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This module is modified and patterned to the Teacher’s Manual of Career
Guidance Program (2015). With this, it aims to enlighten and encourage
learners specifically the Grade 10 students about the possible resources and
avenues that they may consider and use in realizing their dreams through a
deeper understanding about the Senior High School (SHS) tracks. This also
introduces the advantages and benefits they can get about the K-12
Curriculum specifically in choosing the Senior High School tracks and how it
will prepare them to be equipped with skills needed for whichever path they
prefer after Senior High School which it may be pursuing higher education,
employment, or entrepreneurship.
Moreover, this module serves as a springboard to the school on what
tracks to offer to cater the needs of the students and/or to help them find a
suitable school offering the track appropriate to the competencies they’ve
gained and capabilities.

At the end of the module, the learners are expected to:
 understand the curricular characteristics of the four tracks
commonly offered in Senior High School with specific strands
and their respective possible career paths; and
 identify possible tracks and strands a learner will want to
pursue through emphasis on their skills and self-awareness.

The materials listed below in each activity are needed for this session.
These are the following:
1. Pandora’s Box Materials
 a shoe box or any box that can hold an object which the learners
will identify by touching the object inside the box and guess the
name of the object.
 an object to be put inside the box - it is advisable that the object
is difficult to guess with only a few tries - bring five or more
objects just in case the learners would easily guess them or
would want more chances.

2. Main Activity Materials

 Microsoft PowerPoint slides are provided to help the teacher in
conducting Main Activity 1 (Introduction to SHS) and Main
Activity 2 (Academic Track and TVL Lectures)
 The PowerPoint slides are already prepared by the Guidance
 The Teacher Adviser has given the authority to modify the
PowerPoint presentation.


Introduction to the Session 15 mins.
Main Activity 1 30 mins.
Main Activity 2 45 mins.
Processing and Synthesis 20 mins.
Closing 10 mins.
Total 120 mins.

1st Introduction of the Session
2nd Opening Activity: Pandora’s Box
3rd Main Activity 1: Introduction on Senior High School
4th Main Activity 2: Is this my Final Destination? Four Tracks in SHS
5th Processing and Synthesis
6th Giving assignments to the learners

This part includes the details on what will happen in the session.
Facilitators can modify the content and delivery appropriate to learners’
comprehension to attain the objectives of the activities.
Session Main Activity:
 Introduction to Senior High School

Objectives of the Activity:

At the end of the activity, the learners can:
 identify important information regarding Senior High School;
 determine the benefits of Senior High School; and
 identify the four tracks which are offered in Senior High School and
the career paths they may lead to.

1. Start the activity with a prayer then greet the learners
enthusiastically, and ask three to five volunteers to do the Pandora’s
Box Activity. In this activity, the volunteers will put their hand and
touch the objects inside the box, then they will be asked to guess what
is inside the box within 10-15 seconds.
2. After the activity, ask the learners with these guide-questions:
 What can you say about the activity?
 Are there any difficulties encountered while doing the activity?
 What is your view about hesitation or indecision?
3. To make the discussion meaningful, present these situations to the
 Based on the activity that we have done; how would you feel if
your teacher would give you a surprise quiz on a lesson that has
not been discussed yet?
 Were you confident that you would be answer the questions

Instructions for the Session

Main Activity 1: Introduction on Senior High School
1. From the motivation of the session, solicit ideas from the learners
about the relevance of the motivation to the topic to be discussed. This
can encourage to generate critical questions and will look forward to
the future. More importantly, acknowledge the answers of the
learners for there are no right or wrong answers.
2. There is a prepared PowerPoint presentation ready to be used
provided for the teacher adviser to have a more effective and
interactive discussion, it can be either in a game or tableau that can
capture the interest of the learners to participate in the discussion of
the Main Activity 2.
3. After the interactive discussion on the Introduction to Senior High
School, proceed to the Main Activity 2 by elaborating the four tracks
of Senior High School offered in the school and other institutions in
Butuan City or Mindanao, as well as giving examples of careers in
each tracks, so the learners have a clear idea about the career path
they would take.

Processing and Synthesis

In this part, the answers given by the learners will be processed
thoroughly and summarized in learners’ generation own lingo. The facilitators
will elicit more ideas by using the art of questioning. This will give also more
importance to identify important information about the different tracks of
Senior High School. Moreover, the students will arrive and consider the factors
like the skills they possess and their academic performance for them to create
their career path.
The processing and synthesis will start by doing these the following:
1. Recall what were the dominant feelings of the learners regarding the
Pandora’s Box activity;
2. Recall the lesson taught by the activity and relate the lesson to what
they might experience as they choose their tracks if they are well-
informed and if they are not;
3. Emphasize the importance of knowing what Senior High School is, its
benefits and the tracks it offers, and how these might affect them as
they choose their track;
4. Finally, stress on the importance that decision-making skills are
useful not only in choosing an SHS track but also in the decisions they
make everyday.
After the activities are processed and synthesized, the facilitators will
give and distribute two (2) Assignments which the first one is entitled, “Color
Your Interests” and the second is Journal. There is a readily available
worksheet to be disseminated by the facilitator and guide-questions for the
students to write on their journal. Encourage them to answer the worksheet
honestly by elaborating that the worksheet may guide and affirm their track
they wish to pursue as each color corresponds to a specific track. The dominant
color may mean that the learner is more inclined to the track it represents.
For Journal, the students will write their answers following these guide
• What are your thoughts about the activity?
• Have you ever been uncertain in your life? How did you cope with it?
• Did you find the session helpful in deciding for an SHS track?
• How did you find the information you have learned on Senior High
• How did you find the two tracks? Did they catch your interests?

CGP MODULE 2 FINAL v2.pdf. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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