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Akgunduz, Yusuf Emre, and Suzanne Heijnen.

“Impact of Funding Targeted Pre-School

Interventions on School Readiness: Evidence from the Netherlands.” De Economist, vol.

166, no. 2, pp. 155–178.

- Yusuf Emre Akgunduz and Suzanne Heijnen, Impact of Funding Targeted Pre-School

Interventions on School Readiness: Evidence from the Netherlands, appeared on the

Sinclair library database. The main point of this article is to talk about school funding in a

different country, the Netherlands. In this article they focused on the early childhood age

group and the money they received to run the program. They perform a study to see the

school readiness based on who receives the subsidy. The author's purpose is to inform

readers about the school funding issues in the Netherlands. The audience could be the

government who fund the schools, parents with small children in schools, and educators.

This piece was written in 2016, so it makes it recent and relevant. The writers are from

the Netherlands and have credibility because they include data analysis and results in

their study. The numbers do not appear out of nowhere. This source is reliable because it

comes from a scholarly article that has information you can prove. I will use this source

in my paper for a non US context to show that it is not just the US with school funding

issues. It will help me answer the question of how other countries fund their schools.

Ascd. “A Research Synthesis / Unequal School Funding in the United States.” Unequal

School Funding in the United States - Educational Leadership,


Bruce J Biddle and David C Berliner, Unequal School Funding in the United States, May 2002,

appeared on the Sinclair library database. The main point of this article is to talk about school
funding state by state and prove that there is equal amounts of money across the US for schools.

The authors give a chart of average annual expenditures per student in each state. The author's

purpose is to inform readers about the unequal amounts of money from the government in each

state and they compare poverty levels to the school district funding. The audience could be

anyone in the education system across the US, the government, parents, students. The authors

have credibility because they themselves are citing sources from where they got their

information from. This source is credible because it is from a .org site and they cite their own

sources. This source is from 2002 so it is relevant ish, but still gives good information. In my

paper I can use this source to compare the numbers from 2002 to now of school funding by state

and will answer the question of how are districts in poverty funded.

Bendavid-Hadar, Iris, et al., “School Funding Formulae: Designed to Create a Learning

Society?” Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, vol. 48, no.

4, 2017, pp. 553–570., doi:10.1080/03057925.2017.1323625.

Iris Bendavid-Hadar, School Funding Formulae: Designed to Create a Learning Society?,

May 17, 2017, appeared on Sinclair Library Database. The main point of this article is to

look at three different places, Israel, England, and Oklahoma and compare their education

finance policy and determine the fairness in each place. The author's purpose is to inform

the reader of the differences between places around the world and how their education

finance policy is used in each area. The author explores the fairness in each place and

determines their attempt to make things right for school funding. The audience could be

people from any of those places, those in government, educators in those areas, and

parents of school children in those areas. The author is credible because this is a scholarly

article and she presents data that proves her claim in all three places. This article is from
2017 so it is very relevant and can be used in my paper to present the idea of education

finance policy and how it can affect different countries and states.

Crann, Tom, and Nicola Alexander. “Minnesota's School Funding Formula Provides

Some Students of Color Less Than Their White Peers .” MPR News, 5 Mar. 2019,

Tom Crann and Nicola Alexander, Minnesota’s School Funding Formula Provides Some

Students of Color Less Than Their White Peers, March 5, 2019, found by a google

search. The main point of this article is to bring the topic of race into school funding in

the state of Minnesota. In this article includes an interview with Nicola Alexander who is

the associate professor at the University of Minnesota and studies school funding and

equity for the College of Education and Human Development. The author's purpose is to

inform and present information about the effects of race on school funding and to see if

their are any long term effects. The author shows us the interview because they want an

expert opinion on the matter. The audience could be anybody who watches the news

source, educators, parents, students. This author is credible because it is from a well

known news source and is using sources from the interview to back up the claim. This

source is relevant from 2019 and can be used in my paper to answer the question if any

outside variables affect school funding.

L.|Vesely, Justin, and Randall S. “Equity and Adequacy in Ohio School Funding.”

Leadership and Research in Education, Ohio Council of Professors of Educational

Administration. e-Mail:; Web Site: Http://Education-Human-, 30 Nov. 2016,

Justin Johnson and Randall Vesely, Equity and Adequacy in Ohio School Funding, found by

internet search, 2017. The main point of this article is to explore the school funding in Ohio and

determine how well schools are funded. The authors perform an environmental review of the

schools. The author's purpose is to inform about the school funding in Ohio and about it’s equity

and adequacy. The authors dive deep with a study about how the government actually funds

Ohio and if it is appropriate or not for the needs of school districts. The audience could be the

government in Ohio, parents with children enrolled, and educators. The authors are credible

because they provide sources on their study and it is a scholarly article. This source is relevant to

my paper because it can bring the state we live in into account and answer the question of how

our own school districts are funded.

Mervosh, Sarah. “How Much Wealthier Are White School Districts Than Nonwhite

Ones? $23 Billion, Report Says. .” The New York Times, 27 Feb. 2019,

Sarah Mervosh, How Much Wealthier Are White School Districts Than Nonwhite Ones?

Over $23 Billion, Report Says, Feb 2019, found on newspaper sites. The main point of

this article is to explore why predominantly white districts receive more funding than

predominantly non white school districts. The article provides sources for the dollar

amount, and asks the question why is this happening? The author provides quotes from

different people in the education world that say this is wrong and the state legislature

needs to take action. The author's purpose is to inform the readers about the injustice

going on in the US, and how we can help take action. The audience can be anyone who

reads the NY times, the government, parents, students, educators. The author is credible

because she uses sources to back up her claim, and the NY times is a huge news resource
that people turn to. This source is relevant to my paper because it talks about the

government's ways on injustice and answers another question of why funding is unequal.

“School Funding.” Findlaw,


No author, School Funding, found by internet search. The main purpose of this website is

to provide general data points for things about school funding in America. The website

provides a few articles for school funding and different topics about it. This website

basically is a huge resource that provides branches for different areas about school

funding. There is not one specific author. The sites purpose is to inform readers about

school funding and help them explore more information about it. The audience can be

anybody interested about this topic, educators, parents, students. This source is very

relevant to my paper because it is a helpful tool to use when I need to look up more data

for school funding.

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