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Description of surroundings

1 Assuming that all the sides do not have any obstruction of day light

Natural lighting consists of 3 factors

a External Reflected Component(ERC)

b Sky Component (SC)
c Internal Reflected Component (IRC)

Based on the assumptions taken initially contribution of each factors can be taken as follows

Direction Daylight Factor

North SC+IRC
South SC+IRC

Step 1 Room areas

Effective Areas of walls
Sl. No Room W E N S Roof Floor
1 General Ward 1 19.69 21.10 30.69 30.69 82.65 82.65
2 General Ward 2 21.10 19.69 30.69 30.69 82.65 82.65
3 Room 1 9.13 7.14 12.94 13.58 15.70 15.70

Step 2 Fenestration Areas

Sl No Label No. Width Height Area Total P

1 W1 2 3.00 1.20 3.60 7.20 5.44
2 W2 2 1.20 1.20 1.44 2.74 4.83
3 D1 2 1.50 2.20 3.30 11.83 6.50
4 D2 1 1.20 2.20 2.64 6.45 5.80
5 V1 6 0.91 0.61 0.56 1.67 3.04
General Ward 1
(Assumption - Height of the bed =0.45 , Sill Height = 0.91 m)

A Sky Component
Window W1
AB : 3.00 m
BC : 1.20 m
Area: 3.60 m2

Projection dimension :
AL : 0.29 m
AE : 0.46 m

Effective opening area : ABCD

d= 5.095 m
Where d is the normal distance of the point from the external surface D M C

Governing Equation
l/d = 0.1
h/d = 0.3 A L B
SC (NMDE) = 0.300 Refering Table 10

l/d = 0.1 E N F
h/d = 0.1
SC (NLAE) = 0.036 Refering Table 10

SC(LMDA)= 0.264

l/d = 0.532
h/d = 0.326
SC(NMCF)= 1.340

l/d = 0.532
h/d = 0.090
SC(NLBF)= 0.159

SC(NSQC)= 1.18

SC (ABCD)%= 1.45

B External Reflected Component

As Explained above, since no obstructions ERC=0

ERC(%) 0
C Internal Reflected Component

Formula used - IRC = (0.85*W*C*R)/(A(1-R))

Where 0.85 is the diffuse transmittance of 3mm clear glass

W*C*R = W*((C1*Rfw)+(C2*Rcw))
C1 and C2 are the percentage window factors due to flux from the above mid height of the window and below it respectively
Rfw and Rcw are the average reflectances of the part of the room excluding window wall, below mid height of the window and above it respectively
C1 = 78 and C2 = 18
R =(AcRc + AfRf + AwRw)/(Ac+Af+Aw)

0.5 0.7 0.3 78 18

Height of floor =3.01

Lower Mid height Upper Mid height Afw Acw Rfw Rcw R A WCR IRC
1.510 1.500 124.025 123.751 0.367 0.634 0.463 267.464 171.120 1.013
IRC = 1.013 %

DayLight Factor = DF = SC + ERC+ IRC = 2.46 %

Applying Correction Factor for Maintenance and Louver DLF= day light factor*Maintainance factor factor*kind of louver
0.8 0.7
DF = 1.38 %

The above value when compared to the minimum DF requirements for a general ward(1.25 %)is greater, hence the DF is sufficient duing day time.

General Ward 2
(Assumption - Height of the bed =0.45 , Sill Height = 0.91 m)

A Sky Component
Window W1
AB : 3.00 m
BC : 1.20 m
Area: 3.60 m2

Projection dimension :
AQ : 1.05 m
AM : 0.46 m

Effective opening area : ABCD

d= 5.095 m
Where d is the normal distance of the point from the external surface P D C

Governing Equation

l/d = 0.795
h/d = 0.326 Q A B
SC (NOCP) = 1.653 Refering Table 10

l/d = 0.206 N M O
h/d = 0.326
SC (NMDP) = 0.625 Refering Table 10

l/d = 0.795
h/d = 0.090
SC(NOBQ)= 0.023 Refering Table 10

l/d = 0.206
h/d = 0.090
SC(NMAQ)= 0.004 Refering Table 10

SC (ABCD)%= 1.01

B External Reflected Component

As Explained above, since no obstructions ERC=0

ERC(%) 0

C Internal Reflected Component

Formula used - IRC = (0.85*W*C*R)/(A(1-R))

Where 0.85 is the diffuse transmittance of 3mm clear glass

W*C*R = W*((C1*Rfw)+(C2*Rcw))
C1 and C2 are the percentage window factors due to flux from the above mid height of the window and below it respectively
Rfw and Rcw are the average reflectances of the part of the room excluding window wall, below mid height of the window and above it respectively
C1 = 78 and C2 = 18
R =(AcRc + AfRf + AwRw)/(Ac+Af+Aw)

0.5 0.7 0.3 78 18

Height of floor =3.01

Lower Mid height Upper Mid height Afw Acw Rfw Rcw R A WCR IRC
1.510 1.500 124.025 123.751 0.367 0.634 0.500 247.776 144.031 0.988

IRC = 0.988 %

DayLight Factor = DF = SC + ERC+ IRC = 2.00 %

Applying Correction Factor for Maintenance and Louver DLF= day light factor*Maintainance factor factor*kind of louver
0.8 0.7
DF = 1.12 %

The above value when compared to the minimum DF requirements for a general ward(1.25 %)is lesser, hence the DF is not sufficient duing day time.

Room 1
(Assumption - Height of the bed =0.45 , Sill Height = 0.91 m)

A Sky Component
Window W1
AB : 3.00 m
BC : 1.20 m
Area: 3.60 m2

Projection dimension :
AM : 1.50 m
AP: 0.46 m

Effective opening area : ABCD

d= 5.095 m
Where d is the normal distance of the point from the external surface
Governing Equation
l/d = 0.294
h/d = 0.326 A
SC (SNPD) = 0.880 Refering Table 10 M B

l/d = 0.294
h/d = 0.090 P S Q
SC (SMAP) = 0.067 Refering Table 10

SC(MNDA)= 0.813

l/d = 0.294
h/d = 0.326
SC(SNCQ)= 0.880 Refering Table 10

l/d = 0.294
h/d = 0.090
SC(SMBQ)= 0.067 Refering Table 10

SC(NSQC)= 0.81

SC (ABCD)%= 1.63

B External Reflected Component

As Explained above, since no obstructions ERC=0

ERC(%) 0

C Internal Reflected Component

Formula used - IRC = (0.85*W*C*R)/(A(1-R))

Where 0.85 is the diffuse transmittance of 3mm clear glass

W*C*R = W*((C1*Rfw)+(C2*Rcw))
C1 and C2 are the percentage window factors due to flux from the above mid height of the window and below it respectively
Rfw and Rcw are the average reflectances of the part of the room excluding window wall, below mid height of the window and above it respectively
C1 = 78 and C2 = 18
R =(AcRc + AfRf + AwRw)/(Ac+Af+Aw)

0.5 0.7 0.3 78 18

Height of floor =3.01

Lower Mid height Upper Mid height Afw Acw Rfw Rcw R A WCR IRC
1.510 1.500 93.718 26.692 0.109 0.618 0.500 53.458 53.860 1.713

IRC = 1.713 %

DayLight Factor = DF = SC + ERC+ IRC = 3.34 %

Applying Correction Factor for Maintenance and Louver DLF= day light factor*Maintainance factor factor*kind of louver
0.8 0.7
DF = 1.87 %

The above value when compared to the minimum DF requirements for a general ward(1.25 %)is greater, hence the DF is not sufficient duing day time.

SL NO ROOM SC(%) ERC(%) IRC(%) DF(%)

1 General Ward 1 1.45 0 1.01 1.38
2 General Ward 2 1.01 0 1.0 1.12
3 Room 1 1.63 0 1.7 1.87


Room Index determination

RI = (L*W)/((L+W)*Hm)

where, RI = Room Index

L = Length of the room in m
W = Room Width in m
Hm = Mounting Height of the Lumen in m

* Consider a diffusing lamp unit fitted with a cool day light Flourescent tube
Hence Initial Lumen output phi lamp will be 2440 Lumen (Table 20)
*Mounting Height at all rooms will be 2.50 m above floor level
*Table Height in Bed room = 0.45 m Hm= 2.05

*Cw= 0.5
*Cc = 0.7
*Cf = 0.3

Number of lamps Required

Nlamp = (E*A)/(u*d*phi(lamp))

Nlamp =Number of Lamps
E = desired General illuminance in Lux (Table
A = Floor Area in m2 RI = (L*W)/((L+W)*Hm)
u = utilization factor in new conditions
d = maintenance factor = 0.75 No 40
Phi (lamp) = Luminous Flux of each Lamp

Sl. No Room L (m) W (m) Hm (m) RI E (Lumens) A (m2) u d (lamp) N (lamp)
1 General Ward 1 10.19 8.1 2.05 2.2 150 82.5 0.178 0.75 2440 38
2 General Ward 2 10.19 8.1 2.05 2.2 150 82.5 0.154 0.75 2440 44
3 Room 1 5.18 3.033 2.05 0.9 150 15.7 0.09 0.75 2440 14

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