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Chapter IV


This chapter presents, analyses and interprets the data gathered in this research

study. The various results were presented in the succeeding tables with

corresponding discussions and explanations. It also answered specific problems

given in the previous chapter.

Table 1.1
The perceptions of the students, faculty and farm owners relative to the
followingFarm Tourism Concept

Farm Tourism Concept Faculty Student Farmers overall

Mean VI Mean VI Mean VI mea VI
Farm tourism is the practice of attracting
visitors and tourists to farm areas for
production, educational, and recreational
purposes. 4.00 SA 3.65 SA 3.83 SA 3.83 SA
Farm tourism involves agricultural base
operation. 4.00 SA 3.70 SA 3.61 SA 3.77 SA
Philippines is the one of ASEAN countries
offering equally well-develop farm
tourism. 3.00 A 3.10 A 3.11 A 3.07 A
Farm tourism is a growing sector of
tourism in the country. 4.00 SA 3.40 A 3.39 A 3.60 SA
Farm tourism is a growing sector of
tourism in General Santos City. 3.00 A 2.23 3.33 A 2.85 A
Farm tourism is a form of an educational SA
activity. 4.00 SA 3.25 A 3.56 SA 3.60
Integration of Farm tourism course in the SA
curriculum BSTM will be beneficial to the
students. 4.00 SA 3.55 SA 3.44 A 3.66
Inclusion of Farm Tours and other SA
educational activities in the farm is a must
for the students of BSTM 4.00 SA 3.33 A 3.44 A 3.59
Total 3.75 SA 3.28 A 3.46 A 3.50 SA
Legend: 3.50 – 4.00 Strongly agree(SA)
2.50 – 3.49 Agree(A)
1.50 – 2.49 Disagree(D)
1.00 – 1.49 Strongly disagree(SD)
Table1.1 shows the perceptions of the students, faculty and farm owners relative to the
following Farm Tourism Concept. Given in the data, Farm tourism is the practice of
attracting visitors and tourists to farm areas for production, educational, and recreational
purposes in terms of faculty perception got a weighted mean of 4 which interpreted as
Strongly Agree. In terms of students perception purposes got a weighted mean of
3.65which interpreted as Strongly Agree, in terms of farmer perception got a weighted
mean of 3.83 which interpreted as Strongly Agree. , Farm tourism involves agricultural
base operation in terms of faculty perception got 4 weighted mean and interpreted as
Strongly Agree, in terms of student’s perception shows 3.70 of weighted mean and
interpreted as Strongly Agree. In terms of farmer perception got 3.61 weighted mean
and interpreted as Strongly Agree. Philippines is the one of ASEAN countries offering
equally well-develop farm tourism in terms of faculty perception got 3 weighted mean
and interpreted as Agree. In terms of student’s perception tourism got 3.10of weighted
mean and interpreted as Agree. In terms of farmer perception got 3.11 weighted mean
and interpreted as Agree. Farm tourism is a growing sector of tourism in the country in
terms of faculty perception got 4 weighted mean and interpreted as Strongly Agree. In
terms of student perception got 3.40 of weighted mean and interpreted as Strongly
Agree. In terms of farmer perception 3.39 weighted mean and interpreted as Strongly
Agree. Farm tourism is a growing sector of tourism in General Santos City got 3
weighted mean and interpreted as Agree. In terms of students perception got 2.23 of
weighted mean and interpreted as Disagree while in terms of farmers perception got
3.33 weighted mean and interpreted as Strongly Agree. , Farm tourism is a form of an
educational activity in terms of faculty perception got 4 weighted mean and interpreted
as Strongly Agree, on the other hand, in terms of student’s perception got 3.25of
weighted mean and interpreted as Agree and in terms of farmers perception got
3.56weighted mean and interpreted as Strongly Agree. Integration of Farm tourism
course in the curriculum BSTM will be beneficial to the students in terms of faculty
perception got 4 weighted mean and interpreted as Strongly Agree. In terms of
students perception students got 3.55 of weighted mean and interpreted as Strongly
Agree and in terms of farmer’s perception got 3.44 weighted mean and interpreted as
Strongly Agree. Inclusion of Farm Tours and other educational activities in the farm is
a must for the students of BSTM in terms of faculty perception got 4 weighted mean and
interpreted as Strongly Agree while in terms of student’s perception got 3.33 of
weighted mean and interpreted as Strongly Agree and in terms of farmer’s perception
got 3.44 weighted mean and interpreted as Strongly Agree.

It can be gleaned in table 1.1 that it is strongly agree with the mean of 3.75 in terms of
faculty perception, strongly agree with the mean of 3.28 in terms of student’s
perception and Strongly Agree with the mean of 3.47 in terms of farmer’s perception in
relative to the farm tourism concept. Thus, the result indicates that that the respondents
strongly agree based on their perception in the concept of farm tourism, student as the
respondents are strongly agree based on their perception in the concept of farm
tourism. Although, some of the respondents disagree that farm tourism is a growing
sector of tourism in General Santos City with mean of 2.23 and farmers as the
respondents are strongly agree based on their perception in the concept of farm

Table 1.2
The perceptions of the students, faculty and farm owners relative to the
followingbenefits of farm tourism

benefits of farm tourism Faculty Student Farmers overall

Mean VI Mean VI Mean VI mea VI
Farm Tourism offers a path to economic
development in rural areas. 3.00 A 3.60 SA 3.56 SA 3.39 SA
The LGU-General Santos City can achieve a
balance in tourism development between urban
and rural areas. 4.00 SA 3.08 A 3.44 A 3.51 SA
More farmers are encourage to preserve their land
and prevent agri-land conversion. 1.00 A 3.28 A 3.28 A 2.52 A
The harvest season in the Philippines spells a
boon (blessing/bounty) for farmers. 4.00 SA 3.40 A 3.67 SA 3.69 SA
The influx of tourists calls for better modes of
transportation to bring to and from their
destinations. 4.00 SA 3.10 A 3.39 A 3.50 SA
It is vital to have appropriate accommodations
arrangements for tourists visiting the General
Santos City. 4.00 SA 3.40 A 3.44 A 3.61 SA
Farm tourism educates the visitors and public
about agriculture. 4.00 SA 3.63 SA 3.44 A 3.69 SA
Farm Tourism preserves farms and farmland. 4.00 SA 3.45 A 3.44 A 3.63 SA
Farm Tourism shares agricultural heritage and
rural lifestyles with visitors. 4.00 SA 3.58 SA 3.50 SA 3.69 SA
Farm Tourism preserves rural heritage and
traditions. 4.00 SA 3.33 A 3.56 SA 3.63 SA
Farm Tourism generates quality local products
and produce. 3.00 A 3.48 A 3.06 A 3.18 A
Farm Tourism improves relationship between
farmers and local community. 4.00 SA 3.33 A 3.56 SA 3.63 SA
Farm Tourism develops interaction between
visitors and farmers. 4.00 SA 3.35 A 3.33 A 3.56 SA
Farm Tourism preserves natural resources and
ecosystem. 4.00 SA 3.20 A 3.78 SA 3.66 SA
Farm Tourism enhances the tourism appeal or
rural areas. 4.00 SA 3.28 A 3.39 A 3.56 SA
Farm revitalize local economics. 4.00 SA 3.35 A 3.28 A 3.54 SA
Farm Tourism provides job opportunities for farm
household members. 4.00 SA 3.60 SA 3.44 A 3.68 SA
Farm Tourism enhances the quality of life of local
people. 4.00 SA 3.35 A 3.17 A 3.51 SA
Farm Tourism provides scenic beauty and
landscape. 4.00 SA 3.63 SA 3.61 SA 3.75 SA
Farm Tourism provides recreational activities for
visitors. 4.00 SA 3.63 SA 3.33 A 3.65 SA
Total mean 3.75 SA 3.40 A 3.43 A 3.53 SA
Legend: 3.50 – 4.00 Strongly agree(SA)
2.50 – 3.49 Agree(A)
1.50 – 2.49 Disagree(D)
1.00 – 1.49 Strongly disagree(SD)

Table 1.2 shows the perceptions of the students, faculty and farm owners relative to the
following benefits of farm tourism. Given in the data, Farm Tourism offers a path to
economic development in rural areas in terms of faculty perception got a weighted
mean of 3 which interpreted as Agree, in terms of student’s perception got a weighted
mean 3.60 which interpreted as Strongly Agree while in terms of farmer’s perception
got a weighted mean of 3.83 which interpreted as Strongly Agree. The LGU-General
Santos City can achieve a balance in tourism development between urban and rural
areas in terms of faculty perception got 4 weighted mean and interpreted as Strongly
Agree, in terms of student perception 3.08 of weighted mean and interpreted as Agree
and in terms of farmer perception areas got 3.44 weighted mean and interpreted as
Strongly Agree. More farmers are encourage to preserve their land and prevent agri-
land conversion in terms of faculty perception got 1 weighted mean and interpreted as
Disagree, on the other hand, in terms of student perception got 3.28 weighted mean
and interpreted as Strongly Agree and in terms of farmer perception got 3.28 weighted
mean and interpreted as Strongly Agree. The harvest season in the Philippines spells
a boon (blessing/bounty) for farmers in terms of faculty perception got 4 weighted mean
and interpreted as Strongly Agree, in terms of student perception got 3.40 weighted
mean and interpreted as Strongly Agree and in terms of farmer perception got 3.67
weighted mean and interpreted as Strongly Agree. The influx of tourists calls for better
modes of transportation to bring to and from their destinations in terms of faculty
perception got 4 weighted mean and interpreted as Strongly Agree, in terms of student
perception destinations got 3.10 weighted mean and interpreted as Agree and in terms
of farmer perception got 3.39 weighted mean and interpreted as Strongly Agree. It is
vital to have appropriate accommodations arrangements for tourists visiting the General
Santos City in terms of faculty perception got 4 weighted mean and interpreted as
Strongly Agree, in terms of student perception got 3.40 weighted mean and interpreted
as Strongly Agree and in terms of farmer perception got 3.44 weighted mean and
interpreted as Strongly Agree. Farm tourism educates the visitors and public about
agriculture and farmers in terms of faculty perception got 4 weighted mean and
interpreted as Strongly Agree, mean while in terms of student perception got 3.63
weighted mean and interpreted as Strongly Agree and got 3.44 weighted mean and
interpreted as Strongly Agree in terms of farmer perception. Farm Tourism preserves
farms and farmland got 4 weighted mean and interpreted as Strongly Agree in terms of
faculty perception. In terms of student perception got 3.45 weighted mean and
interpreted as Strongly Agree and in terms of farmer perception farmland got 3.44
weighted mean and interpreted as Strongly Agree. Farm Tourism shares agricultural
heritage and rural lifestyles with visitors got 4 weighted mean and interpreted as
Strongly Agree in terms of faculty perception, in terms of student perception got 3.58
weighted mean and interpreted as, in terms of farmer perception got 3.50 weighted
mean and interpreted as Strongly Agree. Farm Tourism preserves rural heritage and
traditions in terms of faculty perception got 4 weighted mean and interpreted as
Strongly Agree, in terms of student perception got 3.33 weighted mean and interpreted
as Strongly Agree and got 3.56 weighted mean and interpreted as Strongly Agree.
Farm Tourism generates quality local products and produce in terms of faculty
perception got 3 weighted mean and interpreted as Strongly Agree, in terms of student
perception got 3.48 weighted mean and interpreted as Strongly Agree and got 3.06
weighted mean and interpreted as Agree. Farm Tourism improves relationship between
farmers and local community got 4 weighted mean and interpreted as Agree in terms of
faculty perception. In terms of student perception got 3.33 weighted mean and
interpreted as Strongly Agree and in terms of farmer perception got 3.56 weighted
mean and interpreted as Strongly Agree. Farm Tourism develops interaction between
visitors in terms of faculty perception got 4 weighted mean and interpreted as Strongly
Agree, in terms of student perception got 3.35 weighted mean and interpreted as
Strongly Agree and in terms of farmer perception got 3.33 weighted mean and
interpreted as Strongly Agree. Farm Tourism preserves natural resources and
ecosystem in terms of faculty perception got 4 weighted mean and interpreted as
Strongly Agree, in terms of student perception 3.20 weighted mean and interpreted as
Agree and got 3.78 weighted mean and interpreted as Strongly Agree in terms of
farmer perception. Farm Tourism enhances the tourism appeal or rural areas in terms of
faculty got 4 weighted mean and interpreted as Strongly Agree, in terms of student
perception got 3.28 weighted mean and interpreted as Strongly Agree and in terms of
farmer perception got 3.39 weighted mean and interpreted as Strongly Agree. Farm
revitalizes local economics in terms of faculty perception got 4 weighted mean and
interpreted as Strongly Agree, in terms of student perception got 3.35 weighted mean
and interpreted as Strongly Agree and in terms of farmer perception got 3.28 weighted
mean and interpreted as Strongly Agree. Farm Tourism provides job opportunities for
farm household members in terms of faculty perception got 4 weighted mean and
interpreted as Strongly Agree, in terms of student perception got 3.60 weighted mean
and interpreted as Strongly Agree and got weighted mean3.44 and interpreted as
Strongly Agree in terms of farmer owner perception. Farm Tourism enhances the
quality of life of local people in terms of faculty perception got 4 weighted mean and
interpreted as Disagree while in terms of student perception people got 3.35 weighted
mean and interpreted as Strongly Agree and in terms of farmer perception got
3.17weighted mean and interpreted as Agree. Farm Tourism provides scenic beauty
and landscape in terms of faculty perception got 4got weighted mean and interpreted as
Strongly Agree, in terms of student perception got 3.63 weighted mean and interpreted
as Strongly Agree and got 3.61got weighted mean and interpreted as Strongly Agree
in terms of farmer perception. Farm Tourism provides recreational activities for visitors
got 4 weighted mean and interpreted as Strongly Agree in terms of faculty perception
and in terms of student perception got 3.63 weighted mean and interpreted as Strongly
Agree. And In terms of farmer perception visitors got 3.33 weighted mean and
interpreted as Strongly Agree.

Table 2 shows the perception on benefits of farm tourism. It implies that the respondent
is strongly agree with the mean of 3.75 in terms of faculty perception, strongly agree
with the mean of 3.40 in terms of student perception and strongly agrees with the
mean of 3.43 in terms of farmer perception.

Table 2.1
The level of awareness of faculty and students on farm tourism activities

activities Faculty Student Farmers overall

Mean VI Mea VI Mean VI mean VI
Dining 3.00 Ma 3.25 Ma 3.12 Ma 3.12 Ma
Accommodation/Staycation (Bed
and Breakfast) 3.00 Ma 3.33 Ma 3.18 Ma 3.17 Ma
Team Building Activities 2.00 LA 3.30 Ma 2.91 Ma 2.74 Ma
Art of Doing nothing lessons 2.00 LA 2.90 Ma 2.58 Ma 2.49 LA
Soul searching and relaxation
activities 3.00 Ma 3.23 Ma 3.17 Ma 3.13 Ma
Organic training and workshops 4.00 MA 3.50 MA 3.45 Ma 3.65 MA
Farm Tours/ Educational tour 4.00 MA 3.63 MA 3.51 MA 3.71 MA
Healing Power of touch 3.00 Ma 2.73 Ma 3.00 Ma 2.91 Ma
Total 3.00 Ma 3.23 Ma 3.12 Ma 3.12 Ma
Legend: 3.50 – 4.00 Most Aware(MA)
2.50 – 3.49 More Awre(Ma)
1.50 – 2.49 Less Aware(LA)
1.00 – 1.49 Not Aware(NA)
The table 3 shows the awareness of the Farmers in Farm Tourism Activities. Given in

the data,Dininggot in terms of faculty perception a weighted mean of 3.12 which

interpreted as More Aware, in terms of student perception got a weighted mean of 3.25

which interpreted as More Aware and in terms of farmer perception weighted mean of

3.12 which interpreted as More Aware. Accommodation/Staycation (Bed and Breakfast)

in terms of faculty perception got 3weighted mean and interpreted as More Aware, in

terms of student perception got 3.33 weighted mean and interpreted as Most Aware

and in terms of farmer perception got 3.18weighted mean and interpreted as More

Aware. Team Building Activities got 2weighted mean and interpreted as LessAware in

terms of faculty perception, student perception got 3.30 weighted mean and interpreted

as More Aware, farmer perception got 2.91weighted mean and interpreted as More

Aware. Art of Doing nothing lessons in terms of faculty perception got 2weighted mean

and interpreted as Less Aware, student perception got 2.90 weighted mean and

interpreted as More Aware and farmer perception got 2.58weighted mean and

interpreted as More Aware. Soul searching and relaxation activities got 3weighted

mean and interpreted as More Aware in terms of faculty perception, student perception

got 3.23 weighted mean and interpreted as More Aware and activities got 3.17weighted

mean and interpreted as More Aware in terms of farmer perception. Organic training

and workshops in terms of faculty perception got 4weighted mean and interpreted as

Most Aware, mean while student perception got 3.50 weighted mean and interpreted

as Most Aware and farmer perception got 3.45weighted mean and interpreted as Most

Aware. In terms of Farm Tours/ Educational tour got 4weighted mean and interpreted

as Most Aware, student perception got 3.63 weighted mean and interpreted as Most
Aware and farmer perception got 3.51weighted mean and interpreted as Most Aware.

Healing Power of touch got 3weighted mean and interpreted as More Aware in terms of

faculty perception, got 2.73weighted mean and interpreted as More Aware in terms of

student perception and got 3.00weighted mean and interpreted as More Aware in terms

of farmer owner perception. Table 2.1 indicates that the respondent is more aware with

the mean of 3.0 in terms of faculty perception, more aware with the mean of 3.23 in

terms of student perception and more aware with the mean of 3.12 in terms of farmer

owner perception. Thus, the result entails that the faculties, students and farm owners

are aware on farm tourism activities, aware on farm tourism activities.

Table 2.2
The level of awareness of faculty and students on farm tourism activities

Products Faculty Student Farmers overall

Mean VI Mean VI Mean VI mean VI
Livestocks 4.00 MA 3.43 Ma 3.67 MA 3.70 MA
Country store(handmade wares
and linens) 3.00 Ma 3.33 Ma 2.94 Ma 3.09 Ma
Herbal plants 3.00 Ma 3.65 MA 3.44 Ma 3.36 Ma
Organic Farm Product 4.00 MA 3.58 MA 3.39 Ma 3.66 MA
Honey, Bee Pollen, Royal Jelly &
Bee Venom 3.00 Ma 3.45 Ma 3.28 Ma 3.24 Ma
Household Products 3.00 Ma 3.23 Ma 3.33 Ma 3.19 Ma
Total 3.33 Ma 3.45 Ma 3.34 Ma 3.37 Ma
Legend: 3.50 – 4.00 Most Aware(MA)
2.50 – 3.49 More Awre(Ma)
1.50 – 2.49 Less Aware(LA)
1.00 – 1.49 Not Aware(NA)

Table 2.2 shows the level of awareness of faculty and students on farm tourism

activities. Given in the data, Livestocks got a weighted mean of 4 which interpreted as
Most Aware in terms of faculty perception, student perception got a weighted mean of

3.33 which interpreted as Most Aware and farmer perception got a weighted mean of

3.67 which interpreted as Most Aware. Country store(handmade wares and linens) in

terms of faculty perception got 3weighted mean and interpreted as More Aware,

student perception got 3.33 weighted mean and interpreted as Most Aware and farmer

perception got 2.94weighted mean and interpreted as More Aware. In terms of Herbal

plants got 3weighted mean and interpreted as More Aware, in terms student perception

got 3.65 weighted mean and interpreted as Most Aware and got 3.44weighted mean

and interpreted as Most Aware in terms of farm owner perception. Organic Farm

Product got 4 weighted mean and interpreted as Most Aware in terms of faculty

perception, student perception got 3.58 weighted mean and interpreted as Most Aware

and farmer perception .got 3.39weighted mean and interpreted as Most Aware. Honey,

Bee Pollen, Royal Jelly & Bee Venom in terms of faculty perception got 3 weighted

mean and interpreted as More Aware, student perception Venom got 3.45 weighted

mean and interpreted as Most Aware and farmer perception got 3.28 weighted mean

and interpreted as Most Aware. Household Products got 3weighted mean and

interpreted as More Aware in terms of faculty perception, on the other hand, student

perception got 3.23 weighted mean and interpreted as More Aware and farmer

perception got 3.33weighted mean and interpreted as Most Aware.

Table 2.2 shows the awareness on farm tourism products. The faculty is most aware

with the mean of 3.33, students are Most Aware with the mean of 3.44 and the farmers

as respondents are Most Aware with the mean of 3.44.


significant difference the perceptions of the students, faculty and farm owners
relative to the followingconcepts of farm tourism

Concepts Of Sum Of Mean Remarks Decision

Farm Tourism Squares Df Square F p-value
Between Significant Reject Ho
.074 2 .037 41.317 .009
Within Groups 6.502 56 .116
Total 6.575 58

In table3.1significant difference the perceptions of the students, faculty and farm owners

relative to the following concepts of farm tourismis significant such as

concepts(t=41.317, p=.009), since their p-value are less than .05 (p<.05) There results,

Therefore led to the rejection of the null Hypothesis that there is no significant difference

the perceptions of the students, faculty and farm owners relative to the following

concepts of farm tourism

Multiple Comparisons of the the perceptions of the students, faculty and farm
owners relative to the following concepts of farm tourism

(I) (J) Difference Remarks Decision
respondent respondent (I-J) p-value
student faculty -.17769 .003 Significant Reject Ho
Farmowner .02495 .000
faculty student .17769 .003 Significant Reject Ho
Farmowner .20265 .000
farmowner student -.02495 .000 Significant Reject Ho
faculty -.20265 .000
IntheMultiple Comparisons of the the perceptions of the students, faculty and farm

owners relative to the following concepts of farm tourism all of the respondent is

significant base of the result of the Scheffe’s test all of the p-value are less than .05


Table 3.2

significant difference the perceptions of the students, faculty and farm owners
relative to the following benefits of farm tourism

benefits of Sum Of Mean Remarks Decision

farm tourism Squares Df Square F p-value
Between Significant Reject Ho
.623 2 .311 11.398 .000
Within Groups 1.530 56 .027
Total 2.152 58

In table3.2significant difference the perceptions of the students, faculty and farm owners

relative to the following benefits of farm tourismis significant such as benefits (t=11.311,

p=.000), since their p-value are less than .05 (p<.05) There results, Therefore led to the

rejection of the null Hypothesis that there is no significant difference the perceptions of

the students, faculty and farm owners relative to the following benefits of farm tourism

Multiple Comparisons of the the perceptions of the students, faculty and farm
owners relative to the following benefits of farm tourism

(I) (J) Difference Remarks Decision
respondent respondent (I-J) p-value
student faculty .01977 .000 Significant Reject Ho
Farmowner .25002* .000
faculty student -.01977 .000 Significant Reject Ho
Farmowner .23026* .024
farmowner student -.25002* .000 Significant Reject Ho
faculty -.23026* .024

In the Multiple Comparisons of the the perceptions of the students, faculty and farm

owners relative to the following benefits of farm tourismall of the respondent is

significant base of the result of the Scheffe’s test all of the p-value are less than .05


4. What are the challenges/difficulties/problems of farm owners relative to farm

tourism and how these can be addressed which can be included in the proposed


Some portion of this examination was a meeting with homestead proprietors

concerning the challenges/issues/troubles they have experienced in their tasks. They

have recognized the accompanying. Lack of government bolster in promoting, back,

innovation and introduction to online networking, youth training, the travel industry,

ranch to advertise street systems, purchasing stations for ranch deliver, security,
utilities, correspondence, transportation and lower chargesAccessibility of spending plan

for extension exercises; Development of the homestead is excessively exorbitant;

Workers are not being accustomed to utilizing natural practices; sudden changes of

climate or unusual climate conditions; Different gatherings booked in the meantime.

They think that its hard to deal with gatherings and in this way the need preparing on

client administration; and maintenance of the property. Given the above difficulties, the

ranch proprietors have additionally recognized the accompanying blueprints to defeat

those difficulties/issues/troubles, to mind.

Consistent discoursed, correspondence, visits to government workplaces, close-

by instructive focuses, going to displays, preparing, gathering, showcase infiltration

endeavors, utilization of web, FB, and other sight and sound outlets; Partnership OFW

to address the issue on funds and capitalization necessities; Creation of inspirational

exercises for the neighborhood agriculturists, for them to be urged to likewise embrace

new innovations on cultivating; Dividing tasks into stages and co-supported by

government offices; Systems administration with government organizations,

agriculturists/cultivating fans, visiting classes/preparing, getting engaged with network

advancement, leading the set up of rancher and ladies relationship to engage them;

postponing the visits in the event of unfriendly whether condition Time the board and

extra facilitators and hiring additional manpower.

5. How will farm tourism be integrated in the curriculum of BS Tourism

Management as an elective course?

Tourism is one of the industries that is currently on boost. It has grown into one

of the world’s major industries and has thus also become increasingly important.

Regarding the concepts of farm tourism, both faculty members and farm owners

strongly agreed that farm tourism can be a venue for educational and recreational

purposes. All the respondents also strongly agreed that farm tourism is a growing sector

of tourism in the country and it is a form of an educational activity. The responses of the

students and farm owners have a highly significant difference. Since the students’

generation today is what is known as the “age of the millennial” they are not that aware

anymore of organic living but are more into instant technology. However, farm owners

are those older people who witness the way their ancestors lived before. They are

longing for the organic living they were used to. It is also evident that the students need

more awareness about Farm Tourism. When it comes to the benefits of farm tourism,

both faculty and farm owners strongly agreed that farm tourism educates the visitor and

public about agriculture. However, on the part of the students, they only seem to agree.

This has the same outcome on the perception that the influx of tourists calls for better

modes of transportation to bring them to and from their destinations. The result of the

Scheffe’s test revealed that there are highly significant differences on the responses

between the faculty and students, faculty and farm owners and student and farm


Therefore, the students still need more knowledge about the benefits of farm

tourism. Farm Owners must likewise bear in mind that when they fully venture into farm

tourism, their respective farms must have these for their visitors: things to see (tourism

sites), things to do (activities) and things to Buy (local produce). Another interesting
point that came out from the interview with the farm owners is the need to conduct

seminars on customer service for the staff (front liners) of farm sites. Farm Tourism

requires people skills. Tourists expect to be greeted with a smile and that all staff will be

warm, friendly, and helpful (Curtis, 2015). In this regard, the university can help farm

owners in coordinating with the Department of Tourism to come up with seminars and in

providing resource speakers in customer service. The said government agency can

partner with educational institutions and farm owners to intensify the campaign on farm

tourism awareness. All farm owners strongly agreed on integrating Farm Tourism in the

curriculum and they specifically cited the following reasons for doing such. The key to

the country’s success are the young generations. They emphasized the need to bring

people back to basics in terms of food production and protection of environment; There

is a need to teach the millennial about the beauty of farming by being business-minded

and innovative and not just the traditional/conventional farming; and There is a need to

secure the country’s food and use of natural resources. According to them, the young

generations must wake up and must be taught agriculture entrepreneurship to inculcate

the value of money by teaching them the technical aspect.

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