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Kuis awal materi:Perambatan dan Polarisasi Cahaya - Attempt 1

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Question 7
Marks: 1
Berapakah sudut kritis cahaya dengan panjang gelombang 589 nm di bahan dengan in
deks bias n = 2,38?
Choose one answer.
a. 25,3^{\circ}
b. 25,1^{\circ}
c. 25,5^{\circ}
d. 24,8^{\circ}
e. 25,8^{\circ}
Question 8
Marks: 1
Seberkas cahaya menumbuk kaca jendela datar (n = 1,50) dengan ketebalan 1,05 cm
pada sudut 30,0^{\circ} terhadap normal.
Berapa jauh berkas yang meninggalkan kaca menyimpang dari berkas semula?
Choose one answer.
a. 2,23 mm
b. 2,42 mm
c. 2,81 mm
d. 2,62 mm
e. 2,04 mm
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Kuis awal materi:Perambatan dan Polarisasi Cahaya - Attempt 1
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Question 9
Marks: 1
Sebuah prisma mempunyai sudut apeks 41,0^{\circ} terbuat dari bahan dengan n = 2
,11. Berapakah sudut deviasi minimum prisma ini?
Choose one answer.
a. 55,9^{\circ}
b. 55,1^{\circ}
c. 54,3^{\circ}
d. 55,5^{\circ}
e. 54,7^{\circ}
Question 10
Marks: 1
If total internal reflection occurs at a glass-air surface:
Choose one answer.
a. no light is refracted.
b. no light is reflected.
c. light is leaving the air and hitting the glass with an incident angle
less than the critical angle.
d. all the light is absorbed
e. light is leaving the air and hitting the glass with an incident angle
greater than the critical angle.
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Kuis awal materi:Perambatan dan Polarisasi Cahaya - Attempt 1

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Question 3
Marks: 1
Seberkas cahaya putih datang ke balok \textit{fused quartz} (n_{\textrm{merah}}=
1,66 dan n_{\textrm{ungu}}=1,70) pada sudut 29,4^{\circ}. Carilah lebar angular
berkas cahaya di dalam \textit{quartz}.
Choose one answer.
a. 0,414^{\circ}
b. 0,417^{\circ}
c. 0,423^{\circ}
d. 0,420^{\circ}
e. 0,411^{\circ}
Question 4
Marks: 1
Seorang penyelam melihat Matahari yang tampak pada sudut 52,3^{\circ} di atas ho
rizontal. Berapakah sudut elevasi sebenarnya Matahari ini terhadap horizontal?
Choose one answer.
a. 35,6^{\circ}
b. 35,0^{\circ}
c. 33,4^{\circ}
d. 34,5^{\circ}
e. 33,9^{\circ}
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Kuis awal materi:Perambatan dan Polarisasi Cahaya - Attempt 1

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Question 5
Marks: 1
A beam of monochromatic light goes from material 1 with index of refraction n_1
into material 2 with index of refraction n_2. The frequency of light in material
1 is f_1 and in material 2 is f_2. What is the ratio of f_1/f_2?
Choose one answer.
a. (n_2/n_1)^2
b. The values of n_1 and n_2 must be known to find the answer.
c. n_1/n_2
d. n_2/n_1
e. 1
Question 6
Marks: 1
If you were going to send a beam of light to the Moon when it is just above the
horizon, you would aim
Choose one answer.
a. low.
b. directly at the Moon.
c. to the right of the Moon.
d. high.
e. to the left of the Moon.
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