( This is
a controversial issue, yet…) OR ( No mention at all for the
opposite view in the conclusion).
4- Advantages / disadvantages :

a- Intro + thesis >> the advantages of this issue overweighs the

disadvantages or vice versa ( 30-50)

b- Body one: 1- first point main idea { adv or disadv} + 2 supporting

details+ one example. ( 9-120)
2-second point main idea + 2 supporting details + one example

c- Body 2 : main idea {disadv} + 2 details + one example because they are
less. ( 8- 100 )

d- Conclusion: the same ( 25-35 )

5- Both views / opinion essays

a- Intro: paraphrase + thesis which could be either :
- Here ex: in this essay both views / opinions will be
discussed + your opinion
- Or in the end of the 2nd paragraph say your opinion (
regardless which part represents me )

b- Body one : 1st view point + 2 supporting details + one example .

c- Body two: 2nd point of view + 2 supporting details + one example, and I
can here state my opinion regardless which part represent me.

d- Conclusion : the same

e- Leave enough time to edit and check your writing, grammar, spelling
mistakes during fast writing are likely to happen.
4 sections getting harder gradually..


1) Section one : ( application)

a- Proper nouns, names of cities, streets, postal codes, flight companies..
all should be capitalized .

b- One word and /or a number either options ( 22nd January)

c- The same word you hear in this section you are going to write.
d- Read what you have been asked and underline before listening, it’s
important to know what you have to write. (a number, a job, a place, a
date …) it’s essential here to use your prediction.
e- R in British is a, this how it is pronounced, pay careful attention to this
and practice listening as much as you can. You have to be familiar with
the letters sounds which often cause confusion as you will be asked to
write don words spelled out.
2) Section two:

It’s a monologue about a social situation, a tour, instructions, gym,

shopping directions.. the questions are either:
a- Multiple choice :
- Read the question given very carefully in the time given to
you, then underline keywords. DO NOT read the answers
risking the chance to read all the questions ( don’t risk it).

- Don’t choose an option just because you heard a word from

it. Think about the whole meaning of what is said.
- If you change the first half of the sentence into a question,
this might help you focus on the answer more. This
technique might help with this type of questions.

b- Fill in the blanks:

- It’s easy in this part because you’re going to write the same
words mentioned in the conversation.
- Beware of grammatical structure! The word should fit

c- A map:
- Get familiar with directions and terminology like :
Walk along, look ahead, across from a bend and so on.
- Most likely you’ll be provided with a compass to help you
follow along with them.

- Read the list of places given quickly and run your eyes
thoroughly in the map and familiarize yourself with the
names of roads , parks, stations libraries if there are any.

- Listen carefully to the start point- you need to start at the

correct place in order to get the questions right.

- All this is in a duration of one minute.

3) Section 3:

The listening now is getting more difficult. The listening is an academic

conversation this time:

- Prof to students
- About research- term paper – article and its either:
a- A chart – fill in the blanks ( No More Than 3 Words)
- Most likely you are going to hear the synonym of what you
will write OR you chose a word from a box containing
synonyms of what you hear.

( READ – LISTEN – WRITE ) all at the same time.

- Make sure the answer fit grammatically plus reflects the

meaning of what you hear.
- You may think that you can guess the answer from your
own knowledge, but it’s what the speakers says that
matters and this might be different from what you might
b- OR Multiple choice :
- Read the question given and always underline keywords.
NEVER risk reading the questions in favor of reading the
- If happened and missed one of the answers, don’t confuse
and follow along with the speaker to catch the rest of the
answers. Get back to it later and make a good guess.
- You may find it useful to cross out each option that you
hear being eliminated.
c- OR Matching:
- The numbered items appear in the order in which you hear
them, but the options ( a-f ) for example, do not. Make sure
that you read the option before the recording starts .

4) Section 4:
- A lecture “Academic” Nonstop speech for question 31-40 a
part from a slight stop after blank 35, (like taking a breath)
THIS means MOVE ahead to 36 and below.

- Sometimes you have to change the word to fit

- Most of the blanks are easy, the words are not academic
(difficult ).

- Answers 39 – 40 should end with the speaking. If you

finished earlier and the speaker’s still speaking, then there
is something wrong.

- Again, if you missed a blank, don’t panic and move on to

follow along with him/her, you can get back to it later at
the end of the listening and use other word that can fit, you
might be lucky and be able to make a good guess!

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