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A New Hypothetical Solution to Gravitational Singularities

León, Spain, June 2019

A bstract
An expected behaviour of spacetime and matter within a black hole is
postulated regarding a model based on the mathematical indications of other
well-known and empirically confirmed theories, without invalidating such
theories when applied where they correspond, and solving the mathematical
problems such as the gravitational singularity and the information paradox.

1. Introduction

What happens inside the event horizon of a black hole is unknown. General theory of relativity1
describes with enormous precision almost all space-time regions we know, but when applied to the
inside of a black hole, a gravitational singularity is suggested to appear, that is, a location where the
gravitational field is predicted to become infinite, as well as the density of matter.

This kind of incoherences are usually considered wrong predictions, just like the forces of gravity
between two particles that should increase asymptotically to infinity when approaching at very small
distances by the Newton’s equation

This equation, which does not give us wrong predictions when applied to the correct cases, certainly
presents many indications of how does matter behaves in the general relativity. We will study the
indications of Newtons equation for a special case: two equal but negative masses.

Following the equation, both negative signs in the masses are cancelled and we obtain the traditional
forces of the same value, equal direction and different sense (attractive) for every particle. The
Newtons acceleration equation

results in equal accelerations, in the same direction, but different (repulsive) sense, taking into
account the negative of the inertial mass for each particle. This indicates that both particles would
experience a repulsive effect, equivalent to antigravity, in a way that the weak principle of equivalence
holds (a negative mass would have the same gravitational and inertial mass).2

Problem arises when applying this development to two particles of different mass signs. The results
are two accelerations in the same direction, which implies that both particles would accelerate, one
chasing each other, infinitely or at least up to the speed of light, together with paradoxes like
perpetual motion machines or infinite energy sources.
2. Indications

The existence of negative mass universes is not prohibited by general relativity3, and it is consistent
with the theory and its proven application since it was discovered. It is suggested that antimatter’s
negative energy solution from Dirac’s equation

taking into consideration the time dependence with p=0

with solution for negative energy

; with c=1;

(notice the negative inertial mass or rest mass), gives us two spinor states

that can be interpreted as a negative energy solution with negative time (particles moving
backwards in time), following the Feynman-Stueckelberg interpretation4 with p≠0

with the phase of the wave function as (Et – xp);

for changing to positive energy -E → E;
we have to change -t → t, and swap p → -p for consistency,

(antimatter would have positive energy and positive mass in a positive time universe and negative
energy and negative mass in a negative time universe, due to the non-symmetrical parity-time
transformation, consistent with positive energy results of antiparticle-particle annihilation in our
positive time universe), which could be a real physical solution5 (Figure 1.).

The change in the sign of time (which is not what we usually think for reversing time as playing a
film backwards, a common misconception about what a time transformation really means) is the key
point for relating this case to black holes, and the change in the sign of momentum will also be
discussed for this particular case.

Fig. 1. Relation between the particle Dirac solution and an antiparticle

It is said that moving in space becomes partially moving in time inside a black hole. A better
explanation is given by the common solution to the Einstein’s field equations by the Schwarzschild

in a way in which substituting and simplifying we obtain

so that, for r < rs (Schwarzschild radius), the sign of the term turns to be negative,
and by that change, the metric term dt2 changes its sign to positive.

Notice that the external Schwarzschild metric is not applied at but just used as an indicator.

The sign of the term independent from dθ2 and dϕ2 is changed as well, so that the
metric term dr2 changes its sign to negative. For the exterior Schwarzschild solution with M<0

this change is equivalent to r<0 for the inside of the black hole.6 Considering the spherical
coordinates and the conversion to Cartesian coordinates

a change in sign in dr2 could be understood as the negative solution for r 2 (-r transformation takes
the sphere centered on the origin into itself). By letting r be negative, we have two sets of (r,θ,ϕ)
and a single set of (x,y,z), so that we are defining a new independent space-time not covered by the
Cartesian coordinates of r>0. In this case, we can assume that the switching of signs affects the
metric term dt2 and a possible parity-like transformation in spherical coordinates. Although the
metric term that changes in sign is not the time coordinate, this change leads us to think that a
reversal in sign could take place.

The dr coordinate has been a source of controversy. Schwarzschild solution defines r as a polar
coordinate, strictly positive, and an auxiliary quantity for the external solution R as

so, if r=0, then

with 𝛼 being the Schwarzschild radius. Thus, R and r would not be the same although for R<<r
they are practically identical. The real Schwarzschild solution (with c=1) proposed in 1916 was

being regular for any value of r<0. At r=0, there is no singularity. But what happens at R< 𝛼?
That interior does not seem to exist (has no physical meaning)8. An extension to r<0 is needed.

Different metric solutions and coordinates describing a black hole will be studied in relation to these
transformations of parity, time, and energy (mass).

• For the Gullstrand–Painlevé coordinates, the new dT coordinate

under a time-reverse dt’=-dt and dr’=dr results in

where dT’ is still the same sign as dt’, changing only the dr term (the radial coordinate is unchanged
in going from the Schwarzschild chart to the Gullstrand-Painlevé chart). Thus, the new dT
coordinate in the Painlevé metric changes sign under time reversal. Time reverse of ingoing
Gullstrand-Painlevé coordinates are outgoing Gullstrand-Painlevé coordinates. Eddington-
Finkelstein coordinates (v,r,θ, ϕ) are also time independent.

• Kerr-Schild coordinates

are invariant under a (-M, -dr, -dt) transformation (for a time reversal, -M and -r are required).

• Further research has been done in relation to these cases, for example, the inversion of the Kruskal-
Szekeres coordinates (U,V) being equivalent to reversing the sing of mass, parity and time, equivalent
also to the full reversion of the Kruskal-Szekeres time (T) and coordinate (R), for the watching point
of the negative masses, corresponding to the white hole region IV.9

• But the most significant research has been done by defining a new metric by a determine change
of variable, connecting two Minkowski spaces with a pt symmetry (inversion of the arrow of time
and a double inversion of space, accompanied by a mass inversion) and avoiding the central
singularity.10 Notice that inadequate coordinate choice can lead to wrong image of geometrical objects

The Schwarzschild line element limited to (r,ϕ) coordinates

for r<Rs, (+,+) changes to (−,+). With the change of variable

which gives
and results in all singularities disappearing at r=Rs, corresponding to ρ=0. The determinant along
the sphere of the metric is no longer zero

and the metric is well defined for all values of ρ. From Lagrange equations we can calculate the
geodesics in (ρ,ϕ). If embedded, the surface owns a throat circle whose perimeter is 2πRs. We can
shape the surface as a twofold F(+) and F(−) cover of a M2 manifold with a 1D common circular
border, and create induced mapping between adjacent points M(+) and M (−). If we introduce the 3D

Euclidean at infinity, when r<Rs the signature (+,+,+) is changed into (−,+,+) so we can obtain
with our change of variable the metric

Euclidean at infinity and defined for all values of ρ. Adjacent points in 3D (ρ,ϕ,θ) are defined by

M: (ρ,ϕ,θ) → M’: (−ρ,ϕ,θ)

In conclusion, the change of variable

results in the metric solution

equivalent to a pt symmetry between two Minkowski spacetimes. It is regular for all values of the
variables and the first term is zero at the origin. Notice that the metric is proposed within the Janus
cosmological model and its author suggests that only particles of different sign in mass would interact
repulsively, like the sign in electromagnetism interactions, in order to solve the runaway paradox.

• The parity transformation (which might as well help the inflation or bounce of space within the
event horizon, considering an initial high kinetical energy star or full momentum space of the matter
within), could also be explained due to the formulas for time dilation and length contraction, which
are connected by the Lorentz factor

so that a clock with negative time would imply a negative Lorentz factor γ = -1 (which would also
imply negative energy, consistent with the model), and taking it into account in the length
contraction formula L1=L0/γ would imply a negative scaling along one space dimension, equivalent
to the mirroring of the parity transformation.

This change in time (not the classical time evolution we are used to) 11 will indicate that particles
inside the black hole would behave as if they were proper antiparticles, and matter as proper
antimatter, with negative mass and antigravitational interactions. Also, the common need of
changes in coordinates for the event horizon could indicate the parity transformation, required for
the inside of the black hole to be rotating in the same direction as the outside when reversing time.12

• Additionally, the parameter m for the Schwarzschild solution is nothing but an integration
constant, which can be chosen positive or negative 13. For the internal Schwarzschild solution

with and ; ρ can be chosen negative, with the coupling condition:

Supposing matter inside a black hole behaves as antigravitational antimatter does not imply any
other problems, because both sides of this divided space time would never be in contact (no
annihilation would occur), and changing all the particles charge would result in no special change for
a neutrally charged black hole (the common assumption for real black holes). It would also be
impossible for two masses of different sign to coexist in the same causal space-time region (no
runaway motion would occur and conservation of momentum would hold). Within an
antigravitational space-time region, no infinite density volumes could form because of the repulsive
forces growing asymptotically when trying to create very big negative energy densities of negative
mass, so we would be looking at a solution for gravitational singularities, and also a solution without
the disappearance of physical information (information paradox).14

The theoretical questions of why does the stellar mass of the original star that formed the black hole
becomes the mass of the black hole, or where does the mass of the black hole come from, with the
problem that arises when considering that mass the one compacted in the singularity, are also easily
answered with this model (its mass would be the mass inside the space-time within the event horizon,
understood as positive mass from outside it, relative to the time direction in which is observed).

The existence of a white hole at the other side of the black hole is an assumption of the model,
plausible according to the mathematics of general relativity regarding white holes (i.e. their existence
is not prohibited in the universe, and their no-observational evidence would be explained if they
would only exist at the other side of black holes, so they would be treated as real physical solutions),
and consistent with the accepted idea of a white hole being a “time-reversed” black hole, with entropy
related problems (second law of thermodynamics) of this entity solved when considering the reversed
time in which exists.

Consequently, we should be looking for the metric solution and coordinates describing a black hole
in a Minkowski space connecting to a closed region of space by a time transformation (or a time-
parity transformation), resulting in a mass sign reversal (or and a parity reversal, or and a charge
reversal), turning the opposite part of the solution into a white hole.
• For a four-dimensional universe, the empty de Sitter metric describes a closed positive-curved space

with the cosmological constant 𝛬. Including a black hole, we get the de Sitter-Schwarzschild metric

with a being the mass of the black hole and 3b being the cosmological constant (𝛬).

Under the transformation discussed previously, the white hole (time reversed black hole) should be
in a closed universe (de Sitter space) with the same value for the cosmological constant, following a
similar metric to a time reversed de Sitter–Schwarzschild metric. Locally, this equivalence would be
analogous to the solution connecting two Minkowski spaces of the Janus model.

For an small mass, f(r) has two zeros (singularities in the metric) at positive values of r, corresponding
to the black holes event horizon and the cosmological horizon. Fixing the positive cosmological
constant as we know it and increasing the value of the mass, it is posible for both of the horizons to
coexist for the same value of r=1.00152e+10 ± 5.02e+7 (for unit precision) light years (around
9.5e+25 meters), and a=2.13773600745e+22 M☉ (solar masses). For a<0, we have the same scenario
but in -r coordinates, with the positive r solution in r= 2,013e+10 light years. For b<0, there is only
one horizon at r≈20km for 1M☉. For a<0 and b<0, there is only one horizon, at r≈-20km for 1M☉.

The possibility of the black holes event horizon being the cosmological horizon of a de Sitter space
(which will be referred as case II., and case I. for the white hole being in a De Sitter space and the
connection between universes being done only through this bridge) for this studied metric could also
apply for the whole paper hypothesis, with the fact that the white holes event horizon would appear
to be a cosmological horizon of the de Sitter space (Figure 2.). For this second case, the size of the
white hole should be equivalent to the energy contained in this universe, for both the black holes size
and the white holes size to be equal, so that, anti-intuitively, the white hole expelling energy going
into the black hole would make the white hole grow. Note that for this phenomenon of energy crossing
both horizons, it cannot be assigned a time for an external observer in the positive time universe due
to extreme time dilation near both horizons (it would look halted for us, happening at infinite time).

Fig. 2. Case I. and II. with the two horizons: the white holes event horizon (Rwh) and the
cosmological horizon (Rc), and with the arrows showing the trayectory of a particle leaving Rwh
These ideas fit the description of the approximated scheme (Figure 3.) for the non-changing light
cones evolution when approaching the event horizon and with the pt transformation they experience
when crossing such horizon.

Fig. 3. Light cones evolution (notice that the present time line is divided into different present
times for a better description when crossing the horizon, and light cones shape do not change),
with their past cone in the white hole space-time coinciding with their actual past state in the
black holes space-time

Even though common sense is the least indication for a model of this nature to be grounded, the
author makes an invitation to think that if the “flow of time” is approaching zero when getting close
to the event horizon for an external observer, and “the flow of time” stopping at the right edge, then
in the other side we should not think of the “flow of time” as a continuation of being stopped, but to
begin reversing in the opposite sense (time transformation) (Figure 4.). This thought experiment
helps to understand the real phenomena of the hypothesis.

Thus, the event horizon would not be more than the place in space in which time begins to move
backwards, and the asymmetry of that transformation within the laws of physics should be considered
when describing the interior of a black hole.
4. Visualization of the of
2. A visualization thought experiment
the thought by theby
experiment approximated model model
the approximated of extrinsic curvature
of extrinsic
curvature with spacewith
representation dimensions reduced toreduced
space dimensions 2D surfaces
to 2Dand a space-time
surfaces shape is proposed
and a space-time shape is
proposed what a region
following whatlike that, like
a region withthat,
a white
withhole and antigravitational
a white matter inside,
hole and antigravitational would
matter be
shaping theshaping
would be space-time according to
the space-time what it has
according beenits
to what explained togethertogether
been explained with thewith
of physical
rest of
phenomena, such as expansion
physical phenomena, or contraction,
such as expansion developingdeveloping
or contraction, like in thelike
well-known outer space-time
in the well-known outer

3. Interior description

Once an event horizon is formed under an initial massive neutron star, the mass of the star inside it
would be disconnected from the rest of the star, experiencing the parity-time transformation discussed
before. A similar scenario has already been considered in other research6 in which a negative mass
universe is postulated. Particles will then describe orbits corresponding to the Newtonian case of
repulsion, so that all bodies will be repelled. These masses would create repulsive gravitational fields,
and no stars or singularities could form only because of gravity. It is suggested that the stability that
the star (made up of degenerate matter) had would be broken, and the gravitational forces would be
added to the forces of degeneracy pressure, creating an inflation phase similar to a big bang.

Following the principle of equivalence of inertial and gravitational (passive and active) masses, having
always the same sign, when an inversion in sign occurs as discussed before, only negative masses
should exist in this isolated region of space-time (inertial mass will also be considered dependent of
this inversion, and thus, negative) and so, all energies of the region must be negative for keeping the
laws of physics as we know them (i.e. conservation of momentum), and for causality to be preserved.
No information about the negative masses and their repulsive gravitational fields could influence the
outside of the black hole.

For conservation of energy to be preserved, we know that total energy measured in both universes
(considering absolute values of energy), should be the same. This would mean that the energy of the
white hole measured in the “white hole universe” in which exists should be same as the energy of the
“black hole universe” minus the energy of the black hole interior (the energy of the “white hole
universe” minus the energy of the white hole in the “white hole universe”), even though the white
hole should have the same size as the black hole (corresponding to the energy inside the black hole).

If we apply the pt transformation to an expanding black hole, we also get an expanding white hole
in the negative time universe. This could be seen as a region of apparently infinite negative energy,
distributed within its event horizon following Gauss law for gravity, because we could not talk about
a gravitational singularity when in this universe no energy singularities can form due to antigravity.
Light near the initial white hole event horizon could reach every point of this new region of space-
time, and light emitted after the white hole formation could only reach part of the space-time region.

Thus, the black hole could be seen just like a wormhole, consistent with the fact that in order to
maintain an open wormhole, very big negative masses are required.15 Note that reversing entropy
would create a much different universe than the one we are used to, although it is suggested that it
should not be considered another universe if it is just an isolated and causal disconnected part of it.

White hole thermodynamics should be also considered, and for the Hawking radiation to be preserved
in our universe, the white hole should be absorbing negative energy from its negative universe (only
negative energies are allowed in this region), reducing the size of the universe and the size of the
while hole just like the black hole reduces its size (their shared event horizons should behave in the
same manner). Notice that for the case in which the cosmological horizon matches the white hole
(case II.), the white hole expelling energy that comes from the other universe should grow in size,
because its size is determined by the total energy in the universe of the white hole, so the “absorption
and shrinking effect” should not look strange (the link between the size of the universe and the white
holes horizon is clear: reducing the white holes horizon consequently reduces the size of the universe).
4. C onclusions

This paper shows multiple mathematical hints which suggest that a parity-time transformation (or
at least a time transformation) takes place when crossing the event horizon of a black hole, equivalent
to a charge transformation, and that matter inside might behave as proper antimatter with negative
energy corresponding to negative masses, which would interact antigravitationally, solving all
questions, paradoxes and mathematical singularities that arise from the study of these astrophysical
entities, and giving real physical sense to other predictions of fundamental theories, without the need
of a theory of quantum gravity.

A new cmpt symmetry is proposed for this solution (no to be confused with magnetic pole
conjugation), and demonstrating that cpt symmetry alone, is violated, could be the biggest proof of
the theory, and a full quantum theory including gravity should be cmpt symmetric. It is suggested
that traditional cpt symmetry will hold as long as m symmetry is bounded into c symmetry, (by the
axiom of no existing negative energies) and t transformation includes the reversal of the sign in mass.

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