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A friend of mine has a story to tell.

She married a man she had known since the 4th grade. She is from a small New England town where
they don’t lock their doors and everyone knows everyone. Her high school graduation class had 20

She married her high school sweet heart and they moved away to build a life together.

In 2004 her husband’s grandfather had a tragedy. His son died suddenly and left him all alone. Her
husband invited his grandfather to come stay in their home to ease his mourning.

Over the next 18 months Jennifer Fountain discovered horrible things about her husband, his
grandfather, and many of the people she knew and loved from her small town in New England.

• Her husband’s grandfather was not his grand father. He was not related in any way. Her
husband’s mother and her husband’s family introduced him for as long as she could remember as
his grandfather. Her own family knew the Pedophile and loved this man as her husband’s
grandfather. Who was this man? Who was the man now part of her family and currently living in
her home? He was the man who had begun molesting her husband when he was 7 years old.
• No one was who they should be. The man she knew as her husband’s grandfather’s son (the one
that passed away) was not his son. He was a boy that he hired when he 14 to mow his grass. The
grandfather in a teary confession one night told Jennifer about molesting the boy and then
adopting him to live with him as his son. They lived together for life as father, son and
homosexual lovers.
• The grandfather slowly poured out the details of a life time of molesting children. Over an 18
month period Jennifer learned in graphic detail how this 74 year old grandfatherly man living in
her home had systematically raped and shared with his son/lover many of the children she
knew and loved from her small New England town, including several of her very best friends
from youth.
• The children she knows, plus 40 others are on a “trophy DVD” viewed by the pedophile daily
while in her home.
• All of her husband’s siblings appear to have been molested.
• Her husband’s mother not only knew of the molestation but acted as a gate keeper and recruiter
for new child victims for the pedophile and his son/lover.
• The Son/lover is reported to have raped all of his sibling including Jennifer’s husband’s mother,
the gatekeeper.
• Even at 74, the grand father talked about stalking and attempting to molest boys in the last 5
• Adult victims will admit privately that they where abused. None have agreed to come forward
publicly for fear of shame.
• The police can’t do anything without a complaining witness.
• The grandfather remains in contact with many of the victims, now adults in their mid 30’s.
Some are in weekly and even daily contact with the Pedophile. He has constant communication
with his victims to assure his continued control over their lives. Infact he has only raped or
molested close family members or friends of the family for that reason.
• The grandfather has never until now been reported to the police.
• The grandfather and his son/lover participated in sex triangles with powerful people who have
helped cover up and shelter the two perverts from exposure.
• There are indications of large scale estate and insurance fraud which provided for the traveling
lifestyle of these two men while they also lived on public assistance.

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Jennifer left her husband in March of 2007. She had pleaded with her husband for months to remove the
“grandfather” from their martial home. She feared that her mind and home where being groomed to
become part of the grandfather’s “sick “obsession. She left her clothes, her pets and everything she
owned. She left for work one day and never went home.

Since leaving her husband, Jennifer has written letters and called family members to sound the alarm.
She has contacted many victims described to her during the Grandfathers confessions and known to her
from the DVD. She has made reports to police and child welfare agencies from NH to Florida.

• Shortly after she left, her dog was poisoned and died.

• The grandfather attempted to hire someone to kill Jennifer in December 07. This was reported
and investigated by the FBI. The FBI could not get all the ‘elements of the crime” so have
stopped any further action.

Still the victims remain silent. And through their silence, they allow this man to continue to destroy

She wants to be heard. She wants child sex abuse victims to know the damage done to themselves, their
family, their future families and many they will never know, by their silence. She wants to share her
story about her incredible journey to bring a pedophile to light.

She believes that the public telling of this story will bring forward additional victims and may result in
the prosecution of the pedophile. Any NH victim under 38 years old could be within the statue of
limitations depending on when the last abuse occurred.

Typed by

Alan Horn for Jennifer Fountain

443 607 6011

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