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PdeMnO2eFe2O3/C as electrocatalyst for the formic

acid electrooxidation

T. S‚ener a,*, U.B. Demirci b, O.F. Gül c, A. Ata a
Gebze Technical University, Material Science and Engineering Department, Gebze, Kocaeli TR-41400, Turkey
IEM (Institut Europeen des Membranes), UMR 5635 (CNRS-ENSCM-UM2), Universite Montpellier 2,
Place E. Bataillon, F-34095 Montpellier, France
Nis‚antas‚ı University, Sadabad Kampüsü, Mechanical Engineering Department, Hasbahçe Caddesi No: 88,
TR-34030, Kag ıthane, Istanbul, Turkey

article info abstract

Article history: PdeMnO2eFe2O3/C and Pd/C (for comparison to the former) were synthesized by NaBH4
Received 31 December 2014 reduction method and then annealed at 500  C. The catalysts were characterized physically
Received in revised form by various techniques including XRD, TEM, EDX, XPS and ICP. The results showed that both
22 March 2015 MnO2 and Fe2O3 are in the amorphous form while Pd is crystalline for both catalysts. The
Accepted 27 March 2015 particle size of Pd nanoparticles in PdeMnO2eFe2O3/C and Pd/C catalysts were found to be
Available online 17 April 2015 11.6 nm and 10.9 nm, respectively. The total metal weight percent in PdeMnO2eFe2O3/C
was determined as 18% and the metal molar ratios of Pd:Mn:Fe was calculated as 49:20:31.
Keywords: By cyclic voltammetry (CV) and chronoamperometry (CA), the ternary catalyst showed a
Formic acid oxidation superior electrocatalytic activity, namely of z3.4 times higher than Pd/C. The results also
Palladium indicated that amorphous third parties may play a crucial role to improve the catalyst
Manganese oxide activity towards formic acid oxidation. All of these results are reported and discussed in
Iron oxide details herein.
Copyright © 2015, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights

is toxic and burnable, and has a low boiling point [6]. Instead,
Introduction naturally occurring formic acid (HCOOH) has been proposed
as an attractive and much promising alternative, namely the
In the current context of R&D dedicated to novel energy anodic fuel of direct formic acid fuel cell (DFAFC). Advanta-
technologies, low-temperature fuel cells are regarded as geously, it is non-flammable and easily stored [7].
attractive portable power solutions due to high power den- Electrooxidation of formic acid, after adsorption on the
sities [1,2]. This is important as portable consumer electronics, electrocatalyst surface (i.e. HCOOH*), takes place via two
with rising power consumption demands due to new 3G ser- parallel pathways. The first is direct, involving the stepwise
vices, are a widespread market for fuel cells [3]. liberation of two protons and two electrons (Eqs. (1) and (2)).
Methanol (CH3OH) has been widely studied as a fuel of The second is indirect (Eq. (3)), with the formation of H2O and
choice for low-temperature direct liquid-feed fuel cell (i.e. CO in a first step. In both cases, the stepwise electrooxidation
direct methanol fuel cell), especially by manufacturers of leads to the formation of CO2 as by-product:
portable electronics for some years [3e5]. However, methanol

* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ90 262 677 2715; fax: þ90 262 677 2309.
E-mail address: (T. S‚ener).
0360-3199/Copyright © 2015, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 0 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 6 9 2 0 e6 9 2 6 6921

HCOOH* / COOH* þ Hþ þ e / CO2 þ 2Hþ þ 2e (1) (99%) (SigmaeAldrich), sodium citrate C6H5Na3O7 (99.0%)
(SigmaeAldrich), 5 wt% Nafion solution (SigmaeAldrich) and
Vulcan XC-72 carbon (Cabot Corp.; denoted C) with a specific
HCOOH* / HCOO* þ Hþ þ e / CO2 þ 2Hþ þ 2e (2) BET area of 250 m2/g and an average size of 40 nm. All were
used as purchased without further treatment.
The metal precursors were completely dissolved in
HCOOH* / CO* þ H2O / CO2 þ 2Hþ þ 2e (3) 18.2 MU cm ultrapure water. Then, 6 mL of aqueous solution of
0.1 M sodium citrate was added to 500 mL H2O at 90  C and
This is called as the “dual path mechanism” [8]. The stan- under N2, and vigorously stirred for 10 min. The metal pre-
dard potential for formic acid electrooxidation E (HCOOH/ cursors were then added to the solution, which was thor-
CO2, Hþ) is 0.25 V at 25  C. Though lower than that of oughly mixed for 10 min at 90  C. Then, a freshly prepared
methanol (E (CH3OH/CO2, Hþ) ¼ 0.02 V), the electrooxidation 0.2 M NaBH4 solution was added till pH z 9. The reaction
of formic acid benefits from it, the electrode not behaving in a lasted 10 min under vigorous mixing. Then, 240 mg of carbon
reversible manner. (ultrasonicated for 20 min in the mixture consisting of 40 mL
Among the metals tested so far, Pd has shown to be the 2-propanol (Aldrich) and 40 mL H2O) was added and the slurry
most efficient. It does not only exhibit high electrocatalytic was stirred for 24 h in room conditions. The suspension was
activity, but it is also resistant to CO poisoning [9,10]. However, finally centrifuged (Eppendorf 5702) to separate the phases,
as a noble metals it has a cost barrier. With the objectives to the solid was washed with deionized water several times. The
improve its electrocatalytic performance while decreasing its as-obtained electrocatalysts were dried in a freeze drier
content, different strategies have been developed: (i) disper- (Labconco Freezone 2.5, <0.05 bar at 83  C) for 48 h and then
sion onto different sole carbonaceous supports or their hybrid stored in a vial kept in room conditions. The as-obtained
form with metal oxides; (ii) nanostructuration; (iii) alloying electrocatalyst is denoted PdeMnO2eFe2O3/C. The metal
with a secondary electroactive metal; (iv) combining with a oxides-free counterpart was prepared in similar conditions
secondary inactive phase (third-body effect) [11e15]. For and is denoted Pd/C.
instance, for the strategy (iv), Huang et al. showed that the Elemental analysis was performed by using ICP (Thermo
presence of manganese oxide MnO2 nanolamella allows Jarrell Ash Atomscan-25) and EDX (Oxford Instruments X-
improving the electrocatalytic activity of Pd/graphene by 300% Sight 6498). Morphologies were examined by TEM (Jeol JSM
[16]. Such improvement is explained in terms of large elec- 6335-F). XRD was performed on a Philips PW3710 diffractom-
trochemically active surface area. The beneficial presence of a eter using the Cu Ka radiation. XPS measurements were ob-
metal oxide was also demonstrated by Ji et al. for Pd nano- tained using SPECS GmbH PHOIBOS-150 with monochromatic
particles dispersed onto carbon nitrideeFe3O4 [17]. It is worth Al Ka (1486.6 eV). Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was
noting that similar findings were achieved with the hybrid carried out using the analyzer PerkinElmer Pyris1.
electrocatalyst PdeFe2O3 in ethanol electrooxidation and the Electrochemical measurements were performed with a
coreeshell amorphous-Fe2O3@Pt nanoparticles in methanol conventional three-electrode cell and a Gamry electro-
electrooxidation [18,19]. The secondary phase Fe2O3 has a chemical workstation, with a working electrode, a carbon road
promoting (third-body) effect for removing the adsorbed CO- as counter electrode, and a reference electrode (Ag/AgCl, KCl
like intermediate species and enhancing the selectivity in CO2. std). The working electrode is a Pt one with a surface area of
Herein, we report, for the first time, the promotional effect 1 cm2. It was coated with the catalyst slurry prepared by
of MnO2 and Fe2O3 for improving the electrocatalytic activity mixing 5 mg of catalyst, 5 mL of the 5 wt% Nafion solution and
of Pd towards formic acid electrooxidation. Via a simple 1 mL of ethanol (Sigma Aldrich). The coated electrode was
NaBH4 reduction method, Pd, MnO2 and Fe2O3 were co- dried for 10 min at 80  C. Cyclic voltammetry (CVs) measure-
precipitated onto the carbon support Vulcan XC-72. The ments were performed in room conditions at a scan rate of
electrocatalytic activity of PdeMnO2eFe2O3/C was character- 50 mV/s. The electrolytes were as follows: nitrogen-saturated
ized by cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry, and aqueous solution of 0.5 M H2SO4 and nitrogen-saturated
compared to the performance of Pd/C. The elemental aqueous solution of 0.5 M H2SO4 with 0.5 M HCOOH. Nitro-
composition, morphology, crystal structure and surface elec- gen saturation was done for 20 min. Chronoamperometry (CA)
tronic state of PdeMnO2eFe2O3/C were analyzed by induc- measurements were performed in room conditions at 0.3 V vs.
tively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP), energy Ag/AgCl in nitrogen-saturated aqueous solution of 0.5 M
dispersive X-ray (EDX), transmission electron microscopy H2SO4 with 0.5 M HCOOH.
(TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and X-ray photoelectron spec-
troscopy (XPS).
Results and discussion

Experimental procedure EDX analysis of Pd/C (Fig. 1) confirmed the presence of Pd only.
The loading of Pd was found to be 20 wt% (confirmed by TGA
The chemical reagents were palladium nitrate dihydrate under air). EDX analysis of PdeMnO2eFe2O3/C confirmed the
Pd(NO3)2$2H2O (Purity: 99.9%) (Aldrich), manganese chloride presence of Pd, Mn and Fe (Fig. 2). The ternary electrocatalyst
tetrahydrate MnCl2$4H2O (99.99%) (SigmaeAldrich), iron was initially prepared with the targeted mole ratio
chloride FeCl2 (99.99%) (SigmaeAldrich), sodium hydroxide 0.33:0.33:0.33. The EDX data revealed a ratio of 0.25:0.28:0.47.
NaOH (97.00%) (SigmaeAldrich), sodium borohydride NaBH4 This is consistent with the ratio of 0.2:0.31:0.49 obtained by
6922 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 0 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 6 9 2 0 e6 9 2 6

Fig. 1 e EDX spectrum of Pd/C, revealing the presence of C

and Pd. The signal of Cu is due to the grid.

ICP. The loading of the metal/oxides phases in

PdeMnO2eFe2O3/C was determined as being 18 wt%. Fig. 3 e XRD patterns of PdeMnO2eFe2O3/C and Pd/C.
The XRD patterns of both PdeMnO2eFe2O3/C and Pd/C
(Fig. 3) show sharp peaks at 2q 40.1 , 46.7 , and 68.2 , due to the
reflections of the (111), (200) and (220) planes of face centred
Pd0 (consistently with the XRD observations) while that at
cubic Pd0 (JCPDS No. 65-6174). The peak at 2 q 25 is due to the
higher BE (336.9 and 341.6 eV respectively) is indicative of
(002) plane of the hexagonal structure of the carbon support.
oxidized Pd (i.e. PdO). Only part of Pd, which is the main part,
The characteristic diffraction peaks of crystalline Fe2O3 and
is thus in metallic state. With respect to the Mn element, the
MnO2 are not observed but there is a noticeable upward shift
signals for Mn 2p1/2 (654.1 eV) and Mn 2p3/2 (642.5 eV) can be
from the origin line because of amorphous Fe2O3 (2q range
ascribed to manganese dioxide MnO2. The BEs for Fe 2p3/2
30e40 ) and amorphous MnO2 (2q range 15e60 ) [20,21].
(711.4 eV) and 2p1/2 (724.7 eV) suggests the occurrence of
Another possible explanation could be that the diffraction
Fe2O3. Accordingly, the ternary electrocatalyst catalyst is
peaks of crystalline metal oxides can be significantly weak-
mainly composed by Pd0, Fe2O3 and MnO2.
ened due to strong interactions with a noble metal like Pd
PdeMnO2eFe2O3/C and Pd/C were scrutinized by TEM
[22e24]. With the help the Scherer's equation (based on the
(Fig. 5). The particle size of the Pd nanoparticles (isolated and
full-width at half-maximum of the (111) plane), the crystallite
dispersed) in Pd/C was found to be 11 nm, in agreement with
sizes of Pd were calculated as being 11.6 nm and 10.9 nm in
the crystallite size determined by XRD (10.9 nm). With respect
PdeMnO2eFe2O3/C and Pd/C, respectively. Actually, the pres-
to PdeMnO2eFe2O3/C, it has been difficult to determine the
ence of the metal oxides has a negligible effect on the crys-
particle size of the Pd nanoparticles because they cannot be
tallite size of Pd.
distinguished from the sponge-like agglomerates of the
Fig. 4 shows the XPS spectra of PdeMnO2eFe2O3/C, and
amorphous MnO2 and Fe2O3 phases. Similar observations
specifically the Pd 3d, Mn 2p and Fe 2p core levels. They were
were reported elsewhere for amorphous Fe2O3 prepared from
analyzed and ascribed with the help of the NIST XPS database
FeCl3$6H2O we also used [26]. The TEM observations indicates
[25]. The signals of Pd 3d5/2 and Pd 3d3/2 were deconvoluted.
that there would be strong interaction between the oxides and
In both cases two peaks fitted. For each signal, the peak with
Pd, which is consistent with the XRD observations.
lower binding energy (BE; 335.6 and 340.8 EV) is attributed to
The electrochemical active surface area (ECSA) of the
electrocatalysts was determined by measuring cyclic vol-
tammograms with nitrogen-saturated aqueous solution of
0.5 M H2SO4 (Fig. 6). The ECSA value can be measured by
integrating the coulombic charge under the hydrogen
desorption peak and by using the following equation:

ECSA ¼ (4)
0:21  LPd
where QH is the coulombic charge density for hydrogen
desorption, 0.21 mC/cm2 is the charge required for the
adsorption of a hydrogen monolayer, and Lpd (mg) is the
weight of Pd loaded onto the working electrode [27].
Accordingly, the ECSA values were calculated for
PdeMnO2eFe2O3/C and Pd/C and were found to be 67 and
Fig. 2 e EDX spectrum of PdeMnO2eFe2O3/C, revealing the 29 m2/g Pd, respectively. The particles size being similar for
presence of C, Mn, Fe and Pd. both electrocatalysts, the highest ECSA for the ternary
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 0 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 6 9 2 0 e6 9 2 6 6923

Fig. 5 e TEM images of (a, b) PdeMnO2eFe2O3/C and (c)


Fig. 4 e XPS spectra of PdeMnO2eFe2O3/C: (A) Pd 3d core

level; (B) Mn 2p core level; (C) Fe 2p core level.
6924 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 0 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 6 9 2 0 e6 9 2 6

Fig. 6 e Cyclic voltammograms of PdeMnO2eFe2O3/C and

Pd/C in 0.5 M H2SO4 aqueous solution (purged 20 min with
N2) at the scan rate of 50 mV/s.

electrocatalysts may be explained by the presence of the

amorphous phases MnO2 and Fe2O3, which in comparison to
crystalline phases should offer more structural distortion and
accordingly more electrochemically accessible sites
[21,28,29]. Hence, better electrocatalytic performance could
be expected for PdeMnO2eFe2O3/C.
The electrocatalysts were tested in electrooxidation of
formic acid. Fig. 7A shows the CV curves for aqueous 0.5 M
H2SO4 solution with 0.5 M HCOOH, at a scan rate of 50 mV/s
and in the potential range [(0.3)e1.3]. V. The CV profiles are
equivalent. There are two electrooxidation peaks during the
positive (forward) potential scan. They are denoted with f1 and Fig. 7 e (A) Cyclic voltammograms and (B)
f2. The former corresponds to formic acid direct electro- chronoamperograms (at 0.3 V vs. Ag/AgCl) of
oxidation via Eq. (1) or Eq. (2) (dehydrogenation), and the po- PdeMnO2eFe2O3/C and Pd/C at a scan rate of 50 mV/s in
tential of PdeMnO2eFe2O3/C is negatively shifted of 50 mV 0.5 M H2SO4 aqueous solution with 0.5 M HCOOH.
compared to Pd/C. The latter peak is due to formic acid elec-
trooxidation by dehydration as described by Eq. (3). The peak
current densities at f1 and f2 for PdeMnO2eFe2O3/C are ca. 3.4
times higher than those for Pd/C (Table 1). This confirms the conditions, the performance (Table 1) is higher in comparison
better electrocatalytic performance, as expected from the to Mo2C/carbon nanotubes supported Pd nanoparticles
ESCA values discussed above. The improvement can be (0.845 A/mg), Ag34Au33Pd33 nanosponge (1.02 A/mg), and
explained by the presence of the amorphous phases MnO2 and nanoporous PdPt alloy (1.29 A/mg) [33e35].
Fe2O3, which would offer more electroactive sites. Further- The performance of Pd/C prepared in this work (0.5 A/mg)
more, the oxide phases would make Pd less sensitive to is less than commercial Pd/C (Etek) (z0.65 A/mg) [36]. This
poisoning by strong adsorption of intermediates like HCOO* may be due to the smaller particles size of commercial Pd/C
(Eq. (2)) of CO* (Eq. (3)). In the negative (reverse) potential scan, (4.1 nm). Indeed, the particles size of our Pd/C sample is
there is one electrooxidation peak. It is denoted b. The elec-
trooxidation of formic acid on newly reduced Pd surfaces
takes place [21,30e32]. The peak current density at b for Table 1 e Summary of the CV results (peak current
PdeMnO2eFe2O3/C is ca. 5.8 times higher than that for Pd/C density and potential) for the PdeMnO2eFe2O3/C (1) and
(Table 1). Last, there is another electrooxidation peak, denoted Pd/C (2) electrocatalysts.
i, at 1.3 V. It is due to further electrooxidation of intermediates Current density (A/mg Pd) Potential (V)
f1 f2 b i f1 f2 b
The mass current density of PdeMnO2eFe2O3/C at the peak
f1 can be compared to values reported so far for Pd-based (1) 1.72 0.67 2.04 2.15 0.05 0.7 0.32
(2) 0.5 0.2 0.35 0.91 0.1 0.67 0.3
electrocatalysts studied in similar electrolytes. In our
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 0 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 6 9 2 0 e6 9 2 6 6925

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