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MIKE MIGNOLA‘S baie ey.y DESTRUICAO PT NOs and CHIARELLO SEMENTES DA DESTRUICAO BU cy abc eee Pra aera NS Cee tas ee ree ae ae cee Cen ac crumble, a last desperate effort was made to summon ee cate te ct ert ann een cg which succeeded in drawing a mysterious child into the Ser reer eterna ager eee er Chena aN Cee Coes years later, grown to powerful adulthood, the creature still known as Hellboy functions as the World's Greatest een Recetas tcerare eva a discovering who or what unleashed the terrible forces which killed the man he had come to call his father... Mike Mignola @ plot and art John Byrne # script Mark Chiarello @ colors Barbara Kesel # edits bIeay Ce Me Pee eer Ce cane eee te he te eee mee ad ee mrrenn ont 7a aaa CL iL ees een Col SLY ele olagier peatelaatt dicate ea cade alpen fpaadac aed Matton pc poeta reearee Pate yeaa ee een ar re rng ae oN pee eg ed te te ene ee holder Dork Howe Comis® ond he Dark Horse ogo ore registered redemarks f Derk Horse Comics, in eu ANTES Agu! eel INFORME DE VIRMOS A CASA SE CHAMA CAVEND/SH HALL & Fol CONSTRUICA HA 150 AKOS PELA PRIMEIRA FAMILIA CAVENDISH QUE VEIO PARA OS ESTACOS UNIDOS. TEMPOS ATRAS, ELA SE ERGUIA COMO LUM MONUMENTS EM MEIO A UM _LAGO CRISTALINO: E TERRAS VERDEJANTES. HOJE, SEL. PORKO COU UMA PISCINA, O UGAR ESTA AFUNDANDO DESCE © DIA EM cu JA vissE QUE EXISTE UMA MaL~ DIGRO AQUI? NAO NA CASA, MAS NA TERRA, NO LAGO. OS NATIVOS SE AFASTA- RAM DA REGIKO r MALDICOES A SI DEVERIA. Eu da VI

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