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Goal Question Metrics

David Castro
Jordi Piguillem
Ferran Recio
Freddy Vergara
 Software Modeling and measurement: the
Goal/Question/Metric Paradigm
− Victor R. Basili
− 1992
 Goal Question Metric Paradigm
− Victor R. Basili
− 1994
 Mechanism for defining and interpreting
software measurement
 Helps in the understanding and control of
the software
 Variety of software metrics
GQM Paradigm
 Originally developed for NASA project's
 For organizations:
− specifies the goals for itself and its projects
− define this goals operationally
− provide a framework for interpreting the data
understand the goals
 Define & evaluate a set of operational
goals, using measurement.
GQM Expanded to a larger Context

 The Quality Improvement Paradigm

 Steps
− Planning: Goal setting step. Quantifiable
− Execution:Executing processes, constructing
products, provide feedback
− Analysis: Recommendations for future,
determine problems
GQM Expanded to a larger Context

 The Experience Factory

 Organizational approach for building
− Improve our project analysing several other
− Expand our level of feedback
Measurement Models Levels
 Conceptual Level (Goal)
− Products
− Processes
− Resources
Measurement Models Levels
 Operational Level (Question)
− Characterize the way the achievement of a
specific goal is going to be performed
Measurement Models Levels
 Quantitative Level (Metric)
− Objective
 Time for development
 Number of errors
− Subjective (scales)
 Degree of use
 Programmers Experience
GQM approach
 The goal is only as well-defined as the
questions it generates.
GQM Process
1.Define Goals
2.Generating questions that define goals
3.Specify the measures
4.Develop mechanisms for data collection
5.Validating and analyzing the data
Define Goals
 A goal has 3 coordinates
− Issue (e.g. Timeliness)
− Object (e.g. Change request processing)
− Viewpoint (e.g. Project Manager)
 And a Purpose
− Purpose (e.g. Improve)
Future Directions (1994)
 Be used by several organizations
 Full o partially automated support
 Support goal creation
 Models have to be easily modified
 Data collected automatically
Future Nowadays
 GQM is still referenced
 Focused in automated process
 Books
− Metrics and Models in Software Quality
Engineering (2008)
− Applied Software Measurement (2003)

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