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A Christmas-Activity Calendar

for Family and Friends 25 simple ideas for experiencing

and sharing Christmas joy

1 Christmas lights. Pile in the car one evening

and take in the view of the beautiful decorations
and Christmas lights in your neighborhood or a 5 MWS, Level 2 post: Can you crack our Christ-
mas code? Will be posted on December 5th.
9 Christmas kindness thermometer.
On a meter-long piece of paper draw
a thermometer. Divide it into four

nearby area. Or if you’re living in sections, and draw thin lines to divide each
an area without a lot of Christmas of these sections into 10. Label each of the
decorations, turn on the lights of MWS, 0-5 post: four main sections from bottom to top: cold,
your Christmas tree or “Carina’s Christmas warm, hot, and sizzling. You can decorate
decorations and enjoy the warm Play”—story, audio, around your thermometer with pictures
glow in the comfort of your home. and coloring book. Will be and illustrations. During the month of
posted on December 6th. December, each time someone does a

kind deed, color one little section on the
thermometer. Make it a goal to reach the top
MWS, 0-5 post: “Tiny Bible Treasures: Jesus Is
or as high as possible by Christmas Day.

Born.” Will be posted on November 22nd.

3 MWS, Level
2 post: Tell us
7 Christmas card
writing. As a
MWS, Level 2 post: Read story, “Roshna’s Gift
to Give.” Will be posted on December 10th.

what you’ll be family, write up a

doing this Christmas. list of those you want to
send Christmas cards to. Hot or ice-cold
Read about what others
Put your heads together chocolate and the
will be doing. Exchange
to come up with a unique, Christmas tree.
some fun ideas.
Make hot or ice-cold chocolate

creative, and perhaps
even an artistic Christmas or herbal tea, and ask everyone
Christmas is about giving. During mealtime, or some greeting from your family to bring his or her favorite
other time of family discussion, talk together about to your friends. Christmas story or Christmas
what gifts you would like to give Jesus this Christmas. carol. Sit around your

Next, write these ideas down on pieces of papers, and place Christmas tree, and share the
these papers in an envelope on your Christmas tree or in some Christmas goodies.

other prominent place, so you can remind yourself of MWS, Level

the ideas throughout the Christmas season. 1 post: “The
Christmas promises. The Christmas
season is a time when the world
Story of the First
celebrates Jesus’ birth. If your
Christmas, Part
family has thought of ways to share the real
One.” Will
meaning of Christmas with others, ask Jesus
be posted on
to give you specific Christmas promises that
December 8th.
you can claim for boldness and the brightness
of His love to share with others.

13 Spreading
Christmas blessings
through your
prayers. Ask friends and family
18 MWS, Level 2 post: Can you fill out
“The Mammoth Christmas Crossword”?
Will be posted on December 18th. 23

Christmas meditations.
Christmas can be a
busy time, and it’s
easy to forget the real meaning of

what they need prayer for, and send and reason for Christmas. Decide
up Christmas blessings for them Christmas across on an evening for Christmas
through your prayers. the globe. Learn meditations. Meditate on

about how other some of the following thoughts:

countries celebrate Jesus’ birth. e Imagine what it would be
Red or green Talk about what you would do if like to spend a day in heaven with Jesus. Think about
Christmas praises you were celebrating Christmas the many fun things you would do to celebrate His
to the King. Have a in another country. Read Activated birthday together with Him.
fun time of Christmas thanksgiving article, “Joy to the World.” e Think about what it was like when Jesus was preparing
by thanking Jesus for your favorite

to come to earth. What do you think were some things
food, place, or thing that’s red or

He may have done before leaving heaven?
green. Articulate why it’s a favorite. MWS, 0-5

post: “As Little Christmas

Ones,” story, cookies +
MWS, Level 1 post: “The Intriguing audio, and coloring book. Will caroling.
Story of the First Christmas, Part Two.” be posted on December 13th. Bake a batch of cookies;
Will be posted on December 15th. you can listen to favorite

16 21
Christmas carols as you do.

What’s your Place the cookies in nice
Christmas plastic wrap, or in some other
prayer. Write favorite? For a time
of family devotions, festive presentation, and
a list of people spread Christmas joy by giving your neighbors a Christmas
you want to share Jesus’ love read up on the history of your favorite
Christmas song. Sing and/or listen to cookies + caroling experience. (It might help to call your
with this Christmas through neighbors, or those you’ll be caroling to in advance, so they
kind deeds and kind words. the songs that you read about.
know to expect you.)

Then pray for opportunities

to do so.—And be ready when
they come. The

story. Pull out
Bringing Christmas where MWS, Level 1 post: the family Bible, or a children’s
there is no Christmas. “The Intriguing Story of picture Bible, and read Luke
Do some research, and the First Christmas, Part 1:5–2:39 or Matthew 1:18–25.
find a country where the majority Three.” Will be posted You could supplement this by
of the population have yet to on December 22nd. watching the Nativity scene from
hear of Jesus, and pray that
Jesus of Nazareth, The Nativity, or
Jesus will orchestrate
another movie of Jesus’ life.
ways for the people
there to come to
know Him.

Authored by R. A. Watterson. Illustrations and design by Sabine Rich. Copyright © 2010 by The Family International

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