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Rubí Moronta

Krista Bain

Written Defense

May 27, 2019


“Creativity doesn’t wait for that perfect moment. It fashions it’s own perfect moments out

of ordinary ones.” --Bruce Garrabrandt. Throughout the years I’ve seen myself grow using

my creativity. My creativity has developed slowly through time. I use it on a daily basis, but

only when it's necessary. My creativity is like a binder, I like to organize and imagine how

everything is going to look.

I chose this trait because I’m capable of showing that I have this certain trait. Creativity is

an expression, I like to express myself through my creativity. I’ve used creativity in my

middle school time by showing my ideas in a certain topic. Why do I use creativity on a daily

basis? I use creativity on a normal basis, because I can express myself and show other people

my ideas that come to mind.

My main strengths are resourcefulness, communication, and innovation. They might not

sound as the best defensive characteristics to defend this, but if you actually think about it

these characteristics can be used to defend. Resourcefulness, I thrive for responsibility and

use my talent in creativity. I have this creative way to include people into a group to make

them feel better. Communication, I attend events where I have this curiosity in a certain

topic/culture, and make a conversation about it. Innovation, I openly share my ideas and

request ideas from others to have a creative thinking. To make any decisions I like to

organize and make a list to see if everything fits.

My top weaknesses are balance, impractical, and difficult to get to know. When it comes

to explaining my weaknesses it’s really hard to do so, because I don’t really focus on them
that much. When it comes to my balance I don’t really rest until everything is in order. I seek

the people that need my help, and try my best to make them feel better. This doesn’t happen

that often, but when it comes to impractical I tend to not be hungry, stop eating for a while

and end up with anxiety. This is a problem because it is bad for my health and it can also

affect the people around me. I can be difficult to get to know and I can keep in really

important things that I should share with other people and I could get hurt and feel guilty.

In conclusion, I will continue on showing this trait on how I act around my friends and in

the work I do. With creativity I will keep on telling people that they are welcome and make

them feel wanted. With my weaknesses, I will talk to my mentor about these certain topics

and try to use creativity/curiosity in the topics that we talk about. Creatively I will encourage

my friends to do the best and be the change in other’s people’s life.

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