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About the religions themselves:

Name of the religion: Christianity Islam

Believer in Christ (a
Submission to the will of
Meaning of the name: Greek word meaning
Name of a believer: Christian. Muslim.
Date of founding: circa 30 CE. 1 622 CE. 2
Most religious historians
credit Muhammad
Yeshua of Nazareth (pbuh) as the founder. 3
Name of founder(s): (aka Jesus Christ, However, Muslims
(pbuh) 3 & Paul. generally regard Islam
as dating back to the
time of creation
% of world's population
33%. 20%.
as followers:
Worldwide growth rate
in numbers of members 2.3%/year. 2.9%/yr.

Growth rate of the About 0.0%.

Increase of about
religion as a % of the Percentage has been
world's population: static for decades.
Estimated year when
2023 CE (if above numbers are valid and remain
Islam will become the
stable) to beyond 2200 CE (as estimated by
most popular world
some religious futurists)
2001 ARIS study
2001 ARIS study
% of U.S. population as estimates 0.5%; some
estimates 76%, and
followers: Muslim groups estimate
6 million (2%).
Roman Catholic,
Major traditions or Eastern Orthodox, Shi'ite, Sunni, Sufi. Sufi
denominations: Anglican, Protestant, is a mystical tradition.
and others.

Name of the religion: Christianity Islam
Most believe in the God (Allah) is one and
Trinity; three persons indivisible. They believe
Concept of deity: in one Godhead: in a strict monotheism.
Father, Son and Holy "Allah" means God in
Spirit. Arabic.
Very highly respected as
Generally considered
Status of Yeshua of the second-last prophet;
the Son of God,
Nazareth (Jesus second only to
worshiped as God; one
Christ): Muhammad in
person of the Trinity.
Conservatives: virgin
Conception/birth of conception.
Virgin conception.
Yeshua: Liberals: conventional
He was neither killed,
Authorized by Pontius
nor suffered death.
Pilate and executed by
Death of Yeshua: Muslims believe that he
Roman Army circa 30
ascended alive into
CE by crucifixion.
heaven. 2
Yeshua's location Ascended into Heaven Ascended into Heaven
Identity of "another
helper" or "comforter" Holy Spirit Muhammad
Conservatives: expect
in near future. Anticipate his second
Second coming of Jesus
Liberals: varied coming in the future.
Disobeyed God in the
Garden of Eden. With Free from all major sins
Status of Adam:
Eve, is responsible for and faults. A prophet.
original sin.
Bible, consisting of
Main holy book: Hebrew Scriptures and Qur'an 7
Christian Scriptures 6
Hebrew, Aramaic,
Original languages: Arabic.
God's word and final
revelation, dictated by
Conservatives: the angel Gabriel to
Status of the holy inerrant Word of God. Muhammad. He passed
book: Liberals: a historical it on in oral form. A
document. slightly imperfect copy
of a perfect copy in
The Hadith -- sayings
Writings of the leaders
and stories of
of the early Church.
Additional guidance: Muhammad (pbuh), his
For Roman Catholics:
companions and
church tradition.
"Not one of you is a
"Therefore all things
believer until he loves
whatsoever ye would
Ethic of reciprocity for his brother what he
that men should do to
(Golden rule): loves for himself."
you, do ye even so to
Fourth Hadith of an-
them." Matthew 7:12
Nawawi 13
All babies are a born in
Various views. One
a pure state of
common view is that a
submission to Allah.
A baby's status at birth baby is born with a sin
However, as they
nature, separated from
mature they are often
taught other beliefs.
Either Heaven or Hell.
Catholics believe in
Life after death: Paradise or Hell.
Purgatory as a third,
temporary, state.
Basis of determining There is no consensus Once they reach
who goes to Heaven or in Christianity. puberty, his/her
Paradise: Different faith groups account of deeds is
hold Various diverse opened in Paradise. To
beliefs: e.g. some attain paradise, at
combination of: death, their good deeds
repentance, trusting (helping others,
Jesus as Lord and testifying to the truth of
Savior, good works, God, leading a virtuous
church sacraments, life)... must outweigh
baptism, avoiding the
undefined unforgivable their evil deeds.
sin, etc.
Roman Catholic: to
God or Jesus, either
Confessing sins: directly or through a To Allah
priest; Others: to God
or Jesus
Conception: Roman
Catholics believe that Jihad: internal, personal
the conception of the struggle towards the
Probably the most
Virgin Mary, circa 20 attainment of a noble
misunderstood term:
BCE, was without sin. goal. Many incorrectly
Many incorrectly relate equate it to "holy war."
it to Yeshua's'

* From John 14:16: "And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you
another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever."

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