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‘‘Tourist may bring in money but they don’t come for free’’

(South 1996, p5)

How far do you agree? Discuss with reference to relevant
case studies.
Tourism becomes one of the largest growing industries in the world. In many
countries tourism giving the big contribution to the GDP over than 15 percent
(Tewavel Industry year book 2003, WTTO and WTTC 2004. More tourists travelled
and spend much money in overseas countries and within their countries. Domestic
tourism and non domestic tourism help to contribute to the GDP at the same time it
help to balance the payments and employments. Tourism as a industry bringing
foreign exchange, modern way of life and employment. Most of the people thinking
tourism develop the country economically like create jobs and taxes but if know the
impact only you can carry the positive tourism in to the next generation. Tourism
impact through seven different categories. There are Economic, Environmental, social
and cultural, crowding and congestion, services, Taxes and community attitude. Each
category has positive and negative sides it may be differ to graphically and culturally
to the each an every country. It should be balanced by the tourism leaders. Tourism
same like the other business it should have the attraction and it should work under the
rule and restrictions. Country or community developments not depend only in tourism
it is one of the part in GDP.

Tourism increase the living standard, employment opportunities, improve the local
economy, improve the investment development and infrastructure spending, increase
the tax and revenue, increase public utilities infrastructure, transport improvement,
opportunities of shopping, create new business opportunities. Tourism generate the
money at the same time it increase the living standard of the community most of the
local communities are only depend on tourism to bring more investment to their lands
and make goof infrastructure, make public utilities like water, lighting, park, and
parking etc. It also helps to develop the public transport like roads airports ports and
railways. Increase in salary or wages, hire high skill people in a economic view
tourism has the negative impacts also. They are increase the price of goods and
services, increase the price of house and land, increase the cost of living, increase the
potential for imported labour, cost of the additional infrastructure, maintains of the
road and transport, seasonal tourism create unemployment competition in land value,
profits may be send to non local people, Jobs may be pay less. Tourism create low
paying jobs and some jobs are seasonal it make unemployment after that. May be one
community generate the money but it may be exported to a non local owner. Cost of
living will increase because of utilities and taxes.

The economic benefits of tourism include the contribution of tourism to foreign
exchange earnings and the balance of payments, the encourage of entrepreneurial
activity, the stimulation of regional economies and mitigation of regional economic
disparities much of less known economic cost rather than the benefits cost. The major
cost is over depend in tourism, increase inflation and higher land values , increased
propensity to import, the seasonality of production and law rate of return on
investments, the other creation of other external costs. Economic impacts governed by
the multitude factors this factors determine weather the impact predominantly positive
or negative. The nature, facility and attractiveness, the tourist expenditures in the
destination ,level of economic development in this area, travel arrangement purchased
by tourist, the degree of tourist destination has adjusted to the seasonal tourist
demand, connectivity between the economic sector and destination circulate the
tourist expenditure including ratio of the expenditure of external commodities and
capital movement.

Environmentally tourist incomes help to preserve and restore the historical buildings
and monuments. It also helps to preserve the identified nature like waterfalls,
Mountains Ocean etc and give it to the future generation. Tourist founds help to repair
and rebuild the historic buildings and monuments tourism fund help the place clean
and improve the appearance of the place. Tourism giving the negative impact also.
Environment mainly polluted by the tourist in air, water, noise, visual and solid waste.
Tourism development takes to us to destroy the natural landscape, agricultural lands
and frosts. There is a chance to loose the open spaces. Animal, plants everything will
destroy by the tourist even historical artefacts has the chance to affect by the tourist.
Domestic and wild animal may be disturbed by the tourist or increase the trade of
animal and plants.

Social and Cultural

Tourist bring their tradition, culture, family life style and exchange the culture with
local communities here we have to give a serious concern. In-between the tourist and
community give positive and negative impacts. Increase the tourism may be force the
community to accept their culture. Improved impact between the sexes may be a
positive at the same time using the drugs become a negative impact. Health and safety
increase but at the same time crimes and accidents increase. Traditional ceremonies
may be alter by tourist. Community face the opportunity to grow or ruin it self
through the tourism. It improve the Quality of life, facilitates meeting visitors,
positive changes in value and customs, promote cultural identity of host population,
increases demand for historical and cultural exhibits, greater tolerance of social
differences and satisfaction of psychological needs these are the positive impact of
tourism. Tourism may affect the community in a different way like natural disasters,
energy shortages, terrorism, political upheaval, disease out break, a chemical spill and
widespread negative publicity.

Social and culturally tourism negative impacts are excessive drinking alcoholism,
gambling, Increased underage drinking, crimes, drugs, prostitution, increased
smuggling, language and cultural effects, unwanted life style changes displacement of
residents for tourism development, negative changes in values and customs, family
disruption, exclusion of locals form natural resources, new cliques modify social
structure and natural, political and public relations calamites. Hotels ,restaurants and
shops force the local community to change their life style. Rural changes in local
travel pattern. Traditional cultural people switch to dating habits and local people
marring non local people may create stress.
Crowding and Congestion
Tourism spot help to develop the surrounding place. It helps to rebuild the historic
places otherwise it will ruin slowly. Tourism minimise the sprawl and concentrate the
tourist facilities. It provides the growth to the community. The people congregate,
congestion and crowding bring too much stress, annoyance, anger etc building the
hotels and restraints make inappropriate landscape with other buildings over crowding
make congestion problem. Space be come competitive one and tourist may takeover
the local business. Lot of chance to become a conflict between this two parties.

Tourism helps to build the utilities of local community. Increase the availability of
recreation facilities and opportunities, better stranded of service by restaurants, shops
and other business originations tourist traffic create the opportunity to improve the
quality of fire, police and protection services. Negative impact of this service is
Neglect the non tourist recreational facilities, Effects of computation, Shortage of
goods and services, Increase the pressure in infrastructure.

Increase the business activity in hotels, restaurants and shops increase the state tax
and revenue tax and it also increase the property tax it is a negative impact to the
community and local community people contribute to the tourism through the tax may
be it paying their money to an unwanted person’s enjoyment holiday.

Community Attitude
Tourism activity makes the community more interesting and exciting. Developing the
tourism giving more opportunity to community enjoy more facilities and wide
opportunities. Visitor interest and satisfy in the local community give the pride to the
local community and Greater appreciation of local resources. Over the tourism
development occur heightened tension and community divisiveness. Pitting tourism
supporters between non supporters and tension between local and tourist. People often
feel stress over the Increasingly hectic community and personal life. Culture is part of
the tourist attraction. It create the pony flock culture. Residents experience sense of
exclusion and alienation over planning and development concerns. Local community
people may concern they may loss their control because out sliders take over the
establishments. Building new buildings like standardized franchise designs differ with
local standards.

Sources of Impacts
Knowing about the nature of tourism is not solution of the problems. Identify the
source of impacts between tourist and resident is important. Host community and the
environment most of the researchers divided into two different groups they are tourist
factors and destination factors. Which tourist bring to the community like
demographic characteristics, social difference and number of visitors destination
factors what the part of the destination have such as travelling linkage and circulation.
local acceptance of tourism and local validity.
Tourist Factors

Number and type of visitors

A small number of tourist arrive a destination they will mostly welcome by local
people because they are interesting for them when it slowly increase amount of people
interest will go down and local people started to ignore the tourist. Demographic
factors mostly influence in activity of tourist and local visibility it determine by age,
education, family status, profession etc. Reaching the destination transport mode
affects the ease of reaching attraction and services.

Length of stay
Economic impact depends on the stay of length short day trips have less economic
impact but short stays like two to five days giving good economic impact for the
regional driving detentions and there is a chance to tourist spending is maximised.
Tourists who are staying more than one month they will may take more interest in non
community matters. Their needs when you compare with other people it maximised
their economic impact more broadly to the community. Apart from this annual events
can create large amount economic impact within the short period

Mass arrivals and departures

How the people arriving to the destinations? and how they get accommodations? Are
they good enough of large group of people, traffic influences traffic congestion and
availability of attractions and services to tourist

Links to community residents

Tourist when they stay with their relatives or friends they reduce the economic impact
at the same time they get the chance to get better understanding of community values
and they are getting high potential for repeat visitation.

Ethnic/racial characteristics
If the local community differ from the tourist in ethnic, racial origin or economic
status reduce the potential for resentment and it make chance to grow a social conflict
or increase crimes ongoing education reduce point of conflicts.

Economic characteristics
Higher in come people have great choice to access to the environment at the same
time community have the negative impact. Influence of choice of spending reflects in
Activities selected
Educational, cultural and historical tourism often have low level of social and cultural
impact recreational impacts give great impact to the community. Entertainment
activities affect the local. Ability to speak local langue giving more meaningful
connection with the local people.

"Demonstration effect" of tourists

Local people more copying tourist life style rather than tourist coping from the local
but it is not appropriate to the local community most of the local community people
copying their negative things like drinking, casual sex inappropriate dress etc.

Destination Factors

Local economic state

Mostly economically facing difficult countries may getting benefit from tourism but it
depends on government hands to plan the development of tourism and sustainable.
Most of the towns and local communities looking for the preservation of historical
buildings, recreational amenities and expansion of food/accommodation. Economic
diversity help to reduce the tourism negative impact. when tourism giving become
poor output at the time one of other economic off set the impact.

Spatial characteristics of tourism development

Separation of tourist accommodation from the local community to reduce the conflict.
Shared local commercial business areas between the resident commercial area and
tourist commercial business at the same time make the chance the tourist products
selling in local as well. Shared cultural and amenities the parks, museums, plazas,
beaches and gardens. Tourist strip may be restrict the local people to access the local
resources. tourist developments may create a glass stricture.

Viability of the host culture

Tourisms tendency can change strong and local communities. Educate tourist like
active programs about local langue and culture reduce the conflict. Pride in culture
influence may force the tourist to honour the local cultural and norms

Directing the tourism to the growth of local needs, interests and it limits. Tourism is a
value to the community and help to create sustainable industry. Many of the local
communities have the skill and resources to build successful tourism industry.
Creating a local tourism industry is not a big task but making the tourism to fit to the
community is a big task creating a successful and sustainable tourism industry is like
create a economic activity and it needs vision, planning and work. Local economies
give more option to the leaders giving tourism development to fit to the community.
Slower developments giving the time to the local community people to reassess
tourism development and make changes to the better community but faster
developments leads to negative environmental impacts. It may be ruin the
infrastructure of the community. Make sure the tourism environment has long term
availably to the future generation. Availability of public transportation make it
alternative environment friendly transportation like bicycling, pedestrian it will reduce
the traffic congestion.
“For a tourism-based economy to sustain itself in local communities, the residents
must be willing partners in the process. Their attitudes toward tourism and
perceptions of its impact on community life must be continually assessed”.
(Allen et al. 1988)

“Tourism is a goose that not only lays a golden egg, but also fouls its own nest.”
(Hawkins, 1982)


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