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Volume 30, Issue 5

 Sheryl Fearrien, President

May 2005
 Lesley Craig, Program Chair

P resid en t’s M essa g e - Sheryl Fearrien

Dear Fellow Republican Friends,
This month's message is a little long because I have more news than usual that I need to share with all of
#1 As most of you know, we lost Eileen Quigley on April 14th when Heaven gained a new resident. Eileen
was our first ERWF treasurer for this year. Without sharing that she was ill, Eileen took her new office quite

seriously and worked during Christmas week to set up our 2005 budget. She did the hard part and made it
easier for our next treasurer to step in. This was typical of Eileen. In addition to her work with ERWF,
Eileen was a much loved and valued volunteer at St. Joseph's Hospital. Although I do not personally know
her husband, Tom, son Tom, or daughter, Shannon or any of Eileen's many other friends beyond ERWF,
from all that was shared at her memorial service, it was most evident that Eileen left behind for all those she

cared so deeply, hearts full of never-ending love and precious memories. The first song at the service must
have made Eileen smile down on us from Heaven. It was one of her favorites, Louis Armstrong's What a
Wonderful World! She probably leaned over and asked Louis if he thought the recording did justice to his
song! If God didn't already have Heaven well organized, Eileen no doubt rolled up her sleeves and got the
job done! Now that the hard work is done, I hope she saves a special seat for me. I'm th in kin g… fo r start-
ers… n ext to L o u is A rm stro n g, so I can hear What a Wonderful World live and in person! How many times
do you suppose Eileen has already talked Louis into singing it for her?
#2 Diana Mendes was selected by the ERWF Executive Board to assume the office of treasurer. We are
most fortunate that Diana agreed! Diana and I became friends over a decade ago when her husband, Eddie,
coached my middle son's Little League baseball team. Diana has been an ERWF member since 1992 and a
loyal, dedicated, and knowledgeable Republican even longer! She is an asset to our team! Besides her work
with ERWF, Diana works part time for Baird Engineering. Diana and her husband live in Fortuna and have
two grown sons, Eric and Jared.
(Continued on page 2)

"Bring your husbands, family and friends"

Annual Spring Tea
The Redwood Alert

Friday, May 20
1 to 3 p.m.

A b ig a il’s E le g a n t V ic to ria n
1406 C Street, Eureka
(Continued from page 1) Rights was the very most important reason the GOP was
founded in the first place!
#3 We currently have 250 ERWF members, yet only about 25- Thanks to our Ways and Means Chairman, Minika Bingham, this
40 have actually attended any of our first four meetings this teacher is busy reeducating herself in U.S. history! And what
year. Those of you who have not attended lately are missing great, sophisticated technology is enabling me to accomplish this
great opportunities to painlessly educate yourself on a number of massive feat ??? O n e w o rd … calen d ar! Not just any calendar,
timely, pertinent issues and subjects without the expense and b u t th e 2005 R ep u b lican F reed o m C alen d ar… C eleb ratin g a cen -
time of registering and attending college classes! I spent many tury and a half of civil rights achievement by the Party of Lin-
years in college classrooms and had many great teachers, but I coln. It is printed at no tax payer expense by the Republican
must admit, I've learned so much from our knowledgeable Policy Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives. I
ERWF guest speakers that I never learned in college and in less strongly urge you to contact Minika and order a calendar for
time! In addition, every luncheon meeting is a great time to fel- yourself and one for each of your uninformed/misguided rela-
lowship and touch base with other like-minded people. Ladies, tives and friends. More Americans would be more able to make
you are always welcome to bring along husbands, sons, daugh- wise decisions if they were truly informed with accurate facts.
ters, friends, etc. What a worthwhile and enjoyable way to spend
an hour and a half once a month! Need I add the Samoa Cook- This calendar notes something vital that happened on each day
house offers delicious small or large meals and our server, of the year. I'll just share a few from this month. May 2,
Yvonne, goes the extra mile to make everything perfect for us! 1963… R ep u b lican s co n d em n D em o crat sh eriff o f B irm in gh am ,
AL for arresting over 2,000 African-American schoolchildren
#4 It's May and that means our ERWF Membership Tea will be marching for their civil rights, M ay 3,1876… b irth o f Isaac
held in place of our regular monthly luncheon meeting. It is free Leevy, South Carolina African-American Republican who estab-
and takes place at Abigail's Elegant Victorian Mansion at 1406 lished Lincoln Emancipation Clubs in 1940s to enable African-
"C" Street in Eureka. Lilli Vieyra has graciously opened her Americans to vote, M ay 4,1811… b irth o f R ep u b lican H arriet
home to us once again! Our membership tea is very similar to Beecher Stowe who wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin, May 6,
an English High tea with so many wonderful tasty choices. 1960… P resid en t D w igh t E isen h o w er sign s R ep u b lican s' C ivil
This is a good time to bring a friend who might like to see what Rights Act of 1960, overcoming 125-hour, around-the-clock
ERWF is all about! The Tea will be held from 1-3 pm on Friday, filibuster by 18 Senate Democrats, M ay 11,1949… b irth o f A fri-
May 20. can-American Republican and sharecropper's daughter Janice
#5 Ladies, according to our bylaws, in May we must elect a Rogers Brown, nominated by President George W. Bush as
nominating committee whose purpose is to find officers for Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals, (She is one of the judges
ERWF for 2006. That means we must take care of this bit of D em o crats are still b lo ckin g… see V ee's rep o rt fo r su ggested
business at our tea. We will have ballots at the tea . . .you will be action! ) M ay 12,1850… b irth o f Sen ato r H en ry C ab o t L o d ge (R -
asked to vote to elect our nominating committee. Now is a good MA), whose 1890 Federal Elections Bill enforcing African-
time for you to consider if you would like to serve next year on American voting rights passed House on party-line vote but was
our board. Please think about volunteering for a position. All defeated in Senate by a Democrat filibuster, M ay 16,1860… U .S.
who have served were newbie's in the beginning and everyone Rep. David Wilmot (R-PA), antislavery leader and Republican
kindly helped us "learn the ropes". Our unit is very good at sup- Party co-founder, delivers keynote address at Republican Na-
porting each other. If you volunteer, you will find that you will tional Convention nominating Abraham Lincoln, May 18,
not be alone. Somebody has done the job before you and to- 1896… R ep u b lican Ju stice Jo h n M arsh all H arlan , d issen tin g fro m
gether we all help each other. I'm still learning how to be presi- Supreme Court's notorious Plessy v. Ferguson "separate but
dent, and everyone has been so patient and helpful to me! equal" decision, declares: "Our Constitution is color-blind, and
# 6 Ju st a few rem in d ers… W e w ill h ave a lu n ch eo n m eetin g at neither knows nor tolerates classes among citizens", May
Samoa Cookhouse in June, but none in July or August. We are 21,1919… R ep u b lican H o u se p asses co n stitu tio n al am en d m en t
planning a joint mini-conference with the ladies form the Del granting women the vote with 85% of Republicans in favor, but
Norte unit on Saturday, July 9 in Eureka, at a location yet to be only 54% of Democrats; in Senate, 80% of Republicans in favor
decided. Mark your calendars! Also, it is not too early to think would vote yes, but almost half Democrats no, May
about working a shift in our booth at the Humboldt County Fair 22,1856… fo r d en o u n cin g D em o crats' p ro -slavery policy, Repub-
in August. Can you envision the day when registration in our lican U.S. Senator Charles Sumner (R-MA) is beaten nearly to
county is more red than blue? I can! As we educate more peo- death on floor of Senate by U.S. Rep. Preston Brooks (D-SC),
ple about Republican principles, more blue stains on the map M ay 27, 1987… V ietn am ese-American cadet Hoang Nhu Tran,
will be replaced with red. former boat person, graduates as valedictorian from U.S. Air
Force Academy; nominated by Senator, Bill Armstrong (R-CO),
#7 What an interesting world in which we live! Case in and May 30, 1854 (and Memorial D ay th is year)… D em o crat
p o in t… m ajo r, im p o rtan t even ts, p eo p le, an d id eas th at h ave President Franklin Pierce signs Kansas-Nebraska Act, expanding
become woven into the fabric of our own American history have slavery into U.S. territories; OPPONENTS UNITE TO FORM
been credited to the wrong people, been misrepresented or omit- THE REPUBLICAN PARTY!
ted altogether! I have come to realize that much of what I had
learned is not actually true. While I know our party is the cur- Is there a lesson to be learned here??? Yes! Discard the so-
rent champion of Civil Rights, most history books give credit in called 'politically correct' and replace with the HISTORICALLY
th e p ast to D em o crats… T h at is in accu rate! The original cham- CORRECT!!!
pions always resided in the Republican Party. In fact, Civil
Page 3 T H E RE D WO O D A L E R T

MEETING RECAP - JoAnn Kaney, Secretary

Fifty-four members and guests attended the ERWF luncheon meeting of April 15 at the Samoa Cookhouse. Among those recognized
were Lori Methany, chair of the Humboldt Republican Central Committee and Leo Sears, president of the Humboldt Taxpayers League.
Also present were Lynda Hayes, Eleanor Parsons, Shirley Porteous, Michelle Scheve and Mechelle Webb of the Del Norte Republican
Women. Leo Sears announced that State Senator Tom McClintock will be the speaker at a dinner at OH's May 6 at 5:30 for the social
hour and 6:30 for dinner. It is open to the public at a cost of $30 per person. Phone 442-TAXX for reservations.
Bill Davis was also present and invited all those who support our administration and troops in Iraq to send $10 for a full-page ad with
your name to be published in the EUREKA REPORTER for Memorial Day. Please contact Gayle Fulton. Vee Sorenson encouraged us
to phone Senator Barbara Boxer at (202) 224-5323 and e-mail our legislators in support of John Bolton's confirmation as ambassador to
the United Nations. Our new treasurer, Diana Mendes, reported a balance of $5,570,96. We were reminded that the May meeting will be
the Annual Membership Tea. It will, again, be held at "An Elegant Victorian Mansion" at 1406 C Street. The date is Friday, May 20, 1:00
to 3:00pm. Our speaker was Reed Hopper, principle attorney for The Pacific Legal Foundation. The Foundation is the oldest and largest
conservative civil rights legal defender. The majority of their cases are precedent setting and many times heard by the Supreme Court.
Mr. Hopper's major talking point was the eroding of our private property rights. He likened the slow takeover by the varied commissions
and arms of government as "feudalism versus freedom". He said the future for private property rights in the twenty-first century does
not look good. Stay aware and do your part for civil rights at the voting booth. Leo Sears' name was drawn for a lemon meringue pie and
Lorene Carlson's for a $25 Renner gasoline card in the opportunity drawing.

Shut down the Wind Machines - Colleen Hedrick

"Filibuster". Now there's a word to think about. Interest- Traditionally, the Senate has used the filibuster to stall issues
ingly enough, the first definition of "filibuster" in my fat and but it has not been used for blocking nominees. Senate Minor-
well-worn dictionary is: "freebooter adventurer who en- ity Leader Harry Reid has suggested that the next step could be
gages in unauthorized warfare against a country with which his to get rid of the legislative filibuster and that the Democrats
own country is not at war." could be stopped from filibustering John Bolton, the President's
There's some irony in that listing since, for some time now, nominee for United Nations Ambassador. They should be ec-
it has seemed that the Democrats have collectively been at war static over the Bolton nomination. The last thing we need is an
with their own country with their consistent obstructionist poli- Ambassador to the United Nations who doesn't know full
cies. Those policies proclaim they are automatically against any- well that we had better clean house there and start spending our
thing and everything without offering alternatives for considera- money on something that actually works instead of subsidizing
tion. Also, far too often, they give the impression that they want grafters and pedophiles. How can that be hard to understand?
nothing that succeeds or advances the best interests of our This whole hootenanny is another flagrant effort on the part
country because to do so would earn credit for the current Re- of the Democrats to deny they lost the election and that any
publican administration. If these policies and attitudes continue, elected President has the right to present his nominees to the
maybe they should trade in their donkey logo for a dog in the Senate and get an up or down vote. They have the right to in-
manger. terview and debate and be against anything and everything in
More recently, some Democrats have threatened to use the sight, but they are paid (and handsomely so) to vote. Like it or
filibuster to block votes on judicial nominees. Senate Majority not, it's their job to keep the government functioning and to
Leader Bill Frist has promised a rules change that would block show up and vote.
efforts to filibuster. It requires only a majority vote to change Who among us has not been in situations where we didn't
Senate rules. It takes 60 senators to end a filibuster. The Senate agree with a vote but the majority ruled and that was that? A
has 55 Republicans, 44 Democrats and 1 Democrat-leaning class of third graders would understand the justice in that con-
Independent. cept and so should the senators.

COPIES AVAILABLE: Our Program C h a p la in ’s R ep ort - Rita O ’C onnell, cha p la in

As our beloved country continues to be torn asunder by differ-
Chair, Lesley Craig was sent a copy of ing factions, it is well to recall our beginnings. Our forefathers were
the message delivered by our April not unanimous in their worship of God, but they agreed that every-
one had a right - even a duty - to believe and to guarantee others
speaker, Mr. M. Reed Hopper. It is nine the same right. Court decisions, prompted by the howls of mis-
pages long. If you are one who heard guided liberals, have made a mockery of the concept of the separa-
tion of church and state. It is time to recall the words of one of our
Mr. Hopper speak and requested a copy greatest presidents, Abraham Lincoln:
of his speech; or you would just like to "It has seemed to me fit and proper that God should be sol-
receive a copy, please call Lesley and emnly, reverently and gratefully acknowledged, as with one heart
she will email one to you. 445-0828 or and one voice, by the whole American people." We do not strive to
impose our faith on others, but we do object to their strident insis-
E-mail at tence that we abandon it in order to avoid "offending" them!
V O L UM E 3 0 , IS S U E 5 Page 4
May 2005 ence is 1,337 words, and the Holy Bible is only 773,000 words.
Thu 12 Cen Com Meeting However, the tax law has grown from 11,400 words in 1913, to 7
Fri 20 SPRING TEA million words today, and growing.
Mon 30 Memorial Day There are at least 480 different tax forms, each with many pages of
June 2005 instructions. Even the easiest form, the 1040E, has 33 pages in in-
Thu 9 Cen Com Meeting structions, and all in fine print.
Fri 17 Luncheon Meeting & (Ex. Brd Meeting) The IRS sends out 8 billion pages of forms and instructions each
July 2005 year. Laid end to end, they would stretch 28 times around the earth.
Sat 9 Mini Conference in Eureka, CA Nearly 300,000 trees are cut down yearly to produce the paper for
NO LUNCHEON MEETINGS all the IRS forms and instructions.
August 2005 American taxpayers spend $200 billion and 5.4 billion hours work-
NO LUNCHEON MEETINGS ing to comply with federal taxes each year, more than it takes to
September 2005 produce every car, truck, and van in the United States.
Thu-Sat NFRW Convention – TENN The IRS employs 114,000 people; that's twice as many as the CIA
Fri 16 Luncheon Meeting & (Ex. Board Meeting) and five times more than the FBI.
October 2005 60% of taxpayers must hire a professional to get through their own
Fri 21 Luncheon Meeting & (Ex. Board Meeting) return.
Nov. 2005 Taxes eat up 38.2% of the average family's income; that's more than
Tue 8 ELECTION DAY for food, clothing and shelter combined.
Fri-Sat 11-12 Nor. Div. Convention - Bay Area
Fri 18 Luncheon Meeting also (Ex. Board Meeting)
Trea surer’s R ep o rt - Diana Mendes
??? Joint Board Meeting

AMERICANISM REPORT - Chris Wennerholm April/2005

With April 15th just past, here are two items about taxation: Balance on 3-31-05 $5,650.96
ACTUAL TAXES WE PAY: April Income 505.00
April Expenses 360.63
Accounts Receivable Tax, Building Permit Tax, Capital Gains Tax, Balance 4-30-05 $5,795.33
CDL license Tax, Cigarette Tax, Corporate Income Tax, Court
Fines (indirect Taxes), Dog License Tax, Federal Income Tax, Fed-
eral Unemployment Tax (FUTA), Fishing License Tax, Food Li-
cense Tax, Fuel permit Tax, Gasoline Tax (42 cents per gallon),
Hunting License Tax, Inheritance Tax Interest expense (Tax on the
money), Inventory tax IRS Interest Charges (Tax on top of Tax),
IRS Penalties (Tax on top of Tax), Liquor Tax, Local Income Tax,
Luxury Taxes, Marriage License Tax, Medicare Tax, Property Tax,
Real Estate Tax, Septic Permit Tax, Service Charge Taxes, Social
Security Tax, Road Usage Taxes (Truckers), Sales Taxes, Recrea-
tional Vehicle Tax, Road Toll Booth Taxes, School Tax, State In-
come Tax, State Unemployment Tax (SUTA), Telephone federal
excise Tax, Telephone federal universal service fee Tax, Telephone
federal, state and local surcharge Taxes, Telephone minimum usage
surcharge Tax, Telephone recurring and non-recurring charges Tax,
Telephone state and local Tax, Telephone usage charge Tax, Toll
Bridge Taxes, Toll Tunnel Taxes, Traffic Fines (indirect Taxation),
Trailer registration Tax, Utility Taxes, Vehicle License Registration
Tax, Vehicle Sales Tax, Water craft registration Tax, Well Permit
Tax, Workers Compensation Tax....
Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago and our nation was the
most prosperous in the world, had absolutely no national debt, had
the largest middle class in the world and Mom stayed home to raise portraits that grace your home
the kids.
What the heck happened?
… a n d to u ch yo u r h e a rt
Some Taxing Information Lynda Pozel & Jack Hopkins, Owners
The Gettysburg address is 269 words, the Declaration of Independ- 707-443-3364
VO L UM E 30, IS S UE 5 Page 5

Ways & Means Report - Minika Bingham & Colleen Hedrick

At our April luncheon LAURENE CARLSON and LEO SEARS were the lucky winners of our opportunity drawing. Congratulations
to you both! And our thanks, again to Renner Petroleum for providing the $25 pre-paid gas card that Laurene won.
This month at our Spring Tea we have a very special item for our opportunity drawing: a FIFTY DOLLAR SHELL pre-paid gas (or
purchase) card donated by Jim & Nadine Seiler of Fortuna. (Nadine is a member of ERWF). Do come to the tea and purchase your tick-
ets for an opportunity to win this fabulous prize! And remember to check out our fine Republican jewelry at our ways and means table.
Thanks for all your support and see you at the tea!

Region 13 Report - Eileen Amos THE REDWOOD ALERT 2005 Advertising Rates
W E H A V E A D A T E ! Space is currently available for advertising.
Our Region 13 Mini Conference will take place in Eureka on Issue Year
SATURDAY, JULY 9TH. Please mark your calendars now and Business Card-$10 or $90 year
make arrangements to attend this Saturday event. We have ladies
from the Del Norte club driving down to join us as well as a Quarter Page- $20 or $180 year
commitment from Fort Bragg members and possibly ladies from Full Page $75 or N/A year
the Ukiah club. Please contact: Kay Peake 442-5554;764-3021
Our Northern Div. President, Sandy Pope will be here. Sandy E-mail:
will talk about her March visit with First Lady Laura Bush! We
are busy making arrangements for our special speakers for the Prepayment is required
day. Ad Copy Due Date: Last Thursday of each month.
Published copies: 180/400 local distribution.
It p ro m ises to b e an excitin g co n feren ce . . . yo u w o n ’t w an t to
miss it.

MEMBERSHIP REPORT 2005 Board of Directors

I am happy to report our President Sheryl Fearrien 725-6200
ERWF club has reached a st
1 Vice-President Lesley Craig 445-0828
total of 250 members!!! 2nd Vice-President Vee Sorenson 822-2359
We would like to welcome
Recording Secretary JoAnn Kaney 839-7763
our 6 NEW MEM-
Treasurer Diana Mendes 725-2732
BERS...Linda Arata of
McKinleyville; Chris Cook Dir-at-large Eileen Amos 442-4834
and Mary Ann Willson of Achievement Awards Fearrien/Craig/Amos see above see above
Arcata; Elaine Crawford Americanism Chris Wennerholm 725-2020
and Vera Gilchrist of Auditor JoAnn Stanhope 822-4776
Eureka; and Lauren Gard- Bulletin Editor B ill O ’D o n n e ll 442-4117
ner of Fortuna. We are so Advertising Kay Peake 442-5554
happy to have you ladies
join our club. Mailing
Chaplain R ita O ’C o n n e ll 268-0852
Commentary Colleen Hedrick 268-0101
Our "Spring Tea" will be Cor. Secretary Gayle Fulton 443-5369
Friday, May 20, 2005 at
Historian Lisa Oliveri 268-8182
the lovely B & B Abigail's
Elegant Victorian Mansion Hospitality Sonja Hauxwell 668-5260
from 1:00 to 3:00. Please Legislation Vee Sorenson 822-2359
bring a guest to enjoy an Luncheons Sheryl Fearrien 725-6200
afternoon of food and fun Membership Margaret Stafford 822-3255
in this elegant mansion.
Name Tags Delores Theuerkauf 822-5090
Thank you all for your gen-
Parliamentarian Nancy Flemming 442-5677
erous donations in support
of our club. You are such a Program Lesley Craig 445-0828
generous caring group and Public Relations Eileen Amos 442-4834
you have made my job Telephone
much easier as a result. Ways & Means Minika Bingham 442-6583
Margaret Stafford Colleen Hedrick 268-0101
The Redwood Alert PRESORTED
Eureka Republican Women, Federated U.S. POSTAGE
c/o Eileen Amos PAID
3950 Tess Court 95501
Eureka, CA 95503-5172 PERMIT NO. 60

2005 Rhody Parade

KYLE CAMPBELL - Harper Motors employee

CENTRAL COMMITTEE REPORT - Lori Ann Metheny, Chairman (Humboldt County Republican Party)
The Humboldt County Republican Party has been moving ahead to paint this county Red! We held a Voter Registration Drive and
Petition Signing Party last month and collected hundreds of signatures for the Governor. For the month of May, I would like to invite
you to our regular meeting on Thursday, May 12th, at OH Townhouse. Our guest speaker will be Jalene Forbis, Secretary of the
California Republican Party. Jalene has held two terms as RCC Chairman of Siskiyou County and held an office on the Republican
County Chairman's Association.
P lease p lan o n atten d in g o u r m o n th ly R ep u b lican P rayer M eetin g (M ay 21st at 10 A M ) an d also o u r “M ay M eet an d G reet” o n F riday,
May 27th at our Republican Headquarters where you will learn more about the President's Social Security Reform Plan. For more details,
call the Republican Headquarters at 442-2259.


As we approach the summer recess, the Republican Congress has accomplished the passing of some necessary legislation while the
Democrats are filibustering and playing the obstructionist game. I started out my reports in January by mentioning how legislation can
be so meaningless when we have activist judges who undermine the will of the Congress. Also, running a complex government can
become taxing when Democrats thwart every wish and appointment of the President.
There are three appointments I would like to concentrate on at this time. First is John Bolton. He is extremely qualified and the
President's choice to represent the United States at the United Nations, but Democrats are trying to ruin his character and reputation.
The next two appointments of concern are the judicial appointments of Priscilla Richman Owen and Janice Rogers Brown. These out-
standing women have been degraded and criticized and called extremists by Democrats. A phony filibuster argument has resulted be-
cause of misleading and erroneous information being fed to the public.
Express your support in the confirmation of these individuals by contacting Senators Feinstein and Boxer. Also give encouragement to
Senator Frist to fight back and allow an up or down vote on these fine Americans.

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