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Principles Of Heat And Mass transfer (Summary) Private And Confidential Property


Frank P. Incropera , David P. Dewitt , Theodore L. Bergman , Adrienne S. Lavine

Chapter 11 :- Heat Exchangers

11.1 :- Heat Exchanger Types

Mainly Three Types :-

Parallel Flow :- The hot and cold fluids enter at the same end, flow in the same
direction, and leave at the same end.

Counter Flow :- The fluids enter at opposite ends, flow in opposite directions, and leave at
opposite ends.

Cross Flow :- The fluids may move in cross flow (i.e. perpendicular to each other
Shell-and-tube heat exchanger with one shell pass and one tube pass :-

One shell pass and two tube pass :-

Two shell passes and four tube pass:-

11.2 :- The Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient

For a wall separating two fluid streams, the overall heat transfer coefficient may be expressed

1 1 1 1 1
= = = + Rw +
UA Uc A c Uh A h (hA)c (hA)h

Where c and h stands for cold and hot fluid respectively and R w is conduction resistance
obtained by,
Ts1 − Ts2 L ln( 2⁄r1 )
R t,conduction = qx
= kA
Or R t,conduction = 2πLk

We know that fins are added to surfaces exposed to either or both fluids and that, by increasing
the surface area, they reduce the overall resistance to heat transfer. Accordingly, with inclusion
of surface fouling and fin (extended surface) effects, the overall heat transfer coefficient is
modified as follows :-

1 1 1 R′′f,c R′′f,h
= + + Rw + +
UA (ƞ0 hA)c (ƞ0 hA)h (ƞ0 A)c (ƞ0 A)h

R′′f (Fouling factor) is given in table 11.1 and this factor is a variable during heat exchanger
operation (increasing from zero for a clean surface, as deposits accumulate on the surface).

The quantity ƞ0 is termed the overall surface efficiency or temperature effectiveness of a finned
surface. It is defined such that, for the hot or cold surface without fouling, the heat transfer
rate is

q = ƞ0 Ah (Tb − T∞ )

Where Tb is the base surface temperature and A is total surface area.

ƞ0 = 1 − (1 − ƞf )

Where ƞf is the efficiency of a single fin.

Af = Entire fin surface area

A = Total surface area

ƞf =
Where m=√ 𝑘𝑡 , L is fin length,t is fin thickness,h is convection heat transfer co-efficient and k

is thermal conductivity.

For the unfinned, tubular heat exchangers the equations which mentioned above reduces to,

1 1 1 1 1 R′′f,i R′′f,o ln ( ⁄Di )
= = = + + + +
UA Ui A i Uo A o hi A i ho A o Ai Ao 2πLk

Where subscripts i and o refer to inner and outer tube surfaces (𝐴𝑖 =π𝐷𝑖 L and 𝐴0 =π𝐷𝑜 L),
which may be exposed to either the hot or the cold fluid.

11.3 :- Heat Exchanger Analysis : Use of the Log Mean Temperature Difference

To design the performance of a heat exchanger, it is essential to relate the total

heat transfer rate to quantities such as the inlet and outlet fluid temperatures, the overall
heat transfer coefficient, and the total surface area for heat transfer. Two relations
are obtained by applying overall energy balances to the hot and cold fluids if q is the total
rate of heat transfer between the hot and cold fluids and there is negligible heat transfer
between the exchanger and its surroundings, as well as negligible potential and kinetic
energy changes, application of the steady flow energy equation gives

q = 𝑚ℎ (𝐻ℎ,𝑖 − 𝐻ℎ,𝑜 )
q = mc (Hc,o − Hc,i )
where H is the fluid enthalpy. The subscripts h and c refer to the hot and cold fluids, whereas
the subscripts i and o designate the fluid inlet and outlet conditions. If the fluids are not
undergoing a phase change and constant specific heats are assumed, these expressions reduce

q = 𝑚ℎ 𝐶𝑝,ℎ (𝑇ℎ,𝑖 − 𝑇ℎ,𝑜 )

q = mc 𝐶𝑝,𝑐 (Tc,o − Tc,i )

Since ∆T varies with position in the heat exchanger, it is necessary to work with a rate
equation of the form like

𝑞 = 𝑈𝐴∆𝑇𝑚

Where ∆𝑇𝑚 is mean temperature difference.

11.3.1 The Parallel-Flow Heat Exchanger :-

The temperature difference ∆𝑇 is initially large but decays with increasing x.It is
important to note that, for such an exchanger, the outlet temperature of the cold fluid
never exceeds that of the hot fluid. This convention is used for all types of heat
exchangers considered. For parallel flow, it follows that Th,i =Th,1 , Th,o = Th,2 , Tc,i = Tc,1
and Tc,o = Tc,2
The energy balances and the subsequent analysis are subject
to the following assumptions.

1. The heat exchanger is insulated from its surroundings, in which case the only heat
exchange is between the hot and cold fluids.
2. Axial conduction along the tubes is negligible.
3. Potential and kinetic energy changes are negligible.
4. The fluid specific heats are constant.
5. The overall heat transfer coefficient is constant.

Where the subscripts 1 and 2 designate opposite ends of the heat exchanger.

𝑞 = 𝑈𝐴 ∆𝑇𝑙𝑚

∆𝑇2 − ∆𝑇1 ∆𝑇1 − ∆𝑇2

Where ∆𝑇𝑙𝑚 = ∆𝑇2 = ∆𝑇1
𝑙𝑛( ⁄∆𝑇 ) 𝑙𝑛( ⁄∆𝑇 )
1 2

Remember that, for the parallel-flow exchanger,

∆T1 ≡ Th,1 − Tc,1 = Th,i − Tc,i

∆T2 ≡ Th,2 − Tc,2 = Th,o − Tc,o

11.3.2 The Counterflow Heat Exchanger :-

In this case the change in the temperature difference, ∆𝑇 = 𝑇ℎ − 𝑇𝑐 with respect to x
is nowhere as large as it is for the inlet region of the parallel-flow exchanger. Note that
the outlet temperature of the cold fluid may now exceed the outlet temperature of the
hot fluid.
∆T1 ≡ Th,1 − Tc,1 = Th,i − Tc,o
∆T2 ≡ Th,2 − Tc,2 = Th,o − Tc,i

Note that, for the same inlet and outlet temperatures, the log mean temperature difference
for counterflow exceeds that for parallel flow , ∆𝑇𝑙𝑚,𝐶𝐹 > ∆𝑇𝑙𝑚,𝑃𝐹 Hence the surface area
required to effect a prescribed heat transfer rate q is smaller for the counterflow than for the
parallel-flow arrangement, assuming the same value of U. Also note that 𝑇𝑐,𝑜 can exceed 𝑇ℎ,𝑜
for counterflow but not for parallel flow.

11.3.3 Special Operating Conditions :-

Figure (a) shows temperature distributions for a heat exchanger in which the hot fluid
has a heat capacity rate 𝐶ℎ ≡ 𝑚ℎ 𝐶𝑝,ℎ , which is much larger than that of the cold
fluid, 𝐶𝑐 ≡ 𝑚𝑐 𝐶𝑝,𝑐 For this case the temperature of the hot fluid remains approximately
constant throughout the heat exchanger, while the temperature of the cold fluid
increases. The same condition is achieved if the hot fluid is a condensing vapor.
Conversely, in an evaporator or a boiler (Figure (b)), it is the cold fluid that experiences
a change in phase and remains at a nearly uniform temperature. Conditions illustrated
in Figure 1 or 2 also characterize an internal tube flow (or single stream heat exchanger)
exchanging heat with a surface at constant temperature or an external fluid at constant
temperature. The third special case (Figure (c)) involves a counterflow heat exchanger
for which the heat capacity rates are equal (Ch = Cc ). The temperature difference T
must then be constant throughout the exchanger, in which case ∆T1 = ∆T2 = ∆Tlm .

11.4 Heat Exchanger Analysis: The Effectiveness–NTU Method :-

It is a simple matter to use the log mean temperature difference (LMTD) method of heat
exchanger analysis when the fluid inlet temperatures are known and the outlet
temperatures are specified or readily determined.. It is therefore preferable to employ an
alternative approach termed the effectiveness–NTU (or NTU) method. To define the
effectiveness of a heat exchanger, we must first determine the maximum possible heat
transfer rate (qmax ) for the exchanger.
If Cc < Ch and the cold fluid would then experience the larger temperature change,
qmax = 𝐶𝑐 (𝑇ℎ,𝑖 − 𝑇𝑐,𝑖 )
If Ch < Cc and the hot fluid would then experience the larger temperature change,
qmax = 𝐶ℎ (𝑇ℎ,𝑖 − 𝑇𝑐,𝑖 )
We can write the general expression like,
qmax = 𝐶𝑚𝑖𝑛 (𝑇ℎ,𝑖 − 𝑇𝑐,𝑖 )
Where Cmin is equal to Cc or Ch , whichever is smaller.
It is now logical to define the effectiveness ε as the ratio of the actual heat transfer rate
for a heat exchanger to the maximum possible heat transfer rate,
Ch (Th,i − Th,o ) Cc (Tc,o − Tc,i )
ε= Or ε =
Cmin (Th,i − Tc,i ) Cmin (Th,i − Tc,i )
By definition the effectiveness, which is dimensionless, must be in the range 0 ≤ ε ≤ 1. It
is useful because, if ε, Th,i and Tc,i are known, the actual heat transfer rate may readily be
determined from the expression,
q = εCmin (Th,i − Tc,i )
ε = f (NTU, )
Where C min is equal to 𝐶𝑐 or 𝐶ℎ , depending on the relative magnitudes of the hot and cold
max ℎ 𝑐

fluid heat capacity rates. The number of transfer units (NTU) is a dimensionless parameter
that is widely used for heat exchanger analysis and is defined as
To determine a specific form of the effectiveness–NTU relation and ε = f (NTU, C min )

consider a parallel-flow heat exchanger for which 𝐶𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 𝐶ℎ

1 − 𝑒𝑥𝑝 {−𝑁𝑇𝑈 [1 + ( 𝑚𝑖𝑛⁄𝐶 )]}
1+ ⁄𝐶

Where we can write ⁄𝐶 = 𝐶𝑟 = 𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑡 𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜

Since precisely the same result may be obtained for 𝐶𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 𝐶𝑐

NTU = f (ε , )
11.5 Heat Exchanger Design and Performance Calculations :-
In the heat exchanger design problem, the fluid inlet temperatures and flow rates, as
well as a desired hot or cold fluid outlet temperature, are prescribed. The design
problem is then one of specifying a specific heat exchanger type and determining its
size—that is, the heat transfer surface area A—required to achieve the desired outlet
temperature. The design problem is commonly encountered when a heat exchanger is to
be custom-built for a specific application. Alternatively, in a heat exchanger performance
calculation, an existing heat exchanger is analysed to determine the heat transfer rate
and the fluid outlet temperatures for prescribed flow rates and inlet temperatures. For
heat exchanger design problems, the NTU method may be used by first calculating
𝜀 and . The appropriate equation (or chart) may then be used to obtain the NTU

value, which in turn may be used to determine area (A). For a performance calculation,
the NTU and Cmax
values may be computed and 𝜀 may then be determined from the

appropriate equation (or chart) for a particular exchanger type.

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