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白金 Visa 卡重要事項及條款
• 信用卡持卡人合約
• 白金 Visa 卡概要
• 自動櫃員機卡章則條款
• 「獎賞錢」計劃

重要提示:閣下在使用香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司發出的白金 Visa 卡 /滙財金卡 /萬事達金卡 /日財金卡 /滙財卡 /萬事達卡或其他特定信用卡前,請先細閱下文所載的持
香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司(簡稱「本行」)根據下列條款發出白金 Visa 卡 /滙財金卡 /萬事達金卡 /日財金卡 /滙財卡 /萬事達卡或不時由本行特定的其他信用卡(簡稱
1 此卡屬本行所有,如本行提出要求,持卡人須立即歸還。
2 獲發此卡者(簡稱「持卡人」)接獲此卡後,須立即在其上簽署,不得轉讓他人使用,並時刻小心保管此卡,置之於持卡人的個人控管下。
3 每張信用卡均獲授予一信用限額,以作購物簽賬或提取現金貸款之用。您的信用限額會詳列於信用卡月結單上。本行可毋須事先通知您,而自行決定在用卡款額超出信
4 持卡人須對本行授予持卡人的信用卡的信貸負責,即使本合約終止,仍須負責以後所有用卡款額(無論此用卡款額在持卡人自願或非自願的情況下進行交易)以及全部
5 本行將向此卡授予一信用限額,持卡人必須嚴格遵守,但本行可根據以下情況或於通知持卡人後,不時更改此信用限額。本行可自行決定(但無義務)在未事先知會持
6 (a) 本行通常每月(在結單日)向持卡人提供月結單,列明此卡戶口目前尚未清償的款項總額(簡稱「結單結欠」)、由本行根據結單結欠釐定持卡人須繳付的最低付款
(b) 如本行在到期日或該日前已收到持卡人結單結欠的全部款項,持卡人毋須繳付利息。
(c) 如持卡人在到期日仍未向本行清付結單結欠的全部款項,則所有結單結欠中包含的用卡款額和在上一期結單日期後記誌的新簽賬項(現金貸款除外),以及結單結欠
(d) 如持卡人在到期日仍未繳清應付的最低付款額的全部款項,則須另付逾期費用。此收費會在下次結單日從此卡戶口支取。
(e) 在無損本合約條款 (5) 的前提下,如持卡人的結單結欠超出其當時獲授予的信用限額,本行保留權利,可向持卡人徵收超出信用限額手續費,此收費將於月結日誌入
(f) 凡退票或自動轉賬遭退回,而該支票或自動轉賬並非由本行戶口發出,本行會從有關卡戶口內扣取手續費。
7 現金貸款應包括所有由此卡戶口提取之現金,包括但不限於提取於較早前存入此卡戶口之款項或進賬。進行現金貸款交易,須繳付手續費與及現金貸款費。本行會於交
8 對於此卡戶口之一切存入款項或進賬,本行會立即用於清償該卡戶口當時之結欠,若該筆款項或進賬超逾當時之結欠,該筆款項將會用以支付該卡戶口中將來的用卡款
9 持卡人同意本行繳付此卡的首期及 /或定期費用。此等費用按時從此卡戶口支取,並不予退還。
10 (a) 為使本行能考慮是否向持卡人提供所申請的任何服務,持卡人須不時向本行提供其個人資料(「個人資料」)(以本行不時規定或接納的方式)。如持卡人未能向本行
(b) 個人資料將會用作考慮持卡人的要求;而在本行同意提供該等服務的規限下,個人資料及與本行進行任何交易或買賣的有關詳情和所有資料,將會用於本行向持卡
其他人士(包括滙豐集團的任何成員)披露或獲取資料,用於與本行可能向持卡人提供的服務有關,及 /或與為各種目的(無論是否為要採取任何不利於持卡人的
行動)而核對持卡人的其他資料有關,及/或與推廣、改善及促進本行 /其他滙豐集團成員向持卡人提供服務有關,及 /或根據本行不時向持卡人發出的結單、通
(c) 持卡人有權要求查閱及改正任何個人資料,或要求不將個人資料作直接市場推銷用途。持卡人可書面向資料保護主任提出有關要求,地址為九龍中央郵政局郵政信
箱 72677 號香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司,資料保護主任(傳真:2288 5922)
11 如本行因向持卡人催繳、追收或提出控訴,以收回持卡人在本合約規定下應付的欠款,或在持卡人違反或不遵守本合約條款的情況下尋求其他補救方法,而須支付合理
12 存入此卡戶口的款項或其他進賬,可按照下列次序支付費用:首先是法律及收賬費用、財務費用、現金貸款費用、逾期費用、服務費用、退票 /自動轉賬退回費用、補
13 所有並非以港幣計算的信用卡款額,均會參考 Visa、萬事達卡或日財卡國際組織於折算當日釐定的匯率,加上本行徵收的百分率,連同 Visa、萬事達卡或日財卡 國 際 組
14 如根據有關法律條例規定,持卡人按本合約向本行付款之前須從中扣減某些款項,則持卡人仍須負責補付已扣除的款額,得使在扣除該款項後,淨付款額仍相等於在毌
15 對於任何商業機構拒絕接受此卡,或對於使用此卡購買的貨物與服務,本行概不負責。持卡人向該商業機構索取賠償,並不能免除持卡人根據本合約對本行應負的責
16 如任何月結單上有任何並非由持卡人授權的交易,持卡人應於該月結單日期起 60 天內通知本行信用卡中心。如持卡人並未於上述期限內通知本行,該項(該等)列於月
17 索取簽購單影印本的費用將自此卡戶口內扣取。
18 此卡乃屬本行所有,不可轉讓。此卡如有遺失或被竊,或如其用於現金貸款或自動櫃員機服務的密碼遺失、被竊或外泄予第三者,應在發覺後立即報知本行(如在香港
特別行政區,應報知本行信用卡中心,電話:2233 3000;如在海外,應報知 Visa、萬事達卡或日財卡國際組織的任何成員)。在本行或任何 Visa、萬事達卡或日財卡國
在合理時限內盡快向本行或上述機構報失,持卡人須就所有非現金交易(不設上限)負上全責;否則,持卡人就非現金交易所須承擔的最高款額為港幣 500 元。如未能
19 此卡遺失或被竊後,本行並無義務向持卡人補發新卡。本行向持卡人補發新卡,得收取所需費用。
20 除了一般抵銷債務的權利,法律上或其他合約訂明的權利外,本行可毌須另行通知而將此卡戶口(如持卡人為基本卡持卡人,則包括其相連之附屬卡戶口)與持卡人於
21 (a) 持卡人可在任何時候終止本合約,但須以書面通知本行,並將此卡連同任何附屬卡及與此卡戶口相連的所有優惠卡歸還本行。如本合約應用於附屬卡,持卡人或附
(b) 本行可在任何時候終止此合約,取銷此卡而不必預先通知及申述理由。
22 除非本行另行規定,否則,當本合約告終止,或持卡人破產或逝世時,此卡戶口的欠款,連同其他已簽發而未及記入此卡戶口的用卡款額,得視為立即到期,並須向本

23 如持卡人的職業或聯絡資料(包括但不限於地址、電話號碼、電郵地址及傳真號碼)有任何更改,持卡人應立即通知本行卡業務部(以本行不時規定或接納的方式)。
24 在無損本合約其他條款的前提下,如持卡人擬離開香港特別行政區超過一個月,應在離港前預先安排支付此卡戶口。
25 如本行應持卡人及附屬卡持卡人的聯名要求而發出附屬卡,則附屬卡持卡人得受本持卡人合約條款所約束,並須承擔使用附屬卡的責任。儘管這樣,基本卡持卡人亦須
承擔使用此卡及附屬卡的責任。本行可全權決定向持卡人或附屬卡持卡人或二者追討附屬卡所引致的任何費用。在上述第 21(a) 條有關取銷附屬卡的規定下,基本卡持卡
26 如此卡包括自動櫃員機服務,可利用電子方法透過如自動櫃員機、售點終端機或其他設施,自此卡戶口以外其他戶口進行銀行業務交易,持卡人則須遵行本行自動櫃員
27 凡使用「電話理財服務」,持卡人及附屬卡持卡人將受適用於本行電話理財服務第五部分的條款及細則所規管。該等條款及細則目前列載於由本行發出的一般章則條款
28 在提供信用卡服務的過程中,本行可能需要以錄音記存持卡人的口頭指示,及 /或持卡人與本行在該服務過程中的任何對話。
29 本行保留將已有微縮攝影的任何此卡戶口文件銷毀的權利。
30 本行不時向持卡人推出的新產品 /服務(包括但不限於飛行優惠計劃及「獎賞錢」計劃)均受特定條款約束。如特定條款與本文所列條款有任何牴觸,概以特定條款為
31 任何信用卡分期付款計劃須受適用於該計劃的條款及細則約束。持卡人可於申請信用卡免息分期付款計劃時,向商戶索取有關的條款及細則。如該條款與本文所列條款
32 根據本合約而發出的任何通知,於本行向持卡人以以下方式提出 :
(a) 專人向其送遞該通知(如以專人送遞方式發送);或
(b) 本行寄出該通知(如以郵寄方式發送);或
(c) 本行以電郵方式發出該通知(如以電郵方式發送);或
(d) 本行將該通知存放於戶口持有人的個人網上理財賬戶(如有提供)
33 本文所載的費用、服務收費及利息均詳列於本行的「滙豐個人理財客戶銀行服務費簡介」。持卡人可向本行各分行索閱。如持卡人需要本行提供其他服務而該項服務並無
34 此卡不可用於支付賭博或違反適用法律的非法交易。本行保留權利拒絕處理或支付任何本行懷疑是賭博或非法的交易。若本行懷疑、相信或知道任何用卡款額是用於賭
35 如僅由於本行合理控制範圍以外的因素,包括任何機件故障或失靈,而導致本行延遲或無法向持卡人提供任何銀行機件、或其他設施或服務,本行概不負責。
36 本合約得受香港特別行政區法律管轄,並依香港特別行政區法律詮釋。

由 2010 年 4 月 25 日起生效


白金 Visa 卡概要
1 為保障您的權益,請小心保管您的滙豐(本行)信用卡及私人密碼:
a) 收到信用卡後,立刻在卡上簽署。
b) 抄下信用卡號碼,並與信用卡分開小心存放,以備查對。
c) 小心保管信用卡,像對現金一樣謹慎處理。
d) 使用自動櫃員機後,切記取回信用卡。
e) 簽賬時,切記填上總金額,及在銀碼前加上貨幣代號。請勿留有空位讓別人加添數字。
f) 簽賬時,請留意商戶,確保只壓印一份簽賬單。
g) 確保商戶於交易完畢後立刻將信用卡交還給您。
h) 保留簽賬存根,以便與月結單核對。
i) 緊記私人密碼後,應立刻將通知書撕毀。
j) 切勿用紙寫下您的私人密碼。如有需要記錄下來,應將密碼加以掩飾,並與信用卡分開存放。
k) 切勿讓他人使用您的信用卡及私人密碼。
l) 切勿選用身分證號碼、生日日期、電話號碼或其他易於猜測的號碼作私人密碼。
m) 定期更改私人密碼,以策安全。
n) 在以電話向本行作出指示、登入本行網上理財服務、或使用自動櫃員機或其他電子轉賬服務終端機時,應確保您的私人密碼沒有被別人察看。如有懷疑,應盡快更
2 如您的信用卡╱私人密碼遺失、被竊,或外泄予第三者,請立即致電滙豐個人理財服務熱線 (852) 2233 3000 或到就近滙豐分行報失。如您身處海外,請向 Visa 卡國際組
就信用卡被擅用所須承擔的最高款額為港幣 500 元(但通過私人密碼取得的現金貸款不在此限)。
3 每張信用卡均獲授予一信用限額,以作購物簽賬或提取現金貸款之用。您的信用限額會詳列於信用卡月結單上。本行可毋須事先通知您,而自行決定在用卡款額超出信
4 如您於本行櫃枱提取現金貸款,其最高限額相等於您可用的信用限額。如您於自動櫃員機提取現金貸款,每日的限額為港幣 10,000 元或您可用的信用限額,以較低額為
5 所有存入卡戶口的款項將用以清償卡戶口的結欠,如有結存,則加於可用的信用限額上。
6 若您在本行開設有其他戶口,並與信用卡戶口相連,您可以信用卡於自動櫃員機從有關戶口提取現金╱轉賬,或用易辦事付款。以自動櫃員機提款的每日最高限額為港
幣 20,000 元(如在海外提款,則以當地貨幣計算,幣值相當於港幣 20,000 元);轉賬至任何並無與信用卡相連之戶口的上限為每日港幣 50,000 元。轉賬至您名下與信用
卡相連之戶口則並無限額。以易辦事付款的每日最高限額為港幣 50,000 元。
7 您可以憑您的信用卡及信用卡密碼登記本行網上理財服務。有關服務須受本行網上理財條款約束。
8 對於任何商戶拒絕接納此卡,或對於使用此卡購買的貨物或服務,或對於任何與商戶之間的經常支賬安排,本行概不負責。如持卡人對商戶有任何意見,可致電滙豐個
人理財服務熱線 (852) 2233 3000 反映。但持卡人向有關商戶索償的同時,亦須清繳有關交易的賬項。
9 請於收到月結單後核對結單上所列賬項及簽賬單。如您對賬目有任何查詢,請於結單日期起計 60 日內致電滙豐個人理財服務熱線提出。
10 您以信用卡簽賬的交易,可享長達 56 天免息還款期。
11 如您持有本行發出的港幣信用卡,所有港幣以外的信用卡交易,均會參考 Visa 卡國際組織於折算當日釐定的匯率,加上本行徵收的百分率,連同 Visa 卡國際組織向本行
12 本行將因應情況收取以下費用:
a) 財務費用:如您未能於付款到期日或之前支付結單結欠的全數款項,本行會以月息 2.33%(相當於購物簽賬年利率 31.86%;或現金貸款年利率 33.07%,此年利率
已包括現金貸款費及手續費在內)* 按日計息。所有結單結欠中包含的信用卡交易和在上一期結單日期後記誌的新簽賬項(現金貸款除外),以及結單結欠中包含的
b) 逾期費用:如您未能於付款到期日或之前支付月結單所示的最低付款額,本行會收取最低付款額的 5% 作為逾期費用(最少為港幣 180 元,最多為港幣 250 元)。
c) 超出信用限額手續費:如您的結單結欠超出您當時獲授予的信用限額,本行會徵收港幣 180 元的超出信用限額手續費。此收費將於月結日從您的卡戶口扣取。
d) 現金貸款收費:現金貸款包括所有從卡戶口提取的款項,不論該筆款項是否存入卡戶口的結餘。每項現金貸款交易,本行會收取貸款額 3% 的手續費(於櫃枱提取現
金貸款,最低收費為港幣 80 元;於自動櫃員機或透過任何其他渠道進行現金貸款交易,收費最少為港幣 55 元),以及貸款額 2% 的現金貸款費。本行會於交易當日
e) 補發信用卡收費:如需本行於信用卡有效期限前補發新卡,每張新卡收費為港幣 100 元(優惠卡收費為港幣 30 元)。
f) 退票╱自動轉賬退回收費:凡退票或自動轉賬遭退回,本行會從有關卡戶口內扣取港幣 100 元手續費(從滙豐戶口發出的支票或自動轉賬則除外)。
g) 年費:白金 Visa 基本卡及附屬卡的年費如下:
i) 基本卡:港幣 1,500 元。
ii) 附屬卡:港幣 750 元。
13 儘管您的卡戶口經已取消,您之前所設立的授權指示(如自動轉賬、分期付款等)並不會因而自動取消。如您想更改╱取消授權指示,請直接聯絡有關商戶以作出適當


白金 Visa 卡重要事項及條款
14 無論您是基本卡或附屬卡持卡人,如您的卡戶口(如您是基本卡持卡人,則包括任何附屬卡戶口)存有結欠,本行可毋須另行通知而將此卡戶口與持卡人於本行所設的
15 如卡戶口遭取消,或持卡人破產或逝世,持卡人或其遺產管理人須悉數清還該卡戶口的一切結欠,及其他已簽付而未及記入該卡戶口的用卡款額。本行可僱用第三者代
16 如您是基本卡持卡人,您須承擔使用基本卡及任何附屬卡的責任。本行可向基本上持卡人或附屬卡持卡人或兩者追討附屬卡的任何結欠或費用。然而,附屬卡持卡人只
17 您的信用卡不可用以支付任何違法的賭博或其他交易。本行有權回扣該項交易。

* 此年利率乃根據銀行營運守則有關指引所訂一套準則計算,適用於個別卡戶口的年利率或有差異。

由 2009 年 2 月 1 日起生效。

1. 自動櫃員機卡無論現在或將來任何時間均屬本行所有。本行保留全權隨時毋須預先通知而收回所提供的自動櫃員機卡及╱或終止任何附隨的服務。
2. 除第五段所述情況外,所有透過自動櫃員機卡進行的交易賬項,無論是否獲持卡人授權,持卡人均須負責。
3. 任何透過自動櫃員機卡進行的提款、轉賬及╱或其他交易的賬項,將由持卡人戶口扣除,持卡人須確保戶口有足夠款項以支付該等款項。
4. 發給持卡人藉以使用自動櫃員機服務的私人密碼以及由持卡人為此用途而更改的任何密碼乃屬機密,無論在任何情況下或以任何方式,無論自願與否,均不得向第三者
5. 如自動櫃員機卡遺失或被竊,持卡人須立即通知本行,並盡速以書面確證。持卡人須對所有利用該卡進行的交易負責,直至作出上述通知為止。本行補發自動櫃員機卡
6. 利用自動櫃員機卡經由自動櫃員機存入的現金及╱或支票,會在本行核實後方誌入持卡人戶口。在存款時由自動櫃員機印發的入賬單,僅紀錄持卡人聲稱已存入的款
7. 如由於(無論直接或間接)任何非本行所能控制的糾紛或其他情況而導致本行未能提供或履行此條款所規定的任何服務或責任,本行毋須負責。所有由於或有關使用自
8. 本行得由持卡人戶口支取有關自動櫃員機服務的收費,並得隨時按照合理水平訂定此收費,但須給予持卡人預先通知。
9. 服務網絡:本行保留權利以嚴格機密方式將持卡人戶口的某些必要或適當的資料透露給其他機構(在本港或以外地區),以便持卡人可以使用任何以電子資金轉賬的服務
10. 本行保留權利增刪及╱或更改本章則條款的任何部分,但須將有關更改通知持卡人。如持卡人在更改章則條款的生效日期(會註明於本行的通知書內)後使用自動櫃員
11. 根據本章則條款而發出的任何通知,以郵遞方式寄往持卡人最後以書面通知本行的地址,在寄出七天後即視為已寄達持卡人。此外,以本行認為適當的方式所公布的章
12. 如多於一人簽署或同意受此章則條款約束,彼等的債務及責任均屬共同及個別承擔。又按文義所需,單數詞當包括眾數。根據此章則條款發給其任何一人的通知,得視
13. 本章則條款受香港特別行政區法律管轄,並按該等法律詮釋。

A) 一般條款及細則
1. 只有持有由香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司(下稱「滙豐」)於香港特別行政區發行的個人信用卡(包括港幣卡、美元卡及人民幣卡的基本卡及附屬卡) (下稱「信用卡」 )
持卡人(下稱「持卡人」)方合資格參與「獎賞錢」計劃(下稱「本計劃」)。本計劃不適用於獨立戶口優惠卡及 iCAN 卡持卡人。
2. 憑信用卡簽賬(現金透支、信用卡收費、現金套現計劃及套現分期計劃的提款金額、使用任何滙豐信用卡在網上繳交至稅務局的款項及使用滙豐普通卡或金卡在網
上繳交的任何款項除外),每港幣 250 元即可獲 $1「獎賞錢」。如持卡人的信用卡以美元或人民幣為貨幣單位,賺取「獎賞錢」的比率分別為每 30 美元或人民幣 250
元相等於 $1「獎賞錢」
3. 憑合資格信用卡簽賬所賺取的「獎賞錢」將直接存入信用卡戶口內,剩餘金額(如有)將帶往下一次簽賬以累積計算「獎賞錢」,直至該結單月的最後一次簽賬為
4. 憑信用卡分期付款簽賬並已誌賬的金額將全數一次性或分期獲發「獎賞錢」,視乎持卡人參與的分期付款計劃而定。
5. 持卡人的信用卡戶口必須有效及信用狀況良好,方可使用「獎賞錢」。
6. 「獎賞錢」有效期最少為一年,最長為兩年;滙豐卓越理財信用卡及滙豐運籌理財白金 Visa 卡「獎賞錢」有效期最長為三年,並於信用卡上屆滿日期所示的月份(不
7. 「獎賞錢」不可轉讓,但持卡人名下的不同類別的個人信用卡(例如匯財卡、萬事達卡、日財金卡及人民幣金卡 /普通卡)的「獎賞錢」可合併使用。基本卡及附屬
8. 持卡人戶口必須存有足夠「獎賞錢」,並獲滙豐接納其換領申請,方可換領有關 賞。如「獎賞錢」不足,換領申請將自動被取消。
9. 所有換領申請(包括「獎賞錢」購物網內的禮品換領、「飛行優惠計劃」等)一經滙豐批核,均不能更改、取消或退回。換領或通知信將於四至六星期內寄到持卡人
10. 滙豐並非本計劃所提供的禮品供應商,故不會承擔任何有關責任。
11. 參與「獎賞錢」購物網、 「獎賞錢」禮券計劃、「八達通日日賞」轉換計劃及「飛行優惠計劃」的持卡人,均需另行遵守有關計劃的特定條款及細則。
12. 持卡人「獎賞錢」的累積、合併使用或換領申請(包括但不限於持卡人其後經信用卡或其他途徑退回的全數或部分金額)如涉及任何舞弊或欺詐成份,滙豐可取消
13. 滙豐保留權利,可隨時修改本文所列的條款及細則,以及換領時所需的「獎賞錢」數目,惟滙豐會事先通知持卡人。
14. 對於本計劃如有任何爭議,滙豐保留最終決定權。
15. 條款及細則的中、英文如有歧義,概以英文本為準。
B) 「獎賞錢」購物網
1. 「獎賞錢」購物網內的所有禮品只供持卡人透過登入滙豐網上理財換領。
2. 使用「獎賞錢」必須以整數為單位,每 $1「獎賞錢」可於「獎賞錢」購物網內作港幣 1 元使用。持卡人可以全數「獎賞錢」換領禮品或自行訂定「獎賞錢」及現金金
額,惟每件禮品必須以最少 $10「獎賞錢」換購。現金部份必須透過滙豐網上理財以滙豐信用卡支付。
3. 「獎賞錢」購物網內滙豐卓越理財信用卡尊享 /滙豐運籌理財信用卡尊享 /白金 Visa 卡尊享 /green 信用卡尊享獎賞部分的所有禮品均只供持有有關信用卡的持卡人
4. 「獎賞錢」購物網內的所有禮品均以港幣計算。如持卡人憑美元卡或人民幣卡換領,均作外幣簽賬處理。
5. 滙豐保留不時更改禮品目錄(包括「獎賞錢」購物網和其他目錄)的權利,恕不另行通知。各項禮品供應量有限,換完即止。
6. 「年資折扣」優惠(「年資折扣」)適用於所有信用卡持卡人及其於「獎賞錢」購物網內之禮品換領交易,並以貨品原價計算。
7. 合資格參與「年資折扣」的持卡人可享有的折扣以其名下年期最長及信用狀況良好的一張個人基本信用卡計算(已取消的信用卡和 iCAN 卡除外)。
8. 「年資折扣」不適用於換領「獎賞錢」禮券計劃、「八達通日日賞」、飛行里數、信用卡年費豁免、「飛行優惠計劃」年費豁免及任何特定換領優惠(如適用),亦不可
與其他推廣優惠或折扣同時使用(特別註明除外) 。
9. 換領的禮品如有遺失、損毀或被竊,滙豐概不負責。
10. 本行保留對本條款及細則作出刪改的權利,惟本行會事先通知持卡人。
C) 「獎賞錢」禮券計劃
1. 持卡人如欲參加「獎賞錢」禮券計劃(「禮券計劃」),必須透過滙豐網上理財或交回填妥的登記表格申請參加禮券計劃。只有成功登記的持卡人,方合資格參加禮券
2. 持卡人可同時登記其名下多張的滙豐信用卡基本卡及其下的附屬卡。持卡人必須選擇其中一張信用卡基本卡作每月合併累計「獎賞錢」(「合併信用卡」)之用。
3. 持卡人可隨時進行登記、更新或取消參與禮券計劃。若透過滙豐網上理財進行登記、更新或取消參與禮券計劃,本行將於下一個工作天內完成有關指示;若透過下
4. 一經成功登記,本行會於每個結單日,將已登記信用卡戶口內累積及剩餘的「獎賞錢」轉移至合併信用卡戶口,以合併計算可獲發的「獎賞錢」禮券數目。有關的


白金 Visa 卡重要事項及條款
5. 合併信用卡戶口內累積及剩餘的「獎賞錢」,會於每個結單日按每 $50「獎賞錢」為單位計算禮券數目。持卡人可透過合併信用卡的月結單及滙豐網上理財查閱於任
6. 不論「獎賞錢」禮券的總額多少,每張「獎賞錢」禮券只可於其中一間列印於「獎賞錢」禮券上的參與商戶門市全數兌換相等價值的商戶禮券。持卡人必須出示
7. 持卡人可獲發的「獎賞錢」禮券數目,會於每年的三月、六月、九月及十二月結算。持卡人將於下一個月,即四月、七月、十月及一月,以郵遞收取有關「獎賞錢」
8. 「獎賞錢」禮券有效期為三個月;逾期的「獎賞錢」禮券將不獲補發。
9. 已轉移至合併信用卡戶口的「獎賞錢」將不可再轉回至個別信用卡戶口;於合併信用卡戶口內所累積或已獲發的「獎賞錢」禮券亦不可再轉回為「獎賞錢」。
10. 登記信用卡戶口於本行發出「獎賞錢」禮券時必須狀況良好,持卡人方會獲發「獎賞錢」禮券。如登記的信用卡戶口未能維持良好狀況(包括但不限於被取消或凍
11. 在任何情況下,「獎賞錢」禮券不可兌換現金或轉至其他戶口。「獎賞錢」禮券如有遺失、損毀或被竊,本行概不負責。
12. 對於任何有關禮券計劃交易紀錄、持卡人參加資格及其他的爭議,本行保留最終決定權。
13. 本行保留對本條款及細則作出刪改的權利,惟本行會事先通知持卡人。
D) 「飛行優惠計劃」
1. 所有滙豐信用卡持卡人如要參加「飛行優惠計劃」(下稱「飛行優惠計劃」),即使已成為一個或多個參與飛行優惠計劃的航空公司飛行優惠計劃會員,仍須填寫登記
2. 只有合資格參加「獎賞錢」的滙豐信用卡持卡人方可參加「飛行優惠計劃」(下稱「飛行優惠計劃」持卡人)。
3. 參加「飛行優惠計劃」的持卡人,其信用卡戶口必須有效及信用狀況良好,方可將「獎賞錢」轉換為參與本「飛行優惠計劃」的航空公司飛行計劃的里數。
4. 「飛行優惠計劃」持卡人同意向滙豐繳付「飛行優惠計劃」的年費港幣 300 元 /40 美元 /人民幣 300 元。此年費將於到期時從「飛行優惠計劃」持卡人戶口支取,
5. 每 $1「獎賞錢」可轉換為 15 英里。
6. 「飛行優惠計劃」持卡人每次將「獎賞錢」過戶至任何參與本「飛行優惠計劃」的航空公司飛行計劃的戶口時,不可少於 $40「獎賞錢」。
7. 「飛行優惠計劃」持卡人名下各種信用卡(例如匯財卡、萬事達卡、日財金卡及人民幣金卡 /普通卡)的「獎賞錢」均可合併作為轉換飛行里數之用,惟基本卡及附
8. 已過戶的「獎賞錢」不可再轉回「飛行優惠計劃」持卡人的信用卡戶口或轉入其他航空公司的飛行計劃戶口內。
9. 所有「獎賞錢」須於有效期屆滿前過戶至參與本「飛行優惠計劃」的航空公司飛行計劃戶口內。
10. 對於已由「飛行優惠計劃」持卡人戶口過戶至航空公司飛行計劃的「獎賞錢」,或有份參與本「飛行優惠計劃」的航空公司就其飛行計劃採取的任何行動,滙豐概不
11. 對於一切有關本「飛行優惠計劃」的參加資格或轉換「獎賞錢」的問題及爭議,滙豐保留最終決定權。
14. 參與本「飛行優惠計劃」的航空公司可隨時作局部或全部修改其飛行計劃的規條,包括規則、條文、優惠、參加資格及里數轉換,是否作出通知將由個別航空公司
15. 滙豐可增加或減少參與本「飛行優惠計劃」的航空公司數目,惟滙豐會事先通知「飛行優惠計劃」持卡人。
16. 滙豐可全權決定有關優惠卡及聯營卡持卡人參與本「飛行優惠計劃」的資格。
17. 滙豐保留對本條款及細則或計劃作出刪改的權利,惟滙豐會事先通知「飛行優惠計劃」持卡人。
E) 「八達通日日賞」轉換計劃
1. 所有持有由滙豐發出的個人信用卡持卡人如欲參加「八達通日日賞」轉換計劃(「本計劃」),必需先自行向八達通獎賞有限公司申請成為「八達通日日賞」會員,滙
2. 只有合資格參加「獎賞錢」的持卡人並填妥由滙豐提供的本計劃登記表格,方合資格參加本計劃。
3. 所有成功登記參加本計劃的「獎賞錢」持卡人(已登記「八達通日日賞」持卡人),其信用卡戶口必須有效及信用狀況良好,方可將「獎賞錢」轉換為八達通日日賞
$(「日日賞 $」)。
4. 滙豐保留收取本計劃年費的權利,並會預先通知已登記「八達通日日賞」持卡人。
5. 每 $20「獎賞錢」可轉換為日日賞 $20。轉換必須以每 $20「獎賞錢」為單位,每次最多可轉換 $200「獎賞錢」相等於日日賞 $200。已登記「八達通日日賞」持卡
6. 已登記「八達通日日賞」持卡人名下各種信用卡(包括匯財卡、萬事達卡、日財金卡及人民幣金 /普通卡),以及基本卡與附屬卡的「獎賞錢」均可合併作為轉換日
日賞 $ 之用。
7. 已登記「八達通日日賞」持卡人必須於「獎賞錢」有效期屆滿前轉換成日日賞 $。
8. 「獎賞錢」轉換申請一經提交予滙豐批核及處理,將不得取消或撤回;所有被成功轉換為日日賞 $ 的「獎賞錢」,不可再轉回已登記「八達通日日賞」持卡人的信用卡
9. 已登記「八達通日日賞」持卡人同意滙豐在有需要情況下提供 賞計劃持卡人個人資料予八達通獎賞有限公司,以確保「獎賞錢」轉換申請獲成功處理,並存入已登
10. 滙豐及八達通獎賞有限公司將於十四日內完成處理「獎賞錢」轉換申請。已登記「八達通日日賞」持卡人須於「獎賞錢」轉換申請獲成功處理後自行下載所轉換的日
日賞 $。「獎賞錢」轉換申請獲成功處理後將不作另行通知。已登記「八達通日日賞」持卡人同意持卡人有責任於轉換申請獲成功處理後 90 日內,自行到任何「八
達通日日賞」綜合服務點下載所轉換的日日賞 $ 至其已登記有關計劃的八達通卡。如已登記「八達通日日賞」持卡人未能如期進行有關下載程序,所轉換的日日賞
$ 將會被自動取消並不作另行通知。滙豐不會就此承擔任何責任。
的「獎賞錢」轉換申請,或八達通獎賞有限公司就其獎賞計劃採取的任何行動,滙豐概不承擔任何責任。如已登記「八達通日日賞」持卡人對已轉換的日日賞 $
12. 對於一切有關本計劃的參加資格或轉換「獎賞錢」的問題及爭議,滙豐保留最終決定權。
13.「獎賞錢」的累積及過戶若涉及任何舞弊或欺詐行為,所有已累積的「獎賞錢」/日日賞 $ 及已登記「八達通日日賞」持卡人的信用卡均可被取消。
14. 已登記「八達通日日賞」持卡人必須遵守由八達通獎賞有限公司所訂立有關「八達通日日賞」計劃的條款及條件,並受該等規則約束,方能參加本計劃。
15. 八達通獎賞有限公司可隨時作局部或全部修改其「八達通日日賞」計劃的規條,包括規則、條文、優惠、參加資格及日日賞 $ 使用方式,是否作出通知將由八達通獎
賞有限公司決定,而該等改變或會對已累積的日日賞 $ 造成若干影響。
16. 滙豐保留對本條款及細則或計劃作出刪改的權利,惟滙豐會事先通知已登記「八達通日日賞」持卡人。

由 2010 年 4 月 25 日起生效




白金 Visa 卡重要事項及條款
The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
• Credit Card Cardholder Agreement
• Information on your Visa Platinum Card
• ATM card Terms and Conditions
• RewardCash Programme

Credit Card Cardholder Agreement

Important! Before you use your Visa Platinum/Visa Gold/Gold MasterCard/JCB Gold Card/Visa/MasterCard or other specified card issued by The Hongkong and Shanghai
Banking Corporation Limited, please read carefully the Cardholder Agreement printed below. By using the Card you are accepting the Terms and Conditions set out below
and will be bound by them.
The Visa Platinum/Visa Gold/Gold MasterCard/JCB Gold Card/Visa/MasterCard (or such other card as may be specified by the Bank from time to time, ‘the Card’ is issued
by The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (‘the Bank’ on the following terms and conditions:
1 The Card is the property of the Bank and will be returned to the Bank immediately by the Cardholder upon the Bank’s request.
2 The person to whom the Card is issued (‘the Cardholder’ will sign the Card immediately upon receipt and will not permit any other person to use it and will at all times
safeguard the Card and keep it under the Cardholder’s personal control.
3 Each credit card is assigned a credit limit that applies to both purchase and cash advance transactions. For your own credit limit, please refer to your card statement.
The Bank may at its discretion allow for any card transactions exceeding the credit limit, and reduce the credit limit according to the result of its credit risk assessment
of you or the card account, without prior notice to you.
4 The Cardholder will be responsible for all credit card facilities granted by the Bank in respect of the Card and for all Card Transactions effected by the Cardholder (whether
voluntarily or otherwise) as well as all related charges hereunder, notwithstanding the termination of this Agreement.
5 The Bank will assign a credit limit to the Card Account which must be strictly observed by the Cardholder and which may be varied by the Bank from time to time as
provided below or by notice to the Cardholder. The Cardholder may apply for a review of his/her assigned credit limit at any time. The Bank may at its sole discretion
(but shall not be obliged to), without prior notice to the Cardholder, increase the credit limit from time to time or permit Card Transactions to be effected in excess of
the credit limit and the Cardholder shall be liable for any related transaction in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. The Bank may at its sole discretion, as a
result of a reasonable assessment of the credit risks associated with the Card Account or the Cardholder based on information available to the Bank, reduce the credit
limit to such amount as it thinks fit without prior notice to the Cardholder.
6 (a) A statement will normally be provided to the Cardholder monthly on the Statement Date (‘the statement Date’) with details of the total amount outstanding on
the Card Account (‘the Statement Balance’), the minimum sum to be paid by the Cardholder in respect of the Statement Balance as determined by the Bank (‘the
Minimum Payment Due’), such part of the Minimum Payment Due that is payable immediately and the date by which the remaining payment must be made to
the Bank (‘the Payment Due Date’). Payment of any part of the Statement Balance effected by cheque or other means will be accepted on and subject to the
Bank’s normal terms and conditions.
(b) If payment of the whole of the Statement Balance is received by the Bank on or before the Payment Due Date, no finance charge will be payable in respect of the
(c) If the Cardholder fails to pay the Bank the whole of the Statement Balance by the Payment Due Date, a finance charge will be applied (a) to each Card Transaction
(excluding cash advance) making up the Statement Balance, as well as new transactions (excluding cash advances) entered into by the Cardholder since the last
Statement Date, from the transaction date and (b) to any other amounts making up the Statement Balance from the last Statement Date, until the Statement
Balance is paid in full. The finance charge will accrue daily and be calculated at the interest rate per month as specified in the Bank’s An easy guide to bank tariffs
for HSBC personal banking customers for the time being in force.
(d) If the Cardholder fails to pay the whole of the Minimum Payment Due by the Payment Due Date, a further late charge will be debited to the Card Account on the
next following Statement Date.
(e) Without prejudice to Clause 5, if the Statement Balance exceeds the credit limit for the time being assigned to the Card Account, the Bank reserves the right to
charge an overlimit handling fee which will be debited to the Card Account on the Statement Date.
(f) A handling fee will be charged to the Card Account for each returned cheque deposited in, or rejected autoPay to, the Card Account where the cheque or autoPay
is not drawn on an account with the Bank.
7 Cash advances shall include all cash withdrawals made from the Card Account including, without limitation, cash withdrawals from any funds earlier transferred or
otherwise credited to the Card Account. Cash advances will be subject to a handling charge plus a cash advance fee. All charges are flat and shall be debited to the
Card Account as at the date of the advance. No other charges are payable in respect of the cash advance if it is repaid by the Payment Due Date of the Statement on
which it is first posted. The Bank may by notice to the Cardholder modify the fee and/or handling charges from time to time.
8 All fund transfers into or credits made to the Card Account will immediately be applied by the Bank to reduce the then existing outstanding balance in the Card
Account which, if exceed the said outstanding balance, will be applied to fund future Card Transactions as and when they are debited to the Card Account.
9 The Cardholder agrees to pay the Bank’s initial and/or periodical fee for the Card. Fees will be debited to the Card Account when due and are not refundable.
10 (a) To enable the Bank to consider whether to provide the Cardholder with any services, the Cardholder is required to supply the Bank from time to time the
Cardholder’s personal information (‘Personal Data’) (in such manner as may be prescribed or accepted by the bank from time to time). His/her failure to do so may
result in the Bank’s inability to provide such services.
(b) The Personal Data will be used for considering the Cardholder’s request and subject to the Bank agreeing to provide such service, the Personal Data and details
and all information relating to any transactions or dealings with the Bank will be used in connection with the provision of such service to the Cardholder.
The Cardholder agrees that the Bank may use, store, transfer (whether within or outside the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region), disclose to or obtain from
other financial institutions, charge or credit card issuing companies, credit information or reference bureaux, agencies or organisations which provide information
exchange services to financial institutions, credit card issuing companies, collection agencies, computer and printing firms, service providers or any other person
as the Bank considers necessary, including any member of the HSBC Group, information for any purpose in connection with services the Bank may provide to
the Cardholder, and/or in connection with matching for whatever purpose (whether or not with a view to taking any adverse action against the Cardholder) with
other personal data concerning the Cardholder, and/or for the purpose of promoting, improving and furthering the provision of services by the Bank/other HSBC
Group members to customers generally, and/or any other purposes and to such persons as may be in accordance with the Bank’s general policy on disclosure of
personal data as set out in Statements, Circulars, Notices or other Terms and Conditions made available by the Bank to the Cardholder from time to time.
Where the service provider is situated outside Hong Kong in an area where there are less stringent data protection laws, the Bank will impose on the service
provider confidentiality undertakings substantially similar to the requirements of the data protection laws in Hong Kong. In any event, the Bank will remain
responsible for ensuring the confidentiality of such Personal Data, details and information.
(c) The Cardholder has the right to request access to and correction of any of the Personal Data or to request the Personal Data not to be used for direct marketing
purposes. Any request may be made in writing and addressed to the Data Protection Officer, The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, Kowloon
Central Post Office PO Box 72677 (Fax: 2288 5922). The Bank will comply with such requests unless the Bank may or is required to refuse to do so under the
applicable law and regulations.
11 If the Bank has reasonably incurred any legal or collection fees or other expenses which are of reasonable amount for the purpose of demanding, collecting or suing,
to recover any sum payable hereunder from the Cardholder, or for other remedies resulting from the breach or non-compliance of any terms of this Agreement, the
Cardholder will fully reimburse the Bank for all such legal fees, and any other fees and expenses incurred in that connection. Pending such repayment, the Bank will be
entitled to continue to charge finance charges at its prevailing rate(s).
12 Payments and credits to the Account may be applied in the following order: firstly, any legal and collection fees, finance charges, cash advance fees, late charges,
service, return cheque/reject autoPay and card replacement fees; and lastly, the outstanding principal amount of the Transactions; or in any other order as the Bank
considers appropriate without prior reference to the Cardholder.
13 All Card Transactions effected in currencies other than Hong Kong dollars will be debited to the Card Account after conversion into Hong Kong dollars at a rate of
exchange determined by reference to the exchange rate adopted by Visa/MasterCard/JCB International on the date of conversion, plus an additional percentage levied
by the Bank and any transaction fee(s) charged by Visa/MasterCard/JCB International to the Bank, if applicable, which fees may be shared with the Bank.
14 If the Cardholder is required by any applicable laws or regulations to make any deduction or withholding from any sum payable by the Cardholder to the Bank
hereunder, then the liability in respect of that deduction or withholding shall be the liability of the Cardholder such that after the making of such deduction or
withholding the net payment shall be equal to the amount which the Bank would have received had no such deduction or withholding been made. It shall be the sole
responsibility of the Cardholder to effect payment of such deduction or withholding to the relevant authority within the applicable time limit and the Cardholder shall
indemnify the Bank for all consequences of the Cardholder’s failure to do so.
15 The Bank accepts no responsibility for the refusal of any merchant establishment to honour the Card. Nor will the Bank be responsible in any way for any goods
or services supplied to the Cardholder. No claim by the Cardholder against the merchant establishment will relieve the Cardholder from any obligation to the Bank
hereunder. In particular, the setting up, modification or termination of direct debit authorisation instructions for any regular payment to be charged to the Card Account
is strictly between the Cardholder and the respective merchant establishment(s). The Bank reserves the right not to set up, modify or terminate any such arrangement
in the event of any dispute between the Cardholder and the merchant establishment.
16 The Cardholder should notify the Bank’s Card Centre of any transaction in any statement that was not authorised by the Cardholder within 60 days of the date of the
statement. If the Cardholder fails to report within the said period, the transaction(s) shown on the statement will be considered correct.
Where the Cardholder reports an unauthorised transaction before the relevant settlement date, the Cardholder shall be entitled to withhold payment of the disputed
amount. The Bank shall not impose any interest or finance charges on such disputed amount while it is under investigation by the Bank, or make an adverse credit
report against the Cardholder. If, following a good faith investigation by the Bank, the investigation results (which shall be binding on the Cardholder) show that the
report made by the Cardholder was unfounded, the Bank reserves the right to re-impose the interest or finance charges on the disputed amount over the whole
period, including the investigation period.

Member HSBC Group

17 The retrieval fee for the photocopy of sales drafts will be debited to the Card Account.
18 The Cards are the property of the Bank and are not transferable. The loss or theft of any Card, or the loss, theft or disclosure to a third party of any number used
in relation to any cash advance or ATM function or facility incorporated in a Card, should be reported immediately upon discovery of loss, theft or disclosure (to
the Bank’s Card Centre in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) telephone: 2233 3000 or, if overseas, to any member of Visa, MasterCard or JCB
International). The Cardholder shall be liable for all cash advances effected as a result of the unauthorised use of any such number and for all other transactions
debited to the Card Account as a result of the unauthorised use of a Card (‘Non-cash Transactions’ until notification of its loss, theft or disclosure has been received
by the Bank or by a member of Visa, MasterCard or JCB International provided that, except in the circumstances described below, the Cardholder’s maximum liability
for Non-cash Transactions shall be HK$500. The Cardholder shall be fully liable for all Non-cash Transactions, without limit, if the Cardholder has acted fraudulently or
with gross negligence in using or safeguarding the Card or has knowingly (whether voluntarily or otherwise) provided the Card to or let the Card be taken by a third
party or has failed to make a report in accordance with this Clause as soon as reasonably practicable upon discovery of loss or theft. Failure to follow any measures to
safeguard the Card (and such number) or with regard to the usage thereof as recommended by the Bank in any communication to the Cardholder from time to time
may be treated as gross negligence for the above purpose.
19 The Bank will be under no obligation to issue a replacement Card to the Cardholder following its loss or theft. Any replacement Card will be subject to a handling fee.
20 In addition to any general right of set-off or other rights conferred by law or under any other agreement, the Bank may, without notice, combine or consolidate
the outstanding balance on the Card Account (including, in the case of a Primary Cardholder, on any Additional Card Account) with any other account(s) which the
Cardholder maintains with the Bank and set-off or transfer any money standing to the credit of such other account(s) in or towards satisfaction of the Cardholder’s
liability to the Bank under this Agreement.
21 (a) The Cardholder may terminate this Agreement at any time by written notice to the Bank accompanied by the return of the Card, any Additional Cards and linked
Private Label Cards. Where this Agreement relates to the use of an Additional Card, the Cardholder or the Additional Cardholder may terminate this Agreement
(insofar as it relates to the use of the Additional Card) by written notice to the Bank accompanied by the return of the Additional Card. Returned Cards should be
cut in two.
(b) The Bank may terminate this Agreement at any time by cancelling the Card with or without prior notice and with or without cause.
22 Unless the Bank otherwise specifies, the whole of the outstanding balance on the Card Account together with the amount of any outstanding Card Transactions
effected but not yet charged to the Card Account will become immediately due and payable in full to the Bank on termination of this Agreement or on the Cardholder’s
bankruptcy or death. The Bank may employ third parties to collect any outstandings. The Cardholder or his estate will be responsible for settling any outstandings on
the Card Account (including without limitation any regular payments, whenever charged or debited to the Card Account, under arrangements which are authorised or
set up prior to the date of termination of this Agreement or the Cardholder’s bankruptcy or death) and shall keep the Bank indemnified for all reasonable amounts of
costs (including legal fees) and expenses reasonably incurred in recovering such outstandings. Pending such repayment, the Bank will be entitled to continue to charge
financing charges at its prevailing rate(s).
23 The Cardholder will notify the Bank’s Card Centre promptly (in such manner as may be prescribed or accepted by the bank from time to time) of any changes in
employment or his/her contact details (including without limitation address, telephone number, email address and fax number).
24 Without prejudice to the other provisions of this Agreement, if the Cardholder should be absent from the Hong Kong SAR for more than one month, arrangements to
settle the Card Account should be made prior to his/her departure.
25 Should the Bank issue an Additional Card at the joint request of the Cardholder and Additional Cardholder, the Additional Cardholder will be bound by the Terms and
Conditions of this Agreement and shall be liable for the use of the Additional Card, notwithstanding that the Primary Cardholder shall remain liable for the use of both
his/her Card and the Additional Card and that the Bank shall have complete discretion in recovering charges incurred by the Additional Card from either the Primary
Cardholder or the Additional Cardholder or both. In relation to Clause 21(a) above concerning cancellation of an Additional Card, the Cardholder may be liable for any
payments arising from the use of the Additional Card until it has been returned or until the Bank is able to implement the procedures which apply to lost cards if the
Cardholder so requests. The Additional Cardholder shall not be liable for the use of the Card by the Primary Cardholder or the use of any other Additional Card by any
other Additional Cardholder.
26 Where an ATM facility has been incorporated in the Card so that it may be used to effect banking transactions by electronic means, whether at Automated Teller
Machines (‘ATMs’), Point-Of-Sale terminals or otherwise, the use of such facility will be subject to the Bank’s ATM card Terms and Conditions in the ATM card
Application Form available at all branches (for which purpose the Card Account will be ‘the Cardholder’s account’) in addition to these Terms and Conditions.
27 A Cardholder’s and an Additional Cardholder’s respective use of the ‘Phonebanking Service’ will at all times be governed by the terms and conditions that apply to the
Bank’s Phonebanking Service which are currently set out in Section 5 of the General Terms and Conditions (for Personal Sole Account, Joint Account and Business
Account Holders) issued by the Bank.
28 In the course of providing Credit Card services, the Bank may need to record verbal instructions received from the Cardholder and/or any verbal communication
between the Cardholder and the Bank in relation to such services.
29 The Bank reserves the right to destroy any documents relating to the Card Account after microfilming the same.
30 The Bank may from time to time introduce new products/services to be made available to Cardholders including but not limited to the Mileage Programme and
RewardCash Programme which shall be governed by specific terms of such products/services and, in case of any conflict between these specific terms and the terms
herein, the former shall prevail.
31 Any Credit Card instalment plan will be governed by the terms and conditions applicable to the plan, available at the merchant outlets where Cardholders apply for the
plan. In case of any conflict between such terms and the terms herein, the former shall prevail.
32 Any notice given by the Bank hereunder will be deemed to have been received by the Cardholder after
(a) personal delivery of such notice to the cardholder if it is personally delivered; or
(b) the Bank has posted such notice by post if the notice is sent by post; or
(c) the Bank has emailed such notice if it is sent by email; or
(d) the Bank has placed such notice in the Personal Internet Banking Profile of the cardholder if it is made available therein.
33 The current fees, charges and interest rates referred to herein are set in the Bank’s An easy guide to bank tariffs for HSBC personal banking customers available at
all branches upon request. If particular services not specified herein are required, other fees and charges as set out in the Bank’s An easy guide to bank tariffs for
HSBC personal banking customers may apply. The Bank reserves the right to alter these Terms and Conditions as well as such amounts, credit limits, interest rates,
percentages or other fees and charges from time to time and may notify the Cardholder of any such alterations in any manner it thinks fit. The Cardholder will be
bound by such alterations unless the Card is returned to the Bank for cancellation before the date upon which any alteration is to have effect.
34 The Card shall not be used for payment of any gambling or other transaction which is illegal under any applicable laws and the Bank reserves the right to decline
processing or paying any Card Transaction which it suspects to be a gambling or other transaction which is illegal. In the event that the Bank suspects, believes
or otherwise has knowledge that any Card Transaction effected is for the purpose of or is otherwise related to gambling or a transaction which is illegal under any
applicable or relevant laws, the Bank reserves the right to reverse or cancel that Card Transaction.
35 The Bank shall not be liable for any delay, failure or computer processing error in providing any of the Bank’s equipment or other facilities or services to the Cardholder
to the extent that it is attributable to any cause beyond the Bank’s reasonable control including any equipment malfunction or failure and under no circumstances shall
the Bank be responsible to the Cardholder or any third party for any indirect or consequential losses arising out of or in connection with such delay, failure or computer
processing error. In particular, but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, the Bank shall incur no liability as a result of any act or omission of any third
party (which is not acting as an agent of the Bank) through which any facilities or services to the Cardholder may be made available provided that the Bank shall have
exercised reasonable care and skill in connection with its dealings with such third party.
36 This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong SAR.

Effective from 25 April 2010

NOTE: In case of discrepancies between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall apply and prevail.

Information on your Visa Platinum Card

The following information on the use of a credit card from HSBC is for your reference. For a comprehensive set of legally binding terms and conditions, please refer to the
Cardholder Agreement.
1 For your own protection, please take good care of your credit card from HSBC (the Bank) and note the security of your personal identification number (PIN):
a) Sign your card as soon as you receive it.
b) Keep a note of your card number in a safe place, separate from the card.
c) Keep your card in a secure place and treat it as if it were cash.
d) Remember to take your card from the Automated Teller Machine (ATM) after use.
e) Always complete the ‘total’ box on the sales slip, with a currency sign before the numbers, and don’t leave space for extra figures.
f) Watch and ensure that only one sales slip is imprinted for each transaction.
g) Make sure your card is returned to you promptly after use.
h) Keep the customer copy of your sales slips and check them against your monthly statements.
i) Destroy your personal identification number (PIN) advice after memorising it.
j) Do not write down or record your PIN. If you wish to keep a written record of your PIN, disguise it and never keep it on or close to your card.
k) Do not let anyone else use your card and PIN.
l) Do not choose obvious numbers for your PIN, such as your ID card number, date of birth, personal telephone numbers or other easily accessible personal
m) For extra security, change your PIN regularly.
n) Make sure your PIN is protected from view when you access our Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS), logon to the HSBC on-line banking service, and use
the ATM or any other electronic payment terminal. If you think someone has seen your PIN, change it immediately.



2 If your card/PIN has been lost or stolen, or if your PIN is disclosed to a third party, please report the incident immediately by calling HSBC Personal Banking Hotline on
(852) 2233 3000 or inform the nearest HSBC branch. If you are overseas, report to any Visa member bank.
Please note that you are liable for all amounts debited to your credit card as a result of the unauthorised use of your card/PIN until you report loss, theft or disclosure
of your card or PIN. Provided that you have not knowingly provided your card to a third party, or you have not acted fraudulently or with gross negligence, and you
have informed us as soon as practicable after having found that your card has been lost, stolen or disclosed, your liability for the card transactions will be limited to a
maximum of HK$500 (except that cash advances effected with the use of the PIN will not be subject to this limit).
3 Each credit card is assigned a credit limit that applies to both purchase and cash advance transactions. For your own credit limit, please refer to your card statement.
The Bank may at its discretion allow for any card transactions exceeding the credit limit, and reduce the credit limit according to the result of its credit risk assessment
of you or the card account, without prior notice to you.
4 If you draw a cash advance at the counter of the Bank, the withdrawal limit will be equal to your available credit limit. If you draw a cash advance through Automated
Teller Machines (ATMs), there will be a daily limit of HK$10,000 or your available credit limit whichever is lower.
5 All funds credited to the Card Account will be applied to reduce its outstanding balance. Any credit balance resulting from this will be added to the available credit
6 If you maintain other account(s) with the Bank and you have linked them to your credit card, you may use your credit card to withdraw cash/transfer fund from the
account(s) through ATMs or to pay funds from the account(s) through the Easy Pay System (EPS). There is a daily cash withdrawal limit of HK$20,000 for ATMs (or the
local currency equivalent if drawn from an ATM overseas) and a daily transfer limit of HK$50,000 for transfers to any accounts not linked to the credit card. There is no
limit imposed on transfers among your accounts linked to the credit card. For payment through EPS, the daily maximum limit is HK$50,000.
7 You may register for HSBC’s internet banking services using your credit card and your credit card PIN to perform banking transactions online. The use of such facility
will be subject to the Bank’s Terms and Conditions for HSBC Internet Banking.
8 The Bank accepts no responsibility for the non-acceptance of the card by any merchant, or for the quality of goods and services provided by any merchant, or for any
regular payment arrangement with any merchant. If you have any concerns regarding a merchant, you may call HSBC Personal Banking Hotline on (852) 2233 3000.
However, a cardholder is required to settle the related transaction(s) even if he/she is claiming against the merchant.
9 Upon receipt of your credit card statement, please check the entries against your credit card sales slips. If you have any queries on the statement entries, you should
refer to the Bank by calling HSBC Personal Banking Hotline within 60 days of the statement date.
10 On all purchase transactions charged to your card, you can enjoy an interest-free period of up to 56 days.
11 If you are holding a Hong Kong dollar credit card issued by the Bank, transactions effected in currencies other than Hong Kong dollars will be debited to the Card
Account after conversion into Hong Kong dollars at a rate of exchange determined by reference to the exchange rate adopted by Visa International on the date of
conversion, plus an additional percentage levied by the Bank and any transaction fee(s) charged by Visa International to the Bank, if applicable, which fees may be
shared with the Bank.
12 The following fees and charges apply as appropriate:
a) Finance charge: If the whole amount of the statement balance is not received by the Bank on or before the payment due date, a finance charge, calculated at 2.33%
per month (equivalent to an annualized percentage rate((APR)) of 31.86% on purchase and 33.07% on cash advance, inclusive of the handling and cash advance
fee)*, will be applied to each card transaction (excluding cash advance) comprised in the statement balance and all new transactions (excluding cash advances)
entered into since the last statement date, calculated from the transaction date; as well as to any other amounts comprised in the statement balance calculated
from the last statement date, until the current balance is paid in full.
b) Late charge: If the minimum payment due is not received by the Bank on or before the payment due date, a late charge of 5% of the minimum payment (subject
to a minimum of HK$180 and a maximum of HK$250) will be levied on your card account.
c) Overlimit handling fee: If the statement balance exceeds the credit limit for the time being assigned to the card account, an overlimit handling fee of HK$180
will be debited to the card account on the statement date.
d) Cash advance fee: Cash advances include all cash withdrawals made from the Card Account including withdrawals from funds credited to the Card Account. It
will be subject to a handling fee of 3% on the amount of advance (a minimum of HK$80 for an over-the-counter cash advance and a minimum of HK$55 for an
advance made from an ATM or through any other channels) plus a cash advance fee of 2% on the amount of advance. The charges are flat and shall be debited to
the card account as at the date of the advance.
e) Card replacement fee: A fee of HK$100 (HK$30 for a Private Label Card) will be charged for each card replaced before renewal.
f) Returned cheque/rejected autoPay: A handling fee of HK$100 will be charged to the card account for each returned cheque or rejected autoPay if it is drawn on
a bank other than HSBC.
g) Annual fee: The annual fee for Visa Platinum primary and combined additional cards are as follows:
i) Primary card: HK$1,500.
ii) Combined additional card: HK$750.
This fee is subject to change at the Bank’s discretion.
If you require any additional services (such as extra copies of account statements, clearing of foreign cheques paid into the account, etc.), other fees and charges may
apply. For details, please refer to ‘An easy guide to bank tariffs for HSBC personal banking customers’ available at any HSBC branch in Hong Kong.
13 Termination of your card will not automatically lead to termination of any merchant auto payment arrangement, such as autoPay, instalment plan, etc., that are set
up or authorised prior to the termination of the card. If you wish to modify/terminate any merchant auto payment arrangement, please directly contact the related
merchant(s) who will be responsible for making the necessary arrangements.
14 Whether you are a primary cardholder or an additional cardholder, if you maintain an outstanding balance on your card account (or, if you are the primary cardholder,
any additional card account also), the Bank may, without notice, combine or consolidate the outstanding balance with any other account(s) (including credit card
and deposit accounts) that you maintain with the Bank and set-off or transfer the money to settle the outstanding balance of your card account (or, for a primary
cardholder, any additional card account).
15 Upon termination of a card account or a cardholder’s bankruptcy or death, the cardholder or his/her estate has to pay in full to the Bank the whole of the outstanding
balance of his/her card account together with the amount of any transactions effected but not yet charged to the account. The Bank may employ third parties to collect
any outstandings and request reimbursement of all cost or charges reasonably incurred from the cardholder or his/her estate.
16 As a primary cardholder, you are liable for the use of the primary as well as any additional card. The Bank may recover any outstandings and charges incurred by the
additional card from either the primary or the additional cardholder or both. However, an additional cardholder is liable for the use of his/her own additional card only
and is not liable for the associated primary card or any other additional cards linked to that primary card account.
17 Your card may not be used for payment of any gambling or other transaction which is illegal under any applicable laws. We have a chargeback right in respect of such
transactions effected.

* This APR is calculated based on a set of assumptions as set out in the relevant guidelines as referred to in the Code of Banking Practice and the actual APR applied may
be different.

Effective from 1 February 2009.

ATM card Terms and Conditions

In these Terms and Conditions to which the use of ATM card’s will be subject, ‘ATM card shall mean any card issued to the Cardholder by the Bank which may be used to
effect banking transactions by electronic means whether at auto­mated teller machines (‘ATMs ), point of sale terminals or otherwise. ‘Cardholder’s account shall mean
any account nominated by the Cardholder in respect of the ATM card.
1. The ATM card is and will be at all times, the property of the Bank. The Bank reserves the right to withdraw, at its discretion, the ATM card and/or any of the services
thereby offered at any time without prior notice.
2. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 5, the Cardholder will be responsible for all transactions effected by use of the ATM card, whether authorised by the Cardholder
or not.
3. The Cardholder’s account will be debited with the amount of any withdrawal, transfer and/or other transaction effected by use of the ATM card. The Cardholder will
maintain sufficient funds in the Cardholder’s account to meet any such transactions.
4. The Personal Identification Number issued to the Cardholder for use with the ATM card services and any number(s) substituted by the Cardholder for that
purpose (‘PINs ) are strictly confidential. PINs should not be disclosed to any third party under any circumstances or by any means whether voluntarily or
otherwise. The Cardholder should not keep any written record of any PIN in any place or manner which may enable a third party to use the ATM card.
5. The loss or theft of the ATM card should be reported to the Bank immediately and confirmed in writing as soon as possible. The Cardholder will be
responsible for all transactions effected by use of the ATM card until such notification. The Bank will debit the Cardholder’s account with any cost incurred
in issuing a replacement ATM card.
6. Cash and/or cheques deposited with any ATM by use of the ATM card will only be credited to the Cardholder’s account after verification by the Bank. The statement
issued by the ATM at the time of deposit only represents what the Cardholder purports to have deposited and will not be binding on the Bank. Cheques will be
accepted for collection only and the proceeds will not be available until they have been cleared.
7. The Bank will not be liable for any failure to provide any service or to perform any obligation hereunder where such failure is attributable (whether directly or indirectly)
to any dispute or other circumstance beyond its control. The Bank will not be liable for any consequential or indirect damages arising from or related to the use of the
ATM card.
8. The Cardholder’s account will be debited with such charges as the Bank may from time to time consider reasonable in respect of the ATM card provided that prior
notice of such charges is given to the Cardholder.
9. Networks: The Bank reserves the right to disclose, in strict confidence, to other institutions (whether within or outside Hong Kong), such information concerning the
Cardholder’s account as may be necessary or appropriate in connection with its participation in any electronic fund transfer network.
10. The Bank reserves the right to add to, delete and/or to vary any of these Terms and Conditions upon notice to the Cardholder. Use of the ATM card after
the date upon which any change to these Terms and Conditions is to have effect (as specified in the Bank’s notice) will constitute acceptance without
reservation by the Cardholder of such change. If the Cardholder does not accept any proposed change, the ATM card must be returned to the Bank prior to
the date upon which such change is to have effect.



11. Any notice hereunder sent by post will be deemed to have been received by the Cardholder within 7 days of posting to the address last notified in writing to the Bank
by the Cardholder. Publication of change by such means as the Bank may consider appropriate will constitute effective notice to the Cardholder thereof.
12. If more than one person signs or agrees to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, the obligation and liabilities of such persons hereunder will be joint and several
and, as the context may require, words herein denoting the singular only will be deemed to include the plural. Any notice hereunder to any one such person will be
deemed effective notification to all such persons.
13. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

RewardCash Programme
Terms and Conditions
A) General Terms and Conditions
1. Only holders (‘the Cardholders’) of personal credit cards (including Hong Kong dollar, US dollar and Renminbi primary and additional cards) (‘the Cards’) issued by
The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (‘HSBC’) in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region are eligible to participate in the RewardCash
Programme (‘the Programme’). Standalone private label card and iCAN card cardholders are not eligible for the Programme.
2. Cardholders earn $1 RewardCash for every HK$250 spent (excluding cash advances, fees and charges, withdrawal amount under the Cash Credit Plan and Cash
Credit Instalment Plan, online bill payments to the Inland Revenue Department made by any Cards, and any online bill payments made by Classic or Gold Credit
Card) on a Card. For Cardholders using US dollar or Renminbi Cards, the amount of Card spending required for earning $1 RewardCash is US$30 or RMB250
respectively. RewardCash will not be issued on any unposted or cancelled card transaction or any card transaction posted but subsequently reversed or refunded
in whole or in part thereof, including but not limited to tax refund on overseas purchases. HSBC reserves the right to change the RewardCash earning rate upon
3. RewardCash earned with respect to each qualified card transaction will be credited to the Card account and odd dollars spent, if any, will be carried forward to
the next card transaction(s) for the purpose of calculating RewardCash entitlement. Such odd dollars will only be carried forward to card transaction(s) effected
within the same statement month. Any odd dollars remaining as of a statement date will not be carried forward to the next or subsequent statement months for
calculating RewardCash entitlement.
4. For Card purchases with instalment plan, RewardCash will be issued as and when a transaction is posted onto the Card account, which may be in one lump sum
or in several instalments depending on the type of instalment plan the Cardholder has entered into.
5. Only those Cardholders whose Card accounts are valid and in good standing will be entitled to earn and use their RewardCash.
6. RewardCash earned will be valid for at least one year and for up to two years. In the case of HSBC Premier Credit Cards and HSBC Advance Visa Platinum Cards,
RewardCash will be valid for up to three years. The annual expiry date for RewardCash earned on a Card shall be the statement date of the month shown as the
expiry month (regardless of the year) on such Card. The applicable expiry date(s) for RewardCash will be shown in the Cardholder’s monthly credit card statement
and HSBC Internet Banking credit card account.
7. RewardCash are not transferable but may be pooled from the same Cardholder’s various Cards (i.e. Visa, MasterCard, JCB Gold Card and Renminbi Gold/Classic
Card) and additional Cards. Pooling of RewardCash between primary and additional Cards is not permitted for the Mileage Programme.
8. All redemptions are subject to the accumulation of sufficient RewardCash and HSBC’s final acceptance. Orders will be cancelled automatically in the event of
insufficient RewardCash.
9. Once a redemption order (including redemption under RewardCash e-shop, Mileage Programme, etc.) has been accepted by HSBC, it cannot be changed,
cancelled or refunded. Redemption or notification letter will be mailed to cardholders’ correspondence address within four to six weeks.
10. HSBC is not a supplier of the merchandise, or the products and services redeemable under the Programme, and will not accept any liability in relation thereto.
11. Purchase from RewardCash e-Shop and participation in RewardCash Certificate Scheme, Mileage Programme and Octopus Rewards Conversion Scheme are
further subject to the terms and conditions applicable thereto.
12. Fraud and abuse relating to the earning and pooling of RewardCash or redemption orders (including without limitation where the amount of a related transaction
or part thereof is subsequently refunded to the Cardholder, whether through the credit card account or other means) may result in the forfeiture of the accrued
RewardCash as well as the cancellation of a Cardholder’s Cards.
13. HSBC reserves the right to change the terms and conditions herein and the amount of RewardCash required for redemption from time to time upon notice.
14. In case of any dispute arising from the Programme, the decision of HSBC shall be final.
15. In case of discrepancies between the English and the Chinese versions of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail.
B) RewardCash e-Shop
1. Items offer at RewardCash e-Shop are available only to Cardholders who perform RewardCash redemption via HSBC Internet Banking.
2. RewardCash should be used in an integer. Every $1 RewardCash equals to HK$1 at RewardCash e-Shop. Cardholder can redeem items at RewardCash e-Shop
in full amount of RewardCash or in any combination of RewardCash and cash, subject to a minimum of $10 RewardCash for each item. The cash portion must be
settled by an HSBC credit card via HSBC Internet Banking.
3. Offers featured in the HSBC Premier Card Exclusive, HSBC Advance Card Exclusive, Visa Platinum Card Exclusive and green credit card Exclusive sections of
RewardCash e-shop are available exclusively to holders of HSBC Premier Credit Cards, HSBC Advance Visa Platinum Cards, HSBC Visa Platinum Cards and HSBC
green credit cards respectively.
4. The price indicated for all items at RewardCash e-Shop are in Hong Kong dollars. Redemptions made using US dollar or Renminbi credit cards will be processed
as foreign currency transactions.
5. HSBC reserves the right to change the items at RewardCash e-Shop from time to time without notice. All items are available while stocks last.
6. Loyalty Discounts (‘the Loyalty Discounts’) is available to all Cardholders and applicable to redemptions made at RewardCash e-Shop. The Loyalty Discounts
applies to the original price of the item.
7. The Loyalty Discounts which a Cardholder is entitled to is calculated based on the year in which a Cardholder’s longest held primary personal Card (excluding
cancelled cards and iCAN Card), which is valid and in good standing, was issued.
8. The Loyalty Discounts is not applicable to redeeming RewardCash Certificate, Octopus Rewards, mileage, credit card annual fee waiver, mileage programme fee
waiver and special redemption offers (as and when available), and cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offer or discount (unless otherwise
9. HSBC is not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen goods redeemed through the RewardCash e-Shop.
10. HSBC reserves the right to change these terms and conditions upon notice.
C) RewardCash Certificate Scheme
1. Cardholders who wish to participate in the RewardCash Certificate Scheme (‘the Certificate Scheme’) must first register to the Certificate Scheme via HSBC
Internet Banking or by returning to HSBC a duly completed registration form. Only Cardholders who have successfully registered may participate in the Certificate
2. Cardholders can enrol any Cards (including primary and additional Cards) under the same Hong Kong Identity/Passport Number for the Certificate Scheme.
Cardholder must select one primary Card for monthly RewardCash consolidation (‘the Consolidating Card’).
3. Cardholders can register for or update his/her registration of or de-register from the Certificate Scheme from time to time. HSBC will process such registration /
update / de-registration request in the next working day and within 14 working days made via HSBC Internet Banking and other channels respectively.
4. Upon successful registration, RewardCash accumulated and outstanding in the enrolled Card account(s) will be automatically transferred to the Consolidating Card
on each statement date for calculating RewardCash Certificate entitlement. Such transfer will be shown in the respective statements of the relevant month.
5. RewardCash accumulated and outstanding in the Consolidating Card account as of each statement date will be converted into RewardCash Certificate(s) in blocks
of $50 RewardCash. The total number of RewardCash Certificate(s) accumulated and issued in any calendar year will be shown in the monthly statement of the
Consolidating Card and via HSBC Internet Banking.
6. Each RewardCash Certificate, disregard the value of entitled RewardCash, can only be exchangeable for merchant coupon(s) of equivalent value at one of the
designated outlets of the participating merchants as stipulated on the Certificate. Cardholders must present the original RewardCash Certificate and Consolidating
Card upon redeeming merchant coupons. HSBC may change the participating merchant list and designated outlets from time to time without prior notice.
7. RewardCash Certificate(s) will be issued on a quarterly basis. The number of RewardCash Certificate to be issued will be calculated on the last working day of
March, June, September and December. RewardCash Certificate(s) will be mailed to Cardholders in the following month, i.e. April, July, October and January
8. Each RewardCash Certificate is valid for 3 months from the date of issuance. Expired RewardCash Certificate will not be re-issued.
9. RewardCash transferred from enrolled Card(s) to the Consolidating Card cannot be reversed, and the RewardCash Certificate(s) accumulated or issued under the
Certificate Scheme cannot be converted back to RewardCash.
10. Only Cardholders whose registered Card account(s) is/are valid and in good standing at the time of RewardCash Certificate issuance are entitled to participate
in the Certificate Scheme. HSBC reserves the right to disqualify the Cardholders and/or Card account(s) for the Certificate Scheme once the registered Card
account(s) fail(s) to maintain good standing, including but not limited to any registered Card account(s) being cancelled or blocked.
11. RewardCash Certificates are not redeemable for cash or transferred to another Card account under any circumstances. HSBC is not responsible for lost, damaged
or stolen of RewardCash Certificates.
12. In case of any disputes over the transaction records or a Cardholder’s eligibility for the Certificate Scheme, and any other disputes arising out of the Certificate
Scheme, the decision of HSBC shall be final.
13. HSBC reserves the right to change these terms and conditions upon notice.
 D) Mileage Programme
1. Cardholders who wish to participate in the Mileage Programme (‘the Mileage Programme’) must first fill in an enrolment form even if they are already members
of the frequent flyer programme(s) of the participating airline(s).
2. Only Cardholders who are eligible to participate in the RewardCash Programme are eligible to participate in the Mileage Programme (‘Mileage Programme
3. Mileage Programme Cardholders whose credit card accounts (‘Accounts’) are valid and in good standing will be eligible to transfer their RewardCash to a
participating airline’s frequent flyer programme account.
4. Mileage Programme Cardholders agree to pay HSBC an annual fee of HK$300 /US$40 /RMB300 for participating in the Mileage Programme. Fees will be debited
to a Mileage Programme Cardholder’s Account when due and are not refundable.



5. The conversion rate is $1 RewardCash to fifteen miles.
6. Mileage Programme Cardholders must transfer a minimum of $40 RewardCash from their Accounts each time when a transfer is made to any participating
airline’s frequent flyer programme account.
7. RewardCash can be pooled by the same Cardholder holding different Cards (i.e. Visa, MasterCard, JCB Gold Card and Renminbi Gold/Classic Card). No pooling of
RewardCash is allowed between primary and additional Cards for transfer to a participating airline’s frequent flyer programme account.
8. Once transferred, RewardCash cannot be transferred back to the Mileage Programme Cardholder’s Account or re-transferred to another participating airline’s
frequent flyer programme account.
9. RewardCash must be transferred to a participating airline’s frequent flyer programme account prior to their expiry date.
10. HSBC assumes no responsibility for RewardCash transferred from a Mileage Programme Cardholder’s Account to any frequent flyer programme account or for
the actions of any participating airline in connection with its frequent flyer programme or otherwise. Mileage Programme Cardholders must transfer RewardCash
to the Cardholders’ own individual frequent flyer programme account. Mileage Programme Cardholder is not allowed to transfer RewardCash to another frequent
flyer programme account that does not belong to the Mileage Programme Cardholder.
11. All questions or disputes regarding eligibility for joining the Mileage Programme or transferring RewardCash under the Mileage Programme will be decided by
HSBC at its sole discretion.
12. Fraud and abuse relating to the earning and transfer of RewardCash in the Mileage Programme may result in the forfeiture of accumulated RewardCash as well as
the cancellation of a cardholder’s credit card(s).
13. Mileage Programme Cardholders are subject to and must comply with the rules of the frequent flyer programme(s) of the participating airline(s) in which they are
enrolled. A copy of the relevant flyer programme rules will be sent to the cardholder upon his/her enrolment with a participating airline.
14. A participating airline may change its flyer programme rules including regulations, policies, benefits, conditions of participation or mileage levels, in whole or in
part at any time with or without notice, even though changes may affect the value of the free mileage already accumulated.
15. Airline participation in the Mileage Programme is subject to change upon notice.
16. Participation of private label, co-branded and affinity card cardholders in the Mileage Programme is at the discretion of HSBC.
17. HSBC reserves the right to change the terms and conditions herein and the Mileage Programme at any time upon notice.
E) Octopus Rewards Conversion Scheme
1. Cardholders who wish to participate in the Octopus Rewards Conversion Scheme (‘the Scheme’) must first enrol in the Octopus Rewards programme (‘the
Octopus Rewards programme’) run by Octopus Rewards Limited (‘ORL’) directly with ORL. HSBC is not involved in this process. Only Cardholders who have
successfully enrolled in the Octopus Rewards programme may participate in the Scheme.
2. Only Cardholders who are eligible to participate in the Programme are eligible to participate in the Scheme by completing an enrolment form for the Scheme
provided by HSBC.
3. Only Cardholders who have enrolled in the Scheme (‘enrolled Octopus Rewards Cardholders’) and whose HSBC credit card accounts (‘Accounts’) are valid and in
good standing will be eligible to convert their RewardCash into Octopus Reward$ under the Scheme.
4. HSBC reserves the right to charge enrolled Octopus Rewards Cardholders an annual fee for participating in the Scheme at such amount as determined by HSBC
at its sole discretion by the giving of reasonable notice.
5. The conversion rate for the Scheme is $20 RewardCash to Octopus Reward$20. RewardCash conversion must be made in blocks of $20 RewardCash. A
maximum of $200 RewardCash can be converted per redemption equivalent to Octopus Reward$200. Enrolled Octopus Rewards Cardholders should make a
conversion request in accordance with the procedures as specified by HSBC from time to time.
6. RewardCash can be pooled by the same Cardholder holding different Cards (i.e. Visa, MasterCard, JCB Gold Card and Renminbi Gold/Classic Card), or between
primary and additional Cards for conversion to Octopus Reward$.
7. RewardCash may only be converted into Octopus Reward$ before their expiry date.
8. Once a conversion request is submitted to HSBC and RewardCash are successfully converted into Octopus Reward$ by HSBC, no cancellation and reversion from
Octopus Reward$ back to RewardCash is allowed.
9. Enrolled Octopus Rewards Cardholders agree that HSBC may be required to provide personal information of the cardholders to ORL to facilitate successful
processing of their conversion requests and crediting of such converted Octopus Reward$ into the corresponding Octopus account registered for the Octopus
Rewards programme and the Scheme.
10. It takes 14 days for HSBC and ORL to process a conversion request and enrolled Octopus Rewards Cardholders are required to download the converted
Octopus Reward$ after the relevant conversion request is successfully processed. No separate notification or reminder will be sent to enrolled Octopus Rewards
Cardholders upon successful conversion. Enrolled Octopus Rewards Cardholders agree that it is the enrolled Octopus Rewards Cardholder’s sole responsibility
to download the converted Octopus Reward$ onto his/her Octopus registered for the Octopus Rewards programme and the Scheme at any of the Octopus
Rewards Service Spots (as specified by ORL and HSBC from time to time) no later than 90 days from the processing date. Any Octopus Reward$ which are not
downloaded by the enrolled Octopus Rewards Cardholders within the abovementioned timeframe will be forfeited automatically without notice. HSBC will not be
responsible for any forfeited Octopus Reward$.
11. A conversion request may be rejected by ORL, and the processing time required by ORL may be prolonged in case of unexpected system failure. HSBC assumes
no responsibility for any rejection or delay in processing of a conversion request by ORL for whatever reason nor for the action of ORL under its Octopus Rewards
programme or otherwise. Any dispute regarding any converted Octopus Reward$ shall be settled by the enrolled Octopus Rewards Cardholder with ORL directly.
12. All questions and disputes regarding eligibility for joining the Scheme or for converting RewardCash under the Scheme will be decided by HSBC at its sole
13. Fraud and abuse relating to the earning and conversion of RewardCash and Octopus Reward$ under the Scheme may result in the forfeiture of accumulated
RewardCash as well as the cancellation of a cardholder’s credit card(s).
14. In order to participate in the Scheme, enrolled Octopus Rewards Cardholders are subject to and must at all times comply with the applicable rules of the Octopus
Rewards programme as stipulated by ORL from time to time.
15. ORL may from time to time change the rules of Octopus Rewards programme run and operated by it, including regulations, policies, benefits, conditions of
participation or usage of Octopus Reward$, in whole or in part at any time with or without notice, and any such change may affect the value of the Octopus
Reward$ already accumulated.
16. HSBC reserves the right to change these terms and conditions of the Scheme at any time and from time to time.

Effective from 25 April 2010

NOTE: In case of discrepancies between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall apply and prevail.


Issued by The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited



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