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Volume 32, Issue 5 May 2007

Joy Finley, President

The Redwood Alert Patricia Welch, Program Chair

E u r e k a R e p u b l i c a n W o m e n ,
F e d e r a t e d S i n c e 1 9 3 8

NEXT LUNCHEON MEETING: Thursday, May 17 at The Eureka Red Lion

Guest Speaker: Lieutenant George Cavinta * Lunch: $14 Program and beverage-only $6
Please contact Margaret Stafford, 822 3255 to make a reservation, if you were not reached by our Telephone Committee.

P r e s i d e n t ' s M e s s a g e
J o y F i n l e y
SPRING is here!!! April showers indeed bring May flowers. One of my most gratifying
activities is working in the yard. This Spring has been exceptional and I believe the little things
in life bring us the greatest joy. That, and peace of mind. We are so blessed.
This month's speaker is Lt. Cavinta of the Humboldt County Sheriff's office. He will be
speaking about a reality that few of us are familiar with but we are all affected by it. It is the
methamphetamine problem here in Humboldt County. I recently watched a movie called "Life
After Meth" and I was horrified by this terrible drug. You will come away from this meeting with
a better understanding of the mental & physical affects on it's victims. Please make
reservations to attend. I have heard Lt. Cavinta and he is a wonderful speaker.
See you Thursday May 17!

May Program by Patricia Welch, 1st Vice President

This month‘s speaker will be Lieutenant George Cavinta of the Humboldt

County Sheriff's Office Criminal Investigation Division. He will speak on the DRUG
ENDANGERED CHILDREN PROGRAM (DEC), a new departmental program.
Lt. Cavinta attended local schools and graduated from the College of the Redwoods Police
Academy in 1982. He began his career with the Humboldt County Sheriff‘s office later that
year as a reserve Deputy Sheriff. Prior to his promotion to Sergeant in 1997, assignments
included general patrol, drug enforcement unit, SWAT team member and field training officer. .
He was promoted to Lieutenant in late 2003 and in July 2006 he was transferred to his current
position as Lieutenant of the Criminal Investigations Unit. His duties include, Commander of
the SWAT team, EOD (bomb tactics), Arson Task Force and is the Operations Section Chief
for the Humboldt County Emergency Operations Center .
Lt. Cavinta has been married to Diana for 15 years and has 4 children, ages 6-14. In his
spare time he is active in Arcata Little League as a coach and as a board member, and is also
a basketball coach for Arcata Parks and Recreation Basketball League. He is a member of
Arcata Sunrise Rotary, and the Knights of Columbus, St Mary‘s Parrish, Arcata.
Please be sure to attend and bring a friend for this timely presentation on protecting our
children from abuse and/or neglect due to drug use in their home.
Page 2 May 2007


It‘s time to take a close look at State Senate Bill 777. This frightening legislation is designed to prohibit school
curriculum and activities that ―reflect adversity‖ on homosexual, bisexual and transgender and other ―alternative
lifestyles.‖ It is being pushed by homosexual rights groups.
It is hard to believe that such legislation gets any credibility, but unfortunately it will soon be voted on. It
thrusts young school children into dealing with sexual issues, requiring that alternate lifestyles be taught in a
favorable light. It would require classroom instruction and materials promote and embrace controversial social
practices. This undercuts the traditional family unit and scorns all religious and moral teachings that are contrary
to its agenda.
As ladies who believe in biblical and traditional teachings that have served humanity for centuries, we must
speak out in opposition to what the left is trying to inflict on our children and grandchildren.
Contact our local State Senator and the Governor to voice your opposition to such sweeping, harmful

M a r k y o u r c a l e n d a r s ’ 0 7
MAY 10 - Cen. Com. Mtg.
B a r b a r a H e c a t h o r n
17 - ERWF Luncheon Mtg - Red Lion
C h a i r
JUNE 2 - PLF in Eureka
14 - Cen. Com. Mtg We have a total of 237 members, 32 are
21 - ERWF Luncheon Mtg - Red Lion
SEPT. 27-30 NFRW Convention - Palm Springs
new. New Members in April are Patti
Campbell of Bayside and Laura Bush from
Fieldbrook. We also have 30 associate
NFRW Biennial Convention, Palm Springs, members. We are making plans now for our
September 27-30, 2007 Annual Membership Tea. It will be held
 CFRW Biennial Convention, October 19-21, 2007, sometime in the Fall. More details next
Crowne Plaza, Foster City (San Francisco Bay Area) month. See you at the luncheon.

E R W F 2 0 0 7 E l e c t e d O f f i c e r s
POSITION NAME phone email
President Joy Finley 845-2575
1st V-President Patricia Welch 227 6562
2nd V-President Vee Sorenson 822-2359
Rec. Secretary Eileen Amos 442-4834
Treasurer Cindy Lewis 442-1187
Director-at-large Mary Feist 445-2125

C e n t r a l C o m m i t t e e R e p o r t b y P a t r i c i a W e l c h
Humboldt County Republican Central Committee will hold its next meeting on Thursday May 10, 6 PM at
OH‘s Townhouse in Eureka. We will be showing the documentary In the Face of Evil, a two time award winner for
Best Documentary of 2004. In the Face of Evil: Reagan's War in Word and Deed is about a man and nation's
courageous journey through the heart of darkness and how that journey inspires us today. This film is not a
traditional biopic of Ronald Reagan, but a hard-hitting exploration of leadership and moral courage. Based on
Reagan's War, Peter Schweizer's acclaimed bestseller, In the Face of Evil, pits the brutality of totalitarian
communism against Reagan‘s inflexible passion to see freedom‘s light shine on all the people of the world. The
film‘s timeless lessons inspire us as a call to action. Ronald Reagan‘s legacy gives us courage to stand tall
despite our enemy‘s harshest aggressions and to never waver in the face of evil.

Dinner will be available for a fee, but admission is free. We hope to see you there!!
Page 3 The Redwood Alert

From U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell asking his colleagues
to hold up their end of the bargain and pass a bill that will fund the troops. Sen. McConnell
explains, ―It is not too late to change course. I ask my colleagues to be as patient as our
soldiers and Marines — and, indeed — the terrorists, and draft a bill that does not arbitrarily
circle a date on the calendar and trigger withdrawal without regard to conditions on the
34th Biennial Convention ....
The 34th Biennial NFRW Convention is set for Sept. 26-30 in Palm Springs, Calif. The official convention web site
is available at and will be updated with new information regularly.
For convention-related deadlines, visit
My Favorite Teacher Award ....
States and Clubs: Don't forget about the national "My Favorite Teacher Award," which will be presented during the
34th Biennial Convention in Palm Springs in September. States must submit their nominee to national headquarters
by June 30.

From The Leonard Letter 04/30/07—***Spending Limit ? ? ?***

Budget season is approaching Sacramento again. We will once again hear complaints that the state does not
bring in enough money to pay for all the ―services‖ it must provide. There will be calls for higher taxes. A few sane
voices will call for reducing spending. We are likely to be hearing the debate well into the summer rather than
concluding it by the constitutional deadline of June 15th. Unfortunately, what I doubt will be part of any of these
discussions is a reasonable spending limit. I urge lawmakers to review a brief report by the Main Heritage Policy
Center by Geoffrey Segal. He focuses on how local governments have used shared services, introduced
competition, leveraged public assets and linked appropriations to performance to control spending. He concludes,
―Good government … requires that all ‗investments‘ by government be routinely assessed for their actual
effectiveness. Only those activities that provide the greatest benefit should be funded at a level relative to the goals
and priorities set by the people.‖
Paul Gann was ahead of his time in 1979 with the Gann Spending Limit. It worked wonderfully for the roughly
ten years that it was in effect before it was watered down. Had been allowed to stand as originally passed, we
would today be taking in more revenue than we would be allowed to spend, and enjoying a healthy surplus. One of
the remarkable effects of this law was that in 1987 the state was forced to refund $1.1 billion in surplus revenues to
all Californians. It is hard to imagine this happening today.

Chaplain's Message by Rita O'Connell

It is disheartening that the government is erasing God from our country in a misguided effort to be politically cor-
rect. We seem to be caught in a position of "grin and bear it" as subtle - and not so subtle - means are applied to ap-
pease non-Christians and atheists.
Eliminating references to God, demanding the removal of Christian symbols and other tactics have become com-
monplace. But who is authorized to change history?
The World War II Memorial in Washington, DC includes inspiring words from Presidents Dwight Eisenhower and
Harry Truman. It also includes quotes from the speech President Franklin Roosevelt made the day after Pearl Harbor
was attacked.
After he made the stunning announcement about the "date that will live in infamy," Roosevelt concluded by saying,
"With confidence in our armed forces, with the abounding determination of our people, we will gain the inevitable
Roosevelt concluded his message with "so help us God." But that isn't on the memorial!
Who has the authority to alter history?
Page 4 May 2007

***New Europe Improves Wages with Flat Taxes***

from The Leonard Letter by Bill Leonard, Member State Board of Equalization
There is a terrific little article in the March 19 National Review about flat taxes in the Baltic countries in Northern
Europe. Under a flat tax system, the tax rate is the same for everybody. We instead have a progressive structure where
wealthier people pay a higher rate. Under either system people with higher incomes pay more taxes, but our system is
so progressive that the top 10 percent on the income scale pay more than 50% of all federal taxes.
One advantage of a flat tax system is predictability. The IRS has six rates ranging from 10% to 35%. But because of
the Alternative Minimum Tax, Americans can no longer predict their tax liability based on the official rates. Under a flat
tax system like Estonia‘s, the tax rate is the same for everybody – 22% (down to 20% in 2009). Estonia exempts income
up to a certain level so the very poor pay no taxes, and allows very few deductions. Such a simple and predictable tax
structure has great merit – one being there is no need in
Estonia for a tax code that spends 100 pages defining ‗income‘.
Moreover, higher progressive tax rates impede economic activity, not just for rich people, but for everybody. When an
economy starts to slide, it is the poorer among us who feel the brunt most severely. Thus, those who advocate ―soaking‖
the rich through higher taxes could well be sabotaging the progressive outcome they claim to be seeking. To illustrate
this, the NR article looked at six ―New Europe‖ countries that have opted to replace their Communist systems with flat
tax, entrepreneurial systems. The countries are Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Slovak Republic, and Ukraine. Before
adopting a flat tax, Estonians‘ monthly wage average was about $85 a month. Five years after adopting a flat tax,
average wages are up 265% -- $308 per month. There are other factors that contributed to this rise. However, wages in
neighboring non flat tax countries like Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia have seen wages rise only 8% in
the same period.

Let’s Get Politically Incorrect—all over the place by Colleen Hedrick

Day in day out our news is loaded with frivolous politically convenient conclusions about profoundly important issues.
That is coupled with boxcar loads of steamy horse pucky commentary about trivia elevated to faux importance. Self
defense dictates that the only way to go is to actively communicate our dissent, outrage, protests, and snide snickers at
those politicians and the media liberals who attack our collective common sense.
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi would have us believe that she and her house mates are righteous authorities to
traipse off to any old dictator and speak for the administration. Further that congress actually knows more than the
military in the field. All that free gratis chutzpa in a designer suit, coronet, and high heels. Holy Moly Mama who knew we
should get such a bargain? My personal email to Speaker Pelosi insisted she should behave herself. Let‘s hope others
will do likewise.
Collectively congress is primarily good for a lot of double talk and false promises in regard to the public‘s strong gen-
eral consensus that our borders need to be secured and that we are not responsible for subsidizing Mexico ‘s economy.
Mexico‘s problems continue to exist and grow because the Mexican people run here instead of taking a stand against
their government‘s overwhelming graft and failure to use the country's resources by the few at the expense of the many.
Why should the powerful do anything to solve the people‘s needs when they can use this country so easily? New legisla-
tion to solve old problems is not the issue. Utilizing existing laws and enforcing authorized stiff fines and penalties
against the U.S. companies hiring illegal's would cure their pesky habit.
There are flocks of media liberals agonizing over photogenic children crying because they are citizens who will be
separated from parents who are legally obliged to return to Mexico . We didn‘t coax Mom to come here to give birth.
Think about those of us who were born here and are citizens who sometimes deal with a parent‘s need to relocate due to
job changes or other reasons. The kids don‘t get to agonize that they are Californians and Dad is moving the household
to New Jersey . The parents say, ―Pack your clothes, your dolls or your first baseman‘s mitt, give away your jug of
earthworms and your three turtles because we‘re going.‖
Common sense dictates that we call, fax, email our congressional representatives and demand secure borders. Write
letters to the editor and complain. Call the White House and voice your support of that purpose.
Some republican turncoats got forceful messages from the home folks who thought voting with the democrats on Iraq
war deadlines wasn‘t what they were sent to Washington to do. Their email addresses and phone numbers are online.
It‘s easy to contact reps from any state. Sniveling about what‘s being dished out won‘t change a thing. Agitate, be vocal,
put it in writing, stand up and be counted. That toll is far less trying than being steamrolled by so called public servants
who only want to be re-elected.
Page 5 The Redwood Alert
Education Update by Sheryl Fearrien
The largest health risk our nation faces today is leads to diabetes, heart disease and many cancers. No longer is it
striking only adults; many of our children are in the overweight or obese category now. Obesity has been a particularly sneak y
enemy. While becoming more and more sedentary, we are fed SUPERSIZED everything's. At our local restaurant, my doggy
bag provides at least two more meals. Even the children's menu portions are too large. While being teased by family for ordering
"kiddy fare", I know I could actually gain weight if I were to "clean my plate"!
I found the following article online under Republican Caucus, Republican Issues Focus...No Easy Recipe To Fix School Nutri-
Today Bonnie Garcia (R-Cathedral City) participated in a lively televised debate hosted by the LegiSchool Project to discuss
the importance of eliminating junk foods in school. Nine high school students representing schools throughout the state were
selected to participate after winning local essay contests.
Garcia stated, "I was impressed by their questions. The students raised very valid points about working with communi-
ties to change behaviors and not just menu items. It was clear they understood the link between poor eating habits and the rise
in childhood obesity, diabetes and heart disease."
In her three terms in office, Garcia has authored legislation to address the issues of childhood obesity and healthy choices in
school cafeterias. Most recently Garcia introduced AB 92, to require schools with a large percentage of low income kids to offer
a breakfast program.
The LegiSchool Project is an award-winning nonpartisan civic education collaboration between California State University,
Sacramento and the California State Legislature. The project's mission is to engage young people in matters of public policy
and state government through town hall meetings focused on a particular topic of interest to young people.
The press conferences was broadcast live on the California Channel to schools throughout the state, with an estimated
2,000 students viewing the meeting.
Today we concluded our STAR tests with the mandated P.E. tests for grades 5, 7, and 9. Not all the children could pass the
minimum requirements. The P.E. teacher who conducted the
Treasurer’s Report by Cindy Lewis tests told me privately that passing the tests will soon become
part of high school requirements for graduation. Many families
Balance 3/31/07 $4975.12
will need to make some health/lifestyle changes to help their
Income April 2007 +$1021.00
children. Thinking ahead to our next luncheon..guess I will pass
Expenses April 2007 - $1116.87
Balance 4/30/07 $4879.25
up the scrumptious desserts...I am sure any of them have more
fat and calories than the whole rest of our meal!

Legislation Report "Tax Tid-bits" - From The Leonard Letter 4/23/07

The CFRW SUPPORTS AB 293, Strickland · California‘s personal income tax burden is
( R-37) regarding homeowners tax exemption and $3.07 per $100 of income. That is more than the
renters credit. Below is a summary of this bill average of $2.40 for all other states; the average
which is currently in the committee for revenue and of $2.61 for all industrial states; and the average of
taxation. $2.57 for western states.
· California has the highest combined rate for
Existing property tax law provides, pursuant to the
sales and use tax, but because it also has many
authority of a specified provision of the California
exemptions (e.g., food) the actual revenue col-
Constitution, for a homeowners' exemption in the
lected from the taxes is right around the national
amount of $7,000 of the full value of a "dwelling,"
as defined, and authorizes the Legislature to
increase this exemption. This bill would, beginning · There are more than 600,000 businesses who
with the lien date for the 2008-09 fiscal year, file under the state‘s corporation tax. Of those, only
increase the homeowners' exemption from $7,000 55% report a profit. The remainder still must pay
to $22,000 of the full value of a dwelling. This bill the state‘s minimum corporate tax even though
would also require, for the 2009-10 fiscal year and they report losses.
for each fiscal year thereafter, the county assessor · To understand the size of most corporations in
to adjust the amount of the homeowners' the state, know that in 2004, 97% of corporations
exemption by the percentage change, for the first 3 had taxable income of less than $500,000. The
quarters of the prior calendar year, in the Housing remaining 3% of corporations accounted for 87%
Price Index for California, as specified. of the corporate tax liability.
Page 6 May 2007

Summary of 32nd Annual Advocacy Workshop

California Federation of Republican Women's 32nd Annual Advocacy Workshop was a success! Over 500 adults
and students attended the event in the Hyatt Regency at Capitol Park.
The Ambassadors' Legislative Reception was held in the beautiful Capitol View Room on the 15th floor of the
Hyatt. We were pleased to have so many of our legislators join us for this annual event. Prior to that reception,
our Platinum Ambassadors met with VIPs in President Marianne's suite. They were the first offered the opportunity to
tour the Capitol which included a climb up in the dome. Some twenty lucky ladies were able to take that tour which is
a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. We thank our Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines for making that possible.
National Federation of Republican Women President Beverly Davis stressed the importance of membership reten-
tion as well as membership recruitment if we are to remain a successful organization. She encouraged club presi-
dents to search out women in their 30's and 40's who share our Republican philosophy. We were honored to have
our own NFRW president address us. Ambassador Chair Paula Celick presented her with an honorary Platinum
membership evidenced by a personalized platinum name badge encircled by Swarovski crystals in red, white and
Ron Nehring, Chairman of the California Republican Party, thanked us for all of the support that our members
give to Republican candidates during campaign season. He commended CFRW for registering Republican voters,
and acknowledged that CFRW registers more Republican voters than any other group in California.
CRP Vice Chair Tom Del Beccaro, Blue Star Mother Deborah Johns, Assemblyman Doug LaMalfa, As-
semblyman John Benoit, Assemblyman Roger Niello and many others attended our Red Jacket Rally on the north
steps of the State Capitol. What a great, flag-waving event that was!! We'll link to the photographer's website when
she posts the final products.
Maj. Eric England, reservist and author, discussed ways that average Americans can help the troops win the war
in Iraq. The morning after our Advocacy Workshop he appeared on Fox News with E D Hill to promote his citi-
zens' program to assist our deployed troops.
Nathan Fletcher shared with us how important the letters and prayers that we send to the troops in Iraq are. He
also reminded us that we are definitely winning the war against terrorism -- since 9/11 not one act of terrorism
has happened on American soil.
Steve Poizner, Insurance Commissioner, discussed how critical it is that insurance fraud is addressed so that in-
surance fees across the board can be reduced.
Melanie Morgan, of Move America Forward, and just back from her "These Colors Don't Run" bus caravan to Wash-
ington DC, reinforced how important it is to support our troops overseas until every last one of them comes home.
We were so pleased that Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger was able to speak to both the students and adults this
year. He talked about how it takes a team effort to win elections and it takes a team to make a difference. He con-
gratulated CFRW on creating a team that does indeed make a difference. He also took some extra time for photos
and to sign autographs for the students.
Everyone who attended had such a great time. Check the calendar below for the dates of the 33rd and 34th Advo-
cacy Workshops. I hope you can join us next year!

Odonnell Entertainment®
Thank you Republican Women
William Tufts Odonnell
PO BOX 771, Bayside, CA 95524
The Sorenson, Stephens and Schweitzer Phone: 707-442-4117 * E-Mail:
families wish to thank everyone who sent cards,
“Last One Out, Turn Off the Light”
called with encouragement and attended the
About St. George Reef Lighthouse (DVD)
memorial services for our son Rodney. Having
so many friends was a comfort at such a time.
Vee Sorenson and Tammy Stephens PUBLISHER OF ERWF NEWSLETTER
Page 7 The Redwood Alert



1118 SIXTH STREET (707) 443-2781
EUREKA, CA 95501 FAX (707) 443-0608


THE REDWOOD ALERT 2007 Advertising Rates

Space is currently available for advertising.

Per Issue
Business Card $10
Quarter Page $20
Full Page $75
Please contact: Joy Finley at 845 2575
Prepayment is required
Ad Copy Due Date: Last Thursday of each month.

Red Fridays — Wear Red Every Friday

The first thing that a soldier says when asked what we can do to make things better for him or her is, "We need your
support and your prayers." There is a campaign sweeping across America called "Red Fridays". The goal of this
campaign is to have as many people as possible wear something red on every Friday until all of our troops come
home. Please pass this information along to your relatives, coworkers, friends, and anyone who will listen. This
campaign is an excellent vehicle to show our solidarity and our unceasing support and admiration for our troops.
I know I mentioned this before but it is still important.

The Redwood Alert PRESORTED

Eureka Republican Women, Federated STANDARD
c/o Eileen Amos U.S. POSTAGE
3950 Tess Court, Eureka, CA 95503 PAID

AMERICANISM REPORT by Chris Wennerholm

Let us always remember our servicemen and women who, over the years, and through many wars, made the highest
sacrifice for our country and our freedom. May we always honor them. Please remember to fly the flag at half staff
until 12 noon on Monday, May 28th, in their honored memory.

MEMORIAL DAY--A day to remember—(Author unknown)

Oh, God, help us never to forget The Price of freedom and those that paid the Ultimate
Cost...with their lives...for all mankind.

Fading light dims the sight, and a star gems the sky, gleaming bright. From afar drawing nigh --
Falls the night. Day is done, gone the sun From the Lake, from the hills, from the sky.
All is well, safely rest, God is nigh.
Then good night, peaceful night, 'til the light of the dawn shineth bright,
God is near, do not Fear-- Friend, good night.

SEND EILEEN AN EMAIL . . . we have six members who have contacted Eileen to ask to receive The
Redwood Alert ONLINE. If you, too would like to save our Club money on printing, paper and postage
then please send your request to Eileen at with a Subject Line of ALERT
Each month you will receive an email notice that the bulletin is "up" and ready for you to download.

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