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Week Topic Sub-Topics Resources / Where to Find Assessment

Focus Questions Info

W1 How laws are made in Australia through  What is a Statute Law? Brainstorm /
parliaments (statutory law)  How is a Statute Law made? ONENOTE
How laws are made in Australia through the  What is Common Law? Year 9 OXFORD
courts (common law)  How is it made? Pg 480-485

W2 The types of law in Australia, including criminal  What is Criminal Law? ONENOTE
law, civil law and the place of Aboriginal and  What is Civil Law? Year 9 OXFORD
Torres Strait Islander customary law  What is Customary Law Pg 492-495

W3 The key features of Australia's court system and  What are the four levels of Australia’s Court Hierarchy? ONENOTE
the role of a particular court  Focus on either: Year 9 OXFORD
- Magistrate Pg 496-503
- District
- Supreme
- High

W4-5 How courts apply and interpret the law, resolve  Revision – What is Common Law? ONENOTE “Proof or Truth” VTV
disputes, and make law through judgments (e.g.  What is Precedent? Year 9 OXFORD to be watched at home
the role of precedents)  What is Rule of Law? Pg 504-505 start of week 4.
 What is the Role of a Judge?
The key principles of Australia's justice system, Essay plan to be
 Why is the Judiciary Independent from other arms of Government?
including equality before the law, independent Pg 484-489 collected end of week 4:
judiciary, and right of appeal
 Why do we allow Appeals?
weighting: 5%
 What is Justice?
- Why is so important
The factors that can undermine the application of
the principles of justice (e.g. bribery, coercion of  What are the methods used to undermine Justice?
In class 50 minutes
witnesses, trial by media, court delays) - Media
- Bribery
analysis to be
- Dishonesty
completed beginning of
week 5. Weighting:

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