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Hello! My name’s Nhi, and I work for soft-skill center.

Today I want to talk about presentation

skill of BVU’s students. I’m going to cover three points. Firstly, I’d like to consider the
importance and situations in presenting of BVU’s students. Secondly, I intend to outline the
difficulties that students usually meet. And thirdly, I’ll go through how to solve those
problems. By the end of my talk, I hope that you will know how to handle with some
problems in presenting. My presentation will last for about 10 minutes.
Let’s start with the situations. Well, according to the survey results of nearly 500 BVU’s
students, presentation skill is one of the most difficult skill and only 5% of students are
confident to speak in front of many people. About the advantages, presentation skill is very
important not only for teachers but also for students to present what they have leaned in
class. It also helps students later in their career to present facts, data, in seminar, interviews,
workplace and in business. So far I’ve mentioned the states and benefits of presentation
skill with BVU’s students.
Let’s move on to my next point. Based on several studies, students have three main
difficulties in giving an oral presentation. First is difficulty in understanding the topic. If the
teachers give a topic which is not familiar to students and as a result it will make students
confused bcs they don't have enough knowledge about the topic. For example, if the
English-majored students are given a presentation assignment about chemical reaction
process. They might not know how to organize the presentation as well as presenting
confidently with the limited knowledge.
The second problem is the anxiety. Presentation anxiety often involves a central fear of
being scrutinized and judged. Students who are very anxious about presentation often say
that they fear being the center of attention and will feel self-conscious or embarrassed when
they speak. Some worry that they will “look stupid” to others, make a mistake or be judged
Last is memorizing problem. From the survey results, I found that memorizing problem is
one of the most BVU’s students consideration. One student said that when she practiced
speaking at home, she can speak fluently and smoothly. However, she forgot things she
have to say while she was on stage.
So far we’ve seen the 3 difficulties BVU’s students often face with. There are: problem in
having knowledge about the topic, presentation anxiety, and forgetting the information.
Now I’d like to propose some solutions to handle the problems above.
Firstly, the students should master the topic by asking teachers, reading books, and
searching information from internet. There is a saying: “If you work hard and know where
you are going, you will get there”. Secondly, there are some strategies in facing anxiety
problem while giving a talk. Students should practice breathing and relaxation exercises to
calm down. Also, think positively, you can say to yourself “I can do this”, “I am well-
prepared”. And you can slow down your speaking to help you feel more in control. Lastly,
there are some ways to deal with memorizing problem. You should rehear the entire
presentation for no less than 5 to 6 times. Researchers found that memory improved by
more than 10% for words spoken out loud. Another simple way is to record your
presentation. Bcs hearing yourself narrating your presentation from slide to slide will boost
your ability to remember materials.
Well, I’ve offered some strategies to handle the problems I have mentioned earlier,
including: master the topic, think positively, speak slowly, practice breathing and relaxation
exercises, record your presentation and rehear your speech many times.
Well, that brings me to the end of my talk. To recap, I have covered 3 key points . There are:
situations and benefits of presentation skill with BVU’s students, the difficulties BVU’s
students often face with, and the solutions to handle the problems. Do you think my ideas
are useful? Thank you for listening!

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