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Oct. 2, 949. W. P.

cAR, JR 2,484,687
Filed Aug. 30, 1945 .5 Sheets-Sheet

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Oct. 11, 1949. W. P. CAR, JR 2,484,687


4977 OAP/Vay1s
Oct. 1, 1949, W. P. cARL, JR 2,484,687
Filed Aug. 30, 1945 3 Sheets-Sheet 3

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Wzz/4/7 a. C4AZ, u/e

p/ 4227
Patented Oct. 11, 1949
William P. Carl, Jr., Hampton, Va.
Application August 30, 1945, Serial No. 613,494
6 Claims. (C. 114-103)
1. 2
This invention relates to sailboats, or the like, trim correctly to any point of sailing and any
and in particular to their sails and the control wind velocity.
of Said sails. To the accomplishment of the foregoing, and
The art of sailing, as it exists today, is the Such other objects and features as may herein
result of a very slow evolution from the square after appear, this invention consists in the novel
sail through the fore and aft gaff-boom rig to the construction and arrangement of parts herein
fore and aft Marconi rig. Current conventional after to be described in detail and then sought
sails have several glaring aerodynamic faults: to be defined in the appended claims, reference
1. A great deal of aerodynamic twist. being had to the accompanying drawings forming
2. Mast interference. 10 a part hereof, which show, merely for the pur
3. Low critical flutter speed, i. e., when the poses of illustrative disclosure, preferred embodi
wind reaches a certain velocity, the sail will flap ments of the invention, it being expressly under
like a flag and have to be shortened. stood, however, that changes may be made in
4. Large tip losses, i. e., when sails are cut in practice within the scope of the claims without
the shape of a triangle, as most conventional sails 5 digressing from the inventive idea.
are, the area, near the corners of the Sail are In the drawings in which similar reference
not providing as much lift per square foot as characters denote corresponding parts:
they would if a trapezoidal, elliptical or semi Figure 1 is a top plan view of a boat equipped
circular shape were used. With the sail of my invention;
Other faults of the Conventional sailing rig 20 Fig. 2 is an elevational view of the boat and
are: Sail;
5. The mast is usually stayed at very inefficient Fig. 2d. is a transverse sectional view on an
angles, throwing tremendous columnar loads into enlarged Scale taken along line 2a-2a of Fig. 2
the mast which necessitates a very complicated and viewed in the direction of the arrows;
System of stays, tending to spring the ship's hull 25 Fig. 2b is a transverse fragmentary sectional
bottom, and induce great loads on the ship's view on an enlarged scale taken along line 2b-2b
Sides. of Fig. 2 and viewed in the direction of the ar
6. The sail must be controlled by ropes through rows;
a System of pulleys. Decks and cockpits are Fig. 3 is an enlarged transverse Sectional view
cluttered with ropes and cleats, 30 Of the sail of Fig. 2 along line 3-3 thereof and
An object of my invention is to provide a sail viewed in the direction of the arrows;
construction and control that will eliminate the Fig. 3a is a similar view of a modified sail con
foregoing defects or faults. struction;
Still another object of the invention is to pro Fig. 4 is an enlarged section taken along line
vide Sail structure in which the mast is eliminated 4-4 of Fig. 3 and viewed in the direction of the
as Such and in which a substantially rigid sail arrows;
replaces it that is a self-sufficient hollow struc Fig. 5 is an enlarged sectional view taken along
ture covered with stressed skin that will take line 5-5 of Fig. 2, viewed in the direction of the
both the bending moments and torsional loads arrows and illustrating part of the Camber con
imposed upon it. 40 trol mechanism;
Still a further object of my invention is to Fig. 6 is a sectional view taken along line 6-6
provide a sail which has essentially a good air of Fig. 5 and viewed in the direction of the ar
foil section with a part of the trailing portion, rows;
approximately thirty per cent of the chord, that Fig. 7 is an enlarged fragmentary top plan
may be cambered by flexing or hinging. Hinging View of the sail and camber control; and
the trailing portion makes it possible to change Fig. 8 is an elevational view of the same.
the angle of the trailing portion with respect to Referring to the drawing, fo denotes a sailboat
the airfoil's chord. This effectively cambers the of Conventional construction. With Which the sail
airfoil. By control of this camber, the maximum of my invention is used.
driving force can be obtained, as is well known 50 The sail viewed in elevation (Fig. 2) has
to aerodynamicists, i.e., a high value of lift to Substantially the trapezoidal form and an airfoil
drag ratio is obtainable from an airfoil with a section of normal taper (approximately 2-1) and
high value of lift. has a faired tip 2.
Another object of the invention is to provide The loads on such a given airfoil are computed
Sail structure that can conveniently be folded -55 for a safe wind and boat velocity in the same
back into the boat when notin use, manner as for an airplane wing. From the Com
Yet another object of the invention is to pro puted loads, the structure is determined. The
vide simple means for controlling camber and Sail if includes a, shear web 3 which in the
the attitude of the sail with respect to the plane embodiment, shown has substantially U-Section
of symmetry of the boat so that the sail will 60 and extends longitudinally through the sail in
3 are attached respectively to a plurality of Sup
its widest part from the root chord or bottom ports 3, 3d, at opposite sides of the trailing end
edge f4 to the faired tip 2. Preferably this Web of the cambering portion fla.of the sail. These
f3 is of aluminum alloy (Alclad) or other suit cables 30.30a lead through suitable openings 32
able material. Eleading edge formers 5 prefer in the sail cover 23 respectively to bell cranks
ably of the same material are secured to the Web -33, 33a pivotally supported at opposite Sides to
i3 at intervals along its length and extend trans the lips 3a, 3b of the shear web 3 in the Sail.
versely forwardly of the latter. Aft of the shear
web 3 and in alignment with the formers, 5 A pair of bus seables 34, 34a are connected re
i spectively to all the bell cranks 33 and all the bell
are ribs AS, cross strips 7 and diagonals 8 pref
erably of spruce cap strips connected by non 10 scranks 33a. These bus cables lead to a trans
hydroscopic fibreboard gussets 9 or the like. versely extending drum 35 around which they are
wound in opposite directions as at 36, 36a, so that
The ribs 6 and formers 5 when assembled have
substantially the airfoil sectional shape shown in . . rotation of drum 35 in one direction tightens one
Fig. 3. It will be noted that the ribs 6 in their of the bus cables and eases off the other while
trailing portions are joined together without spac 5 its rotation in the opposite direction has the op
posite effect. The corresponding action of the
ing to form the trailing cambering portion a
of the Sail. bus cables 34, 34a, alternately tightens or eases
The formers of 5 which are plates having the off the corresponding cables 30, 30a, causing flex
shape seen in plan in Fig. 3 and upstanding side ing of portion fa and its cambering in the di
flanges seen in Fig. 4 are provided with periph 20 rection of the tightened cables 30 or 30a as shown
eral recesses 2C in which I-beam section stringers in Fig 3. In other words, the portion f ia is al
2 formed from a stressed sectional metallic skin ternately flexed and cambered to the right or to
22 are received and supported. These formers are ofthe left of the normal unflexed full line position
covered with the sectional stressed skin 22 pref Fig. 3 toward one of its two dotted flexed po
erably of aluminum alloy (Alclad) or other suit 25 sitions, depending upon whether cables 30 or
able material whose joints form the stringers 2 30a, have been tightened by the rotation of drum
and are fastened to the shear web 3. The form 35 in the required direction. . .
ers and skin 22 provide a metal stressed skin The drum 35 is supported between the gussets
leading edge for the structure with the skin 22 24 extending outwardly of the sail and ex
forming a metallic sheath for the leading edge. 30 tending at one end 35a through a two way or
The entire structure is covered With a stressed double acting ratchet mechanism 37 to a crank
skin formed of suitable airplane fabric 23 such handle 38, the latter for manual manipulation.
as Flightex fabric and doped with conventional The two way or double acting ratchet mechanism
doping compounds forming the Sail With its 37 includes a toothed ratchet wheel 39 rigidly
combining trailing portion fa. 35 carried on the extension 35d of the drum 35. A
Aluminum alloy (Alclad) gussets 2i (or of double acting pawl 40 is pivotally Supported at
other material) are Secured suitably to opposite 4 f, for example, from the gusset 24. The prongs
sides of the shear web f3, the ribs 6 and to the 42, 43 of the pawl 40 are so located thereon with
aluminum skin 22 adjacent the root chord 4, respect to the pivot 4f that in one position of the
overhanging the lowermost edge thereof So that 40 pawl 40 prong 42 will engage the ratchet wheel
the sail may be hingedly mounted to a pivot 39 to permit rotation of the latter in one direc
or rotatable shaft 25 in the boat So that the sail tion while preventing counter rotation, and so
may rotate about an axis perpendicular to its air that in a second or neutral position both prongs
foil sections. 42, 43 will be clear of said ratchet wheel 39 to per
The shaft 25 runs from the Sail's root chord mit rotation of the latter and shaft 35a, and drum
AA through a bearing 26 of bronze or the like in 35 in either direction, and so that in a third po
the deck D of the boat down into a thrust and sition tooth 43 will engage said ratchet wheel
moment bearing 28' bolted or otherwise secured, 39 to permit rotation of the latter in the opposite
for example, to the keel K of the boat iO. A direction to that when pawl 42 engages it and
crosshead 2 is fixed to the upper end of the shaft 50 prevents counter rotation.
or pivot 25. This cross head 27 forms a platform The pawl 40 may be retained in any of its
over whose opposite sides the gussets 24 Overhang. three mentioned positions. To this end, it is pro
The crosshead is provided with spring loaded op vided with the arcuate cam surface 44 having
positely extending horizontal Securing pins 28 limit stops 45 and 46 at opposite ends. A ratchet
and 29 which are positioned to extend into open control lever 47 is pivotally supported in the gus
ings in the gussets 24 and serve to anchor the set 24 and the cover 48 of the bi-ratchet mecha
sail to said cross head 27 and hence to the nism. This lever 47 is manipulated by a lever
pivot 25. The complete structure of the sail 47a. An arm of this lever 47d has a spring loaded
and shaft or pivot 25 is thus, completely canti pin 49 which bears against the can surface 44
levered and the Sail may rotate about an axis per 60 between the stops 45 and 46, so that when lever
pendicular to its airfoil sections, and to the boat 47a is rotated in one direction the pin 49 rests
through a full 360°. When it is desired to fold against the stop 46 and forces prong 42 into en
the sail into the boat, it is rotated 180° from the gagement with the teeth of ratchet wheel 39.
position shown in Fig. 2. Spring loaded pins 29 When 49 rests against stop 45, the prong 43 is
may then be pressed to clear the gussets 24 and 65 forced into engagement with the teeth of ratchet
the Sail rotated about hinge pins 28 as an: axis wheel 39. When pin 49 bears on the cam sur
to the non-use position in the boat. At such face 44 in alignment with pivot 4, both prongs
time, the cambering portion a will lie at the top 42 and 43
are clear of the teeth of ratchet wheel
and the leading edge of the sail will then be re
ceived in a sail crotch C provided in: the boat 70 The two way or double acting ratchet mecha
deck. To remove the sail entirely, the Spring nism 37 just described enables one through proper
loaded pins 28 are also depressed to clear them, positioning of its control lever 41a to set it (a)
from the openings in gussets. 24. for ratcheting in a clockwise direction, (b) for
The sail has its portion. If a cambered, for ratcheting in an anti-clockwise direction, and
example, in the following way. Cables 30, 30a, 75. (c) for neutral or disconnection which allows the
5 6
drum 35 to be turned in either direction. the tioned so that the boat can be sailed backwards,
neutral position is utilized for automatic cam A slightly modified form of sail is shown in
bering. :. . . . Fig. 3d. Therein the cambered portion. If d of
An automatic camber controllisi provided by Fig. 3 is eliminated... In place thereof, a pivoted
extending the handle or crank 38 of drum 35 at trailing flap a consisting of dope-covered fabric
38a (Fig. 8). This extension 38a is adapted to 23a on a frame 60 is hinged suitably to the said
co-operate with a calm 50 fixed to the deck D. sail at 6, which is the point where the cam
The cam is concentric with the pivot or shaft 25 bered portion fla of Fig. 3 Would normally begin.
and has a depressed portion 50a into which the This flap is equipped with trailing edge prisms
end of extension 38a projects when the Sail O 62 so that the hinge moment of the flap increases
lies parallel with the fore and aft direction of with the angle of attack or in other Words: the
the boat. When the sail swings out of this flap has What is known as a positive . . .
position, the end of extension 38a rides out of
depression 5.0a onto surface 50b of the cam and day. -
causes appropriate rotation of drum 35 to tighten 15
the corresponding bus cable 34 or 34a and ef which is the ratio of hinge moment coefficient to
fect automatic cambering of the portion if a. of angle of attack. When the ratio is negative, the
the sail toward the center line of the boat. There stability of the sail about the axis around which
after, if desired, the camber can be increased by the sail rotates is increased. This flap if a. is
flipping the crank 47 a to desired ratcheting po 20 manipulated by the same cable controls used to
sition and rotating arm 38 further in the same manipulate cambered portion fla of Fig. 3. ...All
direction. When automatic camber control alone other structural details described for the sail if
is desired, the crank 47a is maintained in neutral remain the same. In addition, if desired, the flap
position. ... . . . lf a could consist of sailcloth that could below
The rotation of sail. f about the axis of the 25 ered and raised using conventional track and
shaft 25 is controllable either manually, or auto slides as desired in the hinged frame 60, which is
matically. Manual control is effected through cable-controlled in the same . way. as. cambered
lever-like means such as a bull wheel 5 or the portion a of Fig. 3. . . .. .
like rigidly affixed to the shaft 25 and a friction The structure thus described provides: . .
brake of any conventional form (not shown). 30 1. A rigid sail of airfoil section and stresse
Automatic control is effected either through a skin construction. . . . . . . . .; . . . .
rubber bungee cord, or, in the alternative, by a 2. A rigid sail employing no mast. . . . . .
metal coil spring 54 secured at one end to a hook 3. A rigid sail of airfoil section with variable
55 on the bull wheel 5 and at the other end to a controllable camber. . .. . . . . .
cord 56 which is passed around a pulley. 57 Se 4. A variable controllable camber mechanism
cured suitably to the boat. The free end of the that can be either manual or automatic.
cord 56 is attachable to a cleat 58 rigidly secured 5. A rigid sail which is hinged to a pivot at
to the boat So that the cord tension may be ad the sail's root chord for lowering.
justed. Any desired variation of spring force can 6. A control mechanism for maintaining the
be secured by allowing the cord 56 to wrap around 40 sail at correct trim for any point of sailing and
suitably shaped cams (not shown) instead of the any wind velocity. . . . . .
bull wheel and by varying its tension. . . . 7. A sail in which the forward portion is rigid
When tension is placed in the cord 56 by tight and the rear portion can be dropped.
ening up the cord, the sail f f is restrained from In addition to the foregoing, a number of other
revolving in either direction both by the lever important advantages exist in my sail construc
arm of the radius of the bull wheel 5 and the tions. These may be summarized as follows:
tension of the spring 54. Now when the boat 0 My Sail constructions are entirely self-support
is headed off the wind, the pitching moment on ing, and require no halyards. . . ..
the sail i? increases, and, by adjusting the ten The leading edge of my sail constructions has
sion for any given strength of wind, the sail ff the stiff metal sub-skin which has as one func
will trim to the proper position. As the boat fo tion the prevention of any scallop formation, or
is headed further off the wind, the moment of the any departure from airfoil cross-sectioned con
sail increases proportionately and the sail will figuration, in those portions of the sail between
trim automatically to a greater angle with re ribs. This is important for efficient sailing.
spect to the boat's axis. Thus, for any given 55 In the trailing edge of my sail constructions
wind velocity, the boat to can be sailed through there is a link provided between ribs, which pre
a complete circle without touching the sail . vents the covering from cupping or pocketing at
Going about and jibbing are executed smoothly the trailing edge.
and without the usual violent sail flapping. With the sail constructions of my invention,
This control feature has the following unique 60 the cupped sides of the afterpart of the sail have
advantages over the old conventional method: a positive . . .. " . ..

1. It does not require constant watching, and dC.

control of ropes. . . .. . . . . . day .. - - -
2. It is a safety feature because if, with a sud
den gust, the moment increases on the sail , 65 where Ch is the hinge moment and or is the angle
the sail automatically changes its angle of at of attack, so that the sail tends to float at zero
tack so as to relieve the heeling moment. lift, or, in other words, trim and remain in line
3. It is a more efficient method of trimming a with the direction of the wind. This is in con
sail, because, when sailing along and struck with trast with sails having, at that part of the sail,
a convex Section or triangular section, both of
a gust, the immediate change of angle of attack 70 which
changes what would have been an increased heel
have a negative
ing force into a greater driving force. dC.
4. By manual control, the sail can be used as a da
brake for landing. in which case the hinge moment coefficient de
5. By manual control, the Sail can be posi 75 creases with increasing angle of attack, and the
7 8
Saii will float or trim into or against the breeze latter to either side of a normal Encambered posi
at positive lift even if the sailis pivoted ahead of tion, sets of evers pivotally supported within the
its center of pressure. This tends to keep the sail and to which said cable means are secured,
sail from trimming at Zero lift. . cable means Secured to said sets of pivoted levers
Che truss construction in my sails is very ef for operating the sets simultaneously in opposite
ficient. The transverse or cross-strips 7 do not directions, means for actuating said last-named
theoretically take any load and are very light cable means, doubleacting ratchet means between
members used to halve the unsupported length of Said actuating Iaeans and said last-named cable
the outside frame 6 which quarters the Stress. means for maintaining the cambering of said
It will be rioted moreover that the axis of rota O trailing portion in desired position, and means for
tion of ray. Sail is in front of the aerodynamic operating said double acting ratchet means.
center of pressure of the sail, thereby eliminating 4: A rigid sail of airfoil section for a boat or
any tendency for the boat to upset and so that the like, having a trailing portion whose camber
the sail automatically trims at zero lift. In Con may be varied, cable means secured to the trail
trast, in sails which are pivoted behind the aero 5 ing portion at a plurality of points for cambering
dynamic center of pressure the sail will not pay the latter to either side of a normal uncanbered
out and relieve itself in a breeze but will tend to position, sets of levers pivotally supported within
line itself up with the boat and upset it. My the sail and to which said cable means are secured,
sail is stable while sails pivoted behind the aero cable means Secured to said sets of pivoted levers
dynamic center of pressure are unstable, i. e., 20 for operating the sets simultaneously in opposite
lack “weathercock stability.” - - --
directions, and Cammeans for automatically actu
While specific embodiments of the invention atirig said last-named Cable means.
have been described, it will be understood that 5. A rigid sail for a boat or the like, including
changes may be made in structural detail within a shear web, formers secured to the leading side
the scope of the claims. There is no intention, 25 of said web, ribs secured to the trailing side there
therefore, of limitation to the exact details shown of and terminating in camberable trailing por
and described. For example, the angle of the tions, said formers and ribs providing airfoil sec
axis upon which the sail pivots need only be such tions, a metallic skin covering the formers to
that the sail may, taking into account the charac provide a stressed metalic sheath for the leading
teristics of its cross-section, trim at zero lift, 30 edge of the sail, a fabric covering for the sail over
which angle is herein referred to as substantially lying the Said sheath and said ribs, and means for
perpendicular to the boat; and the size and type of cambering said trailing portions.
the boat hull is immaterial. 6. A rigid sail for a boat or the like, including
What is claimed is: a shear web, formers secured to the leading side
1. A rigid sail of symmetrical airfoil section for 35 of the web, ribs secured to the trailing side of said
a boat or the like, having a trailing portion lying web and terminating in camberable trailing por
in the chord plane of the sail and whose angle tions, said formers and ribs providing airfoil sec
with respect to airfoil chord may be varied, cable tions, a metallic skin covering the formers to pro
means secured to the trailing portion at a plural vide a metallie sheath for the leading edge of the
ity of points for trimming the latter to either side 40 sail, a doped fabric covering for the sail over
of a normal position, sets of pivoted members to lying said sheath and said ribs, cables secured to
which said cable means are secured, and cable said ribs for flexing the latter to camber their
means secured to said sets of pivoted members trailing portions, and means for operating said
for operating the sets in opposite directions to cables,
secure effective airfoil cambering in the desired 45 . WITF IAM. P. CARL, JR.
2. A rigid sail of symmetrical airfoil section REFERENCEs CITED
for a boat or the like, having a trailing portion The following references are of record in the
lying in the chord plane of the sail and whose 50 file of this patent:
camber or angle with respect to airfoil chord may UNITED STATES PATENTS
be varied, cable means secured to the trailing por
tion at a plurality of points for cambering the Number Name Date
1atter to either side of a normal uncambered posi 1,348,912 Ward-------------- Aug. 10, 1920
tion, sets of levers pivotally supported within the 55 1,565,097 Mummert ---------- Dec. 8, 1925
sail and to which said cable means are secured, 1,700,660 . Williams ---------- Jan. 29, 1929
cable means secured to said sets of pivoted levers 1732,642 Diehl -------------- Oct. 22, 1929
for operating the sets simultaneously in opposite 2020,759 Atwood ------------ Nov. 12, 1935
directions, and means for actuating said last 2,319,999 Jennings ---------- May 25, 1943
named cable means.
3. A rigid sail of symmetrical airfoil section for 60 ... FOREIGN PATENTS
a boat or the like, having a trailing portion lying Number Country Date
in the chord plane of the sail and whose camber 198,649 Great Britain ------ May 1, 1924
may be varied, cable means Secured to the trailing 451,215 Germany ---------- Oct. 22, 1921
portion at a plurality of points for cambering the

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