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The 20th International Conference on Hydraulics and Pneumatics, Prague, September 29 – October 1, 2008 1

Centrifugal Compressor Dynamics and Software System

for Surge Control

NEVRLÝ, Josef1, MAREK, Jiří2, VARGOVČÍK, Luboš2 & OLDŘICH, Jiří4

Prof., RNDr., Ing., Ph.D., ÚK FSI VUT, Technická 2, 616 69 Brno,,
Ing., Ph.D., UNIS, a. s., Jundrovská 33, 624 00 Brno,
Ing., Ph.D., UNIS, a. s., Jundrovská 33, 624 00 Brno,
Ing., Ph.D., ČKD NOVÉ ENERGO, Klecakova 1947, 190 02 Prague 9

Centrifugal compressor surge dynamics and software system for centrifugal compressors
surge control inside the safe working area but in the near proximity of control (or backup- or
surge) line based upon ČKD Nové Energo research are described in the paper.
At small mass flows the performance of a compression system is limited by the occurrence
aerodynamic flow instabilities, which can lead to catastrophic failure of the compressor due
to mechanical and thermal loads. Recent innovations in control technology have made it
possible to supply surge control systems which are capable of coping with rapid flow
fluctuations and process gas variations.
A compression system model developed by Greitzer is mentioned in the paper. The
oscillations in the system are modeled in a manner analogous to those in a Helmholtz
resonator. It is supposed that all the kinetic energy of the oscillations is associated with the
motion of the fluid in the compressor and ducts.
The suggested system of radial compressors surge control consists of parts of
- measuring of technical data of the compressor (compressor operating point)
- computation of a distance of the operating point from the “anti-surge” action
- control parameter setting
- setting of approximation parameters for calculation of the “anti surge” action (input of all
approximation parameters of approximating polynomials and correcting relations)
- computation of a working space of the compressor (a row of arranged couples – values of
flow and pressure in the compressor outlet)
- computation of a working characteristic of the compressor (a row of arranged couples –
values of flow and pressure in the compressor outlet for a given compressor operating point)
– depicting of the compressor working regime
Suggested software for surge control systems provides protection against surge together with
more efficient compressor operation, especially in process applications that involve
variations in the gas mixture and temperature.

Key words: surge, compressor, rotating stall, control, model

1 Introduction
1.1 Basic operation of radial compressors
Within the framework of an introduction, a part of radial compressors theory introduced in
[3] can be mentioned.

Fig. 1 Scheme of compressor rotor wheel, velocities diagrams [3]

Theoretical compression in one stage of compressor equipped by unlimited number of blades

is given by the relation
pt  ht .   (u 2 .c 2u  u1 .c1u ) [Pa]
where cu  c. cos  is tangential component of absolute velocity.

 1

Theoretical specific energy is ht  (c 22  c12 )  (u 22  u12 )  ( w12  w22 ) []
From velocity triangles results
c2u  u2  2 m , c2 m  c2 .sin  2
tg 2
and the equation for theoretical specific energy can be written as
 c  u2
ht  u2  u2  2 m   u22   Q [], F2 [m2] - flow area at impeller outlet.
 tg 2  F2  tg 2

Energy input of compressor is

Pt  htG [W], G [kg s-1 ] – mass flow.
Torque moment according Euler equation for volume gas flow Q [m3 s-1 ] is
M  Q. (r2 .c 2u  r1 .c1u ) [N m]
at angle velocity   n / 30 [s -1 ], n is machine speed (revolutions per minute) [s-1 ].
Tangential velocities follow from following expressions:
u1  D1n [ms-1 ],  u2  D2 n [ms-1 ]
c1u  c1 cos 1 [ms-1 ], c2u  c2 cos  2 [ms-1 ]

Theoretical impeller input is Pt  M . [W]

Isentropic efficiency is  s  s
Coefficient of contraction [3] at outlet of the impeller is
z 2  Fl
  1
  D2  b2  sin  2
Where z2 is number of vanes of impeller, Fl is area of square cut of vane and b2 is output
with of the impeller:
Q2 G
b2  [m], here Q2  [m3 s-1 ]
     2  D2  u2 2
and  2 is flow coefficient
c Q2
 2  2m 
u2 F2  u 2
Output angle of impeller vane  2 is usually in range 20 0 ; 65 0 .

1.2 Rotating stall and surge

Various types of instabilities are encountered in compression systems, e.g. combustion
induced instabilities or aero-elastic instabilities such as flutter. This paper is restricted to
aerodynamic flow instabilities in centrifugal compressors: rotating stall and surge. A review
of several types of instabilities that are found in turbomachines can be found in Greitzer [2].
Rotating stall
Rotating stall is a two-dimensional, local instability phenomenon in which one or more local
regions of stagnant flow, so-called stall cells, rotate around the circumference of the
compressor (see Fig. 2).

Fig. 2 Rotating stall cells [10]

Depending on their size, these cells usually have a constant rotational speed between 20 and
80% of the rotor speed: larger cells rotate at a lower rotational speed than small cells [2]. In
this flow regime, the annulus-averaged compressor mass flow is steady, but circumferentially
nonuniform. In a compressor map, the occurrence of rotating stall is seen as a rapid movement
from the unstalled characteristic (1) to a point on the stalled characteristic (2), as shown in
Fig. 3. Rotating stall induces large vibratory stresses in the blading and can result in a large
drop in performance and efficiency.

Fig. 3 Rotating stall in compressor map [10]

Surge is characterized by large amplitude fluctuations of the pressure and by unsteady, but
circumferentially uniform, annulus-averaged mass flow. This essentially one-dimensional
instability affects the compression system as a whole and results in a limit cycle oscillation in
the compressor map. Figure 4 shows a pressure trace for a compressor system, which was
initially operated in a steady operating point. Frequencies of several types of aerodynamic
flow instabilities can be seen in Fig. 5.
Figure 6 shows a typical example of a deep surge cycle, which is associated with reverse
flow over part of the cycle. The frequency of oscillations during deep surge is normally well
below the Helmholtz frequency as it is set by the filling (4→1) and emptying period (2→3) of
the plenum. It is noted that Pinsley et al. (1991), [8] have shown that mild surge transforms
into other types of surge by throttling the compressor to lower mass flows.

Fig. 4 Surge initiation measured at the compressor outlet [10]

Fig. 5 Frequencies of several types of aerodynamic flow instabilities [10]

Fig. 6 Compressor map with deep surge cycle [10]

2 Centrifugal Compressor Surge Modeling

The modeling of the compression system with a lumped parameter approach is widely
accepted in literature, and is useful in the stabilization of a rotating stall and surge by means
of active control. It forms a basis for models dealing with compressibility in the compressor.
Greitzer [1] developed a nonlinear mathematical model of transient compression system
behavior because it was not understood what fundamental mechanisms are responsible for
determining the mode of instability cause by surge occurring at centrifugal compressors.
The compressor and its ducting are replaced (Fig. 7) by an actuator disc, to account for the
pressure rises due to the compressor, and a constant area pipe with a certain length, to account
for the dynamics of the gas in the compressor duct.

Fig. 7 Scheme of equivalent compression system used in analysis [1]

The rate of change of the mass flow in the compressor duct, represented by the axial
velocity, cxc , is related to the pressure difference across the duct, p  p p  po , and the
pressure rise across the compressor, pc  pc  po .
Using relation
dc xc
Lc  ( p p  po )  pc
and similar relation describes the flow in the throttle duct:
dc xT
LT  ( p p  po )  pT
where pT  pT  po represents the pressure rise across the throttle. After further derivation
(see e.g. [1]) Greitzer’s resulting equations of the dynamics of the system are:
dmc' A
  c (p  pc )
dt Lc
dmT' A
  T ( p  pT )
dt Lc
dp p a 2 '
 (mc  mT' )
dt V p
where Δp is the pressure rise across the duct, the loss (viscous) terms, and the contribution of
rotation in case of compressor, are assumed to react quasi-steady to mass flow, changes are
represented by the steady-state characteristics, pc , pT ; a is speed of sound.
The first and second equation are the one-dimensional “incompressible” momentum
equations for the compressor and throttle duct, respectively, the third equation expresses the
conservation of mass in the plenum in which an isoentropic compression is as supposed.

3 Surge control of the compressor 4 RSA 32

3.1 Software Configuration – Function of the Program Components
Suggested compressor control system was implemented [4], [9] in a realized project in
Novokujbyschevsk in Russia. As far a program equipment is concerned, it consists from a
program for direct control implemented into a programmable controller PLC (client SCADA)
and from application securing user interface created in environs Win CC. Mutual linkages of
program components and brief description of their functions are introduced in Fig 8.
3.2 Application of user interface (Win CC) – client DDE
The application of the user interface solves following tasks:
1. user interface of compressor control
2. setting of control parameters
3. setting of approximation parameters for computation of anti surge action
4. computation of operating space of the compressor
5. computation of operating characteristic of the compressor
client SCADA


1. measuring of compressor technological

server SCADA data – operation point
2. computation of operation point distance

1. user interface of compressor control

2. setting of control parameters
client SCADA 3. setting of approximation parameters
for computation of anti surge action
Win CC 4. computation of operating space of the compressor
5. computation of operating characteristic of the
client DDE
server DDE
user interface – depiction of compressor
operation regime
Surge VS

Fig. 8 Relations of program components of the system

In connection with solution of the problem of anti surge action, the control parameter is
relative distance of action-line from anti surge line. It is necessary to secure access of all
approximation polynomial parameters and correction relations into control process.
Control coefficients:
- approximation polynomial coefficients of reference characteristic
- correction polynomial coefficients of flow parameter concerning molar hydrogen fraction
- correction coefficients of compressor output pressure concerning molar hydrogen fraction
- approximation coefficients of compression factor product and universal gas constant at
suction state
- approximation coefficients of compression factor product and universal gas constant at
standard state
- approximation polynomial coefficients of dependence of isoentropic coefficient on the
molar hydrogen fraction actual operation

suction pressure p1 characteristic

setting of anti
surge operation
start and stop of
automatic refresh of

anti surge limit line


operating area of
compressor function

compressor stop of server activity

volume flow Q

Fig. 9 User interface – dependence of discharge pressure on volume flow

Operating area of compressor function is delimitated by lower limiting performance
characteristic (60 % of output), upper limiting performance characteristic (110 % of output)
and anti surge limit line.

Anti Surge
P2 as Line

P2 wp WP

Q as Q wp Q
Fig. 10 Movement of compressor operating point
The actual compressor operating point must be situated on the performance characteristic
approximation. The actual compressor operating point trajectory must not cross anti surge
line. This condition is expressed by following condition:
P2 wp  P2 as  Q2 wp  Q2 as .

4 Results
Suggested control algorithm and created software ensure stable operation of compressor due
to the fact that the actual operating point was kept on the performance characteristic
approximation and did not cross anti surge line at a gas of given composition. The
compressor characteristic transformed into dimensionless co-ordinates was used to this
purpose. Values of correction coefficients were dependent on discharge coefficient and on
compressed gas composition. Control action occurs when the operating point coincides with
the anti surge intervention point.

5 Conclusions
In this paper, the modeling and control of surge in a centrifugal compression system is
investigated. The aim of this study is the development of feedback software control that
stabilize surge: suggested software for surge control systems provides protection against surge
together with more efficient compressor operation, especially in process applications that
involve variations in the gas mixture and temperature. Further fields worth investigating are
the integration and implementation of active surge control strategies on further existing
systems as well as the modeling and control of instabilities in transonic machines.

6 References
[1] GREITZER E. M. Surge and rotating stall in axial flow compressors. Part I: Theoretical
compression system model. ASME, Journal of Engineering for Power, 98(2), April 1976, pp.
[2] GREITZER E.M. The stability of pumping systems - the 1980 Freeman scholar lecture.
Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Fluids Engineering, 103(2), June 1981, pp.193–242.
[3] CHLUMSKÝ V., LIŠKA A. Kompresory (Compressors). Praha: SNTL, Alfa, 1982.
196 p.
[4] MAREK J. “Anti surge” řízení kompresoru 4 RSA 32 (Surge Control of the Compressor 4
RSA 32). Internal report, Brno, UNIS, 2003.
[5] MEULEMAN C. H. J. Measurement and Unsteady Flow Modeling of Centrifugal
Compressor Surge. TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands, ISBN 90-386-2564-2, 2002.
[6] NEVRLÝ J. Modelování pneumatických systémů (Pneumatic Systems Modeling). Brno:
CERM, 2003. 183 p. ISBN 80-7204-300-5.
[7] OLDŘICH, J. Antipompážní regulace turbokompresoru na základě jeho matematického
modelu (Turbocompressor Surge Control Based on its Mathematical Model), Internal report ,
Prague, ČKD NOVÉ ENERGO, a.s., 2003.
[8] PINNSLEY, J., GUENETTE, G., EPSTEIN, A., GREITZER, E. Active stabilization of
centrifugal compressor surge. ASME J. Turbomachinery, 1991, 113(4), 723–732.
[9] VARGOVČÍK, L. Sistěma upravlenija kompressorov Novokujbyševsk (Compressor
Control System Novokujbysevsk). Softwareový projekt NKRK-02-P-001-00 (Software Project
NKRK-02-P-001-00). Brno, UNIS, 2003.
[10] WILLEMS F. P. T. Modeling and Bounded Feedback Stabilization of Centrifugal
Compressor Surge. Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, 2000, ISBN 90-386-2931-1.
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1 NEVRLÝ1 Josef VUT, Brno, Czech Republic
2 MAREK2 Jiří UNIS, Brno, Czech Republic
3 VARGOVČÍK3 Luboš UNIS, Brno, Czech Republic
Czech Republic

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