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Pregnant women need to ensure that their diet provides enough nutrients and energy for the baby

to develop and
grow properly. They also need to make sure that her body is healthy enough to deal with the changes that are

Pregnancy Meal plan

For breakfast

■ Porridge

■ Natural Yoghurt

■ orange juice

■ steamed veggies

why? Because…

■ Porridge is full of carbohydrates.Porridge good for increasing production of energy in body especially for
pregnant women.

■ In addition you could sprinkle sliced fresh of fruit or berries onto the porridge, add a handful of dried fruits
or have a piece of fruit on the side .

■ This is because fruits full of valuable nutrients.For an example berries.

■ Berries are packed with water,healthy,carbs,vitamin C,fiber and antiocidants.They generally contain high
amounts of vitamin C , which helps your body absorb iron.

■ Natural Yogurt is particularly beneficial for pregnant women.

■ It contain more than calcium than most other dairy products.Some varieties also contain probiotic bacteria,
which support digestive health.

■ Taking probiotic supplements during pregnancy may reduce your risk of complications such as
preeclampsia,gestational diabetes , vaginal infections and allergies.

■ Meanwhile Orange Juice high in vitamin C and folic acid , it’s also a good source of potassium , which has
been shown to help lower high blood pressure , a particular danger during pregnancy.

■ Steamed veggies is good for pregnant women because these include fiber , vitamin C , vitamin K , vitamin A ,
calcium , iron, folate and potassium.

■ For examples , broccoli and leafy greens are rich in antioxidants . They also contain plant compounds that
benefit the immune system and digestive.

■ Due to their high fiber content , these vegetables may also help prevent constipation , which is a very
common problem among pregnant women

For Lunch

■ Salmon

■ Lean Meat

■ Avocados

Why? Because

■ Salmon is very rich in essential omega-3 fatty acids .

■ Omega-3 fatty acids are essential during pregnancy , especially the long-chain omega-3 fatty acids DHA and
■ These are found in high amounts in seafood, and help build the brain and eyes of your fetus.

■ Studies shown that pregnant women who eat 2-3 meals of fatty fish per week achieve the recommended
intake of omega-3 and increase their blood levels of EPA and DHA.

■ Lean meat such as beef , pork and chicken are excellent sources of high-quality protein.

■ Furthermore , beer and pork are also rich in iron , choline and other B vitamins . All of which are needed in
higher amounts during pregnancy.

■ Iron is an essential mineral that is used by red blood cells as a part of a hemogoblin . It’s important for
delivering oxygen to all cells in your body .

■ Pregnant women need more iron since their blood volume is increasing . This particularly important during
the third trimester.

■ Avocados are an unusual fruit because they contain a lot of monounsaturated fatty acids.

■ They’re also high in fiber , B vitamins (especially folate),vitamin K , potassium , copper, vitamin E , vitamin C .

■ Because of their high content of healthy fats , folate , and potassium , avocados are a great choice for
pregnant women . In this case , it is a type of fruit that can be eaten after eating main lunch . Well this fruit
can be one of the desert for pregnant women.

For Dinner

■ Cooked Sushi

■ Lean Proteins

■ Main Course Salads

Why? Because

■ Cooked Sushi is full of calcium . It is for cell growth and blood production of foetus.

■ Basically there are two types of sushi which is fish sushi or vegetables sushi . Fish sushi is good for pregnancy
because it is full of calcium which is good for production of foetus meanwhile vegetables sushi is good for
pregnant women because it is full of carbohydrates which is to increase the production of energy .

■ Lean protein such as fish , beef and pork full of protein . As we know it is for cell growth and blood
production of foetus .

■ Fish full of omega-3 fatty acids which is good for pregnancy . Beef , pork and chicken rich in iron , choline and
B vitamins which are important nutrients during pregnancy.

■ Fresh and fiber –rich , salad can be a grab bag of whatever you have in the fridge .

■ A veritable kitchen-sink of healthy ingredients which is good for pregnant women .These salad contain vital
nutrients for vital for pregnant women . It is good for then because it is full of calcium , B vitamins
(folate),iron and protein.

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