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St Saviour’s Church
23 June 2019 - Corpus Christi (Trinity 1)

O precious and wonderful banquet, that brings

us salvation and contains all sweetness! Could This week:
anything be of more intrinsic value? Under the Sun 23 CORPUS
old law it was the flesh of calves and goats that
CHRISTI (Trinity1)
was offered, but here Christ himself, the true
9:30 Sung Mass (St S)
God, is set before us as our food. What could be
more wonderful than this? No other sacrament 11am Sung Mass (St G)
has greater healing power; through it sins are Mon 24:
purged away, virtues are increased, and the soul 6:00pm Mass (St G)
is enriched with an abundance of every spiritual The Birthday of John
gift. It is offered in the Church for the living and the Baptist
the dead, so that what was instituted for the Tues 25:
salvation of all may be for the benefit of all.
10am Mass (St S)
(‘On the feast of Corpus Christi’, by St  Thomas
Aquinas. Wed 26:
10am Mass (St G)
Thur 27:
Parish Notes: 5:45pm mass (St S)
St Cyril of Alexandria
2019 Stewardship Campaign - concludes this week when we will start to collect in Fri 28:
the different commitment forms given out previously. We will have an Act of 6:00pm Mass (St S)
Thanksgiving and Celebration for all those who give so generously to our Sacred Heart of Jesus
community on Sunday 7 July 2019. Sat 29:
Next Sunday - We welcome Fr Keith Kimber who will preside and preach for us on 11am Mass (St S)
the feast day of Sts Peter and Paul. Immaculate Heart of
Social Events - next Sunday 30 June - Strawberry Tea at 3pm. Tickets now available
for this event which is in aid of parish funds. Please see Liz for tickets and details.
Walsingham Pilgrimage - Those travelling to the shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham
St Saviour’s:
(22-25 July) should pay final monies by Sun 30 June. Cheques payable to LDWP 9:30 Sung Mass;
(Llandaff Diocese Walsingham Pilgrimage). See Liz for details. St German’s:
Rome and Assisi Pilgrimage 2019 - 2-6 December. If you are interested in going 11:00 am Sung Mass
please see Fr Phelim. Cost of flights from Bristol, transfers and transport in Rome
and to Assisi will be £250. Parish Priest:
Cardiff Foodbank - urgently needed items: long life fruit juice, UHT milk, Rice Fr Phelim O’Hare,
Pudding, Sponge Pudding, Tinned Potatoes, Tinned Tomatoes, Tinned fish. We have 02922 411229,
plenty of: Beans, pasta, cereals, snacks & sweets, soup, tea, meat. Many thanks.

Petertide Ordinations - Please pray for those who will be ordained to the diaconate (Day off - Friday)
or presbyterate this coming Saturday in Llandaff Cathedral. Churchwardens:
Glastonbury Pilgrimage - Sat 13 July. Bust cost: £20 by 6 July.. Numbers asap.
Recently Departed: Barbara Potega, Fr Richard Parry RIP Bill

07800 946949
David Gibbins
Genesis 14:18-20 You are a priest for www.saintgermanwith
Acts 12:1-11
Psalm 110:1-4 Ps 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9 ever, a priest like
1 Corinthians 11:23-26 2 Tim 4:6-8, 17-18 Melchizedek of old.
Luke 9:11-17 Matt 16:13-19 (4vv)


COLLECT I am not like Thomas,

COMMUNION 1: wounds I cannot see,
But can plainly call thee
Jesus, Saviour of the world, Sweet Sacrament divine, Lord and God as he;
we thank you that in this hid in thine earthly home, Let me to a deeper faith
wonderful sacrament you have lo, round thy lowly shrine, daily nearer move,
with suppliant hearts we come; Daily make me harder
left us a memorial of your Jesus, to thee our voice we raise hope and dearer love.
passion: grant us so to in songs of love and heartfelt praise:
reverence the sacred mysteries sweet Sacrament divine. Jesu, whom I look at
shrouded here below,
of your body and blood that Sweet Sacrament of peace, I beseech thee send me
we may know within dear home for every heart, what I thirst for so,
where restless yearnings cease Some day to gaze on thee
ourselves the fruit of your and sorrows all depart; face to face in light
redeeming love; who live and there in thine ear all trustfully And be blest for ever
reign with the Father and the we tell our tale of misery: with thy glory’s sight. Amen.
sweet Sacrament of peace.
Holy Spirit, one God, for ever
and ever. Amen. Sweet Sacrament of rest, PROCESSIONAL FINAL HYMN:
ark from the ocean's roar,
within thy shelter blest Of the glorious body telling,
soon may we reach the shore; O my tongue, its mysteries sing.
GATHERING: save us, for still the tempest raves, And the blood, all price excelling,
One bread, one body, one Lord of all, save, lest we sink beneath the waves: Which the world’s eternal King,
one cup of blessing which we bless. sweet Sacrament of rest. In a noble womb once dwelling,
And we, though many, Shed for this world’s ransoming.
throughout the earth, Sweet Sacrament divine,
we are one body in this one Lord. earth's light and jubilee, Given for us, for us descending,
in thy far depths doth shine Of a virgin to proceed,
Gentile or Jew, servant or free, thy Godhead's majesty; Man with man in converse blending,
woman or man, no more. sweet light, so shine on us, we pray, Scattered He the Gospel seed,
that earthly joys may fade away: Till His sojourn drew to ending,
Many the gifts, many the works, sweet Sacrament divine. Which He closed in glorious deed.
one in the Lord of all.
At the last great supper lying
Grain for the fields,scattered and grown, COMMUNION 2: Circled by His brethren’s band,
gathered to one, for all. Meekly with the law complying,
Godhead here in hiding, First he finished the command,
whom I do adore, Then, immortal food supplying,
Masked by these bare shadows, Gave Himself with His own hand.
OFFERTORY: shape and nothing more,
Gifts of bread and wine, See, Lord, at thy service Word made flesh, by word He maketh
gifts we’ve offered,
 low lies here a heart Very bread His flesh to be;
fruits of labour, fruits of love:
 Lost, all lost in wonder Man in wine Christ’s blood partaketh:
taken, offered, sanctified,
 at the God thou art. And if senses fail to see,
blessed and broken; Faith alone the true heart waketh
words of one who died:
 Seeing, touching, tasting To behold the mystery.
are in thee deceived:
‘Take my body, take my saving blood.’ How says trusty hearing? Therefore we, before Him bending,
Gifts of bread and wine: that shall be believed; This great sacrament revere;
Christ our Lord. What God’s Son has told me, Types and shadows have their ending,
  take for truth I do; For the newer rite is here;
Christ our Saviour, living presence here,
 Truth himself speaks truly Faith, our outward sense befriending,
as He promised while on earth:
 or there’s nothing true. Makes the inward vision clear.
’I am with you for all time,

I am with you in this bread and wine.’ On the cross thy godhead Glory let us give, and blessing
  made no sign to men, To the Father, and the Son;
Through the Father, with the Spirit,
 Here thy very manhood Honor, might, and praise addressing,
one in union with the Son,
 steals from human ken: While eternal ages run;
for God’s people, joined in prayer,
 Both are my confession, Ever too His love confessing,
faith is strengthened by the food we both are my belief, Who, from both, with both is one.
share. And I pray the prayer of the dying thief.

FIRST READING blood. Whenever you drink it, do
this as a memorial of me.’ Until the
The First reading is from the book of Lord comes, therefore, every time
Genesis. you eat this bread and drink this
cup, you are proclaiming his death.
Melchizedek king of Salem brought
bread and wine; he was a priest of This is the word of the Lord.
God Most High. He pronounced this 1 Cor 11
‘Blessed be Abram by God Most GOSPEL
High, creator of heaven and earth,
and blessed be God Most High for A reading from the Holy Gospel
handing over your enemies to you.’ according to St Luke.
And Abram gave him a tithe of
When the crowds found out about it,
This is the word of the Lord. they followed him; and he
Prov. 8 welcomed them, and spoke to them
about the kingdom of God, and
healed those who needed to be

RESPONSORIAL PSALM The day was drawing to a close, and

the twelve came to him and said,
You are a priest for ever, ‘Send the crowd away, so that they
a priest like Melchizedek of old. may go into the surrounding villages
and countryside, to lodge and get
The Lord’s revelation to my Master: provisions; for we are here in a
‘Sit on my right: deserted place.’ But he said to them,
your foes I will put beneath your ‘You give them something to eat.’
feet.’ R/ They said, ‘We have no more than
five loaves and two fish—unless we
The Lord will wield from Zion are to go and buy food for all these
your sceptre of power: people.’ For there were about five
rule in the midst of all your foes. R/ thousand men. And he said to his
A prince from the day of your birth disciples, ‘Make them sit down in
on the holy mountains; groups of about fifty each.’ They did
from the womb before the dawn I so and made them all sit down. And
begot you. R/ taking the five loaves and the two
fish, he looked up to heaven, and
The Lord has sworn an oath he will blessed and broke them, and gave
not change. them to the disciples to set before
‘You are a priest for ever, the crowd. And all ate and were
a priest like Melchizedek of old.’ R/ filled. What was left over was
Psalm 110
gathered up, twelve baskets of
broken pieces.

This is the gospel of the Lord.

Luke 9
The Second Reading is from St Paul’s
first letter to the Romans.

This is what I received from the

Lord, and in turn passed on to you:
that on the same night that he was
betrayed, the Lord Jesus took some
bread, and thanked God for it and
broke it, and he said, ‘This is my
body, which is for you; do this as a
memorial of me.’ In the same way he
took the cup after supper, and said,
‘This cup is the new covenant in my

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