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Iron Sulfides—effect on amine plants

Amine plants treating gas containing H2S will have iron sulfides in the
system. Here's where they help and hinder plant operation
B. SPOONER and M. SHEILAN, Amine Experts Inc., Calgary, Alberta, Canada

n sour-gas production the two primary corrosion-causing spe- stopping the reaction... unless the negative charge in the metal is
cies are hydrogen sulfide {H2S) and carbon dioxide (CO,). somehow reduced:
The corrosion products that torm from the reaction of these • H'^ ions can do this by reacting with the electrons (e-) to
gases with steel in rhe presence of water can provide a clue as to form atomic hydrogen
the formation mechanism, severity ofthe potential corrosive • If the "circuit" is completed in this way, corrosion will con-
environment and degree co which the corrosion will affect amine tinue until the system runs out of either Fe or H*
unit operation. Since pH is an inverse log relationship, for every decrease of 1
In any amine system, piping and equipment corrosion is one "pH point" the quantity of H' ions is increased by a factor of 10.
ofthe worst ofthe potential prohlenis an operator or engineer can This explains the increased corrosive tendency of low-pH fluids
encounter. Amine plants treating gas containing H^S «'///have (acids). They have orders of magnitude more H* ions than basic
iron sulfides in the s}'stem. Are they a good thing? When do they solutions (amines) and, therefore, have almost an unlimited sup-
help and when do they hinder? This article will attempt to clarify ply of H* ions to feed the corrosion cell (in eftect, low pH leads
the pros and cons ofthe presence of iron sulfides. to an increased corrosion current feeding the corrosion "light
The basics. Corrosion may he defined as the chemical or elec- Fe (lh)
trochemical reaction hetween a material, usually a metal, and its
environment. The reaction causes deterioration ofthe material.
Corrosion is a natural process that is continuously taking H2S corrosion. HiS dissolves in water; however, the bond is
place everywhere within an amine plant (piping systems, process very weak. HiS will liberate itself from the water with the slight-
vessels, etc.) to some degree. Steel, which h an iron alloy, is the est agitation, reduction in pH or contact with reactive material.
most prone to destruction hy corrosion in gas processing. When The intent of this article is to provide a basic understanding of
exposed to difFerenc oxidizing environments, a metallic iron tries the corrosion mechanisms associated with HiS attack on amine
to reach its natural state of iron oxide. Corrosion is a process that plants, how to recognize the conditions that affect corrosion sever-
can be reduced but not eliminated. ity and to gain an understanding ofthe recommended operating
Pure iron is not found in nature: rather, it is in the form of red parameters to get the most out of ihe facility in terms of handling
iron oxide. To convert it to a usable metal, the oxygen is removed, the ingress and formation of iron sulfide (FeS).
leaving hehind pure iron. Pure Iron will eventually revert hack to Note that there are a number of complex reaction mechanisms
its natural oxide state, which is commonly called rust. Iron may associated with corrosion (especially in the presence of water).
he comhined with other metals to form alloys that improve its The study of these corrosion mechanisms is tar from trivial, but
properties and retard (but not eliminate) iron oxide tormation. beyond the scope of this article. Presented here are simplistic
Oxygen is the main catalyst tor the corrosion process, and of representations ofthe primar)' reaction steps.
course oxygen is everywhere in the environment.
Iron sulfides. FeS is the reaction product of iron (Fe) and
Iron ionization. Iron can also corrode in the presence of an sulfur (S) in the absence of oxygen. More specifically to amine
electrolytic fluid, such as an aqueous amine solution, as a result systems, this reaction is between iron and HiS. This initial reac-
of ionization. The fundamental step in steel corrosion is the pro- tion is a form of metal corrosion; however, under ideal conditions
cess by which the valence electrons are removed from iron in its the FeS formed then "sticks" to the walls oí the piping and vessel
metallic state. When these electrons are removed, the iron atom internals and acts as a protective film thus retarding further metal
is left with 3 positive charge and is no longer able to participate in corrosion. This mechanism is actually one of the main reasons
the metallic bonding. The positively charged species must leave why carbon steel is used in amine plant construction.
the metallic environment and go somewhere else. The process is The reaction mechanism of HiS with steel that results in form-
represented as: ing FeS is complex and occurs hy several intermediate reactions.
Fe, Fe 4-2e (1)
The simplified reaction can he written as:

FJectrons cannot survive in an aqueous solution; diey "hide" (2)

in the metal, making it negatively charged (polarized), eventually

This reaction only takes place in the presence of water. T A B L f 1. typical types of FeS scale formation
Rtist left in the system or pipeline can also lead to FeS forma-
High HjS t.ow HjS
tion: partial pressure partial pressure
Plant area
Fe,O, (rust)-|~ 3H2S—*• 2FeS-f-3H2O-l-S (3) Absorber—uppei section Mackinawite Mackinawite
Absorber—lower section Pyrrhotite Mackinawite
Several species or types of FeS; the most commonly found in
amine systems, in order of increasing sulfidacion, are: Rich piping bEpfore lean/rich exchanger Pyrrhotite Mackinawite
Mackinawite—FeSj., or Fe],,S—is the most soluble type of Rich piping after lean/rich exdiangw Pyrrhotite/pyrite Pyrrhotite
FeS, as well as most reactive with oxygen. Regenerator—upper section Pyrrhotite/pyrite Pyrrhotrte
Pyrrhotite—Fej.^S—iron-deficient sulfide. More stable than Regenerator—lower section Pyrite Pyrite
Reboiler Pyrite Pyrite
Pyrite—FeSi—most stable form of FeS.
Lean piping before lesn/rich exchanger Pyrite Pyrite
Other types of FeS that may be found;
Greigite—Fe3S4 - product of sulphidisation of mackinawice Lean piping after lean/rich exchanger
(including cooler) Mackinawite Mackinawite
Troilite—FeS - stoichiometric iron sulfide - rarely found in
amine systems (found in meteorites).
HiS will attack steel very fast. The reaction is partly the solid-
state diffusion of iron in Fei.^S, and partly the fracturing of the The main advantage of FeS in an amine system then, is that
sulfide layer to admit more H2S to the iron surface. There are no once formed and adhering to the piping and vessel walls, the
knownfieldmethods to differentiate one FeS spedes from another, FeS protects the plant from further corrosion. It is important
the most common laboratory method is by x-ray difïraccion. to note, however, that FeS may have formed a strong protective
Mackinawite is the inicial FeS form that normally develops in layer in one pan of a plant but not in others (Table I).
amine systems. It is fairly soluble, and does not form as strong
of a protective layer on the piping wall compared to pyrrhotite Iron sulfide disadvantages. Fiaving H^S in the inlet gas
or pyrite. Mackinawite is normally the main component in the does not necessarily mean [he resulting FeS formed in the system
"black shoe polish" often seen on rich-side particle filters. The will form a protective layer on the piping wails. As previously dis-
odier components are hydrocarhon and polymerized amine. TTiere cussed, H2S partial pressure appears to make a large contribution
can still be some FeS scale on piping and vessel walls when the FeS to che scale depth and quality. Once the scale is compromised, the
is mackinawite beaiuse the formation rate is much faster than the chance of developing a galvanic-tj'pe corrosion cell is increased.
dissolution rate back iitto the amine. Weaker scales are also easily removed or subject to delamination,
As more and more H2S reacts with the mackinawite the ratio allowing for the potential ingress of COji under the deposit and
of sulfur CO iron grows and will eventually change che molecular the subsequent agressive under-deposit corrosion that can lead
structure of the FeS molecule. With adequate HjS partial pre.ssure, to significant metal failures.
mackinawite will convert co pyrrhotite quickly ac temperatures FeS particles can also enter a facility via the feed gas stream.
above 43''C(10rF). Ideally they are removed by the inlet separation devices; however,
Pyrrhotite is less soluble than mackinawite and makes a very this is not always the case. If allowed to enter an amine unit, the
good protective film. Pyrrhotite will deposit on piping walls FeS will most likely be removed by the amine solution (which
between 43 and 15O'*C (109-302''F). acts like a water-wash column; another good way to remove FeS
Pyrite is formed when the ratio of suIftir to iron reaches 2:1. upstream of a process). In these cases, the FeS will simply add to
Elemental sulfur can also react with iron to make pyrite, making the system suspended solids content and can cause a number of
it common in regenerator bottoms and reboilers. It has extremely problems, primarily plugging and flow distribution issues (dis-
low solubility levels and is che hardest FeS type. Pyrite, chough cussed later in the "Iron sulfide film removal" section).
very durable, is not a preferred procective film. If even the small- Funhermore, some FeS forms are pyrophoric, meaning expo-
est space exists between it and carbon steel, a galvanic cell can be sure to oxygen can cause them to radiate intense heat and start
formed between the pipe wall and pyrite that will result in very fires. Plants must be fully clean of FeS (or the internals kept wet)
high corrosion rates. before opening them up to atmosphere. Filters containing FeS and
The properties of an FeS film depend on the surrounding aflammablecomponent are also prone to pyrophoric ironfiresif
environment. Temperature, pH, fluid dynamics, HjS and CO3 allowed to dr\' under atmospheric exposure.
partial pressures and che presence of inhibitors or surfactants
all have an effect on the film properties. Normally, a good scale Iron sulfide sources. FeS can enter an amine system in the
is only a few molecules thick, however, it can grow thicker and inlet gas or form in the amine system.
contain wax, asphalcenes, calcite, etc. These "extras", depending Iron sulfîdes entering amine systems with the inlet gas.
on how much of each is present, can cause tbe scale to be soft and In many instances, amine plants suffer from FeS ingress in the
mushy or hard and brittle. inlet gas. This can he a problem, since these FeS particles will not
react with the piping walls and add to the protective film; rather
Iron sulfide advantages. If the FeS scale is strong enough, they will circulate around in solution as suspended solids. They
it will adhere to che piping surface, forming a protective or pas- will, in effect, scour off the previously formed protective films
sivating film. Unless removed (which can happen by a number of contributing to a greater quantity of suspended solids in solution
mechanisms discussed later), this film pre\'ents further pipe and as well as to erratic corrosion protection film within the system.
vessel corrosion and can result in extremely long life spans for that Freshly exposed metal surfaces are active sites for the corrosion
part ofthe amine plant. mechanism to continue.

The FeS present in the feed ro amine units is rhe by-product of between the absorber and flash tank. As system pressure or Fl2S
corrosion in the wellbore, piping or upstream process equipment, content in the amine decreases, so does the FeS film thickness and
or is produced from the formation itself. Most commonly, corro- quality. At the same time, because there is very little Fi^S partial
sion found in processing equipment is caused by produced water pressure, there is generally less need for protection, provided diere
containing acid gases—particularly CO2 and H2S. is no significant CO2 content or agressive organic acid level in
CO2 corrosion can cake various forms, but it is frequently either the solution or the vapor phase.
exhibited as localized areas of deep, sharp-sided pits found adja- In tbe reboiler/regenerator. In the regenerator tower lower
cent to areas of little corrosion {mesa-r>pe corrosion). section and in the reboiler, H2S partial pressures are extremely
H2S corrosion resuJts In forming black FeS scales and is typi- low; FeS formation as a result of H2S is minimal. Elemental sul-
fied by "black water" in the separation facilities. Under-deposit fur, however, which enters a plant bonded with H2S as hydrogen
corrosion frequently occurs beneath the scale layer and can result polysulfide (H^S^), is liberated when the H2S is driven off and is
in forming deep, isolated or randomly scattered pits. no longer soluble in the amine .solution. Elemental sulfur reacts
The three prime means of removing or reducing the impact of quickly with iron to form pyrite, which is the predominant scale
FeS entering an amine system are to; fotmd in this area.
• Prevent the corrosion from occurring initially in the piping If H2S remains in solution at this point, ihe usual FeS reaction
by using corrosion inhibitors. will still occur but due to the high temperatures driving the reac-
• Disperse the FeS particles into the water phase so they can tion, the FeS formed will be pyrrhodte or pyrite.
be removed by inlet separation equipment.
' Filter the FeS from the gas phase upstream ofthe amine Removing an iron suif ide f iim. Once formed, it is gener-
absorber with a Purer element or a water wash. ally desirable to leave the FeS film on the amine plant internals.
Iron sulñde formation in the amine system. FeS can form in This film can be removed accidentally, however, and it is impor-
the absorber, piping system or rehoiler/ tant for engineers and operators to be
regenerator. aware ofthe accidental removal causes:
In the absorber. Soluble iron is • High fluid velocity
present in lean-amine streams. The iron • Once formed, it is generally • Excessive vibration
may be in the form of iron carbonate in • Mechanical/thermal shocks during
instances where CO? is being treated as
desirable to leave the FeS film startup/shut down
well as H2S. In the absorber, some of on the amine plant internals. • Heat-stable salt degradation prod-
the HiS immediately reacts with iron ucts (increased suspended solids erode
in the amine, and small FeS particles Once liberated, the suspended the FeS layer)
are formed. These particles are generally • Chelating agents present in the
insoluble in amine, and provided they FeS particles can result in several liquid phase
are large enough, can be filtered out. • Adding a corrosion inhibitor to
Fresh or clean amines have the ability problems. the system without understanding the
to hold approximately 5 ppm of soluble inhibitors protection mechanism.
iron in solution. Once liberated, the suspended FeS
An FeS scale will form on the absorber walls and tray decks as particles can result in several problems:
well, if they are made of carbon steel. The scale near the absorber • Amine foaming—results ¡n ofF-spec. gas and tendency to
bottom tends to be stronger and thicker due to higher partial pres- carryover
sures of FÍTS in this area. Near the absorber top, most ofthe H2S > Rather then cause a soludon 10 foam, sohds tend to sta-
has been removed from the gas by the amine solution, resulting bilize an already foaming condition
in very low H2S partial pressures. Scale formation In this area is • Excessive mechanical wear on pumps and seals; lost effi-
composed mainly of mackinawite. ciency and higher maintenance frequency
In the piping. Both the rich and lean amine will have FijS • Lost amine efficiency—curtailing throughput
in solution, however, the rich side obviously will have a much • Higher chemical use/costs—(i.e., andfoam, corrosion inhib-
higher amount. H2S will react immediately with iron ifthe two itors, etc.)
meet. When H2S in the liquid or vapor phase contacts the iron • Abrasion—the suspended FeS erodes the exisdng FeS film
in the piping and vessel walls, the FeS particles subsequently in other areas
formed tend to adhere to the metal surface, and if enough H2S • Excessive particle filter plugging and usage
is present, form a strong protective layer over time. Higher H2S • Packing, tray valve or sieve hole plugging.
partial pressures result in higher tendencies for strong FeS films High fluid velocity—The FeS particles that have formed
to form. Piping has been found to have as much as 60% of rhe between H2S in the liquid phase and iron in the piping walls may
cross-sectional area plugged with FeS in facilities with many years be under such high drag forces that they cannot adhere to the
of active service at high H2S partial pressures. piping walls. With no protective film, fresh iron is exposed that
When the H2S partial pressure is low, the resulting FeS is nor- will also react with H2S.
mally mackinawite. Mackinawite does not iorm a strong adhesive Fluid velocity depends on piping diameter. In cases where
protective layer on the piping; instead it is preferentially carried by amine circulation rate is to be significantly increased, it is recom-
the solution and moves along with the amine resulting in lean/rich mended pipe internal diameters are double-checked to ensure
exchanger plugging as well as other associated problems. the fluid velocities do not get too high. It is generally recognized
FeS films are stronger and thicker in plant areas where H2S that in amine service a maximum fluid velocity of 6 ft/sec (2 m/s)
partial pressure is the highest. This ¡s typically the rich piping will prevent significant erosion-related protective film removal



FeS will turn an amine from light yellow to green to brown or black.

for carbon stee! piping. This velocity may be as low as 3 ft/sec ( 1

2^ (4)
m/s) in exchanger tubes.
Excessive vibration—Suon^ FeS films are quite rigid and can Ammonium ferrocyanide is water soluble, thus the protective
crack and break loose if the pipe begins to vibrate excessively. This surface layer is removed, exposing additional metal to bisulfide
can be a result of piping supports coming loose, excess hydrocar- and H2S attack.
bon and acid gas flashing, or pressure drops across pressure-relief
valves being increased. Filtering iron s u l f i d e s . Once a protective layer is formed,
Excessive vibration is normally associated with high heat flux excessive FeS should be filtered out of the amine solution.
in the reboiler tubes (greater than 7400 Btu/hr/ft'). When initially formed, FeS particles are typically 0.5-5 |Jm.
Startup/shut down shocks—It is common for plants to experi- If the plant is not utilizing filters small enough to remove
ence filter plugging Immediately after starting an amine system, particles of this size, the FeS particles will not get filtered out
even if it was only shut down for a few minutes. This is commonly until they adhere to one another and form larger particles.
referred to as an "upset" and much like excessive vibration, sud- Most amine systems have particle filtration installed on the lean
den surges, pushes and pulls, and thermal shocks displace the FeS side. When these filters are changed they tend to be black, and when
layer from piping walls. Tbe particles knocked loose are large and analyzed found that tbe filtrate is predominandy FeS. It is clear FeS
easily picked up by filters. They can also plug off other pieces of exists on the lean side; however, the vast majority of FeS in an amine
equipment. system is present on the rieb side. As described earlier, FeS is either
Increase in heat-stable amine salt levels—Solubility of most introduced into the system via the inlet gas or formed when H2S
FeS in the amine solution (pyrite being the exception) increases reacts with iron. If the solids remain in solution and do not precipi-
as pH decreases, or becomes more acidic. The pH can change tate OUI in rhe lean/rich exchanger or contribute to an existing FeS
fora number of reasons: an increase in loading (HiS and COi), film, they are carried into the regenerator where much of the H2S is
change in amine type or strength, or heat-stable salt build-up. FeS driven off, thus liberating the Fe* ion. Sometimes these ions will react
formed at pH levels below 8.5 are known to be much less effective with any remaining CO2 to form iron carbonate (which is predomi-
at adhering strongly to piping walls. nandy soluble in amine), at higher temperatures (>80''C/176°F)
pH reductions are normally brought about by the build-up of magtietite can form, or they simply remainfireeiron ions.
heat-stable amine salts. The negative effects of low pH ate found
most predominantly in high-temperature areas. As pH drops, the
existing FeS film will soften as anions From the acid will react with When the amine reaches tbe absorber again, the H2S will reaa
the iron portion of the FeS. If allowed to continue, the FeS film with any free iron available as well as iron carbonate to reform FeS.
is eventually removed. If the FeS formed in the absorber does not adhere to the vessel or
Chelating agents present—chelating, or iron compleîdng agents pipe walls, it moves along In solution as stispended solids.
such as cyanide, thiocyanate, EDFA, bicine, certain degradation Rich filtration is necessary when the FeS in the absorber and
products, etc., will act to dissolve the otherwise insoluble FeS rich piping do not form a protective film, but rather become sus-
into solution. Amines are capable of holding much more iron if pended solids in the amine. Many plants with no rich filtration
chelating agents are in the solution. With no chelants, amine can have found out the lean/rich exchanger or upper regenerator trays
only hold up to 5 ppm iron. will act as filters instead! Whether the FeS will form a protective
The effects of cyanide and ammonia can be especially disas- film is determined by several things, the most important of which
trous. Years ago, significant hydrogen blistering in amine units being the H2S partial pressure, the solution pH and the overall
was being experienced in refmeries. Research into the cause of the solution quality, ln our experience, plants that have rich-amine
hydrogen attack revealed that the protective FeS layer is removed HjS partial pressures between 103 kPa (15 psig) and 0.7 kPa (0.1
by free cyanide as follows: psig) require rich filtration.



In general, the FeS seen in rich filters is mackinawice, the weak- logical formations and is not being oxidized. Pyrite samples can
est FeS form and most commonly guilty of pluming equipment. be taken out of an amine plant with little risk involved.
On the lean side, both mackinawite and pyrite can be found in The pyrophoric nature of mackinawite is also responsible for
the filters. Pyrite forms in the reboiler and regenerator bottom. It the spontaneous ignition of spent filter cartridges that are left in
initially adds to the protective film on die vessel walls, but is britde the sun or in the open air. Once the cartridges dry, there is a good
and can break off. It is not soluble in amine and, therefore, is car- chance the FeS will cause the filter to ignite. This is important to
ried in solution and picked up in the lean filters. Mackinawite can remember not only while the filters are on the plant site but also
also form on the lean side due to the slight HiS partial pressure while being transported to the disposal area. Some facilities utilize
often left in the amine. steel boxes open to atmosphere to store used filters. This allows
In typical amine systems, a 5- or lO-micron absolute rated the FeS to oxidize to iron oxide without igniting anything on fire.
particle filter is recommended on the lean side. Ideally, filters last Remember though, SO^ is released during the transformation.
approximately two weeks before needing to be changed out. The
filter change frequency will vary from iacilit)' to facility. System preparation for inspection. Several approaches
FeS will turn an amine from light yellow to pale green to dark to removing FeS scale are:
green to brown to black (Fig. 1). Soluble metal salts are known ' Simple acid cleaning
to cause solution color changes due to their ability to affect light " Simple strong cleaning
diffraction. It is common to see a green-colored rich amine and • Chemical oxidization
the lean solution from the same system is yellow. This is due to the • Acid or oxidizing cleaning plus additives for H2S suppression
relative absence of FeS in the lean solution compared to the rich • Noentry vessel cleaning (hurricane balls, etc.)
solution. Laboratory experiments have been carried out in which • Mechanical.
the lean solution has changed from a pale yellow color with no Chemical cleaning, in general, is the most effective method
visible particles to a dark green solution with visible solids simply of FeS removal both in terms of percent FeS removal and cost.
by bubbling small amounts of H2S into the solution. Costs can be elevated, however, if cleaning chemical disposal is
inconvenient, plus a greater amount of engineering and planning
B e f o r e s h u t d o w n . At one time or another, most refineries must be spent on the program. The personnel involved ¡n chemi-
and gas plants experience spontaneous FeS ignition either on the cal cleaning should be well educated and familiar with the process.
ground or inside equipment. When this occurs inside equipment If done improperly, chemical cleaning can cause severe corrosion
like columns, vessels, tanks, exchangers and filters containing to amine plant internals. HP
residual hydrocarbons and air, the results can be devastating. Most
commonly, pyrophoric iron fires occur during shut downs when BIBLIOGRAPHY
Canfield. C, D.. "Amine System Cleaning Bcsc Practice." Regional Mcciing ol ihc Permian
equipment and piping are opened for inspection or maintenance. Basin Gai ProcesM»rs Association.
Instances of fires in crude columns during turnarounds, explosions Claassen, IÍ, J.. "Iron Sulfide Prccipliaicd as a Scale in Sour Gas Wells." Proceedings ol the
19861 jinadiiiii Region Wcsicm Conference - NACt. t Jlgary. AB.
in suiftir, crude or asphalt storage tanks, overpressures in vessels, Craig, B-, "Corrwion I'riMluct Analysis—A Road Map lo Corrosion in Oil and Cas Produc-
etc.. due to pyrophoric iron ignition is not uncommon. tion," Miturials PerjoTtnanic, August 2002.
Cudunings. A.. "Inrcicasinc Profitability and Intiproving Environmental Perfrirmance by Main-
Wlien FeS is oxidized, this is an exothermic reaction where the [aliung Amine Solvcnr Purity," Protectiingî iif tilt 2000 Laurcntc Reid tij.s t^oniliriotiing
ConfcrciUJc, Nortnan. Oklahotna.
products are iron oxide, free suliôir or SOi plus heat. The heat is so Cummiiig!,. Al and N. HatLlier. "Amine Sam pi ing/Laboratory Technique Jiid its tffecrs t>n
intense that surrounding FeS particles become incandescent and H.S Loading Meitiuremcnts," Proceedings of (he Z005 Laurence Reid Gas Conditioning
Conference. Norman, Oklaboma.
will ignite any nearby flammable source (usually a hydrocarbon/ Husa, E. M., "Intemxl Corrtwion of Offshore Pipelines,' Norwegian Insritute of Technol-
warer mixture). If there is nothing nearby to ignite, the heat dis- ogy-
Keller. A., S. Mecum. R. Kdmmillet. F. Vcntoi. .A. CummingsandJ. Oiompscn, "Hcai-Stable
sipates very quickly. Salt Removal From Amints by ihe HSSX Process Using fon F.Kchajiae," Proceedings of ihe
1992 Laurence Reid Clas Condilionitig Conference, Norman. Üklaiioma.
The reaction process is: Lawson, M.. L Martin and G.Arnold, "Chcmiol Cleaning of FcS Scales," National Associa-
Initially, FeS is formed in the system: tion oí Corro.sion Engineers.
Pauley, C. R. and R. Hashemi, "Analysis of Foaming Mechanisms in Amine Plants." Proceed-
ings of tbe 19S') Laurence Reid Gas Conditioning Conference, Nornian. Oklahuma.
Fe,O, (rust) + 3H,S^2FeS + 3H. (6) Tcwari, P. H., G. Walbte and A. B. Campbell. 'The Solubilir)' of Iron Sulphides andTbeir
Roll in Mass Transport in Girdlcr-Sufphide Heavy Water Plants," \XTiiteshet! Nuclear
When exposed to air: Research Esublishment.
Travis Chemicalï R&D Laboratory, "Revic-w on the Chemisliy, Propenies, and I'hermody-
4 F e S + 3 O , ^ 2Fe2 3 + 4S + heat (7) tiamics of Iron Sulphides." AuguM !99'i.
Ward. J. t",, "The Siructure and t'roperties of Some Iron Sulphides." Commonwealth Scien-
4FeS + 7O2 -> 2Fe -f heat (8) tific and Industrial Research Organiiatitm,
Clark. P. Private correspondence; .\lbetta Sulphur Research.
Spooner. B.. M, Sheilati, D. Street ar»d E. van Hoom. "Sulphides—Friend or Foe?," originally
FeS fires can be hard to detect since the smoke from SOj is presented .it thr I jiurtnce Reid conference.
white and looks like steam.
Because of the pyrophoric nattire of FeS, it is important that
as much FeS as possible is removed from the system before vessel Ben S p o o n e r , P. E., has speni the past decade troubleshooting
:)!id optimizing amine plants woridwide. He specializes in amine
entry, and even then the area should be kept clear of combu.stibles.
plant optimization and operator training.
FeS poses the largest risk when allowed to dry out, and especially
when in the form ofa fine powder (maximizes surface-to-air
ratio). Mackinawite, being the most unstable of the FeS types seen
in amine plants, oxidizes the easiest. Mackinawite is found In areas
of low HiS partial pressure and temperature such as che upper M i k e S h e i l a n . P E., has been involved in several aspects of the
section of a contactor or cool lean piping. Pyrite is the most stable natural gas processing industry, primarily in relation to the chemi-
FeS form, and as stich does not oxidize nearly as readily. Pyrite, in cals used to treat gas and the proœss« that use these chemicals
during his 30-yeai career.
fact, is found abundantly throughout the world in exposed geo-


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