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In some countries an increasing number of people are suffering from health problems as a resulf of

eating too much fast food. İt is therefore necessary for governments to impose a higher tax on this
kind of food.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion ?

The growth of the fast food industry has without doubts impacted on the eating habits and health of
many societies around the world. Diabetes high cholesterol heart and respiratory problems are all on
the rise due to fatty and sugar rich food. However , the question is whether higher tax would
improve this situation or not.

From an economic point of view , higher tax might seem sensible. In countries such as USA,Australia
and Britania the healthcare system spends a large part of its budget on people with diet related
health problems. It could be argued that these people have caused their own illness because of their
choice of food. In this case , why should they expect the state to pay for their treatment ? the tax
could help fund the healthcare system.

However , we also need to consider which socio-economic group consumes fast food as the main
part of their diet. Statistics indicate that lower income groups eat more of this food than wealtier
people. One possible reason for this is that fast food is far cheaper than fresh produce. This is
because many governments offer large subsiders to farmers who provide products for tie fast food
industry such as corn , wheat and beef. Fruit and vegetables on the other hand are not subsided.
Research suggest that many families simply cannot afford to buy healty food or pay higer tax on fast
food . for them fast food is not a choice but a necessity

In conclusion, imposing a higher tax on fast food does not seem to be the answer . if the government
choose to do this it would only lead to greater poverty and families facing further hardship.

Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary
school rather than secondary school

Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages ?

Nowadays , it is important that people who speak more than one language is beter for their life and
work and some of people start to learn secondary language from early ages. This can be advantages
and also disadvantages.

First of all, it is believed that learning new language is more easily when the person start in primary
school. This is because young persons brain is very fresh and can learn new words quickly and
remember them to make practice in short time while adult or older people need to more effort to
recognise or speak new language. In addition , children can have more time to focus languages. In
other words , when people are getting older they can consantrate some other part of their life such
as work , their future or loves. This is the fact that they dont enough intention to look language .

However , it is argued that there are some disadvantages that child can not be success in other field.
More stduying language in childhood years can avoid to study for other lessons such as maths ,
physic etc. These factors can be effect their future. For example today more famous universities may
an exam to select succesfull students for their faculty. İf the child dont know any kind of maths or
physic they cant g oto quality schools.

To sum up , it is clear that learning a foreign language at primary school can have advantages and
disadvantages . families must be aware of about their children and help to seperate their times for
other skills.

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