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Alexandria, LA 71306-0417

Diocese of Alexandria

Volume XI, No. 12

The Church Today
P.O. Box 7417

December 13, 2010

On the
Pope’s new book, Light of
the World, is released
Pope Benedict’s new book, A Savior
is Born!
Light of the World: The Pope,
the Church, and the Signs of
the Times, is a candid interview
with Peter Seewald. The Pope
answers questions about every
issue facing the Church today.
See pg. 2.

Cardinal Raymond Burke

visits Alexandria

Cardinal Raymond L. Burke,

Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal
of the Apostolic Signatura, was
in Alexandria Nov. 30-Dec. 2 to
address the Conference of Chan-
cery and Tribunal Officials of the
Provinces of New Orleans and
Mobile (CCTO). See pg. 11.

Louisiana’s first March for

Life to be held Jan. 22 ‘NATIVITY’ BY PHILIPPE DE CHAMPAIGNE. Mary,
Joseph and a choir of angels adore the infant Jesus in
the painting “Nativity” by Philippe de Champaigne. The
Louisiana’s first Life March
Christmas season begins with the Dec. 24 evening vigil
will be held Jan. 22, 2011 in Baton commemorating the birth of Christ and ends with the feast
Rouge on the 38th anniversary of of the Baptism of the Lord Jan. 9. (CNS photo/Philipp
Roe vs Wade from 10 a.m. –noon. Bernard, Reunion des Musees Nationaux/Art Resource)
Go to page 19 for details.
Page 2 December 13, 2010

Pope’s new book released: Light of the World

What did the Pope really say about using condoms?
By John Thavis spite all the controversy over the Theory: Abstinence- “There may be a basis in
Catholic News Service translations. Be Faithful-Condom, the case of some individuals, as
He added: “The pope indi- where the condom is perhaps when a male prostitute
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- cates that, in addition to the case understood only as a uses a condom, where this can be
When Pope Benedict XVI com- he cited, there may be other cases last resort, when the a first step in the direction of a
mented in a new book that using in which one may imagine that other two points fail moralization, a first assumption
condoms to reduce the risk of dis- use of a condom could be a step to work. This means of responsibility, on the way to-
ease could, in some circumstanc- toward responsible sexuality in that the sheer fixation ward discovering an awareness
es, be a step toward moral respon- this area and to prevent further on the condom im- that not everything is allowed
sibility, he used the example of a infection.” plies a banalization and that one cannot do whatever
male prostitute. Here once again is the key of sexuality, which, one wants. But it is not really the
That raised the question: Was passage on the subject in the after all, is precise- way to deal with the evil of HIV
the pope deliberately limiting his book, Light of the World: The ly the dangerous infection. That can really lie only
observations to this particular Pope, the Church and the Signs source of the at- in a humanization of sexuality.”
group? of the Times, when Seewald asks titude of no longer Seewald: “Are you saying,
The answer is no, according the pope whether it was “madness seeing sexuality as then, that the Catholic Church is
to Jesuit Father Federico Lombar- to forbid a high-risk population to the expression of actually not opposed in principle
di, the Vatican spokesman, who use condoms.” love, but only a to the use of condoms?”
presented the pope’s book Nov. Pope Benedict replied: “As a sort of drug that Pope Benedict: “She of
23 at the Vatican press office. matter of fact, you know, people people adminis- course does not regard it as a real
Father Lombardi acknowl- can get condoms when they want ter to themselves. or moral solution, but, in this or
edged confusion over the gender them anyway. But this just goes This is why the that case, there can be nonethe-
question. So Father Lombardi to show that condoms alone do fight against the less, in the intention of reducing
took the question to the pope. not resolve the question itself. banalization of the risk of infection, a first step
“I asked the pope personally More needs to happen. Mean- sexuality is also a part of the enable it to have a toward a different way, a more
if there was a serious or impor- while, the secular realm itself struggle to ensure that sexuality is positive effect on the whole of human way, of living sexuality.
tant problem in the choice of the has developed the so-called ABC treated as a positive value and to man’s being.
masculine gender rather than the
feminine, and he said no, that is,
the main point -- and this is why I
didn’t refer to masculine or femi-
nine in (my earlier) communique
-- is the first step of responsibil-
ity in taking into account the risk
to the life of another person with
whom one has relations,” Father
Lombardi said.
“Whether a man or a woman
or a transsexual does this, we’re
at the same point. The point is the
first step toward responsibility, to
avoid posing a grave risk to an-
other person,” Father Lombardi
For his part, Peter Seewald,
the German journalist who posed
the questions in the book, said at
the news conference today that
“there is no difference between
male prostitute and female pros-
titute” in the pope’s remarks, de-
December 13, 2010 Page 3

USCCB to Congress: Dream Act is ‘right thing to do’

ter to Congress December 2,
Coadjutor Archbishop Jose Go-
mez of Los Angeles, chairman What is the
of the United States Conference
of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB)
Committee on Migration, called
Dream Act?
on Congress to pass the Devel-
opment, Relief, and Education Under the DREAM Act, deserv-
for Alien Minors Act (DREAM), ing immigrant youth can adjust to
calling it “the right thing to do. permanent resident status provided
“With the passage of the that they
DREAM Act, we can welcome • entered the United States
a new generation of Americans
before age sixteen,
who will one day become leaders
of our nation,” wrote Archbishop • have been physically present
Gomez. in the United States for not less than
The DREAM Act would five years,
provide a path to citizenship for YOUTH GROUP DISPLAYS DREAM ACT BANNER IN LOS ANGELES. The youth group at Our Lady of the Rosary • demonstrated good moral
thousands of young persons with- of Talpa Church in Los Angeles displays a special banner Dec. 2 they created in support of students who would be character,
out legal status who were brought helped by the DREAM Act and all immigrants affected by the lack of congressional action on comprehensive immigra-
• have no criminal record and do
to the United States as children by tion reform. The group of high school and college age students designed their banner around the theme of this year’s
their parents. Under the legisla- Our Lady of Guadalupe procession and Mass. (CNS photo/Victor Aleman, Vida Nueva) not threaten national security, and
tion, young people who complete •have earned their high school
two years of higher education diploma.
or two years of military service United States with their parents at have incredible talent and energy ported the DREAM Act, as well This bill also offers students a
would be eligible for legal per- a young age, and therefore did not and are awaiting a chance to fully as comprehensive reform of the fair opportunity to earn U.S. citizen-
manent residence and eventual enter without inspection on their contribute their talents to our na- nation’s immigration system.
ship if they commit to and complete
citizenship. own volition. We would all do the tion. We would be foolhardy to “There are times when a pro-
“It is important to note that same thing in a similar situation,” deny them that chance.” posal should be enacted because, at least
these young persons entered the Archbishop Gomez said. “They The USCCB has long sup- simply put, it is the right thing • two years of college or
• two years of honorable service
in the military.
In addition, this legislation will
apply to students in both public and
private education, including those
attending Catholic schools.

to do. This is one of them,” the

Archbishop said. “The DREAM
Act represents a practical, fair,
and compassionate solution for
thousands of young persons who
simply want to reach their God-
given potential and contribute to
the well-being of our nation.”
Page 4 December 13, 2010

The days of Advent are grad- ebrated our national patron feast, part of our world. We are truly a
ually transforming into Christ- the Immaculate Conception, on ‘catholic’ Church. I will return in
mas. What began as a glimpse Dec. 8. time for Christmas.
into the non-defined future of the
return of the Lord in glory has I have been invited by the I pray that the remaining
now receded through the ministry Superior General of the Con- days of our Advent Season will
of John the Baptist and will lead gregation of the Sons of Mary give us the time to celebrate the
us to the celebration of the histor- Mother of Mercy in Nigeria to Lord’s presence with us, not just
ic birth of Jesus. The richness of ordain eighteen deacons in mid- in history or at the end of time,
our many cultures and traditions December. Father Remi and Fa- but this year! May the new year
again opens for us, allowing us two years ago have been exceed- ing holiday. We then hosted the ther Ignatius are members of this of 2011 bring you and your fami-
to again enter into the mystery of ed beyond anything I could have annual Conference of Chancery Congregation that is marking its lies the richest of blessings!
God-with-us. hoped for! Throughout the year and Tribunal Officials with Ray- 40th anniversary this year. I will
we have captured many of the mond Cardinal Burke as our guest most likely be in Nigeria as you
We have now completed the moments on video and during the speaker. This was his first visit to read this. It is a great opportunity
very richly busy year of our an- months ahead we plan to create a the United States since receiving and I am delighted to strengthen
niversary and the blessings have commemorative DVD enabling the ‘red hat’ as a newly desig- our ties to the Church in another
been extraordinary. Our many us to relive this centennial year. nated Cardinal. Dec. 3, the feast
events were possible only be- of our patron, St. Francis Xavier,
cause so many people spent their The last few weeks have marked the formal closing of our
time and energy. My personal been marked by significant feasts Jubilee year even though the great
thanks to all of you who helped and celebrations. The formal feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe
in any way. My hopes and expec- opening of our new Immigration would add a final event to close
tations as we began the planning Center led us into the Thanksgiv- the year. Of course, we also cel-

Christmas celebrates more

than just a baby in a manger
Sister Margie Lavonis, CSC how much God loves us. He rose ence around us. Note that he did
Freelance Writer from the dead and calls us to re- not say to love only the neighbors
Sisters of the Holy Cross veal this love to all. In a sense we we like or are easy to be around.
are called to give birth to Jesus in This love must extend to all.
About a month ago our choir the world, to “incarnate” him. God’s word challenges us in-
started practicing a new hymn for As we celebrate this mys- carnating God in the world must
Christmas titled, From the Cradle tery of the Incarnation, take some become a habit for we who call
to the Cross. To me the words quality time to reflect on how we ourselves Christian. It is not re-
express the real meaning of the have or have not given birth to served for special times of the
Feast of the Incarnation or Christ- our God, who is love, during this year. The poor always need food
mas as we call it. past year. and clothes. Homeless centers
So often during this season One of our great saints, Tere- always need people to help with
we focus on a sweet, helpless lit- sa of Avila, was to have said that meals. Nursing homes are filled
tle baby and often forget his great Christ has no hands and feet but with people who appreciate visits,
mission, the reason he became a ours, etc. Jesus tells us over and not just at Christmas. Friends like
human being. This little child in over that he came to reveal his to hear from us at other times of December 13, 2010 Vol. XL, No. 12
swaddling clothes changed the father’s love. During his earthly the year too. The spirit of kind-
world forever. The Word (of God) life he commissioned his follow- ness and generosity must flow
became flesh and dwelt among us. ers to do the same. It is the cen- from our baptismal call to love.
He came to bring justice and love tral theme of his ministry. God waits every day to be
to the world and commissioned us During this season of Christ- given birth in our world. We are
to do likewise. We don’t merely mas, and remember it does not God’s body. God becomes flesh
celebrate a child. We celebrate a end after Dec. 25, the daily Scrip- in us and in our daily actions.
savior who fed the hungry, healed ture readings from the letters of During this beautiful season,
the sick, set captives free, and so Saint John remind us that God let us reflect on how we will con-
on. This is the true meaning of is love. He tells us that it is only tinue to give birth to the God of
Christmas. when we abide in love that we peace and love throughout the
When the parties are over, abide in God! When we love oth- New Year. The only New Year’s
cards sent, gifts given and Santa ers, God loves. He goes on to say resolution a Christian needs to
goes back to the North Pole, we that if we claim to love God but make is to be a more loving and
continue to celebrate “Emmanu- hate our neighbor, we are liars. hope-filled person in a world that
el, God with us.” The babe in the These are strong words to ponder, is in need of much healing. Try to
cradle began his journey to the especially in light of all the war make every day a little Christmas.
cross and in doing so showed us and violence we see and experi-
December 13, 2010 Page 5

10 simple ways to keep Christmas meaningful

I say it every year: “This year
I will make Christmas special and God’s sign is simplicity. God’s sign is the baby. God’s sign is
not get sucked into the hustle and
bustle of shopping, baking, parties, that he makes himself small for us. This is how he reigns. He
and traveling.” does not come with power and outward splendor. He comes
But like every other year, I
eventually fill up my calendar with as a baby-- defenseless and in need of our help. He does not
events and obligations that pull me want to overwhelm us with his strength. He takes away our fear
farther and farther away from ‘the
reason for the season.” of his greatness. He asks for our love: so he makes himself a
It all comes to a head on child.
Christmas Eve, when the whole
family gets together and attends -- Pope Benedict XVI, 2006
Mass. To others in church, it may
look like a unified family attending
Mass together, but do they really stuff them into one over-sized • Feast of the Holy Family. the New Year. the intials stand for Christus
know all the stress and commotion plastic bag ready for one trip out This feast is celebrated on the • Feast of Mary, the Mother manisionem benediacat, meaning
it took to get everyone dressed, out to the curb. Sunday in the Christmas “octave” of God, Jan. 1. The octave day of “May Christ bless this home.”)
the door and into the car, in time For years, I’ve thought that at - an 8-day period after Christmas. Christmas is both a feast honoring • Feast of the Baptism
for us to drive to Mass and find a this point, Christmas was over. It is a fitting day to thank God Mary, the Mother of God, and a of the Lord. This is the final
seat in the unusually once-a-year, Not exactly. for our own families and pray for day of Prayer for World Peace. “Christmas” feast, celebrated on
crowded pews? Christmas actually starts on a deepening of mutual love, in Our celebration of the New Year the first Sunday after Epiphany,
On Christmas morning, my December 25 and is celebrated imitation of the Holy Family. can be deepened by prayer that our and commemorates God’s
focus turns to making sure all of the next 12 days (that’s right the • Feast of the Holy world will be open to the peace revelation of the divinity of Jesus
the gifts I hid over the past few 12 days of Christmas are not just Innocents, Dec. 28. On this day, Jesus offers. at his baptism in the Jordan River.
months are re-discovered and about a partridge in a pear tree). we remember the children killed • Feast of the Epiphany, It’s a good day to celebrate our
still wrapped (in case one of the So, I discovered, it’s not too by Herod in his determination to Jan. 6. Epiphany means own baptism, our “new birth” in
kids found it already and tried to late to celebrate Christmas! end the life the Messiah. This can “manifestation,” and so this feast Christ and our entrance into his
secretly unwrap it). By the time With no baking, decorating, be a day of prayer for the innocents is the celebration of God’s glory Church.
the kids are all up, and we’ve shopping, wrapping, or other of today who are explited and being manifested to all nations, Excerpts from “How to
savagely opened all the presents obligations to divert my attention, abused -- may people now pray on symbolically through the Magi. Celebrate Christmas as a
that took me months to shop for I can enjoy the peacefulnesss of this day for the victims of abortion This is a good day to set the Magi Catholic,” a publication of Our
and hours to wrap, it’s all over. the season and satisfy my spiritual -- and an opportunity to think in the nativity scene and share their Sunday Visitor, 200 Noll Plaza
I see how quickly I can pick hunger. You can too. about bringing the compassion f story from the Gospel of Matthew. Huntington, IN
up the ripped paper, the empty The Christmas season Christ to those in need. Epiphany is also a traditional
boxes and plastic wrappings, and includes the following feast days: • New Year’s Eve, Dec. day to bless homes. This blessing
31. This is a day that almost incorporates inscribing the year, PENANCE SERVICES
instinctively lends itself to prayer. bracketing the initials of the Magi
Many churches have prayer (Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar)
What do you get for the person vigils, exposition of the Blessed above the door, usually in chalk,
• Dec. 14 – St. Patrick’s,
Montgomery, 6 pm
Sacrament, and Benediction like this: 20+C+M+B+11.
who has everything? during this evening, watching for (Another tradition claims
• Dec. 14 – St. Joseph,
Marksville, 6:30 pm
• Dec. 15 – OL of Lourdes,
A set of 2010 Vidalia, 5 pm
• Dec. 15 – Immaculate Conception,
Anniversary Natchitoches, 6 pm
• Dec. 15 – St. Mary’s,
Cottonport, 6 pm
Books • Dec. 15 – St. Joseph’s,
Colfax, 6 pm
$56 for set • Dec. 15 – OLPS,
$30 for 11.5 X 11.5 book Alexandria, 6:30 pm
$10 for 8 X 8 books • Dec. 15 – Sacred Heart,
$10 for ornament Pineville, 6:10 pm
• Dec. 16 – OL of Sorrows,
Moreauville, 5:30
• Dec. 17 – OL of Lourdes,
Winnfield, 6 p.m.
• Dec. 19 – St. Joseph,
St. Joseph, 5 pm
• Dec. 20 – St. Louis,
Glenmora, 5 pm
Available at the St. Joseph Catholic Center, • Dec. 20 – Mary, Mother of Jesus,
Hours: Mon-Thur. 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Woodworth, 6 pm
Fri. 8 a.m. - noon or call 318-445-6424, ext 255 • Dec. 20 – St. Francis of Assisi,
Powhatan, 6 pm
Page 6 December 13, 2010

Dominican Sisters are thriving; average age is 28

While the last 40 years have Likewise, a discernment
seen an overall drop in the num- group at Boston University pro-
ber of women entering religious vides young women with the op-
life, at least two Dominican Or- portunity to discuss religious life,
ders of Sisters and a handful of visit nearby communities and
other U.S. orders are thriving. participate in retreats at the end of
This fall, for example, the each semester.
Dominican Sisters at St. Cecilia Sister Olga Yaqob, an Iraqi
in Nashville, Tenn. has 27 pos- who is a member of the Mis-
tulants entering the convent, and sionaries of the Virgin Mary who
the Dominican Sisters of Mary, leads the group, said the overall
Mother of the Eucharist in Ann purpose is to help the girls be-
Arbor, Mich., has 22 postulants. come familiar with the will of
Other orders, like the Carmelites God and prepare them to respond
in Los Angeles and the Sisters of with a “yes” to whichever voca-
Life in New York are close be- tion they are called by God.
hind with 15 postulants each. Other contributing factors to
So, why then, are these two the increase, according to those
and other thriving U.S orders interviewed, include:
attracting more, and typically -- Web sites making informa-
younger women? tion on discernment and religious
For one reason, these orders communities easily accessible.
emphasize traditional practices, -- Dioceses working with re-
like wearing long, flowing black YOUNG DOMINICAN SISTERS. The Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist in Ann Arbor, Mich., has ligious communities to promote
and white habits and because of 22 postulants entering the convent and the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecelia in Nashville, Tenn. has 27. The Domini- vocations.
its emphasis on following a ca- cans are the fastest growing religious order in the world. -- More general interest in
reer in education. spirituality among a growing
It’s not so much a fashion number of young adults.
statement (sister’s habit) as much of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist. Another reason for the in- “If you put these together, It’s uncertain still whether
as a desire for a radical simplicity The late Pope John Paul II crease in the interest in religious it’s a recipe for falling in love the current increase in interest
or saying ‘I am about the work of plays a large role in the new trend, life, according to vocation direc- with the Lord,” she said. will lead to a significant increase
God. I want to witness to that,’” according to several vocation di- tors and young sisters, is more At the University of Illinois, in the number of those entering,
said Sister Catherine Marie, ex- rectors and campus ministers. campus ministries nurturing and campus minister Sister Sarah according to Holy Cross Brother
ecutive director of St Cecilia’s At World Youth Days, the promoting vocations. Roy, a young Sister of St. Francis Paul Bednarczyk, executive di-
campus in Nashville. pope challenged young people Not long ago it was a “rar- of the Immaculate Conception, rector of the National Religious
“Young people want to help to live their Catholic faith in a ity and oddity” to be a college said religious vocations weren’t Vocation Conference, an organi-
others understand some of the radical way and to not be afraid student discerning a vocation. talked about much when she at- zation in Chicago serving voca-
deeper aspects of the life and to seek out God’s will for their But now girls are coming from tended the university. Now the tion directors.
that’s beautifully done in the lives. Many of the postulants and campus ministries, particularly at campus ministry makes the op- “It’s still too soon to say;
classroom,” said Sister Joseph young sisters have said that they public schools, that have Eucha- tion more visible, and she sees however, this is very good news,”
Andrew Bogdanowicz, vocation first started thinking about voca- ristic adoration, Scripture study how the students themselves are he said.
director for the Dominican Sisters tions at a World Youth Day. and daily Mass. more willing to consider it.

Pray for vocations

December 13, 2010 Page 7

Fr. Raj named Provencial Superior of MSFS

Rev. Anthony Dharmaraj, Council. In accepting this deci- nine years and it has been a won-
MSFS, pastor of St. Mary’s As- sion you will be called to guide derful, wonderful experience. The
sumption Church in Cottonport, and lead a province that needs people have been very good to
has been named the Provincial you. Above all it is God who me. They have always been will-
Superior of the South-East Prov- needs you for his Congregation. ing to help and are so supportive
ince of India, by the Superior May God give you his wisdom of the Church. I will miss them
General of his congregation (Mis- and courage to say yes to Him.” tremendously.”
sionaries of St. Francis de Sales). As Provincial Superior, Fa- At the same time, Father
The new appointment means that ther Raj will be responsible for Raj will happy to return to India
“Father Raj” will be leaving the making appointments for 140 where his aged parents are liv-
Diocese of Alexandria and mov- priests, and for giving them guid- ing. “I will be approximately five
ing back to India, where he will ance and direction in their voca- hours (driving) away from my Father Luke Melcher
be installed as the new Provincial tion. The position is a three-year parents, which is good,” he said.
Superior on Jan. 24.
Father Raj said he received
“I have mixed feelings about Father Anthony Dharmaraj
“Now I will be able to visit them
more often and be more involved
Fr. Melcher
word of the promotion Nov. 25,
first in a phone call from his supe-
this appointment,” said Father
Raj. “I am happy that my su- for a reason, so I will continue
in their lives again.”
Father Raj came to the dio- to pursue
perior has this confidence in me to trust God and serve where he cese in 1996 and served at St. Pat-
rior, followed by a note that read:
“The General Council has and that I will be able to serve
the Lord on a different level. But
wants me to serve.”
“I am sad to leave my parish
rick Church in Ferriday for five
years, followed by his appoint-
decided to appoint you as the Pro-
with this position, comes a lot of of St. Mary’s Assumption, too,” ment at St. Mary’s for the past Rev. Luke Melcher, chaplain
vincial of South-East Province. I
responsibility and a lot of work. he said. “I have been in this parish nine years. for the Louisiana College and
know you enjoy the confidence
of confreres and of the General I know that everything happens LSU-Alexandria Catholic Stu-
dent Organization, has been giv-
Burses en permission by Bishop Ronald
Herzog to pursue a licentiate (li-
Donations in November cense) in Sacred Liturgy (SL.L),
and a doctorate in Sacred Liturgy
Knights of Columbus #9217............................................................ $10.00 (SL.D) through the Pontifical Li-
Msgr. Molenschot Burse turgical Institute at the Pontifical
Roderick Broussard......................................................................... $50.00 University of Sant’ Anselmo in
Msgr. Milburn Broussard Burse
After completing the 3-5 year
Hope Sansing.................................................................................... $50.00
license and doctoral program, Fa-
Father Peter Norek Burse ther Melcher will be qualified to
Dr. Joseph Landreneau.................................................................. $100.00 teach Liturgy as a professor of
Msgr. Henry Beckers Burse Liturgy at the Pontifical College
Mrs. Kathleen Voltz........................................................................ $100.00 Josephinum in Ohio.
Gus Voltz Burse Effective May, 2011, Father
Mr & Mrs. Matthew Schupbach..................................................... $200.00 Melcher will leave the diocese
Msgr. Steve Testa Burse and move to Europe, where he
Harold Beridon Family................................................................... $210.00 will prepare for his studies in
Msgr. Timmermans Burse Rome by becoming proficient in
French, Italian, Koine Greek, and
Total this month.............................................................................. $720.00 Latin. Italian is necessary for
his academic classes and the lan-
guage he will have to use to write
and defend his dissertation. The
other languages are necessary for
research. In October, he will be-
gin the academic degree program
and live at the North American
house of studies for priests, the
Casa Santa Maria in Rome.
Father Melcher said he has
always felt the desire to pray and
study more deply and to help men
become priests. He has felt a call-
ing to do this for several year; but
only recently did he act upon it.
“I talked to the Bishop (Her-
zog) about this and he recognized
it as a ‘calling within a calling,’”
said Father Melcher. “The bish-
op’s awareness of the teaching
needs of the Josephinum and
his awareness of my openess to
serve, has led to this opportunity.
Page 8 December 13, 2010


LEUM & SIDEWALKS. Invited guests and dignitaries who came for the Oct.
31 Blessing of the Mausoleum & Sidewalks are representatives of the Sis-
ters of the Divine Providence, Sister Jane Ann Slater, CDP, Superior Gen-
eral and Sisters of the Divine Providence Congregation; Sisters of the Holy
Family, Sr. Greta Jupiter, SSF, Assistant Congregation Leader and Sister of
Holy Family Congregation; Holy Ghost Father, Father John Skaj, C.S.Sp. and
Brother Michael Suazo, C.S.Sp. from Pennsylvania.; Father Jacob Thomas,
Pastor representating Diocesan Priests; Thomas Roque, Sr., Chris Sylvia and
Anita Evans, Organizers; and Dee Hawthorne, Music Director. The various
sidewalks named are St. Augustine, St. Joseph, Henriette Delille, Holy Ghost
Fathers, Diocesan Priest, Sisters of Divine Providence and St. Isadore (the
Patron Saint of Farmers).

St. Patrick Church hosts its first

12-hour First Friday Adoration
The congregation, along with
Father Harold Imamshah of St.
Patrick Church in Montgomery
hosted its first 12-hour First Fri-
day Adoration Nov. 5.
The evening began at 6 p.m.
with the Rosary, along with the
Sacrament of Reconciliation, fol-
lowed by Mass at 9 p.m. After
Mass, the Holy Hours of Adora-
tion began and included Benedic-
tion of the Blessed Sacrament.
At midnite, Fr. Harold and
the congregation shared an hour
of fellowship in the church hall.
Knowing that some of the congre-
gation had been fasting through-
Padua Church’s Altar Rosary Christian Mother’s Society welcomed four new
out the day, a light meal was pro-
EUCHARISTIC ADORATION. Father Harold Imamshah, pastor of St. members Oct. 2. From left are Candi Dupree, Sandra Roque, Father John
vided during the fellowship.
Patrick Church in Montgomergy leads the congration in its first 12-hour First O’Brien, Kanika Revels and Rebecca Jones.
At 1 a.m., Fr. Harold led a
procession with the Blessed Sac- Friday Adoration Nov. 5. Parishioners from the church spent 12 hours in the
rament outdoors and the remain- church participating in the Rosary, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Mass,
ing hours were spent in Eucharis- and Eucharistic Adoration.
tic Adoration.
Participating in the 12-hour
Adoration hours were the Third The 12-hour Adoration came St. Patrick plans to co-host
Order of The Alliance of the Holy to an end with the celebration of another First Friday Adoration
Family from San Antonio, Dal- the Holy Eucharist at a 5 a.m. soon with its sister church, St. Jo-
las, and Houston. Mass on Saturday. seph in Colfax.
December 13, 2010 Page 9

THE NEW IMMIGRATION CENTER, located at 4210 South MacArthur Drive RIBBON CUTTING CEREMONY. Bishop Ronald Herzog, Father Pedro Sierra-Posada, Bishop Bruce MacPherson
in Alexandria, was dedicated Nov. 23. The center, open by appointment only, of the Episcopal Diocese of Western Louisiana, and Rev. Ellen Alston, superintendent of the Alexandria District of
offers a wide variety of services to immigrants in the area. the United Methodist Church, Peter Fears and Lady Carlson (partially hidden), representing the Northern and Central
Louisiana Interfaith Cluster, participate in the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the new Immigration Center.

Local faiths unite to establish immigration center

By Jeannie Petrus Lady Carlson and Peter Fears, to non-lawyers who posses this project for the past three to Permanent Residents, who after
CT Editor representing the Northern and the training and knowledge in four years, has now come to full having accrued five years as such
Central Louisiana Interfaith Clus- immigration law to counsel fruition.” are eligible to become American
The grand opening of the ter. immigration clients, complete The center will provide the Citizens
new Immigration Center, located The new Central Louisiana immigration forms, and represent following immigration-related .•Processing of non-
at the Newman Methodist Church Interfaith Immigration Center clients before the Citizenship and services: immigrant employment visas
Outreach Center, 4210 South Ma- became a reality June 22 when Immigration Service (CIS). The •Family Petitions – Processing petitions – A service to individuals
cArthur Drive in Alexandria, was the Federal Board of Immigration partially accredited representative of request from US Citizens and and employers who require
held Nov. 23. Appeals, an agency under the can fill out CIS forms and Lawful Permanent Residents who foreign workers for seasonal work
Participating in the ceremo- jurisdiction of the Department accompany clients to CIS desire to bring their blood relatives in the US.
ny, representing all of the entities of Justice, granted it recognition interviews. and spouses to the United States. •Translations of documents
that collaborated in the communi- as an agency legally authorized “All of us in the Northern •Adjustment of Status – from Spanish to English and
ty-wide project, was Bishop Ron- to handle immigration-related and Central Louisiana Interfaith Processing of paperwork for conversely.
ald Herzog, of the Catholic Dio- petitions under present laws. Cluster and the collaborative alien nationals who, after having •Instruction of English as a
cese of Alexandria; Bishop Bruce In addition, it granted José institutions and organizations are been granted lawful conditional second language for those seeking
MacPherson, of the Episcopal Colls, executive director of the thrilled to bring this much-needed residence, want to adjust their citizenship.
Diocese of Western Louisiana; Center, partial accreditation as a service to the people of Central status to that of a lawful permanent The services outlined above
Rev. Ellen Alston, superintendent representative. In those instances Louisiana,” said José Colls. resident. will be available to all individuals
of the Alexandria District of the where an agency does not have “We are proud that the efforts •sNaturalization – Processing without regard to race, color,
United Methodist Church; and an attorney, it grants recognition of so many people involved in of paperwork for Lawful national origin, or ethnicity.
Page 10 December 13, 2010

$500,000 Challenge Grant issued to

Catholic Extension Service donors
A $500,000 Challenge Grant the Catholic Extension service it is inspiring that so many Catho-
to Catholic Extension donors has each year, including one that par- lics in 2010 rose to Mr. Dreihaus’
been issued again this year by tially funds the Church Today. challenge!   The announcement
Richard Driehaus, well-known “We are very grateful to the came during Catholic Extension’s
Chicago philanthropist and Catholic Extension service for the annual Thanksgiving reception at
founder of the Richard H. Drie- generous funds that we receive the Drake Hotel.   Mr. Driehaus
haus Foundation. The Challenge from them,” she said. “With their explained that his challenge grant
Grant is designed to help build support, many of our ministries is meant to encourage new donors
support for the Catholic Exten- are strengthened.” to give while also motivating cur-
sion’s faith building initiatives Especially in light of the na- rent donors to increase their level
to strengthen the ministries of tional decline in charitable giving, of giving.
Catholic communities across the
As with his 2010 Challenge,
Mr. Driehaus will match the con-
tributions of the first 500 people
to give $1,000 to become 2011
members of Socius Circle.   Last
year’s challenge attracted almost
1,000 new donors and raised
$3.75 million.
These contributions enabled
the organization to increase its
support by early 20 percent - from
$14.9 million in grants in 2009 to
$17.7 million in 2010
Since 2000, Catholic Exten-
sion has awarded $1,678,212 to CARDINAL RAYMOND L. BURKE & BISHOP RONALD HERZOG. Cardinal
the Diocese of Alexandria. Ac- Raymond L. Burke, newly elevated Cardinal and Prefect of the Supreme Tribu-
cording to Ann Masden, the dio- nal of the Apostolic Signatura, was in Alexandria Nov. 30-Dec. 2 to address the
cese receives several grants from Conference of Chancery and Tribunal Officials. He celebrated Holy Mass Dec.
1 at St. Francis Xavier Cathedral and then greeted the congregation outside
after Mass. It was his only public appearance in Alexandria during the confer-
ence. Bishop Herzog concelebrated the Mass with the Cardinal. (Photo by
Jeannie Petrus, Church Today)
December 13, 2010 Page 11

Cardinal Raymond Burke visits Alexandria

Cardinal Raymond L. Burke, (JCL), Pontifical Gregorian Uni- Joseph Cardinal Glennon (1946),
Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal versity, Rome, Italy, 1982; Mas- Joseph Elmer Cardinal Ritter
of the Apostolic Signatura, was ter of Arts in Theology, Pontifi- (1961), John Joseph Cardinal
in Alexandria Nov. 30-Dec. 2 to cal Gregorian University, Rome, Carberry (1969), and Justin Fran-
address the Conference of Chan- Italy, 1975; Bachelor of Sacred cis Cardinal Rigali (2003).
cery and Tribunal Officials of the Theology (STB), Pontifical Gre- “(Being named a cardinal)
Provinces of New Orleans and gorian University, Rome, Italy, was a very emotional moment for
Mobile (CCTO). 1974; Master of Arts in Philoso- me,” he said. “It is a great expres-
It was his first public appear- phy, The Catholic University of sion of confidence in me by the
ance as a cardinal after being el- America, Washington, DC, 1971; Holy Father and a new and much
evated to the College of Cardinals and Bachelor of Arts in Philoso- greater responsibility. It has taken
Nov. 20 by His Holiness Pope phy, The Catholic University of time for me to gain the confidence
Benedict XVI in Rome. America, Washington, DC, 1970. in myself.”
Cardinal Burke’s position as Cardinal Burke grew up in During the three-day confer-
Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal Wisconsin and was the son of a ence in Alexandria, he addressed
of the Apostolic Signatura is com- dairy farmer. He said all he ever four issues in canon or church
parable to that of the Chief Justice wanted to do was become a par- law: new grounds being used in
of the U.S. Supreme Court. ish priest. marriage nullity cases, the proper
The Cardinal’s education He was ordained a priest in administration of temporal goods
background, which makes him 1975 at St. Peter’s Basilica by (finances), the bishop’s role in
one of the world’s leading au- Pope Paul VI, ordained a bishop overseeing his tribunal and the
thorities on Canon Law, includes in 1995 at St. Peter’s Basilica by relationship among the tribunal of
a Doctorate in Canon Law (JCD) Pope John Paul II, and in 2004 in- the local diocese and the appellate
with specialization in jurispru- stalled as the eighth archbishop of tribunals.
dence, Pontifical Gregorian Uni- St. Louis. CARDINAL RAYMOND BURKE sits in the Office of the Vicar General Dec. 1 He also travelled to Lake
versity, Rome, Italy, 1984; Di- Cardinal Burke is the fifth for an interview by the Church Today. Cardinal Burke, who was elevated to Charles one evening and ad-
ploma in Latin Letters, Pontifical person who served as Archbishop the College of Cardinals by Pope Benedict XVI on Nov. 2, was in Alexandria dressed the New Life Counseling
Gregorian University, Rome, Ita- of St. Louis to be elevated to the Nov. 30-Dec. 2 for the Conference of Chancery and Tribunal Officials of the Center, a group that offers alter-
ly, 1983; Licentiate in Canon Law College of Cardinals, after John Provinces of New Orleans and Mobile (CCTO). natives to abortion; but also gives
the mothers the support they need
when they choose life, both dur-
ing the pregnancy and after birth.
In his talk, the Cardinal
noted, “We are presently experi-
encing in our nation a period of
intense struggle in the advance-
ment of the culture of life over
the culture of death, which would
destroy our nation. Sadly, our cul-
ture has robbed from the work of
education its very first lessons,
the lessons without which nothing
else which the culture can teach
us makes any sense.”
The Cardinal also celebrated
Mass Dec. 1 at St. Francis Xavier
Cathedral with Bishop Ronald
Herzog concelebrating.
Page 12 December 13, 2010

Diocesan School Events


D.A.R.E. WINNERS. Saint Mary’s
students graduated from the
D.A.R.E. Program recently. The
students learned many important
facts about drug and acohol abuse
throughout the past few weeks and
participated in a very special cer-
emony to celebrate their success.
Winners of the D.A.R.E. contests are ST. FRANCES CABRINI BOOKMARK WINNERS. Art teacher Violet Kie-
essay winner; sewetter, stands with the winners from St. Frances Cabrini School who placed
workbook winner; in the Rapides Parish Bookmark Contest. (front) won 1st
workbook winner; and place  in the 1st grade category and (middle) won 2nd place
essay winner. Standing with the stu- in the 5th grade category.    (not pictured) won 1st place in the
dents is Sheriff Victor Jones. kindergarten category.  The preliminary stages of the contest included 3,000
entrants with 18 overall winners.
the school level of the Rapides Parish Bookmark contest are 1st grade-

2nd grade– (Grand Prize Winner),

3rd grade-
4th grade- (Grand Prize Winner),
5th grade-
6th grade- (Grand
Prize Winner), Those
who placed on the parish level are (Grand
Prize winners) and (2nd Place winners).


NERS. Congratulations to the follow-
ing winners of the Gene Hymel OLPS
Coloring Book Contest:
1st place, 2nd place,
3rd place &
4th place. Hymel is a former
student of the diocese and a trans-
plant from New Orleans after Katrina.
He gave several coloring books that
honored OLPS and sponsored a col-
oring contest for the 4th graders.


from St. Mary’s School (Natchi-

toches) won first place for their art-
work in promoting Substance Abuse
Awareness. Natchitoches KC Coun-
cil 1357 sponsors the poster contest
each fall and this year has awarded
$50 for first in each category. Pic-
tured (from left to right) is
Grand Knight Ken Gardner, and
December 13, 2010 Page 13


Menard High School honored Bobby Distefano (center) Nov. 10 by dedicating
the mall area of the school in his name. Distefano and his family were present
for a celebration of the Mass, followed by a dedication ceremony. Distefano
retired last year after serving in several teaching and administrative capacities
at Menard for 41 years.


HEISMAN AWARD. Holy Savior Me-
nard High School’s Chance Ortego
and Samantha Lessen have been
honored with a nomination for the
prestigious Wendy’s High School
Heisman Award. The program,
awarded in conjunction with the col-
legiate Heisman, celebrates the
achievements of the nation’s top high
school seniors both in and out of the
classroom. Nominees are chosen for
this award based on their GPA, civic
involvement, sports, awards, clubs,
and positions held.

SCOOT TO SCHOOL. Menard held a

“Scoot to School Day” recently, where
students were allowed to ride their
bikes or a scooter to school.


Sarah Peterman and Samantha Less-
en have been named semifinalists
for the 2011 Class of the Coca-Cola
Scholars Program. Peterman and
Lessen will compete with 2,100 high
school seniors who are in the running
for $3 million in college scholarships
that Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation
will award in the Spring.


THE MONTH. Martin Masden of the
The Exchange Club, presents Emilie
Harmeyer of Menard High School,
a plaque and scholarship check for
being selected Youth of the Month.
The Exchange Club, an all-volunteer
service organization, helps develop
and maintain community-based child
abuse prevention programs, sup-
port’s Youth Programs, American-
ism, and Community Service.
Page 14 December 13, 2010

Sacred Heart School St. Mary’s School

Phone: 318-985-2772 Phone: 318-352-8394

1. iPads (15 @ $550) 1. 20 laptops @ $800 =$16,000

St. Frances Cabrini School 2. Set of 30 classroom dry erase boards 2. Books for the library:
Phone: 318-448-3333 (2@ $200) High school, $1,000
Middle school, $1,000
1. 6 Bathroom remodels ($600 each) 3. 4 drawer letter size filing cabinet (4 @ $300) Elementary, $1,000
Pre-school, $1,000
2. Replacement of the roof on the main school 4. CD players (4 @ $50)
building ($40,000) 3. Science equipment, $1,000
5. DVD/VCR/TV combos (2 @ $350)
3. Six Smartboards/Promethean Boards
($3,500 each) 6. Mobile Workstation (1 @ $375)
Holy Savior Menard High
Phone: 318-445-8233
4. Venetian Blinds for 10 classrooms 7. iPod Touch (5 @ $230)
1. 45 Laptops @$1,000 each ($45,000)
5. Playground Equipment for 6-12 year olds 8. Updated pull down map of the US ($150) 2. 10 Smart Boards @ $3,500 ($35,000)

6. Document Cameras 9. Subscriptions to Math Gym (4 @ $20 ea.) 3. Bleachers of Gym $25,000

4. Computer Books 30 @ $50.00 ($1,500)

7. Copy Machine for the Office 10. Musical classroom instruments:
Rhythm instruments $100 5. Journalism Books 30 @ $60.00 ($1,800)
8. New Sound System for Drama Club Hand bells $30
Tone blocks $20 6. Glass Doors for the Gym $10,000
9. Drop ceilings in classrooms Jingle jingles $15.00
7. Adobe Creative Suite Computer Software for
Rhythm sticks $20 Art and Journalism Labs $9,000
10. Lego Tables Jingle taps $15
8. Laminating Machine $1,000

9. Chapel Ceiling Repairs $5,000

Radio Maria St. Mary’s Assumption School
Phone: 318-561-6145 Phone: 318-876-3651 10. Lab Tables 15 @ $100.00 ($1500.00)

1. 15 microphones @ $100 ea. 1. Portable Building for a Computer Lab

St. Mary’s Training Center
2. 3 headphones @ $89 ea. 2. 12 computers for lab Phone: 318-445-6443
3. 5 wireless lavaliers @ $600 ea. 3. 12 computer tables for lab 1. Children’s tables & chairs ($30/chair; $60/table)

4. 5 wireless microphones @ $600 ea. 4. 6 Printers for lab 2. Funding for materials to build 125 beds
for children ($150/bed)
5. 6 compact mixers @ $100 ea. 5. 1 Smart Board for Lab
3. Equipment for Day Program; any donation
6. 1 boom mic stand @ $95 ea. 6. Electronic outdoor Message Board
4. 2 refrigerators ($400 each)
7. 5 mic stand cases @ $20 ea. 7. Portable Stage for Gymnasium
5. Floor mats for the main kitchen area ($800)
8. 15 desktop mic stands @ $15 ea. 8. 250 Folding Chairs for Gymnasium
6. Repainting and new wallboard for the main
9. 55 male mic connectors @ $2 ea. 9. Playground equipment dining area ($2,000)

10. 55 female mic connectors @ $2 ea. 10. Tuition Scholarship fund 7. Dental chair for the dental clinic ($9,000)

Natchitoches Parish
Advertise in
The Church Today St. Romain Oil Co., Inc.
Contact Joan Ferguson Wholesale Fuels & Lubricants
318-445-6421 x264
(318) 964-2424
December 13, 2010 Page 15

Making a list and checking it twice!

Catholic schools, charities have wish lists too!
St. Joseph School Did you know you can receive tax credit on your Louisiana income tax return by donating technology
Phone: 318-922-3401 to a school? Here is how it works--if you make a technology donation to a school, you are allowed a
credit on your Louisiana Income Tax return valued at 40% of the total donated. Please take a look at
1. Early Childhood Science Exploration Kit the wish lists here...perhaps you can put a little joy in a classroom, help provide a hot meal at Manna
(3 @ $200 ea.) House or help spread the Word this Christmas!

2. Smart Boards (3 @ $3,500 ea.)

3. Printers for Computer Lab (10 @ $300)

4. Repairs/improvement to High School Library

new fire escape ($60,000)

5. Donations towards activity bus

6. Microscope (5 @ $130)
Bishop’s Wish List
7. Videos for Religion department ($300) Phone: 318-445-2401
Manna House 1. Maryhill Renewal Center Endowment Fund
8. Elmo projector (2 @ $700)
Phone: 318-445-9053
9. Primary student desk (20 @ $100) 2. Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund
1. 10 100-lbs of food from Food Bank ($18 ea)
10. CD player ($100) 3. Burses (Seminary Education)
2. 7 cases a month of styrofoam cups ($15 ea.)

3. 10 cases/mo. of 600 disposable forks ($11 ea.)

OL of Prompt Succor School St. Anthony School

4. 2 cases a month of 4,500 paper napkins
($20 ea.) Phone: 318-346-2739
Phone: 318-487-1862
1. Promethean Board (6 @ $3,700) 5. 3 cases/mo. of 80 55-gal. garbage bags 1. New catwalk ($9,000)
($19 ea)
2. DELL Wireless laptop (8 @ $1,200) 2. New air conditioner / heater ($5,000)
3. DELL Desktop PC (15 @ $800.00) 6. Gas & maintenance for delivery truck
($35 per week) 3. Ceiling fans ($1,500)
4. Promethean ActiView (3 @ $585)
7. Maintenance of commercial dishwasher 4. Color laser jet cp3525n printer
5. Promethean ActiVotes (1 set @ $1,200)
($125 per month)
5. 2 smartboards ($2,500)
6. Promethean ActivExpressions
(1 set @ $1,800) 8. 1 commercial meat slicer ($700)
6. Computers (10 at $600)
7. Promethean ActivWand (7 @ $68) 9. New kitchen flooring ($1,500)
7. Tuition assistance ($10,000)
8. Class set of calculators (3 @ $100)
10. Purchase & prepare 2 acres of land for new
9. Flip Video camera (1 @ $200) Manna House facility ($250,000) 8. New TV with VCR-CD

10. Microscope (2 @ $130) 9. 2 Elmo cameras @$400 each

Avoyelles Parish
Advertise in
The Church Today
Contact Carla Moreau
Page 16 December 13, 2010

LC/LSUA students visit nuns at cloistered monastery

By Fr. Luke Melcher Latin, Greek, and Vietnamese.   coming a nun.  
Chaplain, LSU-A CSO I was privileged to be the cel- Because being incorporated
ebrant and homilist of this Holy into such an austere and prayer-
“Road TRIP!”   Mass, especially for these nuns filled community takes time and
After a Hail Mary, an Our who prayed for my vocation to serious thought, these young la-
Father, and a Glory Be, 12 stu- the priesthood ever since I was dies from South Louisiana will
dents from LSUA and Louisiana an undergraduate in Lafayette al- look forward to at least six more
College piled in cars on an early most 12 years ago.   years of formation before they
Saturday morning (Oct. 23) and If there is any doubt, women may be solemnly professed as
caravanned to Lafayette for an are still responding to the call of Carmelite nuns.  
impromtu road trip. the Divine Lord to be His alone. Daily, they take part in the
Now, what would make a New religious vocations to the Sacred Liturgy of the Church.
group of students give up their contemplative, cloistered life is a Central is the Holy Mass.
Saturday morning?   most remarkable sign of hope and “The Catholic Church saw fit
We had the rare opportunity indicate the vitality of the Church.  to name prayer as an apostolate,
of having a parlor visit with a con- As I distributed Holy Com- and She gave this to Carmel,” as
templative and cloistered group ROAD TRIP TO MONASTERY. Father Luke Melcher, chaplain at LC and munion to the nuns through the Mother Regina informed us in the
of Discalced Carmelite nuns at LSUA, and students from Louisiana College and LSUA took a road trip Oct. window in the enclosure, I no- parlor visit after the Holy Mass. 
the Carmelite Monastery of Mary, 23 to visit the cloistered sisters at the Discalced Carmelite Monastery of ticed two young ladies no more The Carmelite vocation is
Mother of Grace in Lafayettte.   Mary, Mother of Grace in Lafayette. than 18 years old.  They are pos- prayer, but it is most aptly de-
When I initially approached tulants, in their first stage of be- scribed by St. Therese of Li-
the students about going to visit
a group of nuns, I did not have
many who were interested at the students, as well as a new reactions to the beauty of the mu-
first.  At some point, the idea of bride and graduate of Louisiana ral of Christ Crucified on the back
visiting nuns went over like me College, Mrs. Jessica Thompson wall of the chapel, indicated to
inviting them to get their teeth Bertrand.   me this was already a hit.  
drilled.  But as time went on and Coming to the doors of the The Holy Mass began with
the trip came nearer and nearer, monastery chapel, everyone the chanting of the nuns, who
the inevitable happened.   Names huddled together, smiling and re- commemorated the Saturday me-
began to appear on the sign-up straining a joy yet to find voice as morial of Our Lady.  The sacred
sheet.   I gave a few final instructions be- music sung by the nuns was ce-
Perhaps they became natural- fore we entered.  One could have lestial and immediately struck
ly curious about meeting women mistaken the scene for the admis- me.  
who have renounced everything sion to a rock concert.   “Father, even though I didn’t
in the world to become brides of One of the nuns who works understand every word, I just
Christ.  Or maybe it was the cool- outside of the enclosure, known knew it was about God.  I thought
factor that they lived behind walls as an “extern sister,” greeted us in I was in heaven,” commented one
and grills, wore sandals and habits the vestibule with a warm smile of the students.  
and veils, and were organic veg- and the Carmelite salutation, The nuns chanted the ordi-
etarians long before the Whole “Praised be Jesus Christ.”   The nary of the Holy Mass with hym-
Foods movement came around.   response is “Now and Forever!”  nody in 4 languages: English,
Long before we ever stepped The sister ushered us into the
foot on the monastery, the prayers chapel, where, one by one the stu-
of the nuns carried each one of dents genuflected, entered a pew,
us there.  Mrs. Chris Riche, staff and knelt for a period of prayer
sponsor of Jacobs Society at before the Holy Mass.  Occasion-
Louisiana College, helped bring ally peeking, their dropped-jaw

Celebrate 100 years and growing!

December 13, 2010 Page 17

Cloistered monastery
seux as “love in the heart of the cake because she had heard that We concluded our parlor vis-
Teen/Young Adult Events
Church.”   It is a love, a prayer the nuns love chocolate! There it with the chanting of the Salve
beyond the scope of words. eyes got so big, and I knew then Regina, a blessing, and the in- HOLY SPIRIT RETREAT FOR TEENS AND YOUNG ADULTS, JAN. 7-9
Most particularly, they pray the students were a hit. They vestiture of the Brown Scapular
for priests and often adopt a semi- passed these items in a drawer be- given by the nuns. The annual Holy Spirit Retreat for Teens and Young Adults will
narian and a priest as a prayer- low the grill because direct con- Travis Vanlangendonck, an be held Jan. 7-9, 2011 at the Landmark Hotel in Metairie.
partner throughout their lives. tact with the nuns is restricted. LC student, couldn’t help himself Speakers include Fr. Steve Bruno, vocation director for the Arch-
Their prayer life also includes Each student shared a little bit from wanting to shake a nun’s diocese of New Orleans; Br. Guy Lafranz, CFR, (the former Matt
two hours in silent, mental prayer about themselves and introduced hand in gratitude. In fact, we all Bourgeois of Academy of Our Lady), Timmy McCaffery (Jesuit
before the Blessed Sacrament, themselves to the nuns.  The nuns had a good chuckle as Mother Re- High), Lindsay Hymel Binder (St. Mary’s Academy), Nathan Hal-
penances, and devotions like the were genuinely interested in the gina allowed each of the nuns to loran (Jesuit High), Casey Sprehe (Augustine Institute and CCRNO)
rosary and novenas for certain students and their futures.   shake his hand, one by one. He and Liz Mansfield. Music will be provided by the St. Margaret Mary
feasts and solemnities.       David and Bubba Om, broth- was so happy. Praise Band led by Pat Duffey and Mike Walden.

Once we sat down in the ers at LSUA, shared about their As we consider the new Online registration at until Dec. 6. $160 includes
parlor with the entire community recent baptism and conversion to evangelization of western cul- meals and t-shirt. For questions email Casey Sprehe at youth@ccrno.
of nuns on one side of a large Catholicism and their family’s tri- ture typified in this meeting of org or call the CCRNO Office at 504-828-1368.
wooden grill and the students on als in Cambodia. Two of the nuns post-modern college students and
the other side, we experienced were from communist oppressed contemplative nuns, we can see JAN. 8-9 S.A.L.T. RETREAT
real fellowship.   The nuns are Vietnam, and they shared their the forging of something entirely
very gracious and also very, very experiences about the persecution new. The newness is found in the The Office of Religious Formation and Training will offer
funny.  We laughed and laughed.   of the Church. rediscovery of ancient wisdom S.A.L.T. retreats at Maryhill Renewal Center for all students in grades
 During our visit, Jordan Del- The nuns’ interests were sis- and Christian devotion which 9-12. The weekend retreat is filled with fun, music, talks on the faith,
aney, a freshman at LSUA, gave terly and motherly, quite ecclesial does not ignore the vicissitudes of adoration, reconciliation and Mass. The retreat dates are Jan. 8-9, Feb.
the nuns a funny card from all us and feminine characteristics. So history and generational particu- 12-13 and March 5-6. The deadline to register for the January retreat
and bag of clementine oranges. encouraging! Even Mother Re- larities but definitely transcends is Dec. 15. For more information, visit and click
Mrs. Leanne Bonnette, UL stu- gina corrected me a few times as them. on “Youth Ministry” or call our office at 318-445-6424 ext. 221.
dent, gave the nuns a chocolate only a loving mother can.
Page 18 December 13, 2010

St. Joseph Seminary to sponsor Abbey Youth Festival

Alexandria seminarian encourages youth from diocese to attend
By Ryan Thompson I am tucked away in the beautiful seph’s Abbey, several priests and
Alexandria Seminarian piney woods of Southeast Loui- religious from all over the coun-
St. Joseph Seminary siana on the 1,200 acre grounds try, and thousands of Catholic
of a Benedictine monastery. The youths in worshipping our Lord
To the Catholic Youth in Di- beautiful charism, traditions, and and searching for the vocation to
ocese of Alexandria: liturgies of the Benedictines have which He call us.
Peace be with you and greet- contributed greatly to my experi- As I bring my letter to a
ings from St. Joseph Seminary ence in seminary, and on behalf close, I’d like to share with you
College in St. Benedict, La.! of St. Joseph’s, I invite you, the some fun facts about the semi-
My name is Ryan Thompson; youth of our diocese, to spend nary, the Abbey, and Abbey Youth
I am a a day with us worshipping the Fest.
seminar- Lord, discerning your vocation, • The first Benedictine monastery
ian from and experiencing the richness of dates to around 530 AD
our dio- the Benedictine life. • Saint Joseph Abbey was found-
cese, and On March 26, 2011, St. Jo- ed in 1889
it is a joy seph Abbey will host its eleventh ABBEY YOUTH FESTIVAL. This year’s Abbey Youth Festival will be held • Saint Joseph Seminary College
to share Abbey Youth Fest, which is a full March 26 in St. Benedict, La. Early registration is already in progress until Jan. has 75 seminarians representing
w i t h day of contemporary Catholic 24. The Abbey Youth Festival, an apostolic service of Saint Joseph Abbey 19 different dioceses
you a bit music, inspiring keynote speak- and Seminary College, is a day of evangelization and vocational discernment • The Benedictine monks at St.
about my ers, and the celebration of the by means of Liturgy, prayer, worship, music and education appropriate for Joseph Abbey raise peacocks as
forma- Mass. As the sun sets, we unite Catholic young people. For more information, go to a hobby
Ryan Thompson tion to with the Benedictines in the • In Abbey Youth Fest’s 10 year
the priest- Evening Prayer of the Church, history, 529 groups have attended
hood and extend to you an invita- Vespers, and the night ends with have heard about the previous our awesome  Lord to come out • In 2006, Abbey Youth Fest host-
tion to Abbey Youth Fest, a youth candlelit Adoration of the Blessed years of the event  and with all and join us at Abby Youth Fest. ed over 4,000 youths
rally coordinated by my semi- Sacrament underneath the stars. the planning we have  begun to The theme for Abbey Youth • Abbey Youth Fest is held out-
nary. Throughout the festival, you will do for this one, I believe that all Fest 2011 is, “Ever Ancient, Ever doors and has never been can-
I am currently in my fresh- have the opportunity for personal of us youth  should make it! It New,” which is taken from St. celled due to rain
man year of undergraduate for- prayer in an outdoor chapel, con- will be an event that  will allow Augustine’s, Confessions. With • Past speakers and performers
mation here at St. Joseph’s, and fession with visiting priests, a us to experience  our Lord in the youth speaker, Paul George, and have included Jason Evert, Jim
I could not be happier that our tour of St. Joseph Abbey, and ex- most intimate way and to really Catholic musician, Matt Maher, Caviezel, and Matt Smith
Lord has called me to study here. posure to several religious orders grow in our own individual vo- the event will provide reflections For more information and
The experience of seminary thus and various ministries who set up cations.  The seminarians here at upon and an experience of the pictures from previous festivals,
far has been  amazing, and I am information booths to share their St. Joseph  are working hard to beauty of God. So ask your youth check out our website at www.
continuing to grow in love and charisms with the thousands of make  Abbey Youth Fest a great minister to get a group together and find
knowledge of our Catholic  faith Catholic youths in attendance. event, and I would like to person- and make the trip to South Loui- us on Facebook. You are in my
and our God. Along with 74 other I personally  have never at- ally  ask anyone out there that  is siana! I hope that you will be able prayers; may our hearts, like St.
seminarians studying for dioceses tended Abby Youth Fest, but looking for an amazing experi- to join me, 74 other seminarians, Augustine’s, find eternal rest in
spreading from Texas to Florida, from all the wonderful things  I ence with  wonderful people and the Benedictine monks of St. Jo- the heart of God.

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December 13, 2010 Page 19 offers games,

quizzes for youth, families, teachers
Saint Mary’s Press and are currently are partnering partnering to offer a weekly Sun-
to build co-branded online, in- day readings quiz and cross-pro-
teractive games and quizzes for motion of the parish subscription
Catholic youth, families, and re- program. A dynamic new tool to
ligious education teachers in par- help teachers implement the U.S.
ishes and schools. Bishops’ Framework for High is an in- media resources linked to cur- School Religion Curriculum is
teractive Web site with games riculum and designed to advance in development and will provide
and quizzes that build religious the evangelizing and catechetical young people with cutting-edge
understanding, curiosity, and mission of the Church,” said Mi- technology to get them excited to
confidence in learning the Catho- chael J. McKay, STD, cofounder learn about their faith.
lic faith. The Web site presents and principal author.John Vi- Saint Mary’s Press is an in-
content appropriate for Catholic tek, president and CEO of Saint ternational Catholic publisher
parishes or schools seeking to Mary’s Press, adds, “Catholic- dedicated to bringing the Good
respond to the needs of its young’s innovative and con- News of Jesus Christ to young
people and families in a medium temporary spirit matches up well people through Catholic parishes,
where students are already com- with the long-standing commit- schools, and families. Catholic-
fortable and savvy. Games ex- ment of Saint Mary’s Press to is a worldwide Internet
plore God, Church, Scripture, constantly pursue innovation and community engaged in teaching
morality, prayer, saints, Sacra- creativity in pedagogy and tools and learning the Catholic faith
ments (preparation for First Com- that help young people deepen through interactive online games
munion and Confirmation), etc. their relationship with Jesus and quizzes. For more informa-
“Partnering with Saint Christ through the Church.” tion, visit  and
Mary’s Press creates a wonder- Saint Mary’s Press and
ful opportunity to develop digital
Page 20 December 13, 2010

Chicken Soup for the Soul’s Christmas books always a hit

tion for our lives, mas through being with family,
Christmas Christmas and seeing the won-
as we gather with the gifts we
Cheer family, with our give, the love Magic der in a child’s eyes
Stories about the communities at we share, 101 Holiday Tales of to goodwill, love,
Love, Inspiration, and church, at school, and the mag- Inspiration, Love, and and the true mean-
Joy of Christmas and even at the ic we create Wonder ing of Christmas.
mall, to share the for others. This book will de-
Everyone loves special spirit of A Chicken Christmas is a magical light every reader,
Christmas and the the season, bright- Soup for the time of year — a time from the young to
holiday season. We ening those long Soul Christ- of family, friends, and the young at heart,
reunite scattered fam- winter days. mas brings traditions. And all the and bring back the
ily members, watch back the memories of childhood joys, blessings, and excitement of magic of the holiday season.
the wonder in a child’s through the eyes of children on the season are captured in Chick- “Santa-safe” for kids!
eyes, and feel the joy of giving Christmas en Soup for the Soul: Christmas -----
Stories to Rekindle the Spirit Christmas day and inspires good
gifts. A Chicken Soup for the deeds by reminding us how the Magic with its 101 new holiday Chicken Soup for the Soul series
Soul, Christmas Cheer, brings smallest gesture can truly change stories covering everything from by Jack Canfield
about the love, inspiration and Children experience Christmas finding the perfect Christmas tree, and Mark Victor Hansen
through magic, anticipation, and a life.
joy of Christmas. The rituals of
the holiday season give a rhythm learning about the baby Jesus. As
to the years and create a founda- we mature, we experience Christ-
December 13, 2010 Page 21

Tangled gives new twist to classic tale Rapunzel

By John P. McCarthy
Catholic News Service

NEW YORK (CNS) -- After

“Shrek,” it’s easy to forget that
filmmakers once played fairy
tales straight. Walt Disney, the
studio synonymous with such
traditional interpretations, offers of Flynn’s roughneck accomplic-
another enjoyable example in its es whom he double-crossed.
50th full-length animated release. After a slow start, directors
Largely irony-free and lack- Nathan Greno and Byron How-
ing the snarky quality of many ard blend lighthearted romance,
movies aimed at kids, “Tangled” vigorous action sequences, and a
(Disney) is a throwback Uncle few rather tepid songs by veteran
Walt would recognize and ap- composer Alan Menken into a
plaud. So will families. pleasant whole. The film’s merely
Fortunately, that doesn’t serviceable voice work and visu-
mean it’s static or staid. Enough als may keep it from the ranks of
contemporary touches, in addi- animated classics, but the overall
tion to computer-generated ani-
‘TANGLED’. A child born to a king and queen possesses golden locks with healing properties, magic for which the package is a good introduction to
mation (projected in your choice
infant is kidnapped by the evil crone Mother Gothel (voice of Donna Murphy). In a secluded tower, Gothel raises Ra- the Disney formula.
of 3-D or 2-D), ensure “Tangled”
punzel (voice of Mandy Moore) as her daughter, using her captive’s hair to restore her own youth while never letting Keeping up with the times,
is an equally dynamic and whole-
the girl step outside her prison. (CNS photo Disney) the filmmakers tweak the dam-
some vehicle for its “love con- sel-in-distress motif by having
quers all” theme. Rapunzel save Flynn more often
queen possesses golden locks On the eve of her 18th birth- ary Levi), chances upon the tow- than the reverse.
Following the outlines of the
with healing properties, magic day, Rapunzel, though unaware er after robbing the palace. Still, they remain true to
German folk tale Rapunzel, pop-
for which the infant is kidnapped of her true identity, is desperate With the help of her versatile the most vital, enduring values
ularized by the Brothers Grimm,
by the evil crone Mother Gothel to escape so she might experience mane, Rapunzel persuades him by equating romantic love with
the plot is a melange of ele-
(voice of Donna Murphy). In a a display of floating lanterns that to accompany her into the world self-sacrifice, free of any tawdry
ments recognizable from “Snow
secluded tower, Gothel raises Ra- her parents stage every year to she’s never known and has been distractions. Rapunzel and Flynn
White,” “Cinderella” and “Sleep-
punzel (voice of Mandy Moore) commemorate their lost princess. taught to fear. Accompanied by don’t kiss until they’re married
ing Beauty.” The influence of the
as her daughter, using her cap- Adopting the guise of an Rapunzel’s pet chameleon, Pas- and the movie’s edgiest bit in-
“Shrek” franchise is also discern-
tive’s hair to restore her own overprotective parent, Gothel re- cal, they’re chased by Maximus, volves a drunken, superannuated
ible, without any adverse effects.
youth while never letting the girl fuses. But then a boastful young a zealous horse of the Imperial cherub winking at Mother Go-
A child born to a king and
step outside her prison. thief, Flynn Rider (voice of Zach- Guard, as well as Gothel and two thel.
But, along with mild swash-
buckling violence, the film does
include many slapstick pratfalls
and cartoon ouches courtesy of
our frying-pan- and hair-wield-
ing heroine. Since sun worship
seems to be the prevailing cult in
Rapunzel’s fictional realm, more-
over, there’s a distinct but inof-
fensive pagan undertone to the
Finally, those shepherding
preschoolers should anticipate
a few tears during a potentially
upsetting climactic scene. Rest
assured, however, that a happi-
ly-ever-after wrap-up is quickly
The potential of that ear-
lier brief interlude to elicit such
strong emotional reactions is
proof of the degree to which
“Tangled” succeeds.
The Catholic News Service
classification is A-I -- general pa-
tronage. The Motion Picture As-
sociation of America rating is PG
-- parental guidance suggested.
Some material may not be suit-
able for children.
Page 22 December 13, 2010

RED RIVER CHORALE 6th annual autism conference in Shreveport on Jan. 28.
TO PRESENT TWO CHRISTMAS CONCERTS This year four distinguished speakers will present on
many new topics, including the treatment of feeding
Red River Chorale will present two Christmas concerts problems typically associated with autism, early
titled, Christmas Through the Ages. The first one will be identification of autism, and improving family ties, as
held on Tuesday, Dec. 14 at 7:30 p.m. at St. Francis Xavier well as treating self-injury.
Cathedral in Alexandria. The second concert will be held The speakers include Gina Green, Ph.D., BCBA-D,
on Thursday, Dec. 16 at 7:30 p.m. at Magale Recital Hall Henry Roane, Ph.D., BCBA-D, and Shahla Ala’i-Rosales,
in Natchitoches. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for Ph.D., BCBA, as well as Heather Kadey, M.S., BCBA.
students. For more information, call 318-484-4463. The conference will last 1 day, and is divided into
general track tutorials in the morning that are open to all
ST. RITA CHRISTMAS TOUR OF HOMES attendees and a choice of one workshop in the afternoon.
If you register by Dec. 31, the registration fee is $75
A tour of five homes will be featured Dec. 19 by St. per person or $60 for university students with proof of
Rita Church. The first four homes you are invited to visit enrollment. Beginning Jan. 1, 2011, the registration fee
from 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. (at your own leisure). From 4 p.m. – 5 will be $100 per person and $75 per student. For more
p.m., all tourists are asked to make the Rectory their final information please visit St. Mary’s website at www.
stop, where we will have refreshments and entertainment!, or call Bo Vets at (318) 445-6443 ext:
Tickets are $20 for adults, and $10 for children under 12 2149.
and can be purchased Nov. 29 at the Parish Office, or at any KC COUNCIL 9217 , BELLEDEAU, cooked a gumbo dinner
of the homes the day of the tour. For more information, Nov. 3 for the weekly free lunch for LSUA students at the LSUA
contact Debbie Brown at 445-7141 ext 10. Catholic Student Center. The council fed about 110 people. TWO HEARTS MINISTRY TO OFFER
Pictured are Amos Lacombe, Kermit Laborde, Tom Washer, DREAM THERAPY WORKSHOP
Leonard Assmann, Joe Gremillion, Jessie Laborde, and Joe Arno. Jim and Christy Gootee and the Two Hearts Team
ST. RITA NEW YEAR’S EVE DANCE will be offering a weekend on “Wholeness and Holiness
St. Rita Church will sponsor its annual New Year’s Through Christian Dream Therapy” at Maryhill Renewal
Eve dance on Friday, Dec. 31 at St. Rita Church’s Holy Center, Jan. 29-30 from 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. This is an
Family Center. Doors open at 8 p.m.; music starts at 9 p.m. opportunity to grow spiritually by finding out how to pay
Tickets are $25 per person or $40 per couple and may be attention to God’s symbolic language communicated in
purchased at the church office. Music will be provided by our dreams.
The Neighborhood Stars R & B Band from New Roads, The retreat will look at the importance of dreams in
La. For more information, call Courtney at 880-8665 or both the Old and the New Testament as well as in the
Nicole at 542-8006. lives of some of the early saints. We will examine
guidelines to identify which of our dreams are significant
and cautious against misuse of dreams. The retreat will
SACRED HEART’S NEW YEAR’S EVE DANCE combine teaching and workshop, allowing you time to
Hosted by the John Paul II Knights of Columbus work on and share your own dreams. Bring a Bible and
Council #14657, the Sacred Heart (Pineville) New Year’s a dream notebook in which you have written one or two
Eve Dance will be held Dec. 31 in the Activities Building of your dreams. We will privde you with a variety of
from 8 p.m. to midnight. Doors open at 7 p.m. There will KC COUNCIL 1134. Council members and their wives cooked a tools and approaches to help you analayze your dreams.
be music, hors d’oeuvres, favors and FUN! All proceeds ham dinner Dec. 1 for the weekly free lunch for LSUA students The $115 retreat cost includes a reference book and
help the KCs support our church! Call Ray Paul at 201- at the LSUA Catholic Student Center. The council fed about 100 retreat manual. No meals are provided but many
9022 for more information. people. restaurants are nearby. $35 additional cost per night for
room at Maryhill. Mail name, address, phone and $35
NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING non-refundable registration to: Two Hearts, P. O. Box
AMICUS CLUB RODEO 7206, Alexandria, LA 71306. Write yes or no for room
SPRING CLASSES Friday and Saturday. Web address: www.jimand
The Spring Series of Natural Family Planning classes The 49th annual Amicus Club Rodeo will be held
Friday and Saturday, Jan. 21-22, 2011 at the Rapides
(NFP) will be held on the Saturdays of Jan. 8, Feb. 5, and
Parish Coliseum. The rodeo will be held at 7:30 p.m. on
March 5. All classes will be held from 9:30 a.m. – noon. ABBEY YOUTH FESTIVAL
both nights, and also at 2 p.m. on Saturday. Tickets are
Location TBA. You must attend all 3 classes to complete Don’t miss the worship, discernment and fun on Mar.
$10. All proceeds from the PRCA Rodeo will benefit St.
the course. There is a one time fee of $135 for the Student 26 for the Abbey Youth Festival in St. Benedict, La.
Mary’s Residential Training School.
Kit. NFP is a 100% natural, safe, and moral way to space Festival speakers include Matt Maher, Paul George, Judy
or achieve pregnancy. To register, call Michael or Leah McDonald, Archbishop Gregory Aymond, and the monks
Pelto at 318-640-8678 or email: michaelandleah@ MARY’S AUTISM CONFERENCE and seminarians of St. Joseph Abbey+Seminary College. Early registration is now through Jan. 24. For more info,
St. Mary’s Residential Training School is hosting its
go to

Avoyelles Parish

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The Church Today
Contact Carla Moreau

December 13, 2010 Page 23

December - January
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Penance Services: Penance Services:
6:10 p.m. St. Patrick, 5:00 p.m. OL Lourdes, Penance Service
Montgomery Vidalia 5:30 p.m. St. Rita Church
6:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. St. Joseph, Colfax OL Sorrows, Moreauville Christmas Tour of Homes,
Catholic Schools Christmas Youth Musical
St. Joseph, Marksville 6:00 p.m. St. Mary’s Assumption, 1:00 p.m. -5:00 p.m.
begin Christmas break 6:30 p.m.
Cottonport Advent Series: Alexandria
Advent Series: - close of day St. Joseph, Marksville
6:00 p.m. Immac. Conception, 6:00 p.m.
5:30 p.m. St. Joseph Catholic Penance Service:
Natchitoches KC Hall, Natchitoches
Center, Alexandria 5:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m. St. Patrick Hall, Ferriday 6:10 p.m. Sacred Heart St. Joseph, St. Joseph
Pineville Red River Chorale Concert
6:30 p.m. St. Mary’s, Cottonport
6:30 p.m. OLPS, Alexandria 7:30 p.m. Magale Hall,
Red River Chorale Concert Natchitoches
7:30 p.m. Cathedral, Alex. of ADVENT

Penance Services:
20 Advent Series:
21 22 Advent Series:
23 24 25 26
5:00 p.m. St. Louis, 5:30 p.m. St. Joseph Catholic 6:00 p.m.
Center, Alexandria KC Hall, Natchitoches
Glenmora 6:00 p.m. St. Patrick Hall, Ferriday
6:00 p.m. Mary, Mother of 6:30 p.m. St. Mary’s, Cottonport
Jesus, Woodworth
6:00 p.m. St. Francis of
Assisi, Powhatan

27 28 29 30 St. Rita
31 JANUARY 1 2
New Year’s Eve Dance
8:00 p.m.

Sacred Heart Pineville FEAST of MARY,

New Year’s Eve Dance MOTHER OF GOD
7:00 p.m.

Catholic Schools
3 4 5 6 7 Natural Family Planning
8 9
back in session Classes
9:30 a.m.-12 noon

Holy Spirit Retreat for Teens/Young Adults - Metairie

S.A.L.T. Retreat - Maryhill Renewal Center

10 PDS Training for

11 12 13 14 15 16
PDS Church Office users
8:30 a.m.
St. Joseph Catholic Center,


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