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Factors associated with pilot error in aviation crashes

Article  in  Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine · February 2001

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4 authors, including:

Guohua Li George W Rebok

Columbia University Johns Hopkins University


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Factors Associated with Pilot Error in
Aviation Crashes

LI G, BAKERSP, GRABOWSKIJG, REBOKGW. Factors associated has made it difficult, if not impossible, to develop ef-
w i t h p i l o t error in aviation crashes. Aviat Space Environ Med 2001; fective interventions.
Background: The importance of pilot error in aviation crashes has In this study, we examined the prevalence and cor-
long been recognized. However, understanding and preventing pilot relates of pilot error in a large sample of aviation
error remains the foremost challenge in aviation safety. Objective: This crashes, using multiple data files compiled by the Na-
study aims to identify pilot characteristics and crash circumstances that tional Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) over an ex-
are associated with the presence of pilot error in a large sample of tended period. The results indicate that the likelihood
aviation crashes. Methods: Different data files compiled by the National
Transportation Safety Board for 329 major airline crashes, 1,627 com-
of pilot error in a given crash is a function of both
muter/air taxi crashes, and 27,935 general aviation crashes for the years endogenous and exogenous factors. In contrast to the
1983-96 were merged; and the presence of pilot error was analyzed in widely accepted notion that pilot error is entirely an
relation to variables indicating the characteristics of the pilot-in-com- intrinsic phenomenon of human behavior, this study
mand, crash circumstance, and aircraft. Multivariate logistic regression reveals that extrinsic attributes, such as weather condi-
modeling was performed to assess the associations of individual vari-
ables with the likelihood of pilot error given a crash. Results: Pilot error
tion, are important determinants of pilot error as well.
was a probable cause in 38% of the major airline crashes, 74% of the
commuter/air taxi crashes, and 85% of the general aviation crashes. METHODS
Among the factors examined, instrument meteorological condition and
on-airport location were each associated with a significantly increased The NTSB reports all civilian aviation crashes using a
odds of pilot error. The likelihood of pilot error decreased as pilot
certificate rating increased in commuter/air taxi and general aviation set of standard forms. A crash ("accident" in NTSB
crashes. Neither pilot age nor gender was independently associated with terminology) is defined as an event associated with
the odds of pilot error. With adjustment for pilot characteristics and operation of an aircraft that results in personal death or
crash circumstances, flight experience as measured in total flight time serious injury, or substantial aircraft damage. The Fac-
showed a significant protective effect on pilot error in general aviation tual Report (NTSB Form 6120.4) is the main data form
crashes. Conclusions: The prevalence and correlates of pilot error in
aviation crashes vary with the type of flight operations. Adverse weather for recording information collected from field investi-
is consistently associated with a significantly elevated likelihood of pilot gations. There are over 200 data items in the Factual
error, possibly due to increased performance demand. Report, providing detailed information about the crash
Keywords: aviation safety, human factors, pilot error. circumstances, aircraft, and pilot-in-command. Also in-
cluded in the Factual Report is a narrative statement of
the facts, conditions and other findings pertinent to the
HE IMPORTANCE OF H U M A N factors, particu- crash.
T larly pilot error, in aviation crashes has long been
recognized (9). Overall, about 80% of aviation crashes
Based on information in the Factual Report, the se-
quence-of-events of each crash is delineated by NTSB
and 50% of aviation incidents are attributed to pilot investigators according to established protocols. For
error (5,11). As aviation hardware becomes more reli-
able due to advanced technology, the relative impor-
From the Department of Emergency Medicine (S. P. Baker, J. G.
tance of human factors in aviation safety is likely to Grabowski, G. Li), Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine,
further increase (15). Baltimore, M.D.; and Departments of Health Policy and Management
Empirical research on pilot error has been limited (S.P. Baker, G. Li), and Mental Hygiene (G.W. Rebok), Johns Hopkins
primarily to describing the detailed operational and University School of Hygiene and Public Health, Baltimore, M.D.
This manuscript was received for review in November 1999. It was
behavioral acts that contribute to aviation mishaps and revised in September 2000. It was accepted for publication in Septem-
to classifying those deviant acts according to various ber 2000.
taxonomies (15). Although these studies have helped to Address reprint requests to: Guohua Li, M.D., Dr.P.H., who is an
delineate the profiles and patterns of pilot error, they associate professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, Johns Hop-
kins University School of Medicine, 1830 East Monument Street, Suite
are descriptive in essence and provide little information 6-100, Baltimore, M.D. 21205;
about the etiology of pilot error. The lack of epidemio- Reprint & Copyright 9 by Aerospace Medical Association, Alexan-
logic data on etiological factors underlying pilot error dria, VA.

52 Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine ~ Vol. 72, No. 1 ~ January 2001

each crash, up to five major events of relative signifi-

cance that led to the crash are recorded in chronological 90

order. For each identified event in the crash sequence, 80

causes and factors related to the aircraft, environment
and human are documented using standard coding
schedules (17). A cause is a condition that played an 6O

essential role in the causation of the crash (i.e., without

its presence, there would have been no crash); and a
factor is a condition that aggravated the development of
the crash sequence (i.e., it made the crash more likely or
more severe). Coded data on the sequence of events are 2O
General Aviation
stored in a separate file in the NTSB data system. In this --c-
-~- Comrnuter/AirTaxi
study, pilot error is operationally defined as any pilot --o- Major Aidines

performance that was identified by NTSB investigators 0

1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 7988 1989 19g0 ~991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996
as the probable cause of one or more events in the crash Year of Crash
sequence. Fig. 1. Prevalence rates of pilot error in aviation crashes by aviation
This study included all crashes of airplanes and he- category, United States, 1983-1996.
licopters that occurred during 1983-96 under regula-
tions 14 CFR 91 (general aviation), 14 CFR 121 (major The logit transformation can make the logistic regres-
airlines) or 14 CFR 135 (commuter/air taxi). Incidents sion model a linear regression model (10):
that resulted in only minor damage to the aircraft or
F ,'n'(x) 3
minor injury to an occupant were excluded from this g(x) = lnLl_~Z~J = /3o+/33xl + ... + /3pxp
study. Data files for the Factual Report and for the
sequence of events were merged by matching the The logit g(x) is linear in its parameters, and may range
unique NTSB crash identification numbers. Sequence- from -m to +% depending on the range of x. The pa-
of-events data were available for 94% of all the crashes rameters, /30, /31..... /3p are estimated using maximum
recorded by the NTSB. likelihood and interpreted as the log odds ratios.
Analysis was focused on examining the associations
between pilot error and pilot characteristics (age, gen- RESULTS
der, total flight time, and certificate rating) and crash
During the 14-yr study period, the NTSB recorded a
circumstances (time and location of crash, basic weather
total of 371 major airline crashes, 1,735 commuter/air
condition at crash, type of aircraft, and crash severity
taxi crashes, and 29,798 general aviation crashes. Se-
index). Since this study included three major categories
quence-of-events data linkage were available for 329
of civil aviation that are operated under different reg-
(89%) of the major airline crashes, 1,627 (94%) of the
ulations and environments, and that involve different
commuter/air taxi crashes, and 27,935 (94%) of the
populations and aircraft, data were analyzed and pre-
general aviation crashes. Crashes without the sequence-
sented separately for major airline crashes, commuter/ of-events data were significantly more likely than
air taxi crashes, and general aviation crashes. Total
crashes with the sequence-of-events data to have oc-
flight time was categorized based on the quartiles for
curred away from airports and to have involved less
each of the three aviation groups, with quartile 1 rep-
experienced pilots. However, these two groups of
resenting the lowest total flight time group and quartile crashes were similar in the compositions of pilot age
4 the highest total flight time group. Pilot certificate and gender, time of crash, type of aircraft, and basic
rating was determined based on the highest category of
weather conditions.
license held b y the pilot-in-command. Statistical analy-
ses were conducted using the Statistical Analysis Soft- Prevalence o f Pilot Error
ware (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC) at both bivariate
and multivariate levels. The logistic regression model Analysis of pilot error was limited to the 29,891
(10) was used in the multivariate analysis, with the crashes for which the sequence-of-events data were
binary outcome variable being whether pilot error was available. Overall, pilot error was listed as a probable
present in the crash. The goodness of fit was assessed cause for 38% of the 329 major airline crashes, 74% of
based on the Hosmer-Lemeshow statistic (10). the 1,627 commuter/air taxi crashes, and 85% of the
The logistic regression model is a standard statistical 27,935 general aviation crashes. The prevalence of pilot
method for describing the relationship between a bi- error was fairly stable over the 14-yr study period,
nary outcome variable and a set of independent vari- particularly in commuter/air taxi crashes and general
ables. The specific form of the logistic regression model aviation crashes (Fig. 1). Pilot error in major airline
is as follows (10): crashes that occurred during 1990-1996 appeared to be
e~0+~,• . +~pxp less prevalent than in those occurring during 1983-1989
It(x) = 1 + e ~~ "' +~p• (34% vs. 43%, p -- 0.09) (Table I).

Correlates of Pilot Error

where ~r(x) is the conditional mean of the outcome
variable given x l , . . . , Xpwhen the logistic distribution is At the bivariate level, several pilot characteristics
applied. were significantly associated with pilot error in general

Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine ~ Vol. 72, No. 1 ~ January 2001 53


Major Airlines Commuter/Air Taxi General Aviation

Crashes Crashes Crashes
involving involving pilot involving pilot
Total pilot error Total error Total error
crashes* No. % crashes* No. % crashes* No. %
Pilot Gender
Male 328 126 38.4 1,580 1,161 73.5 2G874 22,900 85.2
Female 1 0 0 47 40 85.1 1061 945 89.1
X2 = 3.2, X2 = 12.1,
p = 0.07 p < 0.001
Total Flight Time Quartile
1 88 40 45.5 427 323 75.6 7,783 7,119 91.5
2 75 21 28.0 402 295 73.4 6,756 5,873 86.9
3 87 34 39.1 402 301 74.9 G719 5,560 82.8
4 79 31 39.2 396 282 71.2 6,677 5,293 79.3
X2 = 5.3, X2 = 2.4, X2 = 480.3,
p = 0.15 p = 0.49 p < 0.001
Type of Certificate
Student/Private 555 425 76.6 16,846 14,900 88.4
Commercial 1,072 776 72.4 5,143 4,195 81.6
Airline Transport 329 126 38.3 329 126 38.3 5,946 4,750 79.9
;r = 3.3, X2 = 330.3,
p = 0.07 p < 0.001
Year of Crash
1983-1989 158 68 43.0 966 717 74.2 15,804 13,738 86.9
1990-1996 171 58 33.9 661 484 73.2 12,131 10,107 83.3
)(2 = 2.9, X2 = 0.2, )(2 = 71.6,
p = 0.09 p = 0.65 p < 0.001
Time of Crash
6:00 AM-5:59 PM 196 73 37.2 1,093 807 73.8 21,849 18,524 84.8
6:00 PM-5:59 AM 133 53 39.8 534 394 73.8 6,086 5,321 87.4
)(2 = 0.2, 3(2 = 0.0, X2 = 26.7,
p = 0.63 p = 0.98 p < 0.001
Location of Crash
Off Airport 128 36 28.1 928 702 75.6 14,703 12,112 82.4
On Airport 198 89 44.9 672 478 71.1 12,955 11,496 88.7
x ~ = 9.3, X2 = 4.1, )r 222.9,
p < 0.01 p = 0.04 p < 0.001
Visual Meteorological 256 84 32.8 1,257 870 69.2 25,336 21,360 84.3
Meteorological 66 39 59.1 340 302 88.8 2,339 2,240 95.8
X2 = 15.3, X2 = 52.7, )2 = 224.0,
p < 0.001 p < 0.001 p < 0.001
Type of Aircraft
Plane 329 126 38.3 1,340 1,012 75.5 26,211 22,491 85.8
Helicopter 287 189 65.9 1,724 1,354 78.5
X2 = 68.4, X2 = 11.4,
p < 0.001 p < 0.001
Crash Severity Index
Non-fatal 284 102 35.9 1,224 860 70.3 22,339 18,625 83.4
Fatal 45 24 53.3 403 341 84.6 5,596 5,220 93.3
= 5.0, X2 = 32.3, X2 = 351.4,
p = 0.03 p < 0.001 p < 0.001

* Totals may vary within groups due to missing data.

aviation crashes and commuter/air taxi crashes (Table in the lowest quartile to 79% in the highest quartile
I). O f t h e g e n e r a l a v i a t i o n c r a s h e s i n v o l v i n g p i l o t s u n - ( p < 0.001) ( T a b l e I). A f u r t h e r e x a m i n a t i o n re-
d e r a g e 20, 9 4 % w e r e a t t r i b u t e d t o p i l o t e r r o r , c o m p a r e d vealed that the protective effect of total flight time
with about 85% of general aviation crashes involving against pilot error existed only in general aviation
o l d e r p i l o t s (p < 0.001) ( F i g . 2). A g e - r e l a t e d v a r i a t i o n i n crashes under visual meteorological conditions (VMC)
t h e p r e v a l e n c e r a t e s o f p i l o t e r r o r w a s s t a t i s t i c a l l y in- (Fig. 3).
significant for major airline crashes and commuter/air General aviation crashes involving student/private
taxi crashes. pilots were more likely to be attributed to pilot error
Total flight time showed an effect on pilot error than other g e n e r a l a v i a t i o n c r a s h e s ( T a b l e I). A l o w e r
only in general aviation crashes, with the prevalence prevalence of pilot error was also observed in commut-
rate decreasing progressively from 91% for pilots er/air taxi crashes involving pilots who held airline

54 Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine ~ Vol. 72, No. 1 ~ January 2001
level. Since the correlates of pilot error identified in the
90 bivariate analysis varied with the type of aviation, a
8o logistic regression model was fitted separately for major
airline crashes, commuter/air taxi crashes, and general
aviation crashes (Table II). With adjustment for pilot
characteristics and other covariates, crashes under IMC
were significantly more likely to involve pilot error than
crashes under VMC, with an estimated odds ratio of 3.9
3o for major airline crashes, 2.9 for commuter/air taxi
20 crashes, and 3.8 for general aviation crashes. Other risk
-o- General Aviation

Co~/AJr Taxi factors of pilot error identified from the multivariate
-o- Major Aidines logistic models included on-airport location for major
<20 20-29 30~3e 4O-49 5O-59 >6O airline crashes and general aviation crashes, and being
Pilot Age (years) fatal for commuter/air taxi crashes and general aviation
Fig. 2. Prevalence rates of pilot error in aviation crashes by pilot age crashes (Table II).
and aviation category,UnitedStates, 1983-1996. The effects of pilot characteristics on the likelihood of
pilot error was primarily limited to general aviation
transport certificates, as compared with commuter/air crashes (Table II). The odds of pilot error in general
taxi crashes involving commercial pilots. aviation crashes decreased as pilots' total flight time
Female pilots accounted for 0.3% of major airline and certificate rating increased. The interaction effect of
crashes, 3% of commuter/air taxi crashes, and 4% of total flight time and basic weather condition on pilot
general aviation crashes. Partly reflecting the effect of error was assessed during the modeling and was not
lesser flight experience, a higher proportion of general included in the final model because of statistical insig-
aviation crashes and commuter/air taxi crashes involv- nificance. With regard to pilot age, a significantly ele-
ing female pilots were caused by pilot error than those vated odds ratio existed only among pilots younger
involving rnale pilots (Table I). Female pilots who were than 20 yr in general aviation crashes. There was not an
involved in general aviation crashes recorded an aver- independent gender effect on pilot error. Among vari-
age 888 total flight hours (SD 2,845 h), compared with ables indicating pilot characteristics in commuter/air
2,411 h (SD 4,426 h) for their male counterparts (p < taxi crashes, certificate rating was the only one that
0.001). A striking gender discrepancy in total flight time showed a significant effect on pilot error, with an esti-
also existed among pilots who were involved in com- mated odds ratio of 0.7 for airline transport pilots rela-
muter/air taxi crashes [mean total flight time: 5,795 h tive to commercial pilots (Table II). In the multivariate
(SD 4,891 h) for males and 3,257 h (SD 2,269) for fe- logistic regression model for major airline crashes, there
males, p < 0.001]. were only two pilot characteristics (age and total flight
With regard to crash circumstances, instrument me- time) feasible for analysis. Whereas the odds of pilot
teorological conditions (IMC) were associated with a error in major airline crashes appeared to be greater for
significantly higher prevalence of pilot error, irrespec- pilots in the lowest total flight time quartile, there was
tive of the type of flight operations (Table I). An ele- not a significant age effect (Table II). Goodness-of-fit
vated prevalence of pilot error was found in major
tests based on the Hosmer-Lemshow statistic indicated
airline crashes and general aviation crashes occurring
on airports, as compared with crashes away from air- that the estimated logistic models presented in Table II
ports (Table I). Whereas the proportion (40%) of major fit the data well.
airline crashes that occurred at nighttime (6 p m to 5:59
a.m.) was considerably higher than that for c o m m u t e r /
air taxi crashes (33%) and for general aviation crashes
(22%), the prevalence of pilot error was similar between
daytime and nighttime crashes in each of the three
aviation categories (Table I).
Helicopters constituted 18% of commuter/air taxi
crashes and 6% of general aviation crashes; and pilot
error was less prevalent in helicopter crashes than in
airplane crashes. More than half (53%) of the fatal major
airline crashes were attributed to pilot error, compared
with 36% of the nonfatal major airline crashes (p =
0.03). The prevalence of pilot error was also signifi- --o- IMC
cantly higher in fatal commuter/air taxi crashes and
fatal general aviation crashes (Table I).
1 2 3 4

Total Flight Time Quartile

Logistic Regression M o d e l i n g
Fig. 3. Prevalence rates of pilot error in general aviation crashes by
The associations between individual variables and pilot total flighttime and basic weathercondition, UnitedStates, 1983-
pilot error were further assessed at the multivariate 1996.
Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine ~ Vol. 72, No. 1 9 January 2001 55

Major Airlines Commuter/Air Taxi General Aviation

OR 95% CI OR 95% CI OR 95% CI
Pilot Age (yr)
<20 1.63 1.06-2.49~
20-29 0.77 0.53-1.12 1.09 0.97-1.23
30-39 1.38 0.68-2.78 1.03 0.75-1.43 1.04 0.95-1.15
40-49* 1.00 1.00 1.00
50-59 1.23 0.68-2.24 1.18 0.77-1.83 1.02 0.92-1.13
-> 6O 1.91 0.83-4.35 1.13 1.01-1.28~
Pilot Gender
Male* 1.00 1.00
Female 2.19 0.95-5.07 1.12 0.92-1.38
Total Flight Time Quartile
1" 1.00 1.00 1.00
2 0.39 0.19-0.80+ 0.98 0.70-1.38 0.66 0.59-0.73t
3 0.68 0.34-1.37 1.02 0.71-1.46 0.50 0.45-0.57t
4 0.82 0.37-1.80 0.79 0.53-1.18 0.43 0.37-0.49*
Type of Certificate
Student/private 1.18 1.07-1.31*
Commercial* 1.00 1.00
Airline Transport 0.71 0.55-0.92~ 0.92 0.83-1.01
Year of Crash
1983-1989" 1.00 1.00 1.00
1990-1996 0.66 0.40-1.08 0.85 0.67-1.07 0.77 0.72--0.83*
Location of Crash
Off Airport* 1.00 1.00 1.00
On Airport 3.09 1.79-5.31+ 0.92 0.71-1.19 2.14 1.99-2.30+
Visual Meteorological* 1.00 1.00 1.00
Instrument Meteorological " 3.89 2.09-7.26* 2.88 1.99-4.16t 3.80 3.07-4.70*
Type of Aircraft
Plane* 1.00 1.00
Helicopter 0.56 0.41-0.78t 0.97 0.82-1.11
Crash Severity Index
Non-fatal* 1.00 1.00 1.00
Fatal 1.67 0.82-3.39 1.79 1.29-2.48* 3.13 2.79-3.52+

* Reference group.
+Significant at p < 0.01 level.
Significant at p < 0.05 level.

DISCUSSION 1990-96 a d d s m o r e evidence for the g e n u i n e n e s s of the

e n c o u r a g i n g t e m p o r a l trend. Responsible for the de-
Aviation safety for U.S. m a j o r airlines has i m p r o v e d
c o n t i n u o u s l y in the p a s t four decades; the fatal crash cline of pilot error in major airline crashes could be use
rate decreased f r o m a b o u t 1.0 per 100,000 flight h o u r s in of a d v a n c e d technologies (e.g., the g r o u n d p r o x i m i t y
1958 to 0.02 p e r 100,000 flight h o u r s in 1996 (16). Similar w a r n i n g systems) a n d i m p l e m e n t a t i o n of intervention
success does not s e e m to h a v e b e e n achieved in other p r o g r a m s (e.g., cockpit resource m a n a g e m e n t ) . Artifi-
aviation operations; statistics for the p a s t decade indi- cial factors, such as possible changes in r e p o r t i n g crite-
cate that fatal crash rates for c o m m u t e r s , air taxis, a n d ria a n d investigation protocols o v e r t i m e a n d differ-
general aviation r e m a i n e d steady (16). The continuing ences in s t u d y p o p u l a t i o n s across studies, m a y also
d o m i n a n t role of pilot error in general aviation crashes h a v e contributed to a certain extent to the o b s e r v e d
is remarkable. In a s t u d y p u b l i s h e d in 1942 involving decline in pilot error in major airline crashes. G i v e n that
300 general aviation crashes, H e r b o l s h e i m e r (9) re- crash risk for m a j o r airlines is c o n t i n u i n g a d o w n w a r d
p o r t e d that pilot error w a s a cause in 85% of the crashes, trend, the decrease in the p r e v a l e n c e of pilot error in
w h i c h is exactly the s a m e as f o u n d in the p r e s e n t study. crashes of m a j o r airlines o v e r the p a s t four decades, if
W h e r e a s the l o n g - t e r m historical trend of pilot error c o n f i r m e d b y further research, s h o u l d be a reason for
in c o m m u t e r / a i r taxi crashes is less clear d u e to the lack o p t i m i s m , a n d the causes u n d e r l y i n g the t e m p o r a l
of data, the p r e v a l e n c e rate (38%) of pilot error in major trend m e r i t rigorous investigation.
airline crashes r e p o r t e d in this s t u d y a p p e a r s to be Pilot error has b e e n studied p r e d o m i n a n t l y b a s e d o n
l o w e r t h a n that (45 to 67%) f o u n d in the 1960's a n d the i n f o r m a t i o n processing m o d e l of h u m a n perfor-
1970's b a s e d on international s a m p l e s (15,21). This dis- m a n c e f r o m a psychological perspective. According to
c r e p a n c y could be multi-faceted, p r o b a b l y reflecting the this model, piloting is a d y n a m i c task involving three
effects of b o t h genuine a n d artificial factors. The finding basic elements: i n f o r m a t i o n gathering, decision m a k i n g ,
that the prevalence rate of pilot error in m a j o r airline a n d action. U n d e r this theoretical f r a m e w o r k , research
crashes decreased b y 21% b e t w e e n 1983-89 a n d is often c o n d u c t e d using flight simulators in controlled

56 Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine ~ Vol. 72, No. 1 ~ January 2001
conditions aimed at localizing cognitive performance in crashes is, in fact, plausible and supported by several
information processing resources, such as memory ca- other studies (3,12,20). Characterizing the relation be-
pacity, and attentional and reasoning abilities (18). tween flight experience and safety performance is a
Studies from this approach are imperative for under- nonlinear function: the safety benefit of flight experi-
standing the mechanisms of pilot error and for assess- ence is greater in the early, experience-building stage,
ing the effects of physiological and behavioral factors and diminishes as total flight time increases (12). Over-
(e.g., aging and alcohol use) on pilot performance all, general aviation pilots are far less experienced than
(13,14). Limitations of this approach are that it over- those flying commercial operations. The finding that the
emphasizes the importance of intrinsic factors in pilot beneficial effect of total flight time on pilot error is
error and that its findings are not necessarily valid limited only to general aviation can thus be explained
when extrapolated to the real-world flight environment b y the relative inadequacy of experience in general
(4). aviation pilots. It does not imply that flight experience
Results of this study indicate that among factors re- is unimportant to commercial pilots. Rather, it reflects
lated to the pilot, aircraft and crash circumstance, in- the nonlinear nature of the experience-performance re-
strument meteorological condition is most predictive of lation and the fact that all commercial pilots have al-
pilot error. This finding holds true for all three catego- ready accumulated a large number of flight hours. That
ries of aviation included in the study, and appears to be the protective effect of advanced certificate rating
consistent with previous reports (2,6,21). Based on an against pilot error remains significant in commuter/air
examination of 400 fatal crashes of "public transport taxi crashes illustrates the persistence, albeit diminish-
aircraft," Shuckburgh (21) found that 30% of human ing, of the benefit of flight experience. It is worth noting
errors identified are incorrect operations in instrument that neither pilot age nor gender is independently as-
meteorological conditions. In a survey of German Air sociated with pilot error in major airline crashes or
Force pilots, Gerbert and Kemmler (6) found that the commuter/air taxi crashes. The only significant age
most frequently reported extrinsic factors associated effect found in this study is a higher risk of pilot error
with pilot error is restricted visibility due to poor among pilots under age 20 who were involved in gen-
weather conditions. Baker and colleagues (2) compared eral aviation crashes.
a group of pilots who had multiple crash records with While the findings of this study are strengthened by
a group of pilots who each had only one crash record the large sample size, the inclusion of three major cat-
during the same period, and concluded that exposure to egories of aviation, and the multivariate statistical tech-
hazardous environmental conditions, such as adverse nique, there is a limitation with the research design that
weather and unpaved runways, is a major determinant warrants special attention. The analysis of pilot error
of crash frequency. was conditional to the occurrence of a crash. The factors
In addition to basic weather condition, crash location associated with pilot error identified in this study are
also is associated with the likelihood of pilot error. correlates in essence, and thus do not necessarily rep-
Crashes occurring at an airport are significantly more resent risk factors. Aviation crashes are rare events.
likely than crashes away from an airport to involve Presumably, the overwhelming majority of pilot errors
pilot error. The findings with weather and crash loca- and encounters with adverse weather and other haz-
tion can easily be explained by the stress model, pro- ardous conditions do not result in an incident or a crash
posed by Selye (19) and refined by Hannkonson (8), and thus are unreported. Unless surveillance data on
Green (7), and Alkov et al. (1). According to the stress pilot error and exposures to hazardous conditions, re-
model, reaction to stressors is a process of adaptation, gardless of the flight outcome, become available, risk
which occurs in three stages: the alarm reaction, the factors of pilot error cannot be adequately assessed.
resistance, and the exhaustion. Flight safety is the bal- Nevertheless, this study provides valuable data for
ance between performance ability and performance de- understanding the etiology of pilot error and for for-
mand. Green (7) outlined three types of stressors that mulating prevention strategies. It provides evidence
that pilot error is not merely a function of human na-
pilots confront, environmental, acute reactive, and life
ture. Rather, it is determined by both endogenous and
events. These stressors affect flight safety b y either in-
exogenous variables in ways that are understandable
creasing performance demand or reducing pilot perfor-
and predictable. Environmental stressors that increase
mance ability. A crash occurs at the exhaustion stage of
performance demand often play an important role in
adaptation when performance demand exceeds perfor-
the causation of pilot error and aviation mishaps (2,6).
mance ability. Increased pilot error in instrument
To minimize pilot error, enhancing performance ability
weather conditions and during takeoff and landing is
through safety training may be beneficial but has its
likely due, to a large extent, to increased performance limits. Developing and applying technologies that re-
demand. duce pilot performance demand in dangerous situa-
The results of this study suggest that certain pilot tions appear to be more effective, and may have con-
characteristics, particularly variables concerning flight tributed to the significant decline in the prevalence of
experience, may play a significant role in pilot error, but pilot error in major airline crashes over the past four
in general, intrinsic factors appear to be less important decades.
than environmental factors. The seemingly perplexing
finding that the protective effect of total flight time ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
against pilot error exists in general aviation crashes but Funding for this research was provided primarily by Grants
not in commuter/air taxi crashes and major airline R01AG13642and R01AA09963from the National Institutes of Health
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