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1000 Vocabulary Words List

Taking from Dawn Newspaper

1. Aberration: deviation; abnormality
2. Abstruse: Difficult to comprehend
3. Acumen: sharpness of mind
4. Adroit: skill-ful (Maladroit = clumsy)
5. Adulation: worship; great praise
6. Advocate: support
7. Affability: friendliness; cordiality
8. Affinity: kinship
9. Affluence: wealth; Opulence
10. Agnostic: unsure of the existence of god
11. Alacrity: speed & eagerness; promptness
12. Alleviate: make less serve; reduce
13. Altruism: self-sacrifice
14. Amalgam: mixture
15. Amassed: accumulated
16. Ambiguous: vague; doubtful; equivocal
17. Ameliorate: make better; improve
18. Amiable: friendly; lovable
19. Anachronistic: out of normal time range
20. Animosity: hostility; hatred; ill-will
21. Apathetic: lacking energy or interest; indiffer
22. Arable: can be cultivated; fit for pillowing (e
arable land)
23. Arbitration: mediating between disputing sides
24. Arboreal: living in trees (Root -- Arbor always
relates to
25. Arcane: esoteric; obscure; known only to few pe
26. Archaic: old-fashioned
27. Articulation: joining; speaking clearly; distin
28. Ascertain: find out; make sure
29. Astute: wise; mentally sharp
30. Augment: increase in size or number
31. Aural: through the sense of hearing
32. Autocrat: absolute ruler;
34. Barrage: bombardment; stream (of abuse etc.);
continuous attack
35. Belabor: over-emphasizing
36. Belied: contradicted
37. Belittlers: People who criticize/disparage
38. Benevolent: kindly; charitable
39. Boorishness: rudeness; ill-mannered behavior
40. Bountiful: generous
41. Brevity: briefness
42. Bypass: avoid; find a way around
43. Byzantine: excessive; decadent
44. Cacophony: noise; din
45. Callous: cruel & unfeeling
46. Candid: truthful; straight forward; free from p
47. Capricious: whimsical; changeable
48. Censure: criticize; blame
49. Cerebral: concerned with thinking
50. Circumstantial: accidental; indirect
51. Insightful: perceptive; can be understood
52. Insipid: flavorless; bland
53. Insolence: lack of respect; rudeness; impudence
54. Insolvent: bankrupt
55. Insufferable: can not be tolerated
56. Insular: narrow-minded
57. Insurrectionist: rebel; combative
58. Integrity: honor; honesty
59. Intemperate: not moderate; excessive
60. Intermittent: on & off; not continuous;
61. spasmodic Intonation: tone of voice
62. intrigued: interested and curious
63. Intuition: sixth sense; gut feeling
64. Invocation: prayer
65. Irony: something unexpected; words to convey op
66. Irreproachable: can not be criticized; blameles
(Reproach = critize)
67. Irresolute: lacking firmness of purpose; hesita
68. Irreverence: lack of respect
69. Jaded: tired; bored
70. Jeopardize: put at risk; endanger
71. Judicious: fair; wise
72. Juxtaposition: placing two things next to each
73. Knack: trick; skill
74. Lackadaisical: lazy; careless; lax
75. Lamentable: regrettable
76. Languid: Lacking energy; weak
77. Lavish: to spend freely(v); costing alot; opule
78. Legitimate: to make legal; give approval to
79. Libelous: open to prosecution for libel (libel
= written
80. Lithe: flexible; supple
81. Litigious: seeking legal remedies
82. Lobby: to try to persuade; entrance hall
83. Lucid: clear; explained
84. Magnanimous: generous minded; big-hearted
85. Mandate: permission
86. Mandatory: compulsory
87. Manifesto: statement of values
88. Manipulative: deceptive; skill-ful at handling
89. Marred: spoiled; ruined
90. Meager: small; scanty; unimportant
91. Mercenary: seeking money above all else; intere
sted in
money and gain
92. Meticulous: thorough; taking care of details
93. Miffed: annoyed; vex
94. Mitigate: moderate; reduce intensity
95. Modicum: tiny amount
96. Momentous: of great importance
97. Monotonous: dull; repetitive
98. Morbidity: concern with death and disease
99. Motley: varied; miscellaneous
100. Circumvent: avoid; outwit; baffle
101. Coalition: a union of two parts
102. Coerce: compel; force
103. Cognitions: mental knowledge
104. Compendious: containing a lot in a small space
105. Conciliatory: bringing together; ending a disp
106. Concord: agreement
107. Condone: tolerate
108. Conflagration: great fire
109. Congenial: friendly; sociable; suitable
110. Connoisseur: expert with good taste/ judgement
111. Consecrate: dedicate; make holy
112. Consummate: supremely good
113. Contagious: passed on through touch; infectiou
114. Convergence: coming together
115. Convivial: sociable
116. Copious: in large amount
117. Corollary: consequence; inference
118. Corpulence: very fat-ness
119. Corroborated: supported; given
120. Credulity: belief on slight evidence
121. Cumulative: building up
122. Cursory: superficial
123. Curtail: cut short
124. Dalliance: non-serious involvement; toying or
125. Dearth: shortage; lacking
126. Debacle: disaster
127. Debilitate: weaken
128. Debunk: throw out old indeas
129. Deferment: putting off
130. Deleterious: harmful
131. Deliberation: careful thought
132. Delineate: outline
133. Demagogue: mob leader; agitator
134. Demonstrative: expressing emotions freely
135. Denuded: stripped
136. Depreciatory: devaluing; criticizing
137. Derelict: rundown; abandoned
138. Derided: mocked
139. Despoiled: plunder; rob; deprive
140. Devious: cunning
141. Didactic: intending to preach or teach; an act
142. Dilatory: slow; sluggish
143. Disarming: charming; unthreatening
144. Discernment: judgement
145. Discrepancy: inconsistency
146. Disillusioned: freed from wrong ideas
147. Disingenuous: crafy; double dealing
148. Disparaging: critical
149. Distension: swelling; distend; expand
150. Multifarious: having many aspects
151. Myopic: short-sighted (literal or metaphoric)
152. Naivete: innocence; lack of wordliness
153. Nefarious: infamous; very wicked
154. Negate: wipe out; nullify
155. Nemesis: fate; doom
156. Nihilism: belief in nothing; anarchy
157. Nondescript: having no special qualities; ordi
158. Notoriety: infamy
159. Obsequious: slavish; fawning
160. Occlusion: shutting out
161. Officious: interfering
162. Onerous: burdensome
163. Opacity: lack of transparency; being opaque
164. Opportunism: grabbing opportunities
165. Opting: choosing
166. Opulence: lavish display of wealth
167. Ornate: extremely decorated
168. Overhaul: renovate; examine
169. Palliative: sth that makes better but doesn`t
cure; easy
170. Pathos:sadness; stirring the emotions; gloomy
171. Paucity: scarcity; shortage
172. Peer: An equal; to look closely at
173. Peevishness: childish sullenness; irritability
174. Penchant: tendency; leaning toward; liking
175. Penurious: miserly
176. Perquisites: perks; sth you recieve for your j
177. Petulant: touchy; sulky; peevish
178. Phlegmatic: calm; imperturbable
179. Phobic: fearful (Root phobia always implies fe
180. Pilfer: steal; filch; rustle
181. Placid: peaceful; calm; serene
182. Plaudits: praise
183. Pliant: flexible
184. Polarized: divided into two extremes
185. Pragmatism: practicality
186. Preclude: prevent; make impossible
187. Precursor: forerunner; sth comes before
188. Predilection: liking for; penchant
189. Presumption: assuming too much
190. Profundity: depth (of ideas/thoughts)
191. Propensity: tendency; leaning predilection
192. Proponent: supporter
193. Prosaic: ordinary; dull
194. Prospectus: brochure
195. Prudent: wise; cautious
196. Punctilious: meticulous
197. Purportedly: apparently claiming
198. Quell: suppress; to stop sth such as protests
199. Quixotic: idealistic; impractical
200. Radical: revolutionary
201. Docile: obedient; subservient
202. Dubious: doubtful
203. Eclectic: taking things from different sources
; selective
204. Effacement: wiping out; rub out; (self-effacem
ent =
excessive modesty)
205. Egotistical: selfish
206. Elitist: favoring top group; snob
207. Elusive: difficult to pin down
208. Emancipators: those who set others free
209. Embellished: adorned; decorated
210. Embittered: full of bitter feelings
211. Embodiment: living example of
212. Empathetic: exhibiting deep emotional understa
213. Empiric: found by experiment/practice
214. Encompassed: included; surrounded
215. Encroach: trespass; violate
216. Endorsed: supported
217. Entourage: group of followers; retinue; corteg
218. Envisioning: imagining; predicting
219. Epitome: essence; typical example or symbol of
220. Equanimity: peace of mind; balance; calm
221. Equitable: fair and equal
222. Eradicate: wipe out; remove
223. Erudition: learning; scholarly knowledge
224. Esoteric: obscure; arcane; known to few
225. Estrangement: separation
226. Eulogy: praise
227. Exacerbate: make worse
228. Exasperation: frustration and annoyance
229. Excise: cut out
230. Exemplar: excellent example of
231. Exonerated: proved not guilty; acquit
232. Exorbitant: excessive
233. Exotic: strange; foreign
234. Expeditious: speedy; hasten
235. Extant: still in existence; opposite of extinc
236. Extirpation: destruction
237. Extol: praise; glorify
238. Extrapolate: predict on the basis of existing
239. Facile: over simplified
240. Faction: section; group with common interests
241. Fastidious: very fussy; excessively concerned
about cleanliness)
242. Fawning: groveling; slavish; obsequious
243. Fidelity: faithfulness; loyalty
244. Finagle: wheedle; wangle; trick
245. Finesse: skill
246. Fitful: intermittent; on and off; not continou
247. Flabbergast: shock; make speechless
248. Flag: to lose energy; to signal
249. Rambunctious: boisterous;
250. Rancor: bitterness and bad feeling
251. Ratify: give approval to (official)
252. Raze: known down, destroy
253. Reclusive: Avoid other people; solitary
254. Recrimination: blame
255. Rectitude: uprightness
256. Redolent: smelling of (literal or metaphoric)
257. Regressive: moving backwards (literal or metap
258. Rehash: revamp hurriedly/carelessly;
259. Remiss: neglectful
260. Repertoire: range; set of skills
261. Reprehensible: very bad; culpable; blame worth
262. Reprieve: let off (atleast temporarily); delay
; cancel
263. Reprimanded: scolded
264. Resilience: strength; ability to withstand
265. Resolute: firm of purpose
266. Retraction: removal; taking back
267. Rhetoric: persuasive language
268. Robust: strong and sturdy
269. Rousing: stirring; full of enthusiasm
270. Rudimentary: elementary; basic;
271. Salvageable: can be saved
272. Sanctity: holiness
273. Sarcasm: sneering; bitter remarks; ironic or t
274. Scouring: cleaning thoroughly; thorough search
275. Scrutinize: examine carefully
276. Scuttled: sunk; foil
277. Secluded: lonely; isolated
278. Sedate: calm; placid
279. Seditious: causing division or rebellion
280. Sedulous: thorough; eager
281. Serene: peaceful
282. Sermonize: give moral lecture
283. Shroud: a cover for dead body; to cover
284. Slipshod: careless; untidy
285. Solace: comfort
286. Solicitous: expressing care and concern
287. Somber: gloomy
288. Sophistry: devious logic
289. Soporific: sleep inducing; sleep producer
290. Sporadic: intermittent; not continuous; short
291. Spurned: shunned; rejected
292. Squander: waste
293. Squelch: suppress; crush
294. Steadfastness: loyalty; firmness of purpose
295. Stifling: suppressing
296. Stipulated: insisted
297. Substantiate: give supporting evidence
298. Floridity: floweriness in language;
299. Foil: frustrate; battle; defeat
300. Formidable: inspiring awe; impressive and powe
301. Foster: support; encourage
302. Foundered: sank; failed; stumbled
303. Fraudulent: crooked; intending to cheat
304. Frugal: economical; parsimony
305. Furtive: secretive
306. Futile: useless; waste of time and effort
307. Gestures: signals
308. Glacial: icy; unfriendly
309. Glutton: greedy; spearing in eating and drinki
310. Grating: harsh; rasping; irritating
311. Gratuitous: free; unwarranted
312. Grimy: dirty
313. Hackneyed: commonplace; banal; over-used
314. Heterogeneity: variety; non-uniformity
315. Hilarity: great laughter
316. Histrionic: melodramatic; expressing exaggerat
317. Holistic: whole; entire
318. Hubris: excessive pride; haughtiness
319. Husbandry: careful management of resources
320. Idiosyncratic: quirky; eccentric; unique to an
321. Ignominy: shame
322. Imperious: in a commanding manner
323. Impetuosity: impulsiveness; rash
324. Impudent: cheeky; irrespectful
325. Inane: silly
326. Incoherence: lack of clarity
327. Inconsequential: unimportant
328. Inconspicuous: not easily seen; indiscernible
329. Indiscriminate: without thought; random; carel
330. Indomitable: unshakeable; fearless
331. Indulgent: kindly; pampering
332. Ineffable: cant be expressed in words
333. Ineptitude: lack of ability
334. Infelicity: unsuitability; inappropriateness
335. Infusion: influx; addition
336. Ingenuous: naive
337. Indigenous: native to a locality
338. Indictment: charge; legal accusation
339. Innocuous: harmless
340. Inscrutable: not easy to comprehend
341. Subversive: intending to overthrow; seditious;
342. Succulent: juicy
343. Supplant: replace; usurp
344. Supple: flexible; pliant; lithe
345. Surfeit: excess
346. Sustain: support; experience
347. Sycophant: toady; servile flatterer
348. Tactile: through the sense of touch
349. Tangential: off the point; irrelevant
350. Temper: moderate
351. Temperamental: volatile; changeable
352. Temporize: put off; procrastinate; delay
353. Tenacious: holding firmly to idea or purpose
354. Therapeutic: medicinal
355. Thwarted: prevented
356. Transitory: short-lived; not continuous
357. Teacly: too sweet; over sentimental
358. Tremulous: hesitant
359. Tribulation: trouble
360. Truculence: stubbornness
361. Undermine: weaken
362. Unequivocal: certain; undoubtful
363. Unwitting: not deliberated
364. Unyielding: not giving up
365. Vacillate: waver; hesitate
366. Validated: proved right
367. Valor: bravery
368. Venality: corruption
369. Versatility: ability to do many things
370. Vex: annoy
371. Vicarious: experience indirectly; at secondhan
372. Vigilant: wary; watchful
373. Vindication: proving right; acquittal
374. Vindictive: seeking revenge
375. Viscous: thick and sticky
376. Volatile: evaporates easily; mercurial; easily
377. Voluminous: large; bulky; extensive
378. Vulnerable: open to attack; susceptible
379. Waning: declining
380. Warped: twisted; distorted
381. Wary: cautious
382. Wannow: sift; separate good from bad
383. Wistful: sad; yearning; longing in a thoughtfu
l way
384. Wrath: anger
385. Abhor: hate
386. Bigot: narrow-minded, prejudiced person
387. Counterfeit: fake; false
388. Enfranchise: give voting rights
389. Hamper: hinder; obstruct
390. Kindle: to start a fire
391. Noxious: harmful; poisonous; lethal
392. Placid: calm; peaceful
393. Remuneration: payment for work done
394. Talisman: lucky charm
395. Abasement: humiliation; degradation
396. Billowing: swelling; fluttering; waving
397. Cower: recoil in fear or servility; shrink awa
y from
398. Enhance: improve; make better or clearer
399. Harangue: noisy, attacking speech
400. Labyrinth: a maze
401. Nullify: to counter; make unimportant
402. Plaintiff: petitioner (in court of law)
403. Replete: full
404. Tangible: can be touched
405. Plagiarism: taking credit for someone else's w
riting or
406. Knotty: complex; difficult to solve
407. Engender: cause
408. Covert: hidden; undercover
409. Abrogate: cancel; deny; repeal
410. Blasphemy: speech which offends religious sent
411. Credible: believable
412. Enigma: puzzle; mystery
413. Harbingers: indicators; bringers of warnings
414. Labyrinthine: complicated; highly convoluted
415. Plaudit: statement giving strong praise
416. Reprehensible: shameful; very bad
417. Tardy: slow; late; overdue; delayed
418. Creditable: praiseworthy
419. Hasten: hurry; accelerate; rush
420. Laceration: a cut
421. Obdurate: stubborn
422. Plausible: can be believed; reasonable
423. Reprieve: a respite; postponement of a sentenc
424. Tawdry: of little value; gaudy
425. Abstain: desist; go without; withdraw
426. Blighted: damaged; destroyed; ruined
427. Credulous: gullible; ready to believe anything
428. Enshroud: cover
429. Haughtiness: arrogance; pride
430. Lachrymose: tearful; sad
431. Obfuscate: deliberately make something difficu
lt to
432. Plethora: an excess
433. Repudiate: shun; eschew; back from statement
434. Tedium: boredom
435. Abstemious: self denying; refraining from indu
436. Enunciation: clear pronunciation; accent; arti
437. Headstrong: stubborn; willful
438. Lackluster: dull; monotonous; bland
439. Objective: unbiased; not subjective
440. Pliable: flexible; not stubborn
441. Rescind: retract; repeal
442. Temper: to moderate; soften
443. Abstruse: difficult to understand; obscure
444. Cringe: recoil; flinch; shy away
445. Envenom: to cause bitterness and bad feeling
446. Hedonism: self indulgence; pleasure-seeking
447. Laconic: using few words; brief; to the point
448. Oblique: indirect; slanting
449. Tenacious: stubborn; resolute; holding firm to
450. Accolade: tribute; honor; praise
451. Bolster: support; prop up
452. Cryptic: puzzling; enigmatic
453. Ephemeral: short-lived
454. Lamentation: expression of regret or sorrow
455. Obliterate: destroy; demolish; eradicate
456. Plummet: fall suddenly and steeply
457. Resolution: determination
458. Tentative: not certain
459. Acquiesce: to agree to; give in to
460. Bombast: arrogant, pompous language
461. Curtail: cut short
462. Heed: listen to
463. Lampoon: ridicule; spoof
464. Oblivious: totally unaware
465. Podium: raised platform
466. Resonant: echoing
467. Tenuous: flimsy; not solid
468. Debility weakness; incapacity
469. Hiatus interruption; pause
470. Languid tired; slow
471. Obscured: hidden; covered; buried
472. Poised: calm; collected; self-possessed
473. Resplendent: shining; glowing
474. Therapeutic: medicinal; curative
475. Acuity: sharpness (mental or visual)
476. Braggart: someone who boasts
477. Debunking: exposing false claims or myths
478. Hidebound: rigid in opinions
479. Languish: decay; fade away; get weaker
480. Obsequious: servile; submissive
481. Polemical: causing debate or argument
482. Restorative: a tonic
483. Thwart: prevent; frustrate
484. Adamant: forceful; inflexible
485. Brawny: muscular
486. Equivocate: speak ambiguously;
487. Hieroglyphics: 1. picture writing; 2. writing
which is
difficult to read
488. Larceny: theft; robbery; stealing
489. Ponderous: weighty; slow and heavy
490. Retention: preservation; withholding
491. Timorous: cowardly; fearful
492. Adroit: skilful Brevity being brief
493. Decorum: dignified, correct behavior [decorous
494. Err: make a mistake
495. Hinder: obstruct
496. Largess: generosity
497. Obsolete: no longer valid
498. Reticent: restrained; holding something back;
499. Tirade: stream of verbal abuse
500. Adulation: strong admiration; worship
501. Bristle: to show irritation
502. Erratic: wandering; irregular
503. Histrionic: theatrical; exaggerated
504. Laud: praise
505. Portend: foretell
506. Retraction: withdrawal; cancellation of a stat
507. Titter: giggle quietly
508. Adversity: hardship
509. Broach: start to discuss; approach
510. Deference: respect
511. Esoteric: obscure and difficult to understand
512. Hoary: old; white with old age
513. Lavish: on a grand scale; wasteful
514. Obtuse: mentally dull
515. Portent: a warning sign; omen
516. Revere: worship
517. Advocate: support
518. Brusque: blunt; abrupt
519. Espouse: promote; take up; support
520. Hone: sharpen; increase; whet
521. Lax: careless; not strict
522. Obviate: avoid; make unnecessary
523. Poseur: someone who puts on an act
524. Riddled: full of (usually full of holes)
525. Torpid: inactive; lazy; stagnant
526. Defunct: no longer in existence
527. Etymology: the study of word origins
528. Legend: 1. key to map; 2. myth or story
529. Odious: hateful Posterity future generations
530. Rife: common
531. Torpor: dormancy; sluggishness; inactivity
532. Affable: friendly; social; easygoing
533. Bureaucracy: officialdom
534. Degradation: deprivation; poverty; debasement
535. Eulogy: praise
536. Hypochondriac: a person obsessed with health;
imaginary illnesses
537. Legion: in large numbers
538. Officious: domineering; intrusive; meddlesome
539. Posthumous: after death
540. Rigor: thoroughness
541. Totter: walk unsteadily
542. Alacrity: eagerness; enthusiasm; quickness
543. Deleterious: harmful
544. Euphemism: a polite phrase to cover something
545. Hypocritical: insincere
546. Lethargic: tired; without energy
547. Ogle: stare at; observe in an obvious manner
548. Robust: strong; healthy; tough
549. Tractable: obedient; dutiful; polite
550. Deliberate: to think over deeply
551. Euphony: pleasant sounds
552. Iconoclast: person who opposes orthodoxy
553. Levity: flippancy; joking about serious matter
554. Olfactory: concerned with the sense of smell
555. Alibi: an excuse that shows someone was not at
crime scene
556. Buttress: strengthen; support
557. Delineation: demarcation; explanation; definition;
558. Evacuate: vacate; empty; abandon
559. Idiosyncrasy: a personal peculiarity; somethin
g unique
to an individual
560. Libertarian: someone who opposes tyranny
561. Ominous: threatening
562. Potent: powerful; compelling; strong
563. Ruminate: think over something; ponder
564. Transcribe: copy
565. Allay: to lessen
566. Byline: the line that tells you who wrote an a
567. Demur: hesitate; refuse
568. Exacerbate: make worse
569. Ignominious: shameful
570. Omnipotent: all-powerful
571. Pragmatic: practical Ruse trick; stratagem
572. Transgress: go astray; disobey; commit a sin
573. Alleviate: make less severe
574. Cacophony: discordant loud noises
575. Denounce: condemn; speak out against
576. Exasperated: frustrated; annoyed
577. Ignominy: shame [ignominious (a) = shameful]
578. Lithe: flexible; supple
579. Omniscient: all-knowing
580. Pragmatist: practical person; one who is conce
with usefulness
581. Saccharin: falsely sweet
582. Transient: short-lived; ephemeral
583. Aloof: distant; detached; cold
584. Cajole: coax; wheedle; deceive by flattery
585. Deplete: use up; lessen
586. Exceptionable: very bad (something which we sh
object to)
587. Illuminate: to light up or make clear
588. Livid: very angry
589. Onerous: burdensome; hard to undertake
590. Preamble: introductory material
591. Sacrosanct: very holy; inviolable
592. Traverse: to move across
593. Altruism: putting others first; being self-sac
594. Deplore: regret
595. Exculpate: free someone from blame; pardon; ac
596. Illusory: deceptive; false; misleading
597. Onus: burden
598. Precarious: unstable; risky
599. Sagacious: wise
600. Trepidation: fear
601. Amass: accumulate
602. Callow: immature
603. Depravity: moral corruption
604. Execrable: very, very bad
605. Immoderate: excessive; extreme
606. Lofty: snooty; arrogant; haughty
607. Opaque: does not let light through
608. Precedent: a previous occurrence used as a gui
609. Sage: a wise person; person celebrated for wis
610. Trinket: something of little value; knick-knac
611. Ambiguity: uncertainty; vagueness
612. Candid: frank; honest
613. Deprecate: criticize; denounce
614. Immutable: unchanging; permanent
615. Longevity: long life
616. Opulent: wealthy; rich; magnificent
617. Precept: guiding principle
618. Salacious: lecherous; erotic
619. Trite: unoriginal; dull
620. Ambiguous: unclear in meaning; can be interpre
ted in
different ways
621. Candor: frankness; openness
622. Deride: ridicule; make fun of; mock
623. Exemplary: outstandingly good; setting a fine
624. Impartial: unbiased; neutral
625. Loquacious: talkative
626. Sallow: yellowish
627. Trivial: unimportant
628. Ambivalence: lack of clarity; wavering;
629. Cantankerous bad-tempered; quarrelsome
630. Exemplify: to serve as a good example
631. Impecunious: having no money
632. Lucid: clear
633. Ornate: highly decorated
634. Salubrious: health-giving
635. Truant: shirker; someone absent without permis
636. Ambulatory: able to walk around (used of hospi
637. Capacious: spacious
638. Desecrate: to damage or pollute a holy place
639. Exhaustive: complete and thorough Impious wick
640. Ludicrous: ridiculous; silly
641. Orthodox: conventional
642. Precipitous: done in a hurry
643. Salutary: something which teaches you a lesson
644. Truncate: cut short
645. Ameliorate: make better
646. Capitulate: surrender; give in to
647. Exonerates: acquits; absolves; removes blame
648. Impoverished: destitute; poor
649. Ossify: 1. turn to bone; 2. become fixed and r
650. Preclude: prevent or make impossible
651. Sanctimonious: hypocritically holy
652. Tumult: uproar; noise
653. Amelioration: improvement
654. Carping: constant criticism; finding faults
655. Desist: stop; discontinue; cease
656. Exorcism: getting free/rid of; eliminating (es
657. Impromptu: unrehearsed; spontaneous
658. Lummox: clumsy person
659. Ostentatious: showy
660. Precocious: developing early
661. Sanction: give approval to
662. Turpitude: depravity
663. Amiable: friendly; lovable
664. Cartographer: person who makes maps
665. Despondent: having no hope; miserable
666. Expatriate: refugee; emigrant; someone living
from his own country
667. Inadvertent: not intentional
668. Luscious: juicy; moist; succulent
669. Oust: push out of a position
670. Predecessor: one who came before
671. Sanguinary: bloodthirsty; bloody
672. Tyro: novice; beginner
673. Amity: friendship
674. Castigate: scold strongly
675. Destitution: hardship; poverty; misery
676. Expedient: convenient; practical
677. Lynch: assassinate; kill; illegal hanging
678. Overt: obvious; not hidden
679. Predicament: dilemma; difficult situation
680. Sanguine: optimistic; cheerful
681. Ubiquitous: found everywhere; omnipresent
682. Amorphous: lacking in shape
683. Deter: put off; prevent
684. Expedite: make faster
685. Incarceration: putting in prison
686. Machinations: plots and plans
687. Preeminent: famous; outstanding
688. Sardonic: mocking
689. Unalloyed: undiluted; total
690. Analgesic: medicine to combat pain
691. Caucus: type of private political meeting
692. Deteriorate: worsen; decline
693. Exposition: clear explanation
694. Incessant: without stopping
695. Maelstrom: whirlpool; storm in the ocean
696. Prerogative: right or privilege
697. Savant: person with knowledge
698. Unctuous: oily; using excessive flattery
699. Analogous: comparable
700. Caustic: burning
701. Detrimental: harmful
702. Extol: praise
703. Incipient: just beginning
704. Magnanimous: generous; big-hearted
705. Prescient: having fore-knowledge
706. Scale: to climb
707. Undermined: damaged; attacked
708. Anarchy: chaos; lack of government
709. Devoured: greedily eaten/consumed
710. Extradite: deport from one country back to the
711. Inclination: tendency; a leaning toward
712. Palliative: a remedy that improves but doesn't
713. Presentiment: a feeling that something might h
714. Scapegoat: person on whom blame is placed for
of others
715. Underscore: emphasize
716. Dexterous: skilful with hands
717. Extraneous: irrelevant
718. Incoherent: not clear
719. Maladroit: clumsy; unskillful
720. Pallid: pale
721. Presumptuous: assuming too much; arrogant
722. Scrupulous: careful; diligent; painstaking
723. Unequivocal: clear; obvious
724. Animosity: hatred; antagonism
725. Censorious: disapproving; critical
726. Dichotomy: a division into two parts
727. Extrapolate: extend; predict on the basis of k
nown data
728. Incongruous: not fitting in; out of place
729. Malady: illness
730. Palpable: easily felt; easily perceived
731. Pretentious: pompous; self-important
732. Scrutinize: examine carefully
733. Unfetter: set free
734. Censure: blame; criticize
735. Extrinsic: irrelevant; on the outside
736. Inconsequential: unimportant; insignificant; n
737. Malediction: a curse Panacea remedy for all il
738. Prevaricate: speak misleadingly and evasively
739. Cerebral: intellectual
740. Diffident: lacking confidence
741. Fallacious: false
742. Inconspicuous: not easily seen; subtle; not no
743. Malefactor: a wrong-doer
744. Paradigm: 1. example; 2. model; 3. way of look
ing at
745. Pristine unspoiled
746. Unprecedented: never having happened before
747. Anomaly: something which does not fit in a pat
748. Certitude: certainty
749. Digress: wander off the subject
750. Falter: hesitate; waver
751. Indelible: cannot be wiped out
752. Malinger: deliberately avoid work; shirk
753. Paradox: apparently contradictory statement
754. Sensuous: appealing to the senses
755. Unscathed: unharmed; intact; without a scratch
756. Antagonism: hostility; strong opposition
757. Charlatan: trickster who claims knowledge he d
758. Indifferent: 1. neutral; 2. not outstanding
759. Malingerer: person who deliberately tries to a
760. Paragon: a perfect example
761. Procrastinate: delay; put off
762. Unwitting: not deliberate; unconscious
763. Antagonistic: opposed; hostile; aggressive
764. Chary: watchful; wary of; cautious about; relu
ctant to
765. Dilatory: slow; falling behind with one's work
766. Fanaticism: passion; excessive devotion
767. Indigenous: native to a particular area
768. Malleable: flexible; can be shaped
769. Paramount: of supreme importance
770. Prodigal: wasteful; extravagant
771. Sequester: isolate
772. Upbraid: scold; tell off; reprimand
773. Antediluvian: outdated; prehistoric; very old-
774. Dilemma: puzzling situation
775. Fastidious: overly particular; finicky
776. Indolence: laziness
777. Prodigious: very large
778. Serendipity: fortunate coincidence; unsought d
779. Uproarious: hilarious; hysterical; very funny
780. Dilettante: person who dabbles in a subject wi
serious study
781. Inductee: novice; beginner
782. Manipulatable : influencable; controllable
783. Profane: unholy
784. Serene: calm; peaceful
785. Upshot: outcome
786. Diligent: hard-working
787. Feasible: possible and practicable
788. Indulgent: pampering; satisfying desires
789. Marred: damaged; spoiled
790. Pariah: an outcast from society
1000 words | Dawn news vocabulary
791. Urbane: sophisticated; suave; refined
792. Antiquated: outdated; old fashioned
793. Choleric: easily angered
794. Diorama: model of a scene
795. Fecund: fertile Inebriation drunkenness; intox
796. Marshal: to gather together
797. Parity: equality
798. Profound: having deep meaning
799. Servile: overly submissive; groveling
800. Usurp: take someone's position (usually by for
801. Apathetic: indifferent; uninterested; lethargi
802. Chronicler: person who records historical info
803. Dirge: mournful song
804. Felicitous: apt
805. Ineffable: cannot be expressed in words
806. Marsupial: pouched mammal (like a kangaroo)
807. Parochial: narrow-minded; concerned only with
808. Skeptical: doubting; not gullible
809. Utilitarian: useful
810. Apathy: lack of interest or emotion
811. Circuitous: indirect; roundabout (circuitous s
812. Disapprobation: disapproval
813. Fervor: passion; enthusiasm; zeal
814. Inept: incompetent; unskilled; useless
815. Martinet: person who believes in strict discip
816. Parody: a mockery; imitation for ridicule; spo
817. Proletarian: member of the working class
818. Skirmish: minor battle
819. Utopian: a believer in an ideal world
820. Apocryphal: of doubtful origin; not original
821. Circumlocution: using too many words; long-
822. Discern: to distinguish one thing from another
823. Fickle: unpredictable; whimsical; easily swaye
824. Inertia: inactivity; lethargy
825. Masochist: person who intentionally inflicts p
ain on
826. Parry: ward off; avoid
827. Prolific: producing a lot
828. Sluggard: slow-moving; lethargic person
829. Vacillate: waver; hesitate
830. Appease: pacify; soothe; calm down; make peace
831. Circumscribe: limit
832. Discord: disagreement
833. Finesse: skill
834. Inevitable: cannot be avoided
835. Matriarchy: society governed by women
836. Parsimonious: economical; frugal; thrifty
837. Proponents: promoters; supporters
838. Vacuous: empty; silly; meaningless
839. Apprehensive: worried; fearful
840. Circumspect: cautious; considering all sides
841. Discordancy: cacophony; harshness; jarring
842. Fitful: not continuous; stopping and starting
843. Inexorable: relentless
844. Maverick: a loner
845. Parsimony: stinginess; frugality; cost-cutting
846. Prosaic: dull; boring; ordinary
847. Vagrant: person wandering without a home
848. Arable: can be cultivated
849. Circumvent: avoid
850. Discrepancy: something which does not match up
851. Flagrant: clearly wrong
852. Inexpedient: not advisable
853. Meager: in short supply
854. Partisan: biased; one-sided; committed to one
855. Proscribe: forbid
856. Solace: comfort for grief
857. Vapid: dull; uninspiring
858. Arbitrary: random; for no definite reason
859. Clairvoyant: psychic; mystic
860. Discriminate: to make a clear distinction; see
861. Flamboyant: showy; ornate Infallible perfect;
862. Meander: wander from side to side
863. Pathos: evoking sadness or pity
864. Prosody: study of versification
865. Solicit: to ask for; seek
866. Variegated: multicolored; speckled
867. Arcane: obscure; known only to a few people
868. Clamor: shout; scream
869. Discursiveness: long windedness; indirectness
870. Flaunt: show off; display in a showy manner
871. Infamous: famous for something bad
872. Mellow: soft; melodious; ripe
873. Patron: one who give support (usually financia
874. Prostration: 1. lying face down; 2. be overcom
e with
extreme weakness
875. Somnambulist: sleepwalker
876. Vehemence: violence; fervor; forcefulness
877. Archaic: ancient; outdated; old fashioned
878. Clandestine: secret; covert; stealthy
879. Disdain: contempt; strong dislike
880. Flippant: making jokes about serious matters I
deduce; conclude
881. Menagerie: collection of animals
882. Patronize: condescend to; behave in an arrogan
manner towards
883. Protagonist: main character in film, book,
884. Soothsayer: fortuneteller
885. Vehement: forceful
886. Archetype: classic example of
887. Clemency: mercy
888. Disinterested: unbiased
889. Flout: defy; reject
890. Ingénue: naïve, unsophisticated person
891. Mendacious: given to lying
892. Paucity: shortage
893. Protean: changeable
894. Sophomoric: juvenile; immature
895. Venal: corrupt; can be bribed
896. Archives: collections of old records; place of
storage of
old documents
897. Cliché: overused expression; something unorigi
898. Disparage: criticize; belittle
899. Flustered: worked-up; not calm Ingrate ungrate
900. Mercenary: concerned only with money
901. Peccadillo: minor weakness; trivial offence
902. Protégé: person under protection of, or guided
903. Soporific: inducing sleep; sleep producer
904. Veneer: surface coating
905. Articulate: clear; lucid; eloquent
906. Clientele: customers
907. Disparity: an inequality
908. Fly-by-night: unreliable; disreputable
909. Inimical: hostile
910. Mercurial: volatile; changeable
911. Pedant: person who insists on strict adherence
to rules
or narrow learning
912. Protocol: procedure; code of behavior
913. Sparse: spare; bare; meager Venerate revere; w
914. Artifice: deception; trickery
915. Coalesce: come together; merge
916. Dispassionate: neutral; objective
917. Forensic: concerned with argument or debate (e
sp. for
legal evidence)
918. Innate: inherited; inborn
919. Merge: come together
920. Pedestrian: common; mundane; banal
921. Provincial: unsophisticated; narrow-minded
922. Specious: false
923. Venial: minor; unimportant
924. Artisan: craftsman
925. Coddle: pamper; fuss over; indulge
926. Disseminating: circulating; broadcasting; spre
927. Fortitude: bravery Innocuous harmless; inoffen
928. Metaphorically: symbolically; figuratively Pee
without equal
929. Prudent: cautious; wise
930. Speckled: spotted; freckled; dotted
1000 words | Dawn news vocabulary
931. Veracity: truthfulness
932. Ascetic: without luxuries; severely simple
933. Coercion: force
934. Diurnal: active in daytime
935. Fortuitous: happening by chance
936. Innovate: create; introduce something new
937. Meticulous: very careful; painstaking
938. Pejorative: derogatory
939. Puerile: childish
940. Sporadic: not continuous; intermittent
941. Verbose: talkative; long-winded; rambling
942. Assiduous: thorough; diligent
943. Cogent: lucid; well argued
944. Divert: 1. entertain; 2. distract; 3. cause a
945. Fractious: irritable; difficult to control
946. Inscrutable: mysterious; impenetrable
947. Mettle: courage; bravery; valor
948. Pellucid: transparently clear
949. Punctilious: paying attention to small details
950. Spurious: false
1000 words | Dawn news vocabulary
951. Assuage: to calm
952. Cogitate: think over something; ponder
953. Docile: gentle and easily lead
954. Fraudulent: fake; false
955. Insentient: unfeeling
956. Milieu: environment
957. Pensive: in a thoughtful mood; thinking deeply
958. Purloin: steal
959. Stagnant: still; not moving
960. Vertigo: dizziness
961. Astute: perceptive; sharp-witted
962. Collage: picture made from fragments of other
963. Dogmatic: having stubbornly held opinions
964. Frivolous: not serious Insipid dull; bland; bo
965. Mire: swamp; muddy ground
966. Penury: poverty
967. Pusillanimous: cowardly
968. Staid: dull; sober; serious
969. Vestigial: not developed
970. Asylum: place of refuge or safety
971. Collate: arrange in order
972. Dolt: stupid person
973. Frugal: economical; not wasting anything
974. Instigate: to start; provoke
975. Misanthrope: hater of the rest of mankind
976. Perceptive: observant
977. Pyromania: compulsion to start fires
978. Stanza: section of a poem
979. Vignette: small sketch
980. Atheist: person who does not believe in God
981. Colloquial: local and informal (used of langua
982. Dotard: foolish old man
983. Furrow: groove
984. Instigator: troublemaker; person who entices o
thers to
do something
985. Misnomer: wrong name
986. Percipient: perceptive; insightful
987. Quaff: drink down quickly
988. Staunch: loyal; faithful; dependable
989. Vilification: blackening someone's name
990. Atrophy: waste away from lack of use
991. Collusion: plotting and planning
992. Drawl: speak slowly with words running togethe
993. Furtive: hidden and secret
994. Insurgent: a rebel
995. Misogynist: hater of women
996. Perdition: damnation
997. Quagmire: marsh; bog
998. Stereotype: fixed image
999. Vindicate: prove right; remove blame
1000. Attenuate: weaken

1. abate become less in amount or intensity
2. chicanery the use of tricks to deceive someone
3. disseminate cause to become widely known
4. gainsay take exception to
5. latent potentially existing but not presently evident or realized
6. aberrant markedly different from an accepted norm
7. coagulate change from a liquid to a thickened or solid state
8. dissolution separation into component parts
9. garrulous full of trivial conversation
10. laud praise, glorify, or honor
11. abeyance temporary cessation or suspension
12. coda the closing section of a musical composition
13. dissonance disagreeable sounds
14. goad stab or urge on as if with a pointed stick
15. lethargic deficient in alertness or activity
16. abscond run away, often taking something or somebody along
17. cogent powerfully persuasive
18. distend cause to expand as it by internal pressure
19. gouge an impression in a surface, as made by a blow
20. levee an embankment built to prevent a river from overflowing
21. abstemious marked by temperance in indulgence
22. commensurate corresponding in size or degree or extent
23. distill undergo condensation
24. grandiloquent lofty in style
25. levity a manner lacking seriousness
26. admonish scold or reprimand; take to task
27. compendium a publication containing a variety of works
28. diverge move or draw apart
29. gregarious temperamentally seeking and enjoying the company of others
30. log a segment of the trunk of a tree when stripped of branches
31. adulterate make impure by adding a foreign or inferior substance
32. complaisant showing a cheerful willingness to do favors for others
33. divest take away possessions from someone
34. guileless free of deceit
35. loquacious full of trivial conversation
36. aesthetic characterized by an appreciation of beauty or good taste
37. compliant disposed to act in accordance with someone's wishes
38. document a representation of a person's thinking with symbolic marks
39. gullible naive and easily deceived or tricked
40. lucid transparently clear; easily understandable
41. aggregate a sum total of many heterogeneous things taken together
42. conciliatory making or willing to make concessions
43. dogmatic pertaining to a code of beliefs accepted as authoritative
44. harangue a loud bombastic declamation expressed with strong emotion
45. luminous softly bright or radiant
46. alacrity liveliness and eagerness
47. condone excuse, overlook, or make allowances for
48. dormant inactive but capable of becoming active
49. homogeneous all of the same or similar kind or nature
50. magnanimity liberality in bestowing gifts
51. alleviate provide physical relief, as from pain
52. confound be confusing or perplexing to
53. dupe fool or hoax
54. hyperbole extravagant exaggeration
55. malingerer someone shirking duty by feigning illness or incapacity
56. amalgamate to bring or combine together or with something else
57. connoisseur an expert able to appreciate a field
58. ebullient joyously unrestrained
59. iconoclastic characterized by attack on established beliefs
60. malleable capable of being shaped or bent
61. ambiguous having more than one possible meaning
62. contention the act of competing as for profit or a prize
63. eclectic selecting what seems best of various styles or ideas
64. idolatry the worship of idols or images that are not God
65. maverick someone who exhibits independence in thought and action
66. ambivalence mixed feelings or emotions
67. contentious showing an inclination to disagree
68. efficacy capacity or power to produce a desired effect
69. immutable not subject or susceptible to change or variation
70. mendacious given to lying
71. ameliorate to make better
72. contrite feeling or expressing pain or sorrow for sins or offenses
73. effrontery audacious behavior that you have no right to
74. impair make worse or less effective
75. metamorphosis striking change in appearance or character or circumstances
76. anachronism something located at a time when it could not have existed
77. conundrum a difficult problem
78. elegy a mournful poem; a lament for the dead
79. impassive having or revealing little emotion or sensibility
80. meticulous marked by precise accordance with details
81. analogous similar or equivalent in some respects
82. converge be adjacent or come together
83. elicit call forth, as an emotion, feeling, or response
84. impede be a hindrance or obstacle to
85. misanthrope someone who dislikes people in general
86. anarchy a state of lawlessness and disorder
87. convoluted highly complex or intricate
88. embellish make more attractive, as by adding ornament or color
89. impermeable preventing especially liquids to pass or diffuse through
90. mitigate lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of
91. anomalous deviating from the general or common order or type
92. craven lacking even the rudiments of courage; abjectly fearful
93. empirical derived from experiment and observation rather than theory
94. imperturbable marked by extreme calm and composure
95. mollify cause to be more favorably inclined
96. antipathy a feeling of intense dislike
97. daunt cause to lose courage
98. emulate strive to equal or match, especially by imitating
99. impervious not admitting of passage or capable of being affected
100. morose showing a brooding ill humor
101. apathy an absence of emotion or enthusiasm
102. decorum propriety in manners and conduct
103. endemic native to or confined to a certain region
104. implacable incapable of being appeased or pacified
105. mundane found in the ordinary course of events
106. appease make peace with
107. default an option that is selected automatically
108. enervate weaken mentally or morally
109. implicit suggested though not directly expressed
110. negate make ineffective by counterbalancing the effect of
111. apprise inform somebody of something
112. deference courteous regard for people's feelings
113. engender make children
114. implode burst inward
115. neophyte any new participant in some activity
116. approbation official approval
117. delineate represented accurately or precisely
118. enhance increase
119. inadvertently without knowledge or intention
120. obdurate stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing
121. appropriate suitable for a particular person, place, or situation
122. denigrate charge falsely or with malicious intent
123. ephemeral anything short-lived, as an insect that lives only for a day
124. inchoate only partly in existence; imperfectly formed
125. obsequious attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery
126. arduous characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion
127. deride treat or speak of with contempt
128. equanimity steadiness of mind under stress
129. incongruity the quality of disagreeing
130. obviate do away with
131. artless simple and natural; without cunning or deceit
132. derivative a compound obtained from another compound
133. equivocate be deliberately ambiguous or unclear
134. inconsequential lacking worth or importance
135. occlude block passage through
136. ascetic someone who practices self denial as a spiritual discipline
137. desiccate lacking vitality or spirit; lifeless
138. erudite having or showing profound knowledge
139. incorporate make into a whole or make part of a whole
140. officious intrusive in a meddling or offensive manner
141. assiduous marked by care and persistent effort
142. desultory marked by lack of definite plan or regularity or purpose
143. esoteric understandable only by an enlightened inner circle
144. indeterminate not fixed or known in advance
145. onerous not easily borne; wearing
146. assuage provide physical relief, as from pain
147. deterrent something immaterial that interferes with action or progress
148. eulogy a formal expression of praise for someone who has died
149. indigence a state of extreme poverty or destitution
150. opprobrium a state of extreme dishonor
151. attenuate become weaker, in strength, value, or magnitude
152. diatribe thunderous verbal attack
153. euphemism an inoffensive expression substituted for an offensive one
154. indolent disinclined to work or exertion
155. oscillate move or swing from side to side regularly
156. audacious disposed to venture or take risks
157. dichotomy being twofold
158. exacerbate make worse
159. inert unable to move or resist motion
160. ostentatious intended to attract notice and impress others
161. austere of a stern or strict bearing or demeanor
162. diffidence lack of self-assurance
163. exculpate pronounce not guilty of criminal charges
164. pate liver or meat or fowl finely minced or ground and variously seasoned
165. ingenuous lacking in sophistication or worldliness
166. paragon a perfect embodiment of a concept
167. autonomous existing as an independent entity
168. diffuse spread out; not concentrated in one place
169. exigency a pressing or urgent situation
170. inherent existing as an essential constituent or characteristic
171. partisan a fervent and even militant proponent of something
172. aver to declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true
173. digression a message that departs from the main subject
174. extrapolation an inference about the future based on known facts
175. innocuous not injurious to physical or mental health
176. pathological relating to the study of diseases
177. banal repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse
178. dirge a song or hymn of mourning as a memorial to a dead person
179. facetious cleverly amusing in tone
180. insensible barely able to be perceived
181. paucity an insufficient quantity or number
182. belie be in contradiction with
183. disabuse free somebody from an erroneous belief
184. facilitate make easier
185. insinuate suggest in an indirect or covert way; give to understand
186. pedantic marked by a narrow focus on or display of learning
187. beneficent doing or producing good
188. discerning having or revealing keen insight and good judgment
1. fallacious containing or based on incorrect reasoning
2. insipid lacking interest or significance or impact
3. penchant a strong liking
4. bolster support and strengthen
5. discordant not in agreement or harmony
6. fatuous devoid of intelligence
7. insularity the state of being isolated or detached
8. penury a state of extreme poverty or destitution
9. bombastic ostentatiously lofty in style
10. discredit the state of being held in low esteem
11. fawning attempting to win favor by flattery
12. intractable difficult to manage or mold
13. perennial lasting an indefinitely long time
14. boorish ill-mannered and coarse in behavior or appearance
15. discrepancy a difference between conflicting facts or claims or opinions
16. felicitous exhibiting an agreeably appropriate manner or style
17. intransigence stubborn refusal to compromise or change
18. perfidious tending to betray
19. burgeon grow and flourish
20. discrete constituting a separate entity or part
21. fervor feelings of great warmth and intensity
22. inundate fill or cover completely, usually with water
23. perfunctory hasty and without attention to detail; not thorough
24. burnish polish and make shiny
25. disingenuous not straightforward or candid
26. flag a rectangular piece of cloth of distinctive design
27. inured made tough by habitual exposure
28. permeable allowing fluids or gases to pass or diffuse through
29. buttress a support usually of stone or brick
30. disinterested unaffected by concern for one's own welfare
31. fledgling young bird that has just fledged or become capable of flying
32. invective abusive language used to express blame or censure
33. pervasive spreading or spread throughout
34. cacophonous having an unpleasant sound
35. disjointed taken apart at the points of connection
36. flout treat with contemptuous disregard
37. irascible quickly aroused to anger
38. phlegmatic showing little emotion
39. capricious determined by chance or impulse rather than by necessity
40. dismiss stop associating with
41. foment try to stir up
42. irresolute uncertain how to act or proceed
43. piety righteousness by virtue of being pious
44. castigation verbal punishment
45. disparage express a negative opinion of
46. forestall keep from happening or arising; make impossible
47. itinerary an established line of travel or access
48. placate cause to be more favorably inclined
49. catalyst substance that initiates or accelerates a chemical reaction
50. disparate fundamentally different or distinct in quality or kind
51. frugality prudence in avoiding waste
52. laconic brief and to the point
53. plasticity the property of being physically malleable
54. caustic capable of destroying or eating away by chemical action
55. dissemble behave unnaturally or affectedly
56. futile producing no result or effect
57. lassitude a feeling of lack of interest or energy
58. platitude a trite or obvious remark
59. plethora extreme excess
60. propitiate make peace with
61. rescind cancel officially
62. sporadic recurring in scattered or unpredictable instances
63. tractable easily managed
64. plummet drop sharply
65. propriety correct behavior
66. resolution a decision to do something or to behave in a certain manner
67. stigma a symbol of disgrace or infamy
68. transgression the violation of a law or a duty or moral principle
69. porous full of vessels or holes
70. proscribe command against
71. resolve find a solution or answer
72. stint supply sparingly and with restricted quantities
73. truculence obstreperous and defiant aggressiveness
74. pragmatic concerned with practical matters
75. pungent strong and sharp to the sense of taste
76. reticent reluctant to draw attention to yourself
77. stipulate make an express demand or provision in an agreement
78. vacillate be undecided about something
79. preamble a preliminary introduction to a statute or constitution
80. qualified meeting the proper standards and requirements for a task
81. reverent feeling or showing profound respect or veneration
82. stolid having or revealing little emotion or sensibility
83. venerate regard with feelings of respect and reverence
84. precarious not secure; beset with difficulties
85. quibble evade the truth of a point by raising irrelevant objections
86. sage a mentor in spiritual and philosophical topics
87. striate marked with stripes
88. veracious habitually speaking the truth
89. precipitate bring about abruptly
90. quiescent being quiet or still or inactive
91. salubrious promoting health
92. strut to walk with a lofty proud gait
93. verbose using or containing too many words
94. precursor something indicating the approach of something or someone
95. rarefied of high moral or intellectual value
96. sanction official permission or approval
97. subpoena a writ issued to compel the attendance of a witness
98. viable capable of life or normal growth and development
99. presumptuous excessively forward
100. recalcitrant stubbornly resistant to authority or control
101. satiate fill to satisfaction
102. subside wear off or die down
103. viscous having a relatively high resistance to flow
104. prevaricate be deliberately ambiguous or unclear
105. recant formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief
106. saturate infuse or fill completely
107. substantiate establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts
108. vituperative marked by harshly abusive criticism
109. pristine immaculately clean and unused
110. recluse one who lives in solitude
111. savor the taste experience when a savoury condiment is tasted
112. supersede take the place or move into the position of
113. volatile liable to lead to sudden change or violence
114. probity complete and confirmed integrity
115. recondite difficult to penetrate
116. secrete generate and separate from cells or bodily fluids
117. supposition the cognitive process of conjecturing
118. unwarranted incapable of being justified or explained
119. problematic making great mental demands
120. refractory stubbornly resistant to authority or control
121. shard a broken piece of a brittle artifact
122. tacit implied by or inferred from actions or statements
123. wary marked by keen caution and watchful prudence
124. prodigal recklessly wasteful
125. refute overthrow by argument, evidence, or proof
126. skeptic someone who habitually doubts accepted beliefs
127. tangential of superficial relevance if any
128. welter a confused multitude of things
129. profound situated at or extending to great depth
130. relegate assign to a lower position
131. solicitous full of anxiety and concern
132. tenuous very thin in gauge or diameter
133. whimsical determined by chance or impulse rather than by necessity
134. prohibitive tending to discourage, especially of prices
135. reproach express criticism towards
136. soporific inducing sleep
137. tirade a speech of violent denunciation
138. zealot a fervent and even militant proponent of something
139. proliferate grow rapidly
140. reprobate a person without moral scruples
141. specious plausible but false
142. torpor a state of motor and mental inactivity
143. propensity a natural inclination
144. repudiate refuse to acknowledge, ratify, or recognize as valid
145. spectrum a broad range of related objects or values or qualities
146. tortuous marked by repeated turns and bends

->Avarice : (Noun) : Extreme greed for material wealth.

->Ameliorate : (Verb) : To make better.
->Abstrus : (Adjective) : Hard to understand
->Castigate : (Verb) : To criticise or punish severely.
->Decorous : (Adjective) : Proper and dignified.
->Didactic : (Adjective) : Educational.
->Contrite : (Adjective) : Feeling guilty and remorsefull.
->Deleterious : (Adjective) : Hamrful.
->Ebullient : (Adjective) : Extremely exited or enthusiastic.
->Enigma : (Noun) : A puzzle, mysterious person or thing
->Nefarious : (Adjective) : Extremely wicked.
->Morose : (Adjective) : Gloomy
->Mendacious : (Adjective) : False, lying or untrue.
->Obdurate : (Adjective) : Stubborn.
->Opulent : (Adjective) : Rich and luxurious.
->Ostensible : (Adjective) : Pretented
->Pristine : (Adjective) : Pure, clean or unused.
->Prosaic : (Adjective) : Dull and lacking exitment.
->Repudiate : (Verb) : To reject
->Solicitous : (Adjective) : Anxious,eager,or worried.
->Surreptitious : (Adjective) : Stealthy and secret.
->Repugnant : (Adjective) : Offensive


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