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Name of the trainee: Hale Ülkü AYDIN (070565015)

Age: Adolescence

Level: Intermediate

Duration: 24 minutes

Objectives: At the end of the lesson students will have

• done brainstorming.

• done skimming.

• done scanning.

• summarised each tip.

a) for drama: At the end of the lesson, the students will

• have used their body language, gestures, voice effectively.
• have listened to each other and react according to the situation.

b) for language item/skills involved: At the end of the lesson, the students will
• have used the function of suggestion.
• have practised giving advice.

Materials: Board, pictures, handouts, envelopes, role cards.

Assumptions: The students know the function of giving advice and how to use the
form of “should”.

Anticipated Problems:The students may not be willing to act drama related to that
subject. The teacher may lose the control of the class during grouping. Time limitation may
be a problem.


Aim: At the end of the pre part of the lesson, students will have

• done brainstorming about the context.

Materials: A picture, the board.

Duration: 4 minutes

Teacher greets the students and puts a picture on the board. The teacher asks what the
picture means to the students and writes their comments on the board. Then, the teacher asks
some questions about the students’ experiences. After the students give answers, the teacher
gives the students the handouts.


1. The teacher greets the class.

2. The teacher puts a picture on the board and says “What does this picture mean to

3. The students make comments about the picture.

4. The teacher writes students’ comments on the board.

5. The teacher asks a question about the students’ experiences “Do you believe that you
can use your time wisely?” and “Have you ever forgotten your homeworks or

6. The students give answers.

7. The teacher says “I have some tips for you. Would you like to learn them?”

8. The teacher gives the handouts to the students.


Aim: At the end of the while part of the lesson, the students will have

• done skimming to match the tips with the related pictures and speech bubbles.
• done scanning to answer the comprehension questions.
• summarised each tip.

Materials: Handouts, pictures.

Duration: 10 minutes
The teacher wants the students to read the text quickly and match the tips in the text
with the related pictures and speech bubbles. Then, the teacher wants them to come to the
board and match them on the board. Secondly, the teacher makes the students scan the text
and answer the comprehension questions. The teacher gives time duration for this activity.
Then, the teacher elicits the answers. Thirdly, the teacher wants the students to summarise
each tip in a sentence in pairs.


1. The teacher says “Read the text quickly and match the tips with the related pictures and
speech bubbles.”

2. The teacher says “You have two minutes to finish.”

3. The student who gives the answer comes to the board and match the tips with the pictures
or speech bubbles.

4. The teacher says “Read the text carefully and answer the questions.”

5. The teacher says “You have two minutes.”

6. The students give the answers.

7. The teacher says “I want you to summarise each tip in a sentence. You have three minutes
and you are going to do this activity in pairs.”

8. The students say their sentences for each tip.


Aim: At the end of the lesson, the students will have used their body language, gestures,
voice effectively. The students will have listened to each other and react according to the
situation. The students will have practised the function of suggestion. The students will have
practised giving advice.

Duration: 10 minutes

The teacher mentions the text they have read briefly. The teacher asks some questions
to the students. The teacher wants them to think that they are in a consulting room of a
psychologist and they are in a group therapy to use time effectively. The teacher gives
information about the clients in the consulting room and explains the activity. The teacher
gives each student an envelope in which there is a role card. The techer wants the students
who have the same color of envelopes to form a group. The teacher wants the students to open
their envelopes, read their roles and act the story out as a group.

1) The teacher says “ We have read a text about how to use time more effectively and learned
some tips. “

2) The teacher asks some questions to the students “Do you believe that you can use your
time wisely/effectively?”, “Do you have any time management problem?”

3) The teacher elicits the answers.

4) The teacher wants the students to think that they are in a consulting room of a psychologist
and they are in a group therapy “ Let’s think that you are in a consulting room of a
psychologist and you are in a group therapy to use time effectively.”

5) The teacher gives information about the therapy “ There are five clients in a consulting
room waiting for a psychologist. The psychologist is late for the therapy. When she/he comes
to the room, she/he wants the clients to introduce themselves and explain their problems.
Then, she/he gives advice for each client.

6) The teacher gives information about the activity “ Firstly, I am going to give each of you
an envelope and I want you to form a group according to your color of envelopes. There are
your role cards in envelopes and your problems are written in your role cards. Secondly, there
are 6 characters in each group. One of them is the psychologist and the others are clients. The
clients explain their problems and the psychologist give advice for the clients. You have three
minutes. You will act out the therapy here.“

7) The teacher does the instruction checking.

8)The teacher gives the envelopes to the students and say “Don’t open your envelopes until I
say you can open.”

9) The students form their groups according to their color of envelopes.

10) The teacher monitors the students while they are preparing their drama.

11) The students act out the story.

12) The teacher gives feedbacks to the students at the end of the activity.

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