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Enhanced degradation of persistent pharmaceuticals found in wastewater

treatment effluents using TiO2 nanobelt photocatalysts

Article  in  Journal of Nanoparticle Research · October 2013

DOI: 10.1007/s11051-013-1990-x


35 422

4 authors, including:

Robert Liang Anming Hu

University of Waterloo University of Tennessee


Wenjuan Li
Taiyuan University of Technology


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J Nanopart Res (2013) 15:1990
DOI 10.1007/s11051-013-1990-x


Enhanced degradation of persistent pharmaceuticals found

in wastewater treatment effluents using TiO2 nanobelt
Robert Liang • Anming Hu • Wenjuan Li •

Y. Norman Zhou

Received: 19 July 2013 / Accepted: 2 September 2013 / Published online: 20 September 2013
Ó Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013

Abstract Pharmaceuticals in wastewater effluents pharmaceuticals were explored using kinetic models.
are a current and emerging global problem and the Furthermore we have determined the degree of
development of cost-effective methods to facilitate pharmaceutical degradation as a function of solution
their removal is needed to mitigate this issue. pH, illumination time, temperature, and concentration
Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs), in particular of contaminant. In addition, the roles of active oxygen
UV/TiO2, have potential for wastewater treatment. In species—hydroxyl radial (OH), positive holes (h?),
this study, TiO2 anatase phase nanobelts (30–100 nm and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)—involved were also
in width and 10 lm in length) have been synthesized investigated in the degradation process. These studies
using a high temperature hydrothermal method as a offer additional applications of hierarchical TiO2
means to photocatalyze the oxidation of pharmaceu- nanobelt membranes, including those harnessing sun-
tical contaminants. We have investigated a model dye light for water treatment.
(malachite green), three pharmaceuticals and personal
care products—naproxen, carbamazepine, and the- Keywords TiO2 nanobelts  Photocatalysis 
ophylline—that are difficult to oxidize without AOP Surface adsorption  Pharmaceuticals 
processes. TiO2 nanobelts were exposed to 365 nm Sustainable development  EHS
UV illumination and the measured photocatalytic
degradation rates and adsorption parameters of

Electronic supplementary material The online version of There are roughly 3.8 billion human beings that have
this article (doi:10.1007/s11051-013-1990-x) contains supple-
mentary material, which is available to authorized users.
limited or no access to a potable water source and
about millions have succumbed to waterborne diseases
R. Liang  A. Hu  W. Li  Y. N. Zhou each year (Malato et al. 2009). With the growing
Centre for Advanced Materials Joining, Department demand for clean water sources due to economic
of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, University
disparity, rapid urbanization, industrialization, and
of Waterloo, 200 University Avenue West, Waterloo,
ON N2L 3G1, Canada population growth, there is growing concern on the
availability and strategies necessary to deliver potable
R. Liang  A. Hu (&)  Y. N. Zhou water (Malato et al. 2009; Richardson 2008; Sua’rez
Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology, University
et al. 2008; Wintgens et al. 2008). To exacerbate the
of Waterloo, 200 University Avenue West, Waterloo,
ON N2L 3G1, Canada situation, there are also emerging pollutants in waste-
e-mail: water effluents that have potential adverse health

Page 2 of 13 J Nanopart Res (2013) 15:1990

effects; these include, but are not limited to, textile (band-gap energy), generate enough energy to move
dyes, pharmaceuticals, steroid estrogens, personal electrons from the valence band to the conduction
care products, plasticizers, and algal toxins (Boussel- band, and simultaneously, holes (vacancies left by
mi et al. 2004; Malato et al. 2009; Mozia et al. 2007; electrons) are created in the valence band (Fujishima
Naddeo et al. 2011; Rizzo et al. 2009). Addressing et al. 2000; Malato et al. 2009). These electron/hole
current and future problems require new robust pairs either they recombine, and produce thermal
methods and technologies of purifying water at lower energy, or migrate to the photocatalyst surface where
cost, energy, and environmental impact than current they participate in redox reactions with adsorbed
methods. substances on the TiO2 liquid/solid interface (Quiroz
Over the past few decades, advanced oxidation et al. 2011). These photogenerated holes and electrons
processes (AOPs) have been given attention as have a redox potential around ?2.53 and -0.52 V,
effective technologies for remediation and removal respectively, in pH 7 studied under TiO2 photoanode,
of persistent pollutants in water and wastewater Pt cathode, and a reference standard hydrogen elec-
(Bloecher 2007; Sirés and Brillas 2012). AOPs are trode (SHE) (Solarchem Environmental Systems
aimed to convert organic pollutants, and their con- 1994). TiO2 nanoparticles have successfully been
stituents, into inorganic molecules that are, for the applied to prototype wastewater treatment plants
most part, harmless. To elaborate, AOPs generate (WWTPs) and research has been conducted using
hydroxyl radicals (HO), a powerful and very reactive TiO2 slurries and immobilized membranes (Albu et al.
oxidant that can attack almost all organic compounds. 2007; Bousselmi et al. 2004; Hu et al. 2011; Malato
In addition, HO radicals react 106–1012 times more et al. 2002; Zhang et al. 2009). TiO2 slurries have
rapidly than alternative oxidants such as ozone (O3), higher photocatalytic degradation rates than immobi-
and have a high redox potential (2.80 V vs. normal lized membranes, however, they require an extra cost
hydrogen electrode, NHE), second to fluorine, which intensive separation step to recover the suspended
is highly toxic, in Table 1 (Naddeo et al. 2011; TiO2 (Hu et al. 2011; Naddeo et al. 2011). Although
Pignatello et al. 2006; Solarchem Environmental conventional TiO2 nanoparticles are effective in their
Systems 1994). There are several AOP processes removal of organic compounds, they suffer from the
currently used such as ozonation (O3), hydrogen propensity of electron and hole recombination; how-
peroxide (H2O2), TiO2, and Fenton (Fe2?) processes. ever, TiO2 nanowires and hierarchical structures have
All these processes may be improved using ultravi- been shown to reduce recombination and increase
olet (UV) irradiation and ultrasonication (Naddeo photocatalytic efficiency (Wu et al. 2013; Yang et al.
et al. 2011). 2009; Zheng et al. 2010).
Of particular interest to our group are TiO2–UV Personal care products and pharmaceuticals
processes. TiO2 is a photocatalyst that when illumi- (PPCPs) are a group of emerging pollutants that are
nated with light radiation, the photons get absorbed, being released into the environment, without having
provided that the energy meets the condition hv  Eg been regulated either due to lack of information
regarding their occurrence and environmental effects
(Hu et al. 2013; Naddeo et al. 2011). These pharma-
Table 1 A list of oxidants and their redox potentials with ceuticals vary in their removability in wastewater
respect to normal hydrogen electrode treatment effluents. Conventional drinking water
Oxidant Redox potential treatments, such as coagulation/flocculation, filtration,
(V vs. NHE, 25 °C) and sedimentation, have been largely ineffective
F2 ?3.03 against treating pharmaceuticals below detection lim-
HO ?2.80
its. Ozone oxidation, a capital intensive treatment
O ?2.42
option, has become part of WWTPs (Klavarioti et al.
O3 ?2.07
2009; Rizzo et al. 2009; Rosal et al. 2010) to address
this concern. As shown in Table 1, O3 has a lower
H2O2 ?1.78
positive redox potential than HO. In addition, under
HO2 ?1.70
other AOP processes such as UV–C illumination
Cl2 ?1.36
(k B 254 nm), PPCP compounds such as naproxen,

J Nanopart Res (2013) 15:1990 Page 3 of 13

carbamazepine, and theophylline degrade very slowly Material characterization

and require UV illumination of less than 200 nm to
initiate photolysis (Giri et al. 2010; Kim and Tanaka The phase and microstructure of fabricated TiO2
2009). As shown in this work, these PPCPs can be nanowires were examined by X-ray diffraction,
degraded faster using heterogeneous photocatalysis, Raman spectroscopy, Scanning electron microscopy
under longer UV wavelengths. (SEM), and High-resolution transmission electron
In this study, we have used a facile method of microscopy (HRTEM). Powder XRD measurements
fabricating TiO2 nanowires as reported in our previous were performed on a Rigaku SA-HF3 X-ray diffrac-
studies (Hu et al. 2011, 2013), in order to perform a tometer using Cu Ka radiation (1.54 Å) X-ray source
series of tests on known persistent PPCPs and evaluate equipped with an 800 lm collimator, operating at an
the photocatalytic degradation rates of their parent excitation voltage of 50 kV. The obtained diffraction
compounds as a proof-of-concept. High concentra- patterns were collected from 10o to 90o at a scanning
tions of PPCPs, compared to those found in wastewa- rate of 1.5o per minute. Raman spectroscopy was
ter effluents, were used because of detector conducted using a Raman microscope (Renishaw
limitations. Some of these PPCPs are produced from inVia microscope equipped with 488 nm Ar ion laser).
industry, agriculture, and consumer goods, while The morphology of the as-synthesized TiO2 nanobelts
others are unintentionally formed by-products from was evaluated using a ZEISS LEO 1550 FE-SEM at an
industrial processes (Richardson et al. 1996; Selcuk accelerating voltage of 10 kV. HRTEM observation
2010). We performed a series of experiments to was conducted using a JEOL 2010F at the Canadian
demonstrate the photocatalytic degradation of a model Centre for Electron Microscopy (Hamilton, Ontario,
dye (malachite green) and select pharmaceuticals, Canada). The TEM samples were prepared by sus-
including naproxen, carbamazepine, and theophylline. pending TiO2 nanobelts in ethanol and drip casting the
Theophylline, in particular, was chosen to conduct solution onto lacey carbon grids. The images were
temperature, pH, and concentration dependence stud- processed using Gatan Microscopy Suite: Digital
ies because of its high solubility in water compared to MicrographTM (Ver. 2.11.1404.0). The specific sur-
the other two compounds and fewer studies conducted face area was determined using Brunauer–Emmett–
on its photocatalytic degradation. Teller (BET) surface analyzer (Quantachrome Instru-
ments NOVA 2200) using N2 adsorption data. The
bandgap of TiO2 nanobelts was determined by
Experimental procedures recording the diffuse reflectance spectra using a
Shimdazu UV-2501PC UV–Vis-NIR spectrophotom-
TiO2 nanobelt synthesis eter equipped with an integrating sphere accessory,
with BaSO4 as reference scatter.
TiO2 nanobelts were synthesized using a method
developed in a previous study (Hu et al. 2011). In a Adsorption and photocatalytic degradation
125 mL Teflon-lined stainless steel autoclave (Parr
Instruments), Na2Ti3O7 nanobelts were grown for 72 h Surface adsorption experiments were carried out by
in 60 mL NaOH (10 M) alkaline solution at 190 °C dispersing 40 mg of TiO2 nanomaterial into a slurry in
using 2 g of P25 AeroxideTM (Evonik Industries AG) as a Pyrex beaker containing 200 mL of malachite green
the TiO2 source. After cooling the reactor, the sus- dye, naproxen, carbamazpine, and theophylline (from
pended nanobelts were transferred into 50 mL conical Sigma-Aldrich) solutions of varying concentrations in
tubes and centrifuged five times using Millipore water. the dark, at room temperature, with adsorption accel-
Subsequently, the sodium titanate (Na2Ti3O7) nano- erated by magnetic stirring for 90 min. In particular,
belts were transferred into a beaker in 0.1 M HCl the poor water-soluble drugs, naproxen and carbam-
solution, and through an ion exchange process hydro- azepine, were studied under their maximum aqueous
gen titanate (H2Ti3O7) is obtained. Afterward, H2Ti3O7 solubility limits of 60.1 ± 2 and 125.0 ± 2 mg L-1,
was dried in a furnace for 80 °C for 8 h to obtain a respectively (Maoz and Chefetz 2010).
powder. The fabricated nanobelts were annealed at Photocatalytic degradation was assessed with the
700 °C for 1 h to form TiO2 nanobelts. same conditions as surface adsorption experiments,

Page 4 of 13 J Nanopart Res (2013) 15:1990

but in the presence of UV illumination using a 100 W and Ct is the concentration at time t. The values of k and
middle pressure mercury lamp (UVP, Blak-RayÒ qe are obtained from the linear plot of qtt versus t, and if
Model B 100AP) at a maximum peak emission the fit of the data is linear, it suggests that chemisorp-
wavelength at 365 nm. The distance between the UV tion takes places (Ho and McKey 1998; Kumar et al.
lamp surface (quartz) and surface of the water matrix 2005).
was 5 cm, the minimum distance to fit the Pyrex
beaker under the UV lamp, with an intensity of Intraparticle diffusion model
2.1 mW cm-2. To saturate the surface sites of the
nanomaterials before photocatalytic degradation, each The Weber-Morris Model was used to evaluate intra-
solution was first stirred in the dark for at least 30 min. particle diffusion from mass transfer processes and is
Subsequently, the UV lamp was turn on and the given by Eq. 3 (Weber and Morriss 1963):
photocatalytic degradation experiment was conducted 1
for 90 min. In order to determine the active radical qt ¼ k i t 2 þ c ð3Þ
species in the TiO2-pharmaceutical solution, potas- where ki is the intra-particle diffusion rate constant and
sium iodide (KI) and isopropanol (i-PrOH) were used c is a constant. The intra-particle diffusion rate, ki, may
as selective free radical scavengers during degrada- be separated into diffusion stages based on macro-,
tion. The concentrations of KI and i-PrOH in the initial meso-, and micro-pore-structures of the adsorbent
reaction solution were both 1 mM, which were (Allen et al. 1989; Walker et al. 2003). Plotting qt
described in a previous study (Zhang et al. 2008). versus t1/2 gives two linear sections of the curve
All samples were centrifuged at 3,200 rpm for demonstrating a transition from macro-pore diffusion
30 min, after the aforementioned experiments, to to micro-pore diffusion. The slopes of the two
remove TiO2 from the water matrix for analysis. diffusion regions give the intra-particle diffusion rate
A UV–Vis–Near IR spectrometer (Shimadzu UV- for that region.
2501PC) was used to analyze these compounds from a
spectral range of 200–800 nm, with a detector path Photocatalytic degradation model
length of 10 cm. The experiments were reproducible
with errors less than 5 % (3 trials). Serial dilutions of The photocatalytic degradation can be described using
standards were used to determine integrated peak a pseudo first-order kinetic model (Eq. 4) and its
areas of each standard and create calibration curves, integrated form (Eq. 5):
which were employed to establish concentrations for
samples. Data analysis was conducted on the UV dC
 ¼ kap C ð4Þ
Probe (Shimadzu Corporation, ver. 2.10). dt
lnðC=Co Þ ¼ kap t ð5Þ
Kinetic modeling
where Co is the initial concentration, C is a concen-
tration, kap is the apparent rate constant, and t is time.
Adsorption model  
A ln CCo versus t plot and a line of best fit yields kap.
A pseudo-second-order rate equation was used to
evaluate the adsorption mechanism and is given by
Eqs. 1 and 2 (Sun and Yang 2003):
Results and discussion
t 1 1
¼ þ t ð1Þ
qt kq2e qe Material analysis
ðCo  Ct Þ
qt ¼ ð2Þ Figure 1 shows XRD patterns of TiO2 nanobelts and
P25 AeroxideTM. There are several characteristic
where qt and qe (g/g) are adsorption capacities at time t anatase diffraction peaks that are seen in both samples,
(min) and at equilibrium, respectively, k is the initial which come from (101), (004), (200), (105), (211),
adsorption rate constant, Co is the initial concentration, (204), (116), (220), and (215) planes. However, P25

J Nanopart Res (2013) 15:1990 Page 5 of 13

variation in the size distribution of the nanobelts is

consistent with previous studies where alkaline media
is used (Hu et al. 2011). In addition, the specific
surface area of the nanobelts obtained is
21.52 m2 g-1. It is also apparent that these hierarchi-
cal structures are not only composed of nanobelts, but
also of nanoparticles and truncated rods fused on the
nanobelt surface.
Using HRTEM, the detailed lattice structure of
TiO2 nanobelts is shown in Fig. 4. Figure 4a shows a
single nanobelt where the indexed selected area
electron diffraction (SAED) is obtained in the high-
lighted area using a zone axis of [001]. The indexed
Fig. 1 X-ray diffraction patterns of synthesized TiO2 nanobelts SAED pattern indicates that the crystal structure can
and P25 Degussa TiO2 nanoparticles be attributed to the anatase phase, which is a tetragonal
structure, in agreement with XRD and Raman results.
No Na2Ti3O7 (monoclinic) is evident in HRTEM
analysis. Furthermore, the growth direction of the
nanobelts is in the {100} family of directions, which is
consistent with another study (Li et al. 2008). There-
fore, it is reasonable to conclude that anatase is the
dominant composition of the nanobelts. Figure 4b
reveals the crystal lattice structure of the anatase TiO2
nanobelt and the dominant crystal planes in the
observed nanobelts from the d-spacing of the lattice,
which is 3.8 Å and corresponds to the \100[ family
of planes.
The bandgap of TiO2 nanobelts was determined by
using the Tauc method (Lin et al. 2006; Tauc et al.
1966; Yin et al. 2000; Wu et al. 2009). The diffuse
Fig. 2 Raman spectra of TiO2 nanobelts and TiO2 P25 Degussa reflectance spectrum was converted to a plot of
using a laser excitation wavelength of 488 nm [hmF(R)] 1/n versus hm, where h is Planck’s constant,
m is the frequency, R is the reflectance, n denotes the
AeroxideTM does contain a minor amount of rutile, as nature of the sample transition, and F(R) is the
seen in the XRD spectra, which indicate the presence Kubelka–Munk function (Lin et al. 2006), given by the
of (110), (101), and (111) diffraction peaks of the equation:
rutile phase. The XRD results are reconfirmed by
Raman spectra analysis in Fig. 2, which depicts TiO2 ð 1  RÞ 2
F ð RÞ ¼ : ð6Þ
nanobelts and P25 AeroxideTM. The typical Raman 2R
modes at 395, 515, and 637 cm-1 are clearly observed The value of the exponent n is n = 2 because TiO2 is
(Sikuvhihulu et al. 2008; Zárate et al. 2007), but the an indirect bandgap semiconductor. The bandgap was
lower modes at 144 and 197 cm-1 are out of the obtained by taking the intercept of the tangent at the
detective range of the device. There is also a small inflection point (Fig. S1). The optical bandgap for
peak at 247 cm-1 of the grown nanowires, which may TiO2 nanobelts and P25 AeroxideTM is 3.23 and
possibly be due to a minor amount of amorphous TiO2 3.06 eV, respectively. The P25 has lower bandgap
(Li et al. 2010; Mazza et al. 2007). energy than TiO2 nanobelts because it is a mixture of
The FESEM images (Fig. 3) depict hierarchical anatase and rutile phases, whereas TiO2 nanobelts are
TiO2 nanobelts with widths ranging from 30 to predominantly anatase. The rutile phase has the lower
100 nm and lengths in the range of tens of lm. This bandgap energy than the anatase phase (Paola et al.

Page 6 of 13 J Nanopart Res (2013) 15:1990

Fig. 3 FESEM of hierarchical TiO2 nanobelts: a low magnification of TiO2 nanobelts and b high magnification of TiO2 nanobelts

Fig. 4 HRTEM images of hierarchical TiO2 nanobelts: a low magnification of single nanobelt with indexed SAED pattern and b high
resolution of nanobelts with crystal d-spacing of 0.38 nm

2013). The high band-gap is of importance to yield within the time frame of the experiment (Fig. 5b).
strong oxidizing hydroxyl radicals through photocat- From the pseudo-second-order model in Fig. 5a,
alytic degradation (see Table 1), which can attack the adsorption capacity of TiO2 nanobelts is
almost all aquatic organic contaminants. 74.34 mg g-1 and the initial sorption rate is
1.89 9 10-2 min-1. From the Weber-Morris Plot
(Fig. 5b), the intraparticle diffusion rate constants
Adsorption and photocatalytic degradation are given by k1 = 1.91 9 10-2 min-1 and
of malachite green k2 = 1.19 9 10-3 min-1, which is roughly an order
of magnitude less than k1. The macro-pore diffusion
The adsorption and photocatalytic degradation kinet- constant, k1, of adsorbing malachite green particles
ics of malachite green was conducted using TiO2 onto TiO2 is quicker than the micro-pore diffusion
nanobelts suspended in Millipore water as seen in constant, k2, of adsorbing malachite green molecules
Figs. 5 and 6. The adsorption capacity was saturated because the macropore sites are accessible, whereas

J Nanopart Res (2013) 15:1990 Page 7 of 13

Fig. 5 Kinetic model of malachite green (initial concentration: 10 ppm) adsorption under dark conditions: a pseudo-second-order
adsorption model of TiO2 nanobelt adsorbent and b Weber-Morris plot of intraparticle diffusion

Fig. 6 Malachite green (initial concentration: 10 ppm) degradation with: a UV–Vis spectrum of malachite green at various time points
before and after UV illumination and b normalized concentration versus time under dark, visible, and UV conditions

micropores are the least accessible sites of adsorption decrease of grain boundary defects in one dimensional
and will take malachite green longer to interact with nanostructures (Wu et al. 2013; Zheng et al. 2010; Yang
those sites. et al. 2009). Figure 6 indicates that the apparent
Although, the BET surface area and adsorption photocatalytic degradation rate for malachite green is
capacity of the nanobelts are lower (21.52 m2 g-1) than 1.67 9 10-2 min-1 (R2 = 0.995) under UV illumina-
that of commercial P25 nanoparticles (50.69 m2 g-1), a tion (peak wavelength = 365 nm), however, no degra-
greater photocatalytic degradation rate than P25 as dation is observed under visible light conditions
reported in our earlier study using TiO2 nanowires and (400–800 nm) due to a high optical bandgap of TiO2
P25 to investigate the photocatalytic degradation of nanobelts (3.23 eV) and a low absorption of photons in
venlafaxine, fluoxetine, and sulfamethoxazole (Hu et al. that wavelength range. The 3.23 eV bandgap of TiO2
2013). The photocatalytic degradation is enhanced nanobelts requires light radiation with a wavelength of
using TiO2 nanobelts because it will reduce recombi- 384 nm or lower to generate electron–hole pairs that
nation when compared to P25 nanoparticles due to a participate in redox reactions.

Page 8 of 13 J Nanopart Res (2013) 15:1990

Table 2 Values obtained from pseudo-first-order, pseudo-second-order, and Weber-Morris models for dark adsorption and UV
illumination of naproxen, theophylline, and carbamazepine
PPCP Dark adsorption UV illumination
Pseudo-second-order model Weber-morris model Pseudo-first-order model
Initial Equilibrium R Intraparticle Intraparticle Apparent photocatalytic R2
sorption rate adsorption diffusion rate diffusion rate degradation rate constant
(kq2e , min-1) capacity (qe, constant 1 (k1, constant 2 (k2, (kap, min-1)
mg g-1) min-1) min-1)

Npx 1.56 9 10-1 4.51 0.962 3.10 9 10-3 -2.00 9 10-3 6.16 9 10-2 0.957
-2 -3 -4
Thyp 7.58 9 10 21.59 0.997 7.27 9 10 -1.49 9 10 9.12 9 10-2 0.996
-2 -3 -3 -2
Cbp 3.66 9 10 16.48 0.993 5.34 9 10 -1.61 9 10 2.91 9 10 0.989
Npx Naproxen, Thyp Theophylline, Cbp Carbamazepine

Adsorption and photocatalytic degradation

of selected pharmaceuticals

The adsorption and photocatalytic degradation of

naproxen, theophylline, and carbamazepine were
evaluated using kinetic models—pseudo-first-order,
pseudo-second-order, and Weber-Morris—as shown
in Table 2. The pharmaceuticals were subjected to
adsorption and photocatalytic degradation experi-
ments using an initial concentration of around
15 ppm at room temperature and pH 6.8. The adsorp-
tion for all pharmaceuticals follows a pseudo-second-
order model and its intraparticle diffusion parameters’
may be found using a Weber-Morris plot; whereas the Fig. 7 Photocatalytic degradation of three pharmaceuticals
photocatalytic degradation follows a pseudo-first- (15 ppm): naproxen, theophylline, and carbamazepine
order model.
It is apparent that theophylline is easily degraded certain period of time, where all macropore sites are
compared to naproxen and carbamazepine using a UV/ occupied by the pharmaceutical adsorbents.
TiO2 process from their apparent photocatalytic Giri et al. (2010) conducted a vast analysis of
degradation rate constants, kap, obtained from Fig. 7 various AOP processes, including UV/TiO2 anatase
and Table 2 (See Fig. S2 and Fig.S3 for calibration nanoparticles and UV/H2O2, with various pharmaceu-
curves and UV–Vis spectra). This is possibly due to a ticals at a concentration of 1 ppm. From their data,
greater adsorption capacity (21.59 mg g-1) than naproxen has a kap value of 6.23 9 10-2 min-1 and
naproxen (4.51 mg g-1) and carbamazepine 7.51 9 10-2 min-1 under UV/TiO2 nanoparticles and
(16.48 mg g ). In addition, the macropore diffusion UV/H2O2, respectively. On the other hand, carbam-
rate, k1, of theophylline onto the surface of TiO2 is azepine had a rate constant of 2.17 9 10-3 and
much higher than the other two pharmaceuticals 2.17 9 10-2 min-1 under UV/TiO2 nanoparticles
suggesting that theophylline molecules are able to and UV/H2O2, respectively. These values are lower
occupy available surface sites on TiO2 quicker than than our UV/TiO2 nanobelts due to different nano-
the other two pharmaceuticals, thereby allowing structures used, despite having an initial concentration
radicals to oxidize the molecule sooner. However, in the order of magnitude less than the one reported
the negative values of the intraparticle rate constant, here (15 ppm) and using a shorter wavelength UV
k2, seem to suggest that desorption rate increases in source that is conducive to producing HO radicals via
theophylline, carbamazepine, and naproxen after a photolysis.

J Nanopart Res (2013) 15:1990 Page 9 of 13

When comparing the theophylline degradation under

UV/H2O2 and UV/TiO2 nanobelts (Fig. S4), theophyl-
line slowly degrades under 10 mM H2O2 with UV
illumination (kap = 3.65 9 10-3 min-1), whereas the
degradation performance using TiO2 with UV illumi-
nation is an order of magnitude greater (kap = 5.68 9
10-2 min-1). In addition, theophylline degrades
extremely slowly using only UV illumination at
wavelengths of 365 and 254 nm as shown in Fig. S4
and is consistent with by Kim and Tanaka (2009).

Theophylline photocatalytic degradation

Fig. 8 Composition of reactive oxidative species determined
Reaction oxygen species in theophylline using isopropanol (1 mM) and potassium iodide (1 mM)
quenchers in the photocatalytic degradation of theophylline
The reactive oxygen species has been studied previ-  
ously in TiO2 nanoparticles, where HO, holes (h?),  Ea
kb T
k ¼ Ae ð7Þ
and H2O2 are identified as dominant oxygen species
(Maoz and Chefetz 2010; Zhang et al. 2008). Figure 8 where Ea is the apparent activation energy, kb is the
indicates the photocatalytic degradation rates when Boltzmann constant, k is the rate constant, A is the pre-
potassium iodide and isopropanol quenchers were exponential factor, and T is the temperature. The
added to the TiO2-theophylline slurry. Potassium apparent activation energy, Ea, is obtained from the
iodide is used to scavenge valence band holes and slope of the In (k) versus 1/T plot. The obtained
hydroxyl radicals, whereas isopropanol is selective to apparent activation energy from the temperature range
hydroxyl radials (Zhang et al. 2008). From the of 4–60 °C is 3.37 kJ mol-1, which is similar to the
photodegradation rates, the HO contribution to the dye compound degradation using Degussa P25 nano-
reaction was 75 % and the h? concentration was particles obtained in other studies (Barka et al. 2008;
determined to be 20 %. The contribution of other Bouzaida et al. 2004). The true activation energy
reactive oxygen species, which include H2O2, HO2 , depends on other parameters which include light flux
and O2- is around 5 %. Surface hydroxyls scavenge and oxygen concentration (Barka et al. 2008).
valence holes to eventually produce HO, which are As seen in Fig. 9, the photocatalytic degradation rate
the primary oxidizing species in photocatalytic reac- increases as a function of temperature at a range of
tions (Arrouvel et al. 2004; Cho et al. 2005; Henderson 4–60 °C. In other words, the diffusion of theophylline
et al. 2003; Ishibashi et al. 2000). Although, theoph- onto the TiO2 nanobelt surface is temperature depen-
ylline’s effect on the results (Lapenna et al. 1995) was dent. Increasing the temperature increases the diffusion
mitigated by increasing the isopropanol concentration rate of theophylline onto TiO2 nanobelt surface, and
1 mM, from 0.1 mM established in previous studies hence the photocatalytic degradation rate of the
using different compounds (Sun and Yang 2003; adsorbed pharmaceutical. An increase in temperature
Zhang et al. 2008). also helps the photocatalytic reaction to complete much
more efficiently with electron–hole recombination
Temperature effects (Barka et al. 2008).

Photocatalytic systems generally do not require heat- pH effects

ing and are able to operate at room temperature.
However, the apparent activation energy is often a The pH of the TiO-2 suspension was altered by either
small value at a certain temperature range (Lin et al. adding dilute HCl or NaOH to acidify or alkalinize the
2013). The apparent activation energy can be mea- solution. The pH of the TiO2 slurry containing theoph-
sured using the Arrhenius equation (Eq. 6): ylline influences the surface ionization state of TiO2:

Page 10 of 13 J Nanopart Res (2013) 15:1990

Fig. 9 Photocatalytic degradation of theophylline at temperatures of 4, 20, 40, and 60 °C. Activation energy from temperature range of
4–60 °C is 56.2 J mol-1

TiOH þ Hþ $ TiOHþ
2 ð8Þ in equilibrium adsorption capacities in Table 3 suggests
  that the pH increases adsorption of theophylline onto
TiOH þ OH $ TiO ð9Þ
surface sites of TiO2 (Al-Qaradawi and Salman 2004;
because it is amphoteric in nature. The flatband He et al. 2005; Yao et al. 2004). The adsorption capacity
potential of the TiO2 nanobelt is a function of pH. of TiO2 roughly increases fourfold from pH 4.0
When OH- and H? ions are chemisorbed from (10.04 mg g-1) to 10.0 (36.79 mg g-1). Consequently,
aqueous solutions, at a certain pH value, the overall the apparent photocatalytic rate constants obtained in
charge of the adsorbed ions will be at zero, or the Table 3 indicate that the photocatalytic degradation
isoelectric point (IEP). When the pH of the solution is increases with pH, and this observation has also been
close to the IEP of TiO2, particles and other nano- confirmed by other studies (Bahnemann et al. 1991;
structures tend to agglomerate due to the van der Houas et al. 2001; Rengifo-Herrera et al. 2011).
Waals attraction. The TiO2 nanobelts have positive Furthermore, the increase in photocatalytic degradation
charges on the surface in neutral water, according to may also be partially attributed to alkaline solutions
another study, where TiO2 nanobelts were obtained in tending to favor HO formation because they are formed
the same fashion and have a positive zeta potential of between the reaction between OH, available from
?9.65 mV at pH 7.0 (Zhou et al. 2010). dissociated NaOH, and h?. Consequently, HCl was
The pH is also influenced by the adsorption and used to acidify the TiO2 solution, and the Cl- ions from
desorption of the main reactants and intermediates of HCl are HO scavengers, thereby reducing the degra-
theophylline on the surface of TiO2 because the increase dation rate of theophylline.

Table 3 Pseudo-second-order model values—photocatalytic degradation of theophylline at pH values of 4.0, 6.8, and 10.0
pH Dark adsorption UV illumination
Pseudo-second-order model Pseudo-first-order model
Initial sorption Equilibrium adsorption R Apparent photocatalytic degradation R2
rate (kq2e , min-1) capacity (qe, mg g-1) rate constant (kap, min-1)

4.0 1.93 9 10-1 10.04 0.975 5.44 9 10-2 0.953

6.8 7.60 9 10 21.59 0.993 5.68 9 10-2 0.984
10.0 4.97 9 10-2 36.79 0.999 7.63 9 10-2 0.847

J Nanopart Res (2013) 15:1990 Page 11 of 13

Fig. 10 Photocatalytic degradation of theophylline at concentrations of 3, 30, and 300 ppm

Concentration effects high reaction temperature, an alkaline (high pH)

solution, and concentration dependence favor faster
The effect of pharmaceutical concentration on UV/ photodegradation of theophylline. With the non-
TiO2 photocatalytic degradation is evaluated in selectivity of hydroxyl radical generation from UV/
Fig. 10. At 3.0, 30, and 300 ppm the apparent TiO2 nanobelt processes, even the most persistent
degradation rates of theophylline were 1.46 9 10-1, organic compounds can be removed.
5.67 9 10-2, and 8.20 9 10-3 min-1, respectively.
For every magnitude increase in concentration of Acknowledgments This work has been financially supported
by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of
theophylline, the apparent degradation rate of theoph-
Canada through a strategic project grant, the Canadian Water
ylline would decrease at a rate of 0.0688 per ppm per Network Innovative Technologies for Water Treatment
min for concentrations from 3 to 300 ppm. At 30 min, Program, and the Canada Research Chairs Program. Technical
the removal ratio of theophylline is 99, 68, and 11 % support from Trojan UV, the City of Guelph Wastewater
Services, Deep Blue NRG, and GE Water & Process
for an initial concentration of 3, 30, and 300 ppm,
Technologies is highly appreciated.
respectively. In addition, the total mass degraded over
a span of 90 min was 15, 100, and 165 mg for an initial
concentration of 3.0, 30, and 300 ppm. It seems that
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