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Learning Objectives:

• Your task is to create an advertising campaign consisting of

one A3 poster and three A4 ‘Mock Ups’. You will also have to
complete research, a written brief and an evaluation of your
• You will need to show an understanding of:
• M—The Media Language of advertising
• I—The Institution of Coca-Cola
• R—Representation
• A—Audience theory – how audiences are targeted

The Task:

Coca-Cola is the most popular soft drink in virtually every country of

the world. It is one of the most successful companies of the 20th
Century. Coca-Cola’s success is primarily due to it’s well designed

You have been asked by Coca-Cola to produce a new advertising

campaign that will:

Make sure Coca-Cola is the number one selling soft drink of the
21st Century.

You will need to consider how Coca-Cola advertising has changed over
the years to attract new AUDIENCES. You will also need to think
about how you can make Coca-Cola seem modern and exciting. At the
same time you need to build upon the successes and tradition behind
the Coca-Cola BRAND. Remember, the IDEOLOGY of the company
has always been:

The target of Coca Cola is to be “universally acceptable,

universally affordable, and universally available.”
What the project will consist of:

• Market Research Questionnaire

• Three draft ‘Mock-up’ poster for different audiences
• An analysis of Coke adverts and commentary
• One A3 finished poster targeted at a specific audience
• An evaluation of the project of about 600 words

You will only be assessed on the Brief, Poster and Evaluation but it is important
all sections are completed.

You will not be allowed to start your final poster until you have finished the

Things you will need to consider:

• Brand Identity
• Subconscious Connotation (Personality)
• The history of Coca-Cola
• Changes in consumers
• Logos
• Slogans
• Use of Colour
• Regulation
• Setting and Subject
• Lines of appeal
• Target audience
• Ideology

How Advertising Works:

• A—Awareness
• I-Interest
• D-Desire
• A-Action

Adverts normally do the following things:

• We are shown how our current life is unsatisfactory
• We are shown what our lives could be like in the future
• It is implied that if we buy the product, our lives will become better
Possible Audiences you could choose to target:

You will need to choose three different audiences—one for each of your
drafts. Each audience you choose needs to be an audience that either doesn’t
drink a lot of drink at the moment or you need to convince to keep drinking
lots. Remember, a young audience targeted now will become an older audience
later. Hook them now and they might be Coke drinkers for life!

• Young girls 11-16: An audience that has a lower consumption

of the product, perhaps due health reasons

• Young boys 11-16: An audience that might be tempted to buy

more ‘exciting’ or new soft drinks

• Men 18-25: An audience that has more Disposable Income

but might be tempted to by alcoholic drinks rather that soft

• Women 18-25: This audience will need to see the product as

being both desirable and suitable for their fast-paced

• Men 30-40: Possibly with families. Perhaps a drink they can

take to work or refresh them after a hard day.

• Women 30-40: Perhaps to suggest the drink is suitable

enough for families but also sophisticated enough for those
that go to work.

These audiences are very vague and are just designed to give you a few ideas
to get started. I have only mentioned age and gender here. Do not forget to
think about psychographics and social status. You would be unlikely to target
an audience of female lawyers with a advert containing football and junk food!

Market Research:

It is important to research your target audiences to understand

how they think. By creating a questionnaire you can find out how
they feel about your product and how you might be able to target
them with your advert. You might like to find out about their
wishes and hopes for the future so you can include them in your
advert. You might also find out about when and where they drink
Coke or why they don’t drink it at all. All this will help you
decide what to include in your poster.

Below are a few sample questions I have written. Do not just

copy them but use them as a starting point to think about what
questions you could ask your target audience. You should aim to
have 8-10 questions and to give out your questionnaire to 5-10
people who are part of your target audience. Remember; it is
only worth doing this research if you mention it in your brief and

Sample Questions:

• Do you drink Coke/Diet Coke/Neither?

• How regularly do you drink Coke?
• Where and when would you normally drink Coke/Diet Coke
• What do you like about Coke/Diet Coke?
• If you did not buy Coke/Diet Coke what drink would you buy?
• If you no longer drink Coke, why did you stop?
• What three words come into your mind when you think about
the name ‘Coca-Cola’?
• Which of these is most important to you (pick three)? - Health,
family, money, respect, love, happiness, excitement etc.

Coca Cola Brief - 300 words
The purpose of the brief is to explain what you are doing, who it’s aimed at and
how they will be targeted. Include

A brief history of Coca Cola: Explain how Coca Cola came to be such a huge company,
the role that advertising played in their rise and the company’s association with the
American way of life.

• Coca Cola has been around for over one hundred years.
• The drink started out as…
• Coca Cola is an important part of American life because…

List all of the conventions of Coca Cola advertisement and explain why they are used

• Coke adverts always include (slogan, colours, logo, representation of characters,


Describe the brand image of the product; Product + Personality = Brand (connotations
and assurance of quality).

• The brand image of Coke is…

Coca-Cola Audience:

• What kind or audiences have been traditionally targeted by Coca-Cola? How has this
changed? Why?

Explain who you are targeting your advertisement at by including a detailed breakdown
of psychographic and demographic details

• My Coca Cola advertisement is going to be aimed at… (demographics)

• The types of people I want to encourage to buy Coke are… (psychographics –
emulators, achievers, etc)
• I have chosen this audience because in my research I found out…(mention market

Describe the idea for your advertisement and explain which conventions you will use and
which you have decided to change in order to reach your new target audience.

• My design is...
• Explain how the different things you have done will appeal to your target audience
• E.g Slogan, colours, background, the way people are represented

The Poster:

Here is some advice about what to include in you poster:

• Some of the codes and conventions of other Coca-Cola

adverts so people are reassured of it’s traditions.
• Some new
• Lines of appeal that your target audience will desire (e.g.
Beauty, Wealth, the Family).
• Some new codes and conventions to suggest it is the drink of
the future
• Representation of people, places or objects that will
encourage your target audience to want to buy it.


If you are finding it difficult to think of an image, start off with a

slogan and work from there – it might help you to visualise what the key
image of your ad could be

• Good all the way down

• Coca Cola…quenches thirst as nothing else can
• It’s time for Coke
• Coca Cola…the best drink under the sun
• Coke knows no season
• Coke…the sociable drink
• Red, White and YOU
• Coke…a passport to refreshment
• Coca Cola…for people on the go
• Coke Unites
• Coca Cola…because good things never change
• Coke…real satisfaction in every glass
• Coke…ice cold sunshine
• Carry a smile back to work with coke
• Coca Cola…a sign of good taste
• Coca Cola…making good friends better
• All you need is Coke
Coca Cola Evaluation — around 500 words
The purpose of the evaluation is to explain what you did; how you did it; what
problems toy had and to assess the strengths and weaknesses of you finished

• Explain what the project was the purpose of the project was?
• What is advertising?
• What is Coca-Cola? [drink; brand; way of life]
• How has Coca-Cola been effectively advertised in the past?
[associations; imagery]
• What are the ingredients (codes & conventions) for a successful Coca-
Cola ad? [design: layout, colours, light, logo, slogan, font; content:
people, places, props, message, values]
• What ideas do you have for making a Coca-Cola ad?
• Briefly describe the different designs you created and how
they were going to reach your target audience
• Which one did you choose and why? [successfully sells coke to
target audience]
• How did you construct your ad? [planning & organisation]
• Who is your advertisement targeted at? [demographics; psychographics]
• How does it use codes and conventions to reach its target audience?
[Media Language]
• How does is it use representation in order to reach its target audience?
(How have represented the characters or places in your advertisement?)
• What brand image does it create for Coca Cola? (What personality
have you given your product in order to make it different from other
cola drinks?)
• What conventions of Coca Cola advertisements did you use and which
conventions did you change? (Logo, colour, slogan, image, font)
• Did you make any mistakes? If so, what did you do to fix them?
• What are the strengths of your ad. and why? [refer to specific
ingredients and how they successfully appeal to the target audience]
• What are the weaknesses of your ad. and why? How could you fix
them? [refer to specific ingredients and how they need to be modified
to successfully appeal to the target audience]
• Did you enjoy making your ad. and what have you learned? [value of
research; knowledge about advertising; planning & organisation; practical

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