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Christianity and Vegetarianism

What Would Jesus Eat...Today?

The following text is taken from the article 'What Would Jesus Eat… Today?
Questions and Answers About Vegetarianism for Christians' on the Christian
Vegetarian Association website.

What Would Jesus Eat … Today?

As Christians, we hold that the ethical principles Jesus taught, such as love,
compassion, humility, and charity, are eternal. We believe that, if Jesus were
among us today and witnessed the wastefulness, environmental destructiveness,
human health hazards, and animal mistreatment inherent in modern animal
agriculture's methods, as well as its contribution to world hunger, he would
choose to abstain.

Index to the questions and answers below: - Does the Bible support
vegetarianism? - How is vegetarianism good stewardship? - Didn't God
put animals here for our use? - Didn't God give people permission to eat
meat? - Does God care for animals? - Does vegetarianism equate
human and animal life? - What about animal sacrifices? - Didn't Jesus
eat meat? - What about the passage in which Peter is instructed to "kill and
eat" all creatures (Acts 10:13, 11:7)? - Should we accept meat as a
gift, given that 1 Timothy 4:4 says, "everything created by God is
good"? - Have non-vegetarian Christian saints and leaders been
immoral? - Have there been many vegetarian Christians? - Why aren't
more Christians vegetarians? - Don't laws ensure farm animal welfare?
- Instead of advocating vegetarianism, shouldn't we seek reforms? - Would
animals overrun the earth if everyone became vegetarian? - What would
happen to butchers, cattle ranchers, and others who depend on animal
agriculture for a livelihood? - Why should we be so concerned about animals
when there are so many critical problems related to people today? -
Since animals eat each other, what's wrong with humans eating animals? -
Are humans naturally predators and therefore carnivores? - How would a
Christian vegetarian celebrate holidays such as Easter and
Christmas? - Should a Christian also abstain from eggs, milk, leather, wool,
and other animal products? - How can I witness to the peace of Christ
through diet?

Does the Bible support vegetarianism?The Bible depicts vegetarianism as God’s

ideal, with a peaceful, vegetarian world at the Creation and at the end of time,
and the diet conforms to the central biblical principle of stewardship. God found
everything in Eden "very good" immediately after giving all animals (and humans)
a vegetarian diet (Genesis 1:29-30). Several prophecies, such as Isaiah 11:6-9,
foresee a return to this vegetarian world, where the wolf, lamb, lion, cow, bear,
snake, and little child all co-exist peacefully. Christian vegetarians believe we
should strive towards the peaceful world Isaiah envisions; to try, in our own
limited ways, to follow Christ's mission, expressed in the Lord's Prayer: "Thy will
be done, on earth as it is in heaven" (Matthew 6:10, RSV).

How is vegetarianism good stewardship?

World HungerJesus preached, "For I was hungry and you gave me food…as you did
it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me" (Matthew 25:35, 40).
Yet, while many millions die of hunger annually and many more suffer
malnutrition, worldwide one-third of all grain is fed to animals being raised for
slaughter; in the United States, the proportion is nearly three-quarters.
Converting grain to meat wastes about 90% of the grains' protein, 96% of its
calories, and 100% of its carbohydrate and fibre.It is ironic that vegetarians, who
are often accused of caring more about animals than humans, encourage a diet
that helps feed humans, not animals.

Your HealthThe Bible describes God's concern for humankind, and it follows that
we should choose diets that help preserve human life. A pure vegetarian diet cuts
cancer risk by about 40%, dramatically reduces heart disease risk, and helps
people lose weight. Indeed, Paul wrote that our bodies are temples of the Holy
Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19).

The EarthGod instructed Adam to "till" and "keep" the Garden of Eden (Genesis
2:15), and by analogy we may see our task as to care for the rest of Creation. In
the U.S., it takes far more energy, water, and other resources to feed a meat-
eater than a vegetarian. By helping preserve scarce resources and minimizing
environmental degradation, vegetarianism shows respect for Creation.

Animal WelfareJesus said that God feeds the birds of the air (Matthew 6:26) and
does not forget sparrows (Luke 12:6). The Hebrew writings forbid inhumane
slaughter or cruelty towards beasts of burden (Exodus 23:5, Deuteronomy 22:6-7,
25:4). In the U.S., nearly all animal foods are derived from intensive, "factory
farms." Animals suffer greatly from stressful crowding, barren environments that
frustrate their instinctive drives, and manipulations without anaesthesia, such as
debeaking chicks, cutting off pigs' tails, and castrating and branding cattle.
Farmers routinely use antibiotics to prevent infections in crowded, stressed
animals, and this promotes dangerous antibiotic-resistance among bacteria. You
can prevent infections by cooking meat, but this generates cancer-causing
heterocyclic amines. Farmers also add hormones, harmful to human health, to
stimulate excessive muscle development in animals, causing painful lameness.
Slaughter typically involves terror and, often, great pain.

Didn't God put animals here for our use?Adam's "dominion" over animals (Genesis
1:26, 28), we believe, conveys sacred stewardship, since God then prescribed a
vegetarian diet (Genesis 1:29-30) in a world God found "very good" (1:31).
Genesis 2:18-19 relates, "Then the Lord God said, "it is not good that man should
be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him'" and God then created animals.
According to this passage, animals were made as Adam's companions and
helpers, certainly not his supper.

Didn't God give people permission to eat meat?Genesis 9:2-4 describes God giving
Noah permission to eat meat, but this may have been because all plants were
destroyed by the Flood and does not demonstrate that meat-eating is God's
highest ideal. Similarly, there is no prohibition of slavery in the Bible, though it
clearly does not agree with the highest biblical ideal. Throughout the Bible,
people are encouraged to use their own free will to decide whether or not they
will behave according to God's highest ideal.

Does God care for animals?Proverbs 12:10 teaches, "A righteous man has regard
for the life of his beast," while the Psalmist maintains that "The Lord is good to
all, and his compassion is over all he has made" (Psalms 145:9).The Bible
describes God's concern for animals repeatedly (Matthew 10:29, 12:11-12, 18:12-
14) and forbids cruelty (Deuteronomy 22:10, 25:4). Importantly, five times after
the flood God makes a covenant with animals as well as with humans. All
creatures share in the Sabbath rest (Exodus 20:10, Deuteronomy 5:14). The Bible
describes animals praising God (Psalms 148:7-10, 150:6), shows animals present
in eternity (Isaiah 65:25, Revelation 5:13) and affirms that God preserves animals
(Psalms 36:6, Ephesians 1:10, Colossians 1:20). Animals and humans look to God
for sustenance (Psalms 104:27-31, 147:9, Matthew 6:26, Luke 12:6) and
deliverance (Jonah 3:7-9, Romans 8:18-23).

Does vegetarianism equate human and animal life?Vegetarianism simply reflects

respect for Creation. Jesus says, "Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And
not one of them is forgotten before God.... Fear not; you are of more value than
many sparrows" (Luke 12:6-7). This passage relates that God values humans more
than animals, but God remains concerned about all creatures. We can have
compassion for animals, and allow them to live full and normal lives, without
equating human and animal life.

What about animal sacrifices?There are many different opinions on this question's
answer, even among Christian vegetarians. Some believe that God accepted
sacrifices at an earlier and more primitive time, but that sacrifices are certainly
not required or even desired now, since Jesus' death atoned for our sins in a very
final way. Others question whether God ever desired sacrifices; several prophets,
including Isaiah, Jeremiah, Micah, Amos, and Hosea, objected to sacrifice, often
emphasizing that God prefers righteousness. Indeed, Jesus twice quoted Hosea
(6:6), saying, "I desire mercy and not sacrifice" (Matthew 9:13, 12:7). Importantly,
unlike sacrificed animals, Jesus chose to sacrifice himself to fulfil God's will.
Christians, being a new creation in Christ, may model Christ by choosing a loving
relationship with all creation, which sometimes requires self-sacrifice.

Didn't Jesus eat meat?Luke 24:43 relates that Jesus ate fish. However, many
Christian vegetarians believe that Jesus would be a vegetarian today.

What about the passage in which Peter is instructed to "kill and eat" all creatures
(Acts 10:13, 11:7)?Many Christians, reading on, find that this passage is not a
literal instruction to consume flesh. Peter, pondering this vision's meaning,
concluded, "God has shown me that I should not call any man common or unclean"
(Acts 10:28). However one interprets this passage, it does not require that we
consume meat today.

Should we accept meat as a gift, given that 1 Timothy 4:4 says, "everything
created by God is good"?Paul also condoned meat-eating nearly 2000 years ago in
1 Corinthians 10:25, but modern animal agriculture is a human creation, and it
harms humans, animals, and the Earth.

Have non-vegetarian Christian saints and leaders been immoral?We should not
judge those who may have eaten meat, owned slaves, or done other things that
we believe are not God's highest ideals for humankind. We should simply do the
best we can to express Christ's love, compassion, and peace. Throughout history,
many people, in ignorance, have done hurtful things while concurrently showing
great love and compassion in other ways.

Have there been many vegetarian Christians?Many Christians have received the
Gospel as encouraging vegetarianism. Several early Christian groups, including
the Nazarenes, Ebionites, Elchasaites, Ossaeans, Cathars, and the Bogomils,
encouraged vegetarianism. Since then, the Trappist, Benedictine, and Carthusian
orders have advocated vegetarianism, as have Seventh-day Adventists. In the
19th century, members of the Bible Christian sect established the first vegetarian
groups in England and the U.S.Vegetarian Christians have included Basil the
Great, John Chrysostom, Tertullian, Origen, Clement of Alexandria, John Wesley
(Methodism's founder), Ellen G. White (a Seventh-day Adventists founder),
Salvation Army co-founders William and Catherine Booth, Leo Tolstoy, and Albert

Why aren't more Christians vegetarians?The most important reason is lack of

awareness. If everyone saw the rough treatment, crowded conditions, and
general misery of animals on factory farms, and then looked into the terrified
eyes of animals at slaughterhouses, many more would become vegetarians. Some
might still eat meat, but even then it would be because they didn't recognize the
suffering or they incorrectly believed that meat is "necessary" for good health.
Other effects of modern animal agriculture, such as resource depletion and the
consequent environmental damage, are not so readily apparent.

Don't laws ensure farm animal welfare?In many countries, including the U.S.,
animals on farms are specifically exempted from all humane legislation. At the
slaughterhouse, "humane slaughter" laws are weak and poorly enforced.

Instead of advocating vegetarianism, shouldn't we seek reforms?There are many

ways to promote compassion, and many vegetarians are seeking reforms. While
we carry out whatever public mission we feel is appropriate, we believe that
people should be aware of the many negative effects of animal-based diet and
agriculture, and we feel compelled to be vegetarians ourselves.

Would animals overrun the earth if everyone became vegetarian?No. There are
many species we don't eat, and they haven't overrun the earth. Human
exploitation of the earth, in part to feed vast quantities of grain to livestock, is
the chief reason for the environmental crisis.As the demand for animal-derived
foods gradually decreases, fewer animals will be bred. In the unlikely event that
many animals needed homes, compassionate people would find compassionate
solutions. Such people already care for formerly farmed animals (see

What would happen to butchers, cattle ranchers, and others who depend on
animal agriculture for a livelihood?The abolition of slavery was difficult for former
slaveholders; in a similar way, those dependent on animal agriculture may
experience hardship when the world finally realises that vegetarianism is
necessary and desirable. Fortunately, job displacement will be minimal, because
farm employment is already low and new markets for non-animal foods will grow
as demand for meat falls. If necessary, retraining or even outright support for
those inconvenienced by this transition might be appropriate.

Why should we be so concerned about animals when there are so many critical
problems related to people today?Virtually all contemporary social problems are
interconnected. Indeed, vegetarianism expresses compassion towards humans as
well as animals, since it results in healthier people, helps feed the hungry, and
promotes a cleaner, more sustainable environment.

Since animals eat each other, what's wrong with humans eating animals?What
animals do should not dictate human morality. Other animals may have to eat
each other to live, but humans have a choice. We believe that vegetarianism
expresses the love, compassion, and peace of Christ.

Are humans naturally predators and therefore carnivores?While humans can

digest flesh, and it is likely that our ancestors did consume small amounts of
meat, our anatomy much more strongly resembles that of plant-eating creatures.
For example: like herbivores (but unlike carnivores), our colons are long and
complex (not simple and short); our intestines are 10-11 times longer than our
bodies (not 3-6 times longer); our saliva contains digestive enzymes (unlike
carnivores); our dental incisors are broad, flattened, and spade-shaped (not short
and pointed); our canine teeth are short and blunted (not long, sharp, and
curved); our molars are flattened with nodular cusps (not sharp blades like many
carnivores); and our nails are flattened (not sharp claws).The millions of healthy
vegetarians (who tend to outlive non-vegetarians) demonstrate that it is not
necessary to eat meat.

How would a Christian vegetarian celebrate holidays such as Easter and

Christmas?Vegetarians celebrate these holidays fully and joyously without
consuming animals. Numerous cookbooks offer tasty vegetarian meals, from
quick and easy to complex and elegant.

Should a Christian also abstain from eggs, milk, leather, wool, and other animal
products?A place to start is to become vegetarian. Then, we believe, Christians
should try to reduce their consumption of animal products as much as possible.
Vegetarians make a compassionate choice that expresses a faith in God's creative
goodness. Many vegetarians, aware of the cruelties associated with other animal
products, eventually choose not to consume them.

How can I witness to the peace of Christ through diet?We should always
remember that Christians strive to follow Christ's example of pure love and
compassion, and most Christians would prefer that their diets not hurt animals,
squander scarce resources, and harm their bodies. We need to show fellow
Christians, in a loving and compassionate way, that non-animal foods are tasty,
convenient, and nutritious. The Christian Vegetarian Association's web site offers
many ideas on how to promote vegetarianism within your congregation.

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