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Total Urogenital Sinus Mobilization in the Repair of Cloacal

Anomalies and Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

By Alaa F. Hamza, Hesham A. Soliman, Sameh A. Abdel Hay, Ashraf A. Kabesh, and Mossad M. Elbehery
Cairo, Egypt

Purpose: Urogenital sinus mobilization has facilitated mark- Results: All patients are below 3 years of age, so urinary
edly the vaginal reconstruction in cases of cloacal anomalies. control assessment is not yet objective; however, all mothers
Application of the same technique in cases of congenital reported dry intervals. Examination 6 months postopera-
adrenal hyperplasia has resulted in cosmetic and functional tively showed wide vagina and excellent cosmetic appear-
improvement. ance in all cases.

Methods: Total urogenital sinus mobilization was used as a Conclusions: Total urogenital mobilization provides an eas-
part of the repair in 9 patients: 6 with congenital adrenal ier way for vaginal reconstruction. The improved cosmetic
hyperplasia (4 high and 2 mid vaginal confluence), and 3 with appearance and the absence of vaginal stenosis provided by
cloacal anomalies; sinus mobilization to the level of the this technique is a major advantage in the management of
symphesis pubis allowed the vagina to reach the perineum these difficult surgical situations.
in all cases. Their age ranged from 6 to 8 months, and J Pediatr Surg 36:1656-1658. Copyright © 2001 by W.B.
follow-up ranged from 6 months to 2 years. In the former Saunders Company.
group, the mobilized sinus was split dorsally and used as an
anterior vaginal flap. Cases of cloaca needed weekly dilata- INDEX WORDS: Urogenital sinus mobilization, cloaca, con-
tion early postoperatively. genital adrenal hyperplasia.

P EÑA HAS DESCRIBED the technique of urogenital

sinus mobilization in cases of cloaca to avoid
separation of the vagina from the urethra, thus reducing
assessment included identification of the sinus length radiologically
(genitogram in CAH and distal loopogram in cloaca) and cystoscopi-
cally before surgery. All patients had rectal washes before surgery; patients
with CAH received the necessary medications (eg, corticosteroids).
the operating time and avoiding vaginal ischemia and Patients with urogenital sinus anomaly had a Fogarty catheter placed
stenosis.1 This was applied by Richard Rink who ex- in the vagina for easier identification. In patients with cloaca, the prone
tended its use in patients with urogenital sinus anomalies position was used after total body preparation, but in patients with
with high or mid vaginal confluence.2 CAH, the lithotomy position was used in all patients. (Rink used the
Since his description, total urogenital mobilization prone position to separate the vagina form the urethra,2,4 but we found
it not necessary even in high confluence cases.) In cloaca patients TUM
(TUM) was used in various surgical procedures includ-
mobilization starts after separation of the rectum as previously de-
ing exstrophy and penile agenesis.3 scribed.5 In patients with urogenital syndrome we start by the ordinary
We used this technique for cases of cloaca and con- incisions previously described by Hendren (Fig 1).6
genital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). Our results in cor- Clitoral reduction is performed using Kogan’s technique of subtu-
rection at age 6 to 8 months were encouraging with better nical resection7: degloving the phallic skin to the bifurcation of the
cosmetic outcome and fewer complications than other corpora, applying 2 transfixing sutures to each corpora, 2 lateral
incisions of the tunica to avoid neurovascular damage, and then the
erectile tissue is resected. A glans reduction is performed if needed; the
glans is sutured to the undersurface of the pubis, and the phallic skin is
MATERIALS AND METHODS split dorsally to be used as labia minora. A strip of urethral plate is not
This study included 9 patients, 3 with cloaca and 6 with urogenital left attached because it is divided during mobilization of the sinus. A
sinus anomaly caused by congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) in posterior inverted wide U-shaped flap is raised, and the rectum is
which the vagina was high (supra-sphincteric) in 4 cases and in mid dissected carefully posteriorly in the midline (sometimes a finger is
position in 2 cases. inserted into the rectum to facilitate dissection) after creation of an
The age of correction was between 6 and 8 months, and preoperative ample space posteriorly; mobilization of the sinus is started by applying
silk 5-0 traction sutures. In cloacal cases, the rectovaginal space is
wide, and mobilization is easy, but in CAH posterior dissection is
From Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt. performed first to facilitate the location of the vagina. The incision is
Presented at the 34th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Association of performed around the urogenital sinus, and dissection is carried out
Pediatric Surgeons, Kyoto, Japan, April 4-8, 2001. carefully in the retro pubic space until the sinus is felt easily mobile, at
Address reprint requests to Alaa F. Hamza MD, FRCS, 45, Ramsis this moment the circular muscles of the sphincter could be seen, and
St, 11341 Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt. dissection should not injure these muscles (Fig 2).
Copyright © 2001 by W.B. Saunders Company In cloacal cases, this dissection usually is enough, and the vagina
0022-3468/01/3611-0013$35.00/0 could be pulled to the perineum, so the ventral part of the sinus is
doi:10.1053/jpsu.2001.27943 trimmed, and closure of muscles is continued as described previously.1

1656 Journal of Pediatric Surgery, Vol 36, No 11 (November), 2001: pp 1656-1658


normal voiding pattern (normal sacrum); the other 2

(abnormal sacrum) are still too young for judgement.
Voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG) was done for 1 pa-
tient with CAH and the continent cloaca patient to study
urethral and bladder neck anatomy; the result was com-
parable with normal children with similar age group.
Vaginal examination 3 months postoperatively showed a
wide orifice and normal mucosal lining without urethro-
vaginal fistulae in any case.

Fig 1. Skin incisions.

In CAH after adequate mobilization (depending on the length of the Various techniques are used to repair cases of urogen-
sinus and the vagina), in mid cases, about 2 cm length usually is ital sinus and cloacal anomalies.5,6,10 In anomalies with
needed; in high cases, further dissection is performed until the Fogarty
high or mid vaginal confluence, separation of the vagina
catheter is felt posteriorly with adequate vision. The posterior vaginal
wall then is opened, and the anterior vaginal wall is separated from the usually was difficult because of a narrow operative field,
urethra, which then is closed in 2 layers. deep position of the vagina, and its close relation to the
In cases of mid confluence (2 cases), the sinus is split laterally, the external urethral sphincter. The cosmetic results were not
ventral part is used to make a mucosal-lined vestibule, and the dorsal
always acceptable because of the appearance of vaginal
one is used to form the anterior vaginal wall after trimming. In high
confluence cases (7 cases), the sinus is split dorsally, and the flap is orifice not exactly in the vestibule. Added to this, vaginal
used as an anterior vaginal wall flap (Passerini flap8,9). The posterior stenosis, urethrovesical fistulae, and pooling of urine in
vaginal wall is incised, and the U flap then is sutured to it allowing a the vagina were troublesome in some cases.11
wide vaginal opening (Fig 2). The ingenious contribution by Alberto Peña using
The phallic skin is brought down forming the labia minora, and its
ends are sutured to the sides of the vagina. Labia majora flaps as formed
TUM as a part of the cloacal repair has provided an
from the initial V-Y incisions and are brought posteriorly to form a easier technique to approach these anomalies.1 This pro-
normal-looking vestibule. A Foley catheter is left in the bladder for 1 cedure has been applied by Rink et al2,9 in repairing cases
week, and a vaginal tube is left as a drain for 5 days. of urogenital sinus anomalies with several advantages:
Patients with cloaca had a routine weekly vaginal dilatation for 3
shorter operating time, easier reconstruction of the ure-
months, and in CAH cases examination under general anesthesia is
done 3 moths postoperatively. thra and vagina, and excellent cosmetic outcome. The
principle of TUM was applied in several anomalies,
RESULTS including female exstrophy, with good results.3,12,13
Cosmetic appearance is excellent in all cases, one case We used this principle successfully in 9 cases of
required labia minora trimming 1 year after surgery. All cloaca and CAH. The advantages of using this technique
patients with CAH are continent to urine with dry inter- were wide operative field, easier separation of the va-
vals. A 3-year-old cloaca patient has dry intervals with gina, and accurate closure of the urethra. Follow-up

Fig 2. Surgical technique. (A)

Fogarty catheter is placed in the va-
gina, dotted line shows the area of
dissection. (B) Mobilization of the
urogenital sinus up to the undersur-
face of the pubis. (C) Separation of
the vagina. (D) Closure of the urethra.
(E) Dorsal slitting of the sinus to be
used as an anterior vaginal flap. (E)
Flaps sutured to the vagina.

examinations showed no vaginal stenosis or urethrovag- With regard to urethral length, because of excessive
inal fistula in any of our patients. virilization of cases of CAH, the length of the urogenital
In spite of using this technique, some cases still may sinus usually is much longer than the normal urethra. We
require vaginal replacement,11 however, non of our pa- usually slit dorsally the distal part of the urogenital sinus
tients required replacement of the vagina. Critical issues leaving a normal proximal urethral length. This was
were raised regarding urethral length after TUM with the confirmed by cystoscopy and VCUG in some of our
subsequent possibility of urinary incontinence.14,15 In our cases. Although longer follow-up is needed for the as-
cases as in others,9 dry intervals were noted in all cases sessment of continence in those cases, we recommend
with no sacral anomalies. Assessment of long-term con- this technique of TUM as a part of treatment of these
tinence will need further follow-up. technically demanding anomalies.

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