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1.list of alvs you used?

2. work of slis_alv_grid_display?

3. hirarchial alv? concept of hirarchial alv? how it works.

4. how to acheive interactive alv. all about interactive alv? how to write the code if
we want to interact with a field or a tcode? for a particular field in alv output how
to acheive interactive.

5. how to decide which alv you want to use?

6. have you created any custom table?

7. all about data element and domain.

8. what is rfc function module?

9. what is normal function module?

10. difference between normal function module and rfc function module?

11. difference between bapi and rfc function module?

12. how bapi works?

13. how to interact between sap to sap and sap to non sap?

14. what is user exit?

15. wat is customer exit?

16. difference between user exit customer exit and badi?

17. what is badi?

18. how to add fields in standard table using enhancement?

19.scenario of user exit custom exit and badi?

20. how to find suitable user exit custom exit and badi according to requirement?

21. how to know that a particular badi is suitable for your requirement?

22. why you did a custom smartform sales order and purchase order?

23.after a devlopment what are the steps you follow?

24. how to review devloped code?

25. process of devlopment from starting?

26. have you worked on sap script?

27. call transaction and session method?

28. difference between call transaction and session method?

29. synchronous update and asynchronous update?

30. lsmw.

31. performance analysis.

32. in which module you have worked on?

33. work of parameter id?

34. how to call a function module?

35. how to call a bapi?

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