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A defibrillator brings the cells of the heart

back into a unified and timed contraction by
introducing a electrical charge ( measured in
joules which are equivalent to a one-amp-
second of amplitude).


a portable container holding all the

equipment and medicines that one would
need to assist a patient in case of a medical

Aminophylline (Theophylline & Ethylenediamine)

A:    Inhibits phosphodiesterase, the enzyme that degrades camp, thereby relaxing smooth
muscle of bronchial airways & pulmo. BV; ease breathing
Ix:     Symptomatic relief of bronchospasm, chronic bronchial asthma
SE:    Arrhythmias, respiratory arrest
Cix:    active PUD, seizure d/os [unless anticonvulsant therapy is given]

2.    Bumetanide
A:    promotes Na & H2O excretion
Ix:     Edema in HF, hepatic or renal disase
SE:    RF, thrombocytopenia
Cix:    Anuria/ hepatic coma/ sev. Electrolyte depletion

3.    Ca Gluconate
A:     replaces and maintains Ca; raises bld. Ca level
Ix:     Hypocalcemic emergency/hypocalcemic tetany/ adjunct tx of cardiac arrest/ adjunct
tx of magnesium intoxication
SE:    bradycardia, arrththmias & cardias arrest
Cix:    ventricular fib, hypercalcemia, hypophosphatemia / renal calculi/ digitalized
patients, sarcoidosis & RF/Cardiac disease

4.    Diazepam
A:    relieves anxiety, ms. Spasm & seizures [parenteral form]; promotes calmness &
Ix:    anxiety, before endoscopic procedures, ms. Spasm, pre-op sedation, cardioversion,
adjunct in seizure d/os, status epilepticus.
SE:    bradycardia, CV collapse, respiratory depression, withdrawal syndrome
Cix:    children 6 mos. Below, angle-closure glaucoma, shock, coma; acute alcohol
intoxication: 1st tri of pregnancy, breast feeding, hepatic or renal impairment, depression;
chronic open angle glaucoma; elderly & debilitated pxs.

5.    Diclofenac Na
A:    relieves inflammation, pain & fever
Ix:     analgesia & primary dysmenorrhea
SE:    HF, laryngeal edema, Acute RF, nephritic synd.
Cix:    hepatic porphyria, a hx of asthma, urticaria

6.    Diphenhydramine HCl

A:     relieves allergy sxs, promotes sleep & calmness
Ix:    allergy sxs., sedation, nonproductive cough
SE:    seizures, thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis, a. shock
Cix:    acute asthma, pyloroduodenal & bladder-neck obstruction

7.    Epinephrine [Adrenaline, Bitartrate, Hydrocholoride]

A:    relaxes bronchial smooth ms, causes cardiac stim., dec. pain sensation, stops local
Ix:    bronchospasm, hypersensitivity rxns, anaphylaxis, hemostasis, restoration of cardiac
rhythm in cardiac arrest
SE:    cerebral hemorrhage, CVA, VF, shock
Cix:    shock, organic brain damage, arrhythmia, CI, CAS

8.    Esmolol HCl

A:    restores normal sinus rhythm; antiarrhythmic
Ix:    supraventricular tachycardia, ctrl of ventricular rate in AF
SE:    hypotension, bronchospasm
Cix:    sinus bradycardia, HB>1st degree CS or overt HF; impaired kidney function,
diabetes, bronchospasm

9.    Heparin Na
A:    dec. the ability of blood to clot; anticoagulant
Ix:    DVT, pulmo. Embolism, embolism prevention, maintaining patency of IV
indwelling cath.
SE:    hemorrhage, thrombocytopenia, white clot synd
Cix:    active bleeding; suspect ICH; inaccessible ulcerative lesions & open ulcerative
wounds; extensive denudation of skin

10.    Hydrocortisone
A:    reduce inflammation
Ix:    sev. Inflammation, shock, adrenal insufficiency
SE:    HF, arrhythmias, thromboembolism
Cix:     recent MI, HPN, DM, osteoporosis

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