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y Evening A HAilitary Expert Examines

Forces' Morale:
By Hanson IV. Baldwin

October 31,1953 WALT DISNEY

By Jack Alexander
The Amazing Story of Walt Disney
Hisfniry talcs hiwe taken a place beside the classics. The earnest mouse, the hot-
tenipeied duck are a peruianent part of American folklore. Here is the eom-
plete story of how A\ alt Disney rose from bankruptcy at 21 to become the worUVs
most celebrated entertainer, with his simple formula: "I am a ham—and it's fun!"

PART ONK men who only lotely had teethed on tbe lowest rung
of commercial iirt, as bad Disney himself. They were
lOR a atrong-wUled young man trying to engnged in drawing literal sketches for the advertis-
exploit a new idea, or a new twist to an ing pages of farm put>lications of such unexcitii^
old idea, an early bankruptcy can [re a items as farm machinery, salt blocks for cattle and
stimulating experienee. The di»a«ter chal- mnnhea guaranteed to re-create the aelf-confidence of
lenges him at n point whieh will always be crucial mi^lancholy hens and send them into a fury of egg-
to hit) fortuneH —the ntark point at wbich hiu money laying. All handH, understandably, were eager for a
runH out and his hackers follow Huit. So cniiihing a more rounded life.
blow (orceD the entrepreneur to take another look After the collapse of his corporation, Dianey, a
at hifl drenm and to deeide whether he titill believes man of vast energies and impatiences, needed only
in il in spite of what has befiillen it. nn hour or so for a recorwiderntion of bis prospects.
The age at whieh Walter EUHB Disney went bank- He found them heartening ind(H>d. Aa he hnd never
rupt wua precociously early. He was twenty-one. rnted hia own drawing talenttt very highly hin judg-
The yejir wan 1923 and the Kcne of hitt purgation ment was not Iteclouded by any personal disillusion-
wait Kannaa City, Missouri. Ambitiouflly. Diortey ment and he was not at nil disappointed with the
had ineorporuted n venture of his for miiktng ani- produets of hw gnrage studio. They embodied a trick
miited cartoonnof familiar fairy tales. HisHtudio was or two which he had learned by intensive reading at
a garage which be rented from a bousebolder who the public libniry and whieb he had added to the
owned no automobile, a lack wbich was common in crude animatinj; techniques then in vogue.
thoMe underprivileged days. He was asdtsted during He rather liked his cartoons. So did a film-dis-
the corporation'* brief life by several other young tributing agency in New York, which had made a
Diinuld Durk. "the rjark Culilr of tbe l>i-ni-> good otTer for II bntchof them. Unluckily, the agency
stiuljn,'* niiuli- lii-- lir't lilni nppriirnni'c in I'l.'lt. PIIOTOGKAPIIY UY CENE LKSTRH went broke Iwfore it got (I JuKiniu-il mi I*II|;G 80)

Walt DUnc> ond liif. daughter., Sharon and Dionc, at their Holml.) Hilb,. Culif.. home lli-t,.M ^n L.J. -lu.p in lloIlyHood in IW.1 »,iih an uncleV *500.
Thecarloonist a»i<icinlilL'.-i UCUIIKOT for lii>^ luiiiiature ruilroud. Uisne. * i-" u rrpHcu of a barn on hi^ fathi-r's Murreline, Mo.,
worked on tliv Siintu Fv Kailroad. lia^ an flulM>riit4^' trurk in hit) hack yard. farm. Di^iiej, ttic youngest of four IKI>II, HUM burn in Chicugo in 1901.

cy nnd Mr\ican iiio\iriiian Holn-rtoGal- l, Hiu IK- II lift Shnroii. ni<Ttii->*- iim-l -iici i-*»fiil lilni.SnuM W h i l r a n d
valdun. N<-arl> halfof Dinner'» film-ri-ntal rt-ti-nui-ciinii-n fruni ouLoifir the L.S. the .Sf-irn llwarrc. <i>%t $l,.><HI,tMN). Su fur. il lm-> jirnsHrd $I2.00t>,t)0U.

Roynnd Walt Disney Ki'ttopclhernl a wir- Clarence NaHh iswurld rrnowncd ii^ the voict-of Hiumld niick. W nil Di>tiu-y rri'iitcd Dciiitild aftvrhc heard Nunli'ii
n e r o n tho (ifty-ono-ucre Disney Htiidio. imitation of on onrofced diirk. Donald develnpvil into an oven mnre fahnlniiH innney-cnriicr t h a n iMiekey Mou»e.

THE A M A Z I N G STORY Btudio to Btudio. By spocial tndult of

hia KanBas City creditors Disney had
OF WALT DISNEY brought along one of his animated
Cartoons, wliich several Htudio vice-
(Citntiiiiivd I'UKC 24) prGsidenta deigned to examine in pro-
jection rooms. AU gave him the same
around to mailing ita check. Disney advice: the more important film dis-
B annoyed an he thought baek over tributore operated from New York, and
H tough break, but not dismayed. if Disney were really smart he would be
I"he way besuvv it, bis own bankruptcy catching the earliest eastbound traia
was .sim[>ly nn echo of the explosion in For obvious reasons Dieney was in
New York, as perhaps it was. Anyway, no position to follow the advice. He de-
he decided to strike witbout unneces- cided to stay in Hollywood and to free-
sary delay for Hollywood. There, he lance, an expression whieh often means
niaRined with tbe innocence of the a dreadful willingne&s to commit one-
ounf;. imiovntionfi in tbe art of enter- self to Blow Btarvation. AB things turned
ninment were welcomed with un- out, Disney did not titarve during his
ulcbed walleta. early yeara in Hollywaod, but this was
In order to whistle up train fare because he was never much interested
Dianey made some song-lyric cartoons in eating, as his skinny uix-foot frame
for a movie-palace organiat, a member fully attested.
of a now-defunet trilw. Tbe organist, From the utart Diuney had rteneed—
seated at his console, rose from tbe soundly, as was to be demonetrated
dark howels of the orchestra pit by ultimately —that any strong accept-
the Krflce of hydrnulie presKure antl, ance which the then-jerky animaUd
[ijrandly spotlighted, tried to cozen tbe cartoons were to win would eome only
audience into chanting eomc current through continuous basic experimenta-
mistakes of Tin Pan Alley's. Disney in- tion. He had an uncontrollable passion
vested what tht? organist pnid bim in for this expensive activity and for
an antiquated movie camera. Dressed many yeara tbe specter of a second
neatly and well Uarbered —via a barter bankruptcy pursued him. It never got
deal, one haircut for one funny drawing quite close enough to make the tacUe.
len you invest in in the window—Disney invaded Kan-
sas City's better residential districts,
Aided by inspired blocking on the part
of Roy Disney, an older brother who
lugging his camera door-to-door. He took over as business manager and
filmed innumerable crawling infanta now is president, Walt developed Into
a family monument — and sold the developed strips to tbeir
proud parents.
one of the most Bpeciacular broken-
(ield runners in (he history of small in-
Within a couple of months, flushed dustry.
with failure, he was en route to Cali- During tbe thirty years which hove
as people ivho care always do, fomia. He arrived on a hot day.
ff there were any cheers from tbe
elapsed since Walt Disney's brafih as-
saiilt on Hollywood, many strange and
[ i s a n t r y , tbey were inaudible, and wonderful things bave come to pass.
there were certainly no hopeful words Largely tbrough the multilingual sue-
this tiny seal is your assurance for the newcomer as he trudged from (Cnntiitu«l ciii Puflc M)

you have selected the very finest

for those you remember

with love.

Only an Authorized Rock of Ages Dealer eaa

show >ou the beautiful blue grey Bairc granite
monuments thai bear this famous seal. Ask your
nearest Roi_-k of Ages Dealer fur ''ITow To Choose
a Family Moiunnent"-a large illustrated booklet
available witbotit obligation. YouMI find bis name
in tbe Yellow Pages of tbe lelephoiie direetory.
Or write Rock of Ages, Barre, Vermont.

Barrc I'ermont
Before you clioosr. comfiare —
Ojfc your Rock of Afifi tiruhr
to ihow you proof of permanence
in any cemetery.

llcniii», hcrcV a few mure formn I'd like juii tu . . .

(CniiliniiMl from I'ugc 00) some OS-yet-unmade cartoon tenta-
of two of hia animal-cartoon tively scheduled for releaHe in 1964,
characters, Mickey Mouse and Donald With the threat of bankruptcy trni].
Duck, Disney huB become the world's ing by a good many yards, Disney haa
moBt cclohraled entertainer and pos- become a confirmed romantic. He goet
sibly itu best-known nonpoliticul public to bed at night Htaring at tho ceiling,
figure. When he travelB.he is welcomed, with hifl head resting upon interlocked
especially in Iht; Latin countritH, in a hands. For a few minutes visions of the
liiviKli manner UBuqIly reserved for re- old Spanish Main run through hia head
turning berocH und big-wheel statea- nnd then he ia in a dream in which he
inuii who are temporarily in good odor. clambers over the rail of a treasure gal-
Almoal half of the Htudio's revenue leon, with a wicked blade in hia teeth
from film rentals comea from outside and leaps into a glorious melee on a
the United Slates. To make sur« of re- slippery, blood-aoaked deck. When he
tiiining his foreign market, Disney awakens in the moming his arms are
keeps asking during the making of a numb and he has to massage them back
lilm Huch questions as "Will they he to life. A swashbuckler at heart, Disney
amuued by this in Finland?" "le thiu loves the clashing of cutlasses and the
something that will be funny to the six-shooter's bark, and he seldom
Ecuadoreans?" and "That gesture is misses seeing a movie of the Wild West.
innocent enough in Keokuk, but Hia taste in casual reading nuiB to
doesn't it have an insulting meaning in historical novels with lota of action and
Brazil?" pulp magazines devoted to cattle-
Diancy'a filina are now standard fare rustling and G-man fiction. Guests ata
all over, except in communist countries place Disney owns near Palm Springs
and in their more closely held aatellites, have reported seeing their host ride out
whose overlords look upon them as toward evening on horseback, clad in
frivolouB emanations of a decayed cul- Westem at tire and wearing a sombrero,
ture and unfit for the eyes and ears of and sit motionless atop a knoU, sil-
their aubjecta. Once in a while a crude houetted against the dying sun. DiHney
black-and-wbitc copy of a Dianey color isn't at all embarraBsed by his guests'
lilm tiims up myateriouflly in one of the amusement, having long since analyzed
H, where it it^ confiscated before himself as a frustrated actor.
it has had many showings. Disney has " I am a ham," he says, "and it's
ALEMITE no idea how these bootlegged films are fun."
made or who makes them, and, of Probably the outstanding phenome-
couree, he gets no revenue from them. non of Disney's thirty-year cycle has
He is nattered, though, that the appe- been the seemingly reckless way in
tite for his product is still strong enough which he has permitted his imagination
in the satellites to cauae Bome citizen to to run wild. He is a daring innovator,
take an awful chance. and many admirers of the Disney saga
(intrusted with Soviet intemal hold tbat his fmeet hour came in the
policy toward Disney have dealt with late 1930'8 when his moat reckleaa in-
him in the usual enigmatic way. In novation bogged down. Animated car-
1935, though none of hin films hud aa toonH bud won acceptance aa cute
yet been exhibited publicly in theBeven-minute fantasies, and bueineK
U.S.S.R., tbe npgiBt-ant commissaru was good. Yet Disney was putting all
were quite high on him. At lhe First the cash he had, plus a loan from tbe
Soviet Cinema Festival, a gala event of Bank of America, into what appeared
the Moscow cultural season, they to be an impractical attempt to stretch
awarded Disney in absentia a speciaJ a fantasy into a full-length feature.
prize for excellence. It was a handsome Before it could be completed the money
helping set standards of quality by which antique pitcher o[ cut glass, richly or- ran out, and Disney asked the bank for
namented with silver. The pitcher now additional financing.
the world's finest firearms are judged rests in a trophy cabinet in the recep- The bank was undecided. It sent it*
tion room of Dinney's office niiiid nu- film-financing expert to take a look at
merous items attesting his genius, the picture BB it stood, with some of ita
Winchester . . . famous since the throughout all industry— they pro- among them seventeen Academy sequences finished and the others
days of Buffalo Bill and Annie Oak- tect vital machinery against eritical Awards, medals from foreign govem- merely suggested by stille. While the
ley as the maker of the "Guns thnt dumage. eliminate down-time, save ments and intemational expo.sitions, bank'n man watched the projeclion-
Won tbe West!" Justly renowned costly mon-hours. and honorary degrees from colleges and room screen, Disney studied the bank-
for over 100 years for quality work- universities. er's face. It was an unrewarding study;
manship, utmost precision, superb Alemite — Great Nome in It took World War II and the new the man didn't crack a smile or utter a
craftsmanship. LubricQiion — Serves the Great comradeship lo open the Russian door, word. The silence continued as Disney
Names in Industry und it wasn't opened very far, al that. escorted the viBitor to his car. For Difl-
Helping Winchester turn out this In 1942 the Soviet aut horiliee admitted ney the stroll was his last mile. He was
quality product with unfailing regu- It was Alemite's invention, in 1918, Bambi, a tender ntory aboul a baby bereft of his usual ebullience and sure
larity are Alemile Lubric;ition Sys- that marked the end of the crude, fawn of no political affilintion. Two he was doomed. Not until the visitor
tems and Equipment. Here —os unsure, grease-cup method of lubri- years later they admitted Der Fiihrer's had boarded hia car was the Bilenee
cation. It was Alemite who perfected Face, an irreverent Donald Duck opus broken. "You know, Walt," he said,
with Bome earthy sound effects. After poking his head out a window, "that
the tiny Fittings that gave the world tbat the door swung shut, and it has picture is going to make a pot ot money
of industry i(s first high-pressure stayed shut. for all of ufl."
lubrication methods for fighting The excitement of the past thirty Few prophecies have been eo gener-
friction. eventful yearo has wrought unusual ously fulfilled. The picture was the now-
Today—in industry—on farms—at changes in Disney himself. The man historic Snow White and the Seven
sen—in the air . . . Alemite "Friction who at twenty-one might have been Dwarfs. It was released in 1937. During
taken for an affable clerk in tbe ladies'- the sixteen years which have passed
Fighters" work unceasingly. Roller tthoes section resembles, at fifty-one, a Bince its triumphal debut Snow White
skates to motor cars. Bicycles to well-groomed pirate, solidly built. The has heen taken out of the film can and
bombers. Wherever metal touches alTability remains, but the Disney re-released many times, and it has
Alsmilo " O i l - M i t l " Lubticolien-Prov«n
metal, wherever machinery is in mo- mind jumps about disconcertingly, in never failed to draw. Produced at a cost
lubricolion tyilcn prolongi beoring life, elitn- tion, you'll find these vital Fittings the manner of a katydid with middle- of 51,500,000, Snow Whit* has grossed
inalei dovn-timc. lavei mon-houri, lavoi —and the lubrication "know-how" of ear trouble, snatching and discarding more than $12,000,000 so far, according
lubrlMint. DBlivFri prcciio quonltlioi of oil
35 years of Alemite progress from bite of the present, pant and future, to studio figures, and it ranks among
lo bruringt cofilinuouily, oulomatically in 3 mostly the future. A conversation with the highest grossers in ihe history of
way): Ol oil mill, in iproy rorm.or oi o liquid. invention to perfection. him has an unearthly quality about it, the film industry.
and he laughH in the wrong places. Snow White's success solidly estab-
Some of his associates explain the mis- lished the feature-length cartoon as fl
timed laughs by saying that Disney Dlaney staple. Among the better-
llJil'irni'll can't help being amuBed by some gag known ones produced since Snow White
situations which he is mulling over pri- aro Pinocchio, Dumbo, Bambi and

vately and which will be embodied in Cinderella, and the current hit, Peter
Pan. Cinderella, relonwed in 1950, in well He argued, too, that, as the cartoon
up among the big money-makern, hav- waB the better server of fantasy, so live
ing groiwed close to $8,.'i00,000 to date, action Itetter serve<l the romantic ad-
according to the Disney people. Tliey venture Htory. By this time Dieney was
think thut Peter Pan will do even well gone into bis swatthbuckling pbaue.
better. He hit'd ofT (o London, nitsembled n cast
"Here's one very nice thing about of Britiith actors and British directont,
our buiiineaa," an a^wociate of Diitncy plotted out a program of pictuntt, got
remarked recently during a diBcuRsion the organization rolling nnd returned
of Snow White- " Every few yearw or fio home. Since then he has kept clow lo
there's what you might call a new gen- the producing unit hy telephone and
eration of young onoM who bave never cable, and bos gone Imck a number of
seen a Diuney fantnsy. So we can re- times to iidviue bis vicant, and ako to be
tease and recall, releajto and recall, re- close to the excitement.
lease and recall, indefinitely. TVeanure Island, released in 1950, did
"A fnntasy, if it's really convincing, well at the box office, and so did The
can't become dated, for the simple rea- Story of Robin Hood, which was re-
fion thnt it repretientH a flight into a di- leased Iwo years later. Disney's contri-
mension that liee beyond the reach of bution to Coronation year is TTieSword
time —you know, the way (he space and the Rose, an adaptation of an old
ships arv supposed to get beyond the novel. When Knighthood Wan in
reachof the earth's gravitation field. In Flower. The setting IH the luah reign of
this new dimension, what-ever it in, Henry VIII, whom? daughter wan tu
nothing corrodes or gets run down at become (be first Queen Elizabetb. Thr
the heel, or gets to look ridiculouH. like, setting is a costumt-r's Technicolnr
say, the cellidoid collar or the buDtle. dream. Henry, a gay and hearty man. i-
And nolK>dy get* any older." known to have spent on his wardrolit- n
Nothing inspire!) DiiUiey to aclion sum which, according to one scholar,
more than to be told that his latest was thf i'()uiva]en( in modem terniB of
proposed foray into unortbodoxy will about a quarter of a million doUnnt. The
fail. Di»ney, like the rest of Hollywood, nobles of (be court Htniined (heir purm.'s
was confronted at Iho close of World trying to keep within hailing diHtjinct-
War II wilh the blocked-dollar fiscal of the king, and the tjiilora of the Con-
programs of govemmints uhroad. Large tinent, whoBc styles Henrj' had popu-
amounlH of their rental income had larized, go( rich. For some monthH now
piled up in foreign countries and were the Dinney-abroad out lit has been in
sequewtwred there. The regular Holly- Scotland filming a picture called Rob
wood Btudios solved the problem by Roy. the Highland Rogue, a titory of
shooting films in the blocked-dollar the moH( stubborn member of tbe
areas, paying most of their production bighly Htubbom Clan MacGregor,
cost in sequestered dollars converU-d which is famous for refusing to l>e
into local currency. If they couldn't shoved nround. Only the (itie bears nny
take any dollars home, they could at resemblance to Sir WaUer Scott's novel,
least take income-producing aiutelM in Rob Roy. The rwtt iw Dianey.
the form of the picturt-s they had made. It would \)e hard to prove conclu-
For n while it looked as if Disney waH sively, but there exists ground for be-
in DO position to profit hy such a lieving (ha( tbe llowi-ring of Wal(
stratagem. A live-action picture can l>e Disney'a enttrtainmenl genius in Amer-
made almost anywhere, but the making ican soil was one of (he many delayed
of a Diflney feature-length cartoon re- benefitH of the Norman conquest, a
quires a complex manufacturing setup. feature-length event of the year lt)66, providing expert care to help keep
No comparable setup existed abroad, with live action. The evidence licw in a
and, for many gond rfaxons, it would
have licen impossible to transplant the
genealogioil esaay wnttt-n in longhnnd
by Wall's father, Ehiift Disney, JI few
your car rolling —rain or shine
one he had. years hefore his deatb.
Againat much friendly advice. Die- Elian Disney wasa devout and digni- The Alemite dealer in your neigh- tion method the world knows. The
ney, acting unorthodoxicolly by revert- fied man, and, if his researches wert- an borhood has thousands of dollars in- same safe, sure method tha( every
ing to Hollywood orthodoxy, began competent aa his motives were honest, vested in Alemite Lubricntion day protects billions of dollars
making live-action pictures abroad. It the family is descended of a Burgundian Equipment so thnt he can serve you worth of industrial, farm, mnrine
was hiH view, and he holds to it Htill, o(ficer named de DiHney. Aa n n'wiird better. He is most familiar with the and ;iviiition machinerj- against the
that a good spinner of ynms can per- for his military services, de Disney Alemite Fittings on your car because
form well in any Btorytelling medium. ravages of friction.
"received a large estate, lived nnd
he is an Alemite (rained expert. It
What's good enough for Win-
will pay you (o seek out this man.
chester Repeating Arms is too good
He, alone, can avsure you of Retting
for you to miss I
the original —the genuine Alemite
Lubrication —the finest protection
ore (aclary-In.
against friction that money cnn buy. otor con thai
Alemite Fittings—and Alemite
high-pressure lubrication Runs —
were invented and first used on au-
tomobiles in 1918. Today, most of
(he motor cars that roll on America's
highways are Alemite equipped.
These Alemite Fittings are put on
your car so that you can take full ad-
vantage of the most modern lubrica-

Behind this man

behind the gun.,
a Diltion Dollar Ini-estment in Lubrication

'Thf way Georne trIlH it makex u lietler ntory,

hul whot aclually liappeni><l wun this . . . "
UTfrnniV ETK>I

> r » r r<irt»ar, Chlcain 14 , Illlnali

or LumnicATioH

reared his children in o good environ- drawings showed talent, and Walt be-

Save all the HARD WORK

ment and was classed among the intel- gan attending Saturday clauses at thu
lectual and well-to-do of hia time and Kansas City Art Institute. Another
age." teacher told him be bad acting lalejit.
By t859,whenEliflBDiBneywaabom, Thia remark came after be,had emitted
the "de" in do Dianey bad flaked off, and tbe Gettysburg Address from under a
and cut the T I M E ^ of hand beating... BO had moHt of the family's British Ialea
real eutate. Hifl birthpluce WBB a village
cardboard plug hai blacked witb ehoc
polish at the Hcboora observance nf
in Ontario, to wbich province bis Lincoln'n birtbday. Forthwith Walt
prandfatber had immigrated earlier in and a chum named Walt Pfeiffer or-
the century. In the 187O'B EUas Difl- ganized themselves into an Irish-Ger-
ney'fl fatber, Kepple Disney, moved hiB man comedy team. It won a few sec-
family to Ellis, Kanuan, where he rnised ondary prizes ai movie-theater amateur
wbent and fattened cattle [or the nights, but it didn't help to decide
market. Elias worked in the railrond Walt's future calling. He had a quiet
shops of Ellin, which wns a division built-in confidence that he would Bet
. . . COMPLETE WITH JUICER point, and picked up Ibt* trade of car- the world afire someday, but wasn't
and two- end four-.^uort bowl* pentry while out with railroad-con- sure whether it would be as an artist or
ManufarJurrr' Btruction gang."*. an entertainer.
triad ar fair Tiade prir As tbe eldest of eleven children. EliaB Walt dropped out of tbe comedy
Disney bad whnt amounted to a gradu- team on discovering a new and exciting
ate degree in the art of saving money. job —that of train butcber. On week
Within a decade he had put by enough ends and during scbool yacation he
to establish himself in Florida aa an hawked candy, apples and magazines
orange grower. The business prospered. on ibe Santa Fe trains running between
and ElinB confidently married and be- Kansas City and Chicago. The bright
gan to raise a family. His bride was
Miss Florn Call, an Ohio schoolteacher
of German stock who bappened to be
spending a vacation in Florida. In bis
sixth year as an ornngD grower Elias SATURDAY AT HOME
was wiped out wben a heavy frost
bligbted his groves. Ou 3
Casting about for a suitable place in No hondy man could holil a candle
wbicb to start all over again, Elias To pop, when planning bou he'll
Dieney cbose Chicago. Preparations
were under way for tbe Columbian Ex- handle
position of 1893 and carfwnters were in A dojTt^-n [>rojpct!4 HtJil unfmiMbcd.
demand. In Chicago, on December 5, But while- liis viper's
1901. Walt Disney was bom, tbe young- iindiniinii^bcd
est of four l>oyfl, wbo were later to be Me lirst, of course, must read ibe
given a HiBter. papers
Chicago, witbout stoopinfj to vulgar And cut a Tew athletic capers
ostentation, treated the Diflney family Witb .liinior; tbrn br niunt relax
well. Tbougb Elias Disnt^y's wage \Mtb Niimlii-r Onr of several
around tbis time never exceeded a dol- snarks;
lar a day, be managed, by working oc- iVlti>4l nap. too, in his easy chair.
cafiionally on week ends, to support bis It's liirkv for our bill of fari;
family nnd to huild bis o^vn home. In lit- do<^n't use the same
Look at Ihe time and trouble you save! Ky urriial imt, ii tnnk the nm
addition, be found enougb time and technique
C.-E Mi^iT (inly 0 minuliM. (i t^'.-tinil* lo Iwiii ihi- pn-parerj cake mix anil
energy to supervise and work upon tbe On cllico work throughout the
consiruction of a new cliurcb for a
llir hnttrr friwlinf: fur IUCM: i-ii|K'iiki^—iio .ifjaiiinl (lie "* minulci^. '15 etc-
Congregalionnliet communion of wbich
onil^ of hard horL lakt-n to L-iirii[)lele llll^^ two o\tL-raUiini by hand. he waH a deacon.
Except for n painful Jabbing Deacon • * • • • • * • • • * *
Disney's conscience gave bim aa be
attractions of his native city, from
...with the NEW watched bis older fiona advance tbrough
adolescence, Ihe family would bave whicb he bad been removed at too cal-
stayeil put in Chicago. Disney beld low an age to appreciate, entranced

GE TRIPLE-WHIP Btrongly lo a debatable belief that after

boys have reached a certain age tbey
are best removed from the corruptive
influences of a big city and subjected to
bim. He pestered his fatber for a chance
to claim bis Uirtbright. Elias Dinney
came ttirougb splendidly. Come to
think of it. be said—and wasn't it a
MIXER tbe wholesome atmospbere of tbe coun-
try. Accordingly, Elias Disney sold his
house and settled bis family on a farm
strange coincidence that Walt should
be bringing up tbe subject right now? —
be bad just lieen tbinking of buying
Cul out Ihe arm achel Fnrget the BUJIT-IN tIGHT - l i i n i - i)<.»n i'lti. in Marceline, MiRsouri. The shift was into a very progressive jam-and-pre-
ery of hcatinj: frnitinf;. tlif wrist work of
bowl, iiiKJlli^litH whmcvc-r %i.u'rL- opposed gloomily by the two oldest servea operation in Chicago. So, ui
mixinj: . . . lrl« yon "cc j u f i hnw bovB, who bad learned to play pool. 1917, ibe Disneys moved back to Chi-
machine potaioco! Li-l llu- new. morf pow- j'niir inixliin- IH roming. After a few months of working up cago, and into the jam business.
erful G-E Tri|>lc-\Vhip Miser do it all/or calluses at farm tasks, they ran away Walt worked for a time in the paren-
yiMi . . . in Ws time! and returned to Chicago, where they tal jam factory, but soon the country
Three beaters assure thorough mixing hy got white-collar jobs. Upon thiB loss of was at war witb Germany and the re-
muficle power and upon Elias Disney's sulting manpower shortage opened up
beutinj: from fi*nliT to-iidcs of bo"I.TIiry*rc inexperience in general farming, tbe many more exciting jobs for youngsters.
a cinch lo «ii»li ami dry, lni,iiihi- t\u-\ liuvc rural idyll foundered. Disney accepted Between bis bigb-achool classes and
DO renter hbafts. (k'fenl witb good grace. In 1910, wben evening sessions in cartooning at the
Speed Selector, wiih 12 prc-tciited ini.\ing
bis BOn Walt was nine years old, be sold Academy of Fine Arts. Walt worked as
tbe fnrm and bougbt a newspaper-de- a substitute mail carrier and "Jerked
Bpri^ds, is at your fin(;frlips—to give you livery route in Kansas City. Tbe fam- gates" on ibe rear car of ibe Wilson
till- riplil fKjuiT fiT f^ach j o h. ily, except for tbe boys who bad de- Avenue elevaied line.
INSTANT BEATER-REIEASE I r l ' y n n fected to Chicago, ran the buHinetui as a Neither job rated a uniform, aa had
Uniform results are certain! ']'hanke> to r<-lll'Ar llli' Iii-.IIITH Itllliriiil tii^'- joint enterprise. the glamorous train-hutcher job. but
"controllrd mixing"—your fuvuriti- n-cijie ^iii>;. Ju!*! turn tin-S|t(.-['(l Si'lrrlnr Walt shared his fnther'a entbusiasm each gave him the privilege of wearing
cuitics out the same cacli time you make it. kuoli tM-yond lliv "OIC [UHJiinii. a uniform cap bearing a number plate,
for bard work. He got up every mom-
ing at four o'clock, full of zeaty spirit, and it waa good for free rides on public
See this n e w mixer QI your C-E dcaliir'fl, now. Ceni^ral Electric and delivered newspapers in some of carriers. When be was jerking gates he
the worst weatber the Midwest can wore his gateman's cap and carried ihe
Company. Small Appliance Divihiion, Bridgeport 2, Connecticut. postman's cap aiufTed in bis pocket,
After tbat kind of experience, grade and yice verea.
scbool seemed dull and Wait never Turned down by the armed services
GENERALi^ELECTRIC did leam io like it. It was confusing
ioo. One of bis teacbers told bim bis
because of his youth. Walt, at seycr-
(rx>iiliniiV(l on 90)

(Cuiitimim) rmm I'u/tv H6) flolvent Now York distributor liked

ttt-n, not (I free ride overBeati aa a Rod Dinney's new cbaractcr and contmcted
Crotwambulancedriyer. Tbewarended for a MiricH of OHwald short*.
II bout a wfok after ho arriyed. nnd fora When the Oswald contract came
year he drove various important {H.-ople up for renewal in the Hpring of 1927,
tround Fnincc. Inatynd of n.-turning io Walt felt HO optimiatic that he took
' hiciigo. be chcise KanwiB City, where hia wifo along to New York to Hbare
>•- knew Homo other Medgling nrtistM. in tbe fun. Until two years earlier.
Iii- Mtayed tbL*rc ju»t long enougb to Mre. Diancy had been u Minn Lillian
tutfer the bankruptcy wbicb blew him, Bounds, a native of Lewiston. Idaho,
in 1923. (o Hollywood und into a ]>art- and ahe had been working an an inker
nersbip witb brotbur Roy, who, provi- at a wage of fifteen Dianey dolIarB a
dentially, bad learned Home account- week.
ancy iH a hank employee. An uncle lent Disney and the distributor, after an
them S50(). Wiib tbisait Ibeir nole capi- exchange of bearty ffreetinga, got along
lul, the Dianey broiht'm t>pened up |K>orly. Tbf room temperature dropped
nbop in a bamlike room thnl had been ahruplly when Wnlt opened the buai-
ridded, for reoHonB no one remembered, nctts discuMsion by asking tbat his sbare
lo tbe back of a real-estate oflicc. They of the Oswald profita be increased. The
lived in u fumiflbed room and nie in distributor wanted to know wby. Dis-
cafelvriaB, one getting a meat order and ney said tbat be intetided to use ihe
t be other n vegetable order. Tbe ordem extra money to conduct experiments
were Hplit fifty-fifty in the intereHtsof a tbat would improve tbe quality of ihe
balanced diet. carioon. Tbe distributor said it would
Sinfjlehanded and at f^avc risk to his be stupid to spend money trying to im-
health. Walt tumed out two expeh- provf a featurv thai the public already
tnental shorts wbich combined a live- liked, and iiddud thai bc> himself would
actiun girl witb animated-cjirtoon ani- not b« a pariy to any such waiteful

Ihen's big monQy iwesM

mals and iiori- tbe gent-ral title of Alice nonsense.
in Cartoon Ian (I. A New York diatribui- Disney tbreatened io withdraw Os-
ing agency —thia time ii solvent o n e - wald and take him somewhere else. At
took on ihe wimples and ordered twelve this point Ihedisiribuior made a major
more on a percentage-of-profita contribution to Disney's neglected busi-
Disney bired it few animaiont and ness education. Handing his visitor a
girbi to ink in tbe cell drawin^jH and, copy of tbe (.'xiBting contract, he di-
keeping n sufwrvitwry eye on tbe Alice rected altention (o one of ihe Whe»-
wri«.-H. dreamed up an animiil character
namvd Oswald the Rabbit. Anoilu-r


Keep its cooling system safe all winter with
! • Agaitist frccze-ups in cold 3
weather, boil-offs on warm days. **• Apainst corrosioa of the
One shot lasts all winter. cooling-system n>ct3ls.
^ » Ag;iinst foaming off and re-
^ « Against rubber decay, sulting toss of solution.
radiator clogging, and pin-bole
leaks developing from rust spots. AND MOST IMPORTANT OF A L L -
PRESTONE' tl the (rjJcmarL for a
ipcLiul unli-fri.-1'lc liuvinK aa i-icluiivc
anii'ruir sntJ tnti-lo»m lurmub . . . tic-
vclnpeii iind murkcinl only hy Saiianal
Carbaa Company. There •« no olher
antitncie Lhc wme ai " PR E STONE"
brunj ann-frccrv! A*k for ' Pfc«onu"
anti-tttciv , . . amJ |tn it!


Z5,,«a*L.ON. *152P.»« uMTT, m QT. CU(>

You're SET... You're SAFE... You're SURE...with

B R. A N O
C O M P A N Y • A OivMion ol Union Coibld, ond Carbon Cotporallon
30 fair 42nd Srreaf. New rotk 17. H. Y. And you cull yourself o fiUulrfW
Th* Htmt "Pimlan*" and " f « » * o d r" a(* ragltlatxl troda-merki sf Union Carbiiia and Cofbon CsrfMtolion

(OinliiMinl fntni Pane 90) u luual, nearly broke. But this time.
"You will note,"heBnid," lhat you do when ho made the rounds of the dis-
not own Oswnld. You nold him to UH." tributors, hat in hand, he discovered
Disney left the interview in a state of one who was actually willing to trust
Hhock. His liitlc empire lay in ruinn. him with a bonk roll. DiHniiy scooted
Alice in Cartoonlund hnd nlready run back home with the new equipment and
out its Hiring. (iHwnId hsd been palmed, got to work with it on a cartoon called
legally, hy the hnrd-Lntilud cliHtributor — Steamboat Willie, in which Mickey
who wan Hoon lo kill ofT the rabbit by played a romantic and adventurous
trying tn market an inferior imitation river-boat captain. On the sound track,
of it. Thn.-e thouHand milea away, DJH- which also carried music, tho squeaky
nt'y'8 staff, which now numbered voice of Mickey was supplied by Dis-
twenty-live nu-mberB, would shortly ney himself, a task which he continued
hnve nothing lo do but eil on Ihi^ir lo |>erform for many years after.
hnndfi. On September 19, 1928, Steamboat
Afraid that morale would drop dia- Willie, the third Mickey to be made,
lUitruutily, W&II telegrnpbcd Roy that hut the first released, made ito debut at
everything had turned out ^ea t nnd the smull, select Colony Theater in
added thnf he wan bringing hnme a big New York. It was received with such
new idea for iin animal-cartoon wries. wild approval that il was moved to the
All he had to do now was to come up Roxy Theater in order to accommodate
with the big n«w idea on th« train ride the fanti.
home. From the standpoint of technique.
From the time of departure Walt Steamboat Willie was, in its way, aa
made trial sketches of practically every revolutionary as The Jazz Singer.
animnl he hsd ever heard nf, trying Primitive though it was, it showed
them in varioun pofte« in the hopi* of what could be done in the way of com-
diHCOvenng a glitter of Hppcal in at bining Hction and sound into an in-
least one. Neither be nor Mrs. Dinney tegrated unity, instead of using sound
had detected any glitler by tbe time as a haphazard background for tht ac-
they reached Chicago and changed tion. Over the years, with continuous
trains. improvements, that integration has
Walt resumed sketching as they l>een the Disney hallmark.
"MODERNFOLD" GIVES YOU whizzed westward out of Chicngo. Walt and Roy, after the debacle of
When be waa ankle-deep in rejected Oswald tbe Rabbit, bad adopted a
drawinga and getting mighty tired of it policy of retaining ownership of their
TWO BIGGER ROOMS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE DOOR nil. he began, for no explainable reanon,
|i> sketch mice. He found bitHKelf
strangely amu«ed an each n«w rodent • • • • • • • • • *
There's really nothing lo ii. J\isi replace ligure took ohape on hlH t-ablet. Sud-
your old ino-way sninging door nith a ik-nly, he Hhouled to hifi wife, who was The Miirrxt v,a\ tc end up nin-
"Modernfold" door (you can do ic in dozing, "I've got him! Mortimer inn>; urniinil in cirrles IH In r u t tiKi
about 30 minutes without remodeling)... Mouse! " many «ortu-r«. —I),v^
and you add usable floor and nail space Mrs. Disney was amuM'd by the
in hoth your kilchen and dhihig room. drawingM, but Bhe inflinted —and even
luday cannot tell why —that Mickey
Since "Modernfold" doors fold open and Mouse wan a l>etter name. Walt, who
closed hetuetm door jambi. ihey never wan enjoying a happy creative delirium, product instead of, so to epeak, working
swing into and bang furniture... never accepted the nuggeetinn. for the other fellow. In Mickey Mouse
stand dangerously ajar...or slam unsus* Thus was t>om a mouse that was to they now hail a fabulously valuable
peering fingers. With "Modernfold", too, "MnJtni/otJ" Diwjfi f-ioi-iiit 1 quick, win fame, At home and abrond, beyond I)roperty. But ownership had its pit-
you can be sure of the finest folding door. simi'lc mohod of Jividinp Urge hcJ- that achieved Uy any other rnemlaT of falls, loo, and in the decade 1928-38
Check [he extra steel in "Moderntold's" roomt lato (wo tmillcr foumi the species. Today, rack their mem- they skidded intermittently toward the
5turdy frame, the double hinge plates, both ories AH they will, Walt and Lillian edge of tbe financial clifT.
lop dn</bottom, thai insure smooth oper- Difiney cannnl recall exactly where the Early in the liig depression they were
aiioa—always. Examine the covering— event took place. However, it seems (Uived by Mickey Mouse, in his role as
finest obtainable vinyl-fabric —that fairly certain that it was somewhere l»e- actor and in a subijidiary rale —that of
washes clean wiih just soap and water. Iween Toluca, Illiiinitt, and La Junta, n merchandising trade-mark, licenBed
Colorado, on the right of way of the out lo manufacturers. Much further
Your "Modmrnfold" Man can show you how Santa Ke Railroad. on in the future lay another financial
10 save room — in etrry room. He's an At) Hoon as Walt got back to his crisis, and the Dianeytt' salvation this
expert in space uiih/ation. Call him studio he got the RtafT into feverish time was to be a duck, an even more
today—under "doors" in your classilicd production of n cartoon called Plane fahuloun money-«:anier than the mouse.
Crazy, Hlarring Mickey an a daring Back in the early l930's the duck was
director)'. Orclip coupon. % hen planning young aviator, with Minnie in support. just beginning to take shape. He l>vgan
new construction or remodeling, see your "MeJerafuld" Daori uicd n /ttJinf u-tlli In his etigemeeui to get a footbold Dis- as a memory, in the mind of an actor, of
architect. His professional advice can aJd IciiKtli 10 ijvinK ruoms... or cloic lo
fofminciuibcJroom.TVroomorHudy. ney was not above cH^hing in on the a motherless Uaby billy goat he had
save you money. topical. Charleti A. Lindbergh was ntiU bottle-raised in his boyhood. The actor,
heing lionized for his solo flight to sitting out a jdbleRH period with other
Paris, and Mickey wan given the aame jobleHH men in Westlake Park, Loa An-
kind of tousled hair. In Gallopin' geles, used his baby-billy-goat imita-
Gaucbo, the second Mickey to be fin- tion to tease the fully employed inhab-
in Commercial Bujidings fool ished, llie hero was an obvious take-ofT itants of tbe duck pond and give the
V/heteve> ipoce i i ol a premium — at in of the tienkir Douglan Fairbanks. l>ench-nitten> a laugh.
theie dreiiing cubklei—"Mcdernfold" Walt went back to New York in The baby-billy-gont call and the
doori give you full uie of sv«ry inch. You October, 1927, and tried to peddle ducks' call, both E4e«ming lo spring from
increase the uliliiy, efficiency — and Plane Crazy and Gallopin' Gaucho. irritability, were fuited in the irritability
receiv* full value of hioh-cott ipace with There were no takent, and he quickly of the unemployed actor, who felt that
"Medernfeld" leamed why. While he was Btill en life was treating him shabbily.
route, Al Jolson's part-talkie, Tbe Jazz To the actor tbe combination billy-
Singer, hnd made its debut on Broad- goat-duck call waR just another imita-
a ^ : M»<i>.~l*lit 0 > » i . l ] I S O<*<«* way and bad triggered off what later tion added to an already formJdnblo
l>ecame known as the Talkie Revolu- repertoire of bird and animal calls upon
NEW CASTLE PRODUCTS tion. Noliody was buying Hny more si- which he had lavished the better part af
P. O. Box -iri5. NtTW Caiilc. Indiano lent lilms, and both Plane Crazy and his life. That his undistinguished cJireer
D PIcjic tend further "Modcrnfold" dcuib. Gallopin' Gaucho were Bilents. has since been crowned with a pernva-
O I am inlcrcife<l in a door for my In hill uBuol perky way, Disney saw nent role —the voice of the maddest
(room) amid the ruins of his new and spindly- mallard of them all —is due to pure
O Plvaie lead me jour cummcrcial folder.
legged empire n gambler's chance of re- chance plus a momentary but inspired
Samt building it by employing the very ex- hunch on tho part of the old maestro,
Addrtu plosive wbicb had leveled it —sound. It Walt Disney,
would take some expensive new equip* Kdilor*' Note—Thi i* the firit ot two wticic*
City Cotnty ..Stalt. ment lo bring the thing ofT, and he was. Mr. Aimanikr. Tlit i f ond will appatr nest WNk.

The Amazing Story of Walt Disney


When Disney ñrst heard Clarence Nash lie cried, "That's a duck!" Thus, 20
years ago, was choleric Donald added to American folklore, with Nash as the
voice. For Disney, the \ ersatile magician who makes movies with or mthout
animals—and with or without human heini>s—is always only a child at lieaii:.
¡ORupwardof tbirty years, Walt Disney, the
greatest of tbe Hollywood magicians, hnn
been a walking refutation of tbe dictum that
tbe dispersion of one's talents leads in-
evitably to failure. In an age gone mad witb special-
Lzation, Disney baa tlung bis talents about the enter-
tainment field witb wild prodigality. He is tbe
mot ion-picture industry's equivalent of Gbarlie
Peterson, tbe incomparable trick billiardiat, wbose
slogan is: "Sbow me a abot I can't make."
Into bia first simple animated cartoons of ani-
mals, made in the silent daya in black and white,
Disney integrated sound and color as tbey came
along. From six-minute shorts be went into six- to
eigbt-minute Silly Symphonies, then on into clasaic
fanta.siea of full feature length. Some of these
fantasies were all cartoon, otbera combined live
actors with cartoon characters. Tben came standard
feature-length movies made with human actors, in
which animals appeared —noncartoon and non-
talking—only in supporting roles, as do cowboys'
horses in Westerns. From there he went into photo-
graphic animal pictures in which no human Ijeings
were visible at all. Among other ventures now in
preparation are live-action films of tbe ways in
which tbe inbnbitants of tbe less-known parts of
tbe globe live tbeir daily lives, tbe animals again
being subordinated. Witb Disney there ia always
something new.
In all of tbis fancy footwork there has been on
Disney's part no conscious defiance of the anti-
dispersion dictum. It has represented merely the
relentlessly questing spirit of one of the lushest
imaginât ions in the history of entertainment. Disney
forgets the rules and leUj his imagination run free,
Hia is one of those rare adult natures witb a capacity
for awe and wonderment. Tbe man bas a certain
quality of fresh responsive ness, a quality with which
everyone is born, but wbicb tends to rub off in adult-
hood from contact witb an abrasive world.
Dianey drives bimeelf bard, and tbe only limita-
tion ujxjn how far bis talents can proliferate is the
amount of mental and physical strain the human
physique can stand. Along witb a built-in entbu-
siaum Disney baa a built-in tenscneHs. Once, wben
warned that unless he spent leas time at the studio
and took up a relaxing sport, he would suffer a
nervous breakdown. Disney in a rare moment of
conformity bought a set of golf cluba and took
lessons. He went at tbe game in a typical Disney
way, getting to tbe links at dawn in order to finish
in time to reach the studio at the regular hour.
Not gifted athletically, Disney threw himself
wholeheartedly into the game, with spectacularly
bad results. Hi« ineptnees increased bis tenseness
and his tenHeness increased his ineptnesa. Trying to
kill the ball, he would top it a few yards and go into
an eloquent rage. His anguished yellmg while chop-
ping in Band trap» suggested the outcries of a park
stroUer being unskilltully garroted by an apprentice
mugger He rarely completed more tban nine holes
and be always wound up quivermg with frustration.
In Kngluiid. W ult I)i.-srit> wulcb«.". tbc filmint; of Tlif Sword and ihc lior^t-, a livc-uolion »¡micy pro- After a few months be gave away bis clubs.
duction. \i'oll bt'lieicH lliul a (JOIMI '-pinni.-r of yarn>. fUn perform well in any »torylclliii(i medium.
Diane, Walt, Mrs. Disoc)' and Sharon. 'I'hc successes of his animal-cartoijn l;.Iitia and VJlroJ MilijlU' plioLo'iiriipii rre.-hly liatehcd Florida ullifiaLors
characters have helped make Walt the world's most cclchratcd eniortaincr. for Prowlers of ihe Everglade», one of Disney's True-Life Adveaturca,

A recent and more effective safety valve for Dis- civilization whose ideal is the unbotberable, poker- but the power of the story itself, plus the desire of
ney's personal eteam has been a miniature railroad faced man and tbe attractive, unruffled woman. the audience to believe in its baäic fantasy —'I can
ByBtem. The trackage winds for a half mile around Even the gestures get to be calculated. They call it fly! I can fly!' —made them forget the stiffness of
most of the yard of his Holmby Hills home, paasing poise. The spontaneity of the animals—you find it movement. Tinker Bell we created maneuver a ble,
by the swimming pool, over trestles and through a in small chüdren, but it'a gradually trained out and she sure maneuvered."
concrete tunnel. The rolling stock is in one-eighth of them. Disney is probably the best friend the animals
scale and authentic to the last detail, and Jt is "Then there's the matter of plastic masses, aa our have had since Saint Francis of Assisi. In his ani-
hauled hy a replica of a nine tee nth-century wood- animators put it —mass of face, of torso, and so on. mated cartoons he has glorified an elephant by hav-
burning locomotive. Disney loves to sit on tbe Animation needs these masses. They're things that ing bim float joyously througb the air to music by
tender with hot ashes blowing in his face and drive can be exaggerated a little and whirled about in Tchaikovsky, and he has made a world-wide hero of
a trainload of passengers—each boxcar seats one such a way aa to contribute to the illusion of move- a mouse. His relations witb tbe animal world were
person — around the system. At a party hLs passen- ment, you see, like a bloodhound's droopy ears and excellent as long as be stuck to cartoons, but a mis-
gers may be guest« in evening dress, and frequently fioppy guma, or the pufTy cbeeks and fat little understanding arose when he began to invade their
he is host to a working or retired locomotive engi- torsos of chipmunks and aquirrels. Look at Donald privacy with the camera.
neer who happens to be visiting in Lou Angeles and Duck. He's got a big mouth, a big belligerent eye,
calls him up. Disney is especially fond of wrecks, This re.sulted when he began work on hia Nature
a twistable neck and a substantial backside that'6 series, which he calls True-Life Adventures. These
as they give him an excuse to repair the damage in bigbly flexible. Tht Duck comes near being the
his workshop. About a year ago, partly in the hope are straight photographic reporta in color on the
animator's ideal subject. He's got plasticity plus. intimate lives of variou6 kinds of wildlife. Artis-
of more and better wrecks, he imported another
locomotive and a switch engine from England. The "For contrast, think of the human being as the tically and financially they have been great suc-
excitement of the railroad really relaxes him. animator sees him. It takes the devotion of a wbole cesses. The first four—Seal Island, Beaver Valley,
boyhood to learn to wiggle an ear an much as tbree Nature's Hali Acre and Water Birds—won Academy
For all his higgledy-piggledy branching out pro- sixteenths of an ircb, which isn't much. The typical Awards in their class. Another good one. The Olym-
fessionally Disney remains what he started as —a twenty-five-year-old man of today is slim of face, pic Elk, was not submitted to the award committee,
fascinated scholar of animal behavior iwith "ani- torso and legs. No scope for animation. Too atiff, too as ita year of release waa the name as that of Water
mal" understood in its widest sense). His everyday limited. Middle-agers tend to develop body masses — Birds, and only one entry may be made annually in
speech is peppered with animal references, some- jowls, bay windows, double chins —but you can't • any one category. For the current year tbe Disney
times out of context, such as: "Tbose burrolike very well caricature a fat man. Nature has beaten studio will again have to make a difficult choice he-
asses I brought back from Sardinia last year, tbey the animator to tbe puncb. tween Bear Country and Prowlers of the Ever-
fight each other to get petted. They're jealous of "In fantasies it's a little different. In Snow glades, the latter depicting the private life of the
affection, just hi» dogs and squirrels. . . . At Palm White we were able to draw the dwarfs as lumpy alligator.
Springs the other day I watched a terrier chase a figures wearing lumpy clothes, and tbât gave us
gopher. The gopher lay down on his back. He In the True-Life Adventures no human beings are
some good masses to toes around a little. Another allowed to mar the animals' strips of celluloid. But,
wasn't helpless. That was a trick defensive posture. fantasy, Pet«r Pan — in this one we did a switch that
If the terrier had charged him, the gopher would as no animal, however gifted, can operate a camera,
gave us fiome leeway. Instead of animals acting like human photographers had to do the job. At first the
have wrapped himself around the terrier'H muzzle people, we had Peter Pan and the Darling children
and bitten him in the nose, you see. That terrier was animals resented this invasion of their privacy. The
flying high and scrambling around like birds and photographers, wbo worked mostly in pairs, found
too smart for bim. He could wait. As soon as the animals. We still lacked truly maneuverable masses,
gopher got up and tried to run, the terrier snapped a way of getting around this block. They pitched
his neckbone in one bite the way a coyote h ilia a their camps or parked their trailers near likely
rattlesnake. . . . Clarence Nash developet] Dnnald'H voice imita ling gathering spots, such as feeding and breeding
d u c k i i in a L o s V n e e l i - iiii-l <! ir i n j ; i h i
grounds, set their cameras at various angles and
"The bear is the greatest of scratchers. He goes waited with incredible palience for tbe animals to
through a period of doing nothing but loaf. Uve, appear. When tbey did appear, there was no imme-
eat and scratch, mostly scratch. Most animals do diate recourse to the camera. The photographers,
tbe same thing, even the beaver, who is supposed moving about quietly, beld off sbooting until the
to work all the time. Not many centuries ago, animals had grown accustomed to their presence. A
human beings used lo scratch themselves at home waiting period for just one scene might take vveeks.
or j n public without any embarrassment. We've lost Sometimes it took niontha. Not infrequently the
something there. It's tbe penalty for the bathtub, scene would be ruined by a stretcb of dim outdoor
I guess. . . . lighting or by the sudden night oí the animalB at the
" You know why the animals domínate animated approach of a predator.
cartoons? It's because tbeir reaction to any kind of One pair of photographers, a h us band-and-wife
stimulus ia expressed physically. Often the entire team, spent seven months on the marge of a pond
body comes into play. Take a joyful dog. His tail catching the cycle of l)eaver life. Another husband-
wags, his torso wiggles, his ears flop. He may greet and-wife team followed herds of elk for two years
you by jumping on your lap or by making the through the rugged Olympic Moontains of Wash-
circuit of the room, not missing a cbair or a divan. ington, As tbe terrain was too rough for pack hon<es,
He keeps barking, and that's a form of physical ex- the photographers carried their camera equipment
pression, too; it Btretcbes his big moutb. in back packs. Food was dropped to them at inter-
"But how does a human being react to a stim- vals by belicopter.
ulus? He's lost the sense of play he once had and he The early True-Lifes ran about thirty minutes.
inhibits physical expression. He's the victim of a Disney was so (lÀ>utiniictl on I'wge 99)
with a poisonous bite, comes bumbling ness or industry. He silently said what
THE AMAZING STORY over the horizon. All of the round-tail he thought was a permanent tareweii

squirrels except Skinny scatter for to acting, and opened his attack on
OF WALT DISNEY cover. Lightning quick of foot. Skinny industry by getting a job as time-
taunts the lizard by jumping at him keeper in a Northern California lum-
IS cool
(Continued [rom Page 27)
and then jumping back out oí range, ber mill. Timekeeping, however, proved
enthusiastic about them that he gave and he kicks enougb smarting sand in to be an intolerable bore and Nash
in to an old failing of his; he eet his the Gila monster's [ace to make him quit it. In df^peration, he returned to
sights on a True-Life ot feature length. withdraw in defeat. the Chautauqua circuit. It was more N EW I DEA I N P I P E S
For this ambitious enterprise he picked Skinny got his first taste ot civiliza- anemic than ever, with the pay match- No mjrrcr liuw many pipes you
the American desert country, which is tion and he took to it like a man of the ing. Nash now regretted hLs impulsive- own. you'll want tliis bc-juiy! / /
the home of aa distrustful and hard- world. As a mere baby on the outskirts nesä in going back to the entertain- les JS yijC'd js II luoks • • • ¡I
bitten an assortment of reptiles, birds, of Tucson he was badly mauled by a ment business. In the lumljer-mill tcjiherljght b j i 5iurdy, com- / /
insects and mammals an nature has cat. The wite ot one of the Disney town he had left a girl —a secretary tofTjbk and comfürnng. cooler
thrown together. Some of them spend photographers on location there drove named Margaret Seamans —and he md drier, sweeiind sicislying.
the day in shady crevices to avoid the the cat away and took the squirrel missed her. He came home and tbey Try i Viklng and know
punishing heat, moving around only home. She nursed him back to health had a long talk, the upshot ot which 5mokiria
after the desert has cooled off. That's and taught him to do tricks. Skinny's was that Misa Seamans promised to
after sundown, which makes for poor name in private life ia Sweetie Pie. He marry him aa soon aa he got a pecure
photographic conditions. Others forage goeaon shopping trips with his mistress, foothold on a nontheatrical job. Nash
and fight by day, but they are quick traveling in her hand bag or in a pocket. put in a general application at the
scurriers and sometimes deadly stingers The great Donald Duck, he of the mill —and got back his hated old job
or biters. admirably plastic fundament, came to of timekeeper.
In the desert picture Disney defies the Disney world by a much more He was deeply in love, and that by
with gusto a taboo against the presen- circuitous path. Careful hindsight es- itself was upsetting, and 'be was Iras-
tation of forbidding forms of wildlife to tablisbea that he had his primal begin- cible over having been put back right
the public. He brings the onlooker ning around 1915 or 1916 in the largely where he had started. The boss re-
close to such ordinarily repulsive beings German farm village of Glasgow, Mis- proved him one day and again Nash
as Gila monsters, centipedes, milli- souri. He began as a voice, and the quit. He didn't know it at the time,
pedes, vultures, tarantulas, snakes, voice was that of an orphaned baby but his very irascibility, added to his
bats and scorpions. But these horrors billy goat, which a hoy named Clarence baby-billy-goat call, almost completed
are presented, with the aid of music Naah raised on a bottle. Young Nash, the character that before long was to
and occasional commentary, in HO then an amateur but dedicated imi- lift him into that goal ot every actor —
friendly a light that preview audiences tator of animal and bird calls, swears a permanent job.
found themselves in sympathy with now that with the goat cradled in
the deadly struggles tha actors go his arms after a feeding, they held as Though gloomy over the two fiaacoa
a timekeeper and uncertiiin about
through each day in order to survive. sprightly conversations in goat talk. his tuture, Nash stubbornly resumed
One of tbe moat dramatic sequences "NaturaUy, I had no premonition of his attempted transition from the arts
introduces a dreadfully aingle-minded Donald Duck, and neither did anyone to trade by going to San Francisco. It
creature, the tiny témale pepais wasp. else at the time," Nash says. "But 1 was understood thai as soon ae he got
She is the only desert citizen that is got so good at it that, boylike, I was settled. Miss Seamans would become
not atraid ot the giant spider known sure this one imitation would make me Mrs. Naab. Nash caught on first as a
as the tarantula. During her egg-laying famous someday." clerk in a chain-store grocery. Here
cycle she stalks him and, instead of Naah, the aon of a carpenter of was real promise.
killing him, anesthetizes him with her Scotch-Irish descent and a mother bom He was fired. A series of temporary
stinger. Depositing an egg in hia torso, in Germany, got his original push into jobs followed. Finally, he got one that
she buries him in the sand. In time the call-imitating in his native town, Wa- impressed him as important, possibly F?. S. HERSCRT CO.. INC.. BROOKLYN 1, N. Y.
hatched baby consumes the entire tonga, Indian Territory— now Okla- because it was physicaUy punishing.
tarantula —wbicb dies peacefully with- homa. Many of his playmates were It involved shoving heavy equipment
out ever waking up —and a new pepsis Indian boys. They were already expert around the atock room of a telegraph
wasp joins the community. in the calling art, and he learned a lot company and later on doing heavy
A toad is seen swallowing a miLipede. from them before his family moved to lifting for a crew that was installing a
The scorpions do a courtship donee. It Glasgow. From Glasgow the family branch agency in Chinatown. A small
resembles a square dance and Disney moved in 1917 to Fairmount. Miôsouri, man not much over five feet, Naah was
has given it stjuare-dance music. A a suburb ot Kansas City. Clarence almost done in by a combination of
couple of lumbering tortoises, in figbt- finished grade school at Fairmount and beavy lifting during the day and tasks
ing for the tavor of a lumbering female, went on into high school in Kansas which he took on after hours to in-
try to tum each other over —a helpless City. Briefly, in this period, Clarence crease his income and savings. These
and usually fatal position —and the Nash and Walt Disney were fellow were evening appearances, in a beat-up
winner waddles through a circular Kansas Citiane, and briefly again, after Tuxedo salvaged from bis Chautauqua y
mating antic with the female. World War I, hut tbeir paths didn't day«, in which he did his old bird and ; Borirf idnm. I i ' i / r « .
All of these sequencea and most of cross. Two years after the bankruptcy animal calh before fraternal organiza- I Wril.- lor it noir.
the others in the film were obl.ained in of an early anima ted-cartoon venture tions and social clubs. arocdwor. Fuirñsld. lg»i]
the usual patient eavesdropping way. had blown Walt Disney to Hollywood,
in 1923, Clarence Nash, at twenty, A personal tragedy almost ruined
Some were shot under what are called launched as an entertainer hy his savings plans. One evening when he
controlled conditions. A striking one organizinghimself
. cirirpi; • '•Triple SIrenglh
deals witb tbe feverish struggle of a Quartet-piano, something called the Alamo bad no iodgii engagement, he went to
kangaroo rat to remove ber young dolin. Nash played two guitars and man- l>ed early in his furnished room. He was Eïlra Wear in
trom a rodent-loving king snake and all its newness the Alamo the mandolin. For awakened during the nigbt by a noise Boys* Shifts
hide them in a laliyrinthine burrow. good. In summertime it was Quartet was that Eiounded like a burglar rummaging Kml Playshifls
As the entire chase ÍR underground, the the outdoor Chautauqua circuit booked on in the clothes closet. Attributing it to f. Pajamas
sequences could have been filmed only United States and Canada. In winter- of the his raw nerves, he went back to «leep. HIS NIBS
It actually had been o burglar in the fntpirs Slali BIdE., N.T.
through tbe use of a cross section of a time it played the Lyceum circuit in clothes closet, Naah discovered on
bmrow, visible through glass, and it opera bouées and school auditoriums. waking up in the morning. The beloved
was. The scene wasn't shot until the AM the quartet's star, NaRh doubled as Tuxedo was missing. Without it there
mother rat had indicated her full ac- a mandolin soloist and also gave out could be no more evening perform-
ceptance of the burrow as her home witb his bird and animal calls. ances, as he couldn't afford to buy
by returning to it repeatedly trom another. Ho was trantic. Two evenings
foraging expeditions. (Of course, she This was a great throbbing life for later he had an unusually profitable
saved the hahies. In the Disney ver- a young man, with all its travel and engagement to fill. The police, sympa-
sion of the wildlife struggle tbe con- applause. It ended bleakly during the thetic but not overly helpful, advised
testant with which audiences are iipt dying years of tbe 192O'B. By that time him to canvas« the lower-grade pawn-
to sympathize never gets killed. ) the movies and radio had drained away shops in his neighborhood.
In a tew of the desert eequencea the much of the Cbautauqua and Lyceum A few hours betöre the deadline he
chief role is played hy a wild animal clientele, and decent bookings were tound the suit where Ihe police tiaid
which someone has converted into a hard to get. The Alamo Quartet was he would — in a pawnshop. To get pos- EXTRA IINCOME!
pet. The moat appealing of these is a disbanded and Cltu-ence Nasb began session ot it for the evening, he had to
furry little round-t.ail squirrel named drifting westward. leave hia gold watch as security. In
Skinny which measures thr«; and a En route, Nash took stock ot his the morning, before going to his regular
half inches, not counting his tail. prospects. The same application ot job, he returned the suit and retrieved
Skinny is first shown in a frolicky brain and muscle that had made him his watch. Holding resolute againsl
rough-and-tumble with others oí hia a succesetul entertainer, he reasoned, tapping his savings account, be lK>ught
kind. A Gilfl monster, an ugly lizard ought to make him a success in busi- the suit back by installment payments.
100 E SATUHDAY EVENING POST November 7.1953
The sense of brawny accomplish- named Douglas MacArthur Park. TTie into being, at least aa the world knows missioner of Internal Revenue, a party
ment which hia daytime job gave him smugness of the ducks simultaneously him today in all his mad glory. Actually. to the conference, was enthusiastic, and
filled Nash with confidence in the fu- amused and irritated him. for weeks prior to that inconclusive Morgenthau waa persuaded to try the
ture. He wrote his liancée to come to " I t was kind of funny," he says now. evening, Nash had l>een parking his Duck. He said that 1200 copies were
San Francisco and marry bim. She did. "A big old drake would start chasing a truck in front of the Disney studio long needed for simultaneous showing at hig
A month later the telegraph company duck, and another drake would start enough to leave hie professional card. theaters al! over the country, well in
hit a seasonal lull and laid Naah off. chasing the firat drake. First thing you He was. of course, unaware of the short- advance of March fifteenth. Disney
The bride was dismsyed. The bride- knew, the drakes would be trying to lived furor his recitation had aroused. protested that it took six months to
groom was buoyant. He had given hia murder each other and the duck would One morning a week or so later, a make a short cartoon. The secretary
devoted best to business, and it had escape. Just to pass the time away, I Disney director, in riffling through a stuck to his deadline.
let him down miserably. The artist in started imitating them. If I hadn't pile of intramural memoranda, ran "How much does one of theae things
him was now thoroughly aroueed, done it. I'd have gone bats." across one of Whistling Clarence's cards cost?" he asked. Forty thousand dol-
A t)ooking agent for the Shriners. After two months of waiting, Nash and invited him in. With Dianey listen- lars, Disney replied, giving an approxi-
with whom Nash had become friendly, had a wonderful idea. He tipped off a ing, Naeh went through his whole mate figure.
got him spots at Shrine meetings all dealer in British miniature cars to a hot repertoire and was hired as a kind of He was back in Washington a month
over the Bay area and in settlements prospect named Winkley. The dealer imitator-in-general. The Duck made later to project a rough version of the
iar back in the lulls. One nigbt the drove to the dairy and with elahorate his debut in 1934 as a subordinate cartoon, which depicted Donald, alter-
agent was driving Nash home from an caaualness showed the car to Mr. character in a cartoon caUed The Wise nately larcenous and honest, wrestling
outlying-small-town engagement when Winkley. who remarked that it fitted in Little Hen. After three years in sup- with the "new, improved" income-tax
a lovely doe fawn bounded across tbe nicely with a promotion campaign he porting roles, he was made a star. form. Honesty won out, and at the end
highway and disappeared in tbe under- had been mulling over in his mind. The occupational hazards of cali- Donald rushed to Washington via all
brush. At Nasb'e behest, the car was In hia Whistling Clarence, the Bird imitating are many. Nash gets a aore kinda of transportation, and with pa-
stopped and backed up to the spot Man, role. Nash was a wheel-borne suc- throat after a couple of hours of re- triotic fireworks, to lay his tax on the
where the doe had vanished. Under- cess. The school children all over Los cording. A throat spray usually relieves line.
neath his front of confidence, Naah Angeles mobbed him whenever his little it overnight- Mouth and tongue cankers The lights went on, and Disney
felt insecure. Call invitations have a truck came around the comer. He was are worse. They force him to lay off for asked proudly what the secretary
way of deserting an imitator, and Nash in demand for radio appearances too. a few days. Still worse is what aeema to thought of it. The secretary didn't
was about to try out a call he hadn't During a predinner radio appearance he a periodic growing together of his think it made enough of an appeal to
given for years. Poking his head out sometime late in 1932 he had decided to teeth. This closes the tiny interstices conscience. An assistant opined that
the car window, he cut ioose with the end his program with an encore bit be through which he emits jets of air un- not enough taxpayers knew who Don-
angrily commanding yeD of a mature had used in his Cbautâuqua days. It der pressure to obtain a whistle effect— ald Duck was.
and rutting billy goat. was a recitation of Mary Had a Little he describes his Donald Duck technique A woman member of the Treasury
There was a cautious crackling in afi a combination of moutb pucker and staff was asked to comment. She made
the underbrush. Then the fawn, obvi- whistle. Nash's dentist reopens the tiny a wry face and said in measured ac-
ously nubile and perhaps not so choosy * • - * • * * - * - * • * *
passages with a file. cents, "I-don't-like-Donald-Duck."
as she might have been, emerged and Walt Disney Productions was just Disney, aroused, faced the Secretary
stopped in tbe headlights' glare, her !\lan> u Rirl ivho doles on romance getting squared away in its new plant of the Treasury and said indignantly,
limpid eyes glazed with a recldess pas- d;^ she ha.-i married Lhe antidote. in Burbank. a group of low structures "Sir, I am offering you the Clark Gable
sion. Nash, a highly moral man, was ^^r^^:l^^s(^^. on a ftfty-one-acre tract, when tbe of the Disney studio ! " Morgenthau re-
at once delighted and shocked. Roar- United States got into World War IL luctantly told him to go ahead. The
ing in emphatic English, he bade the On the day after the Pearl Harbor at- deadline waa met. Disney submitted a
hussy begone, and she leaped back * * * * * * * * * * * * tack, Dianey learned to his surprise that nonprofit bill of .^47,000. The Treasury
into the underbrush. hie studio had become an indispensable paid him the $40.000 of his offhand es-
Spring came and the lodge brethren Lamb as a frightened but determined bulwark of national defense. Tbe newa timate. He protested, but the Treasury
went off on fishing trips, virtually little girl might give it. came impersonally from a Navy De- was unmoved. So Disney swallowed his
killing off Nash's evening trade. As hia Not very far away, in a bamlike partment voice in Washington saying §7000 loss.
savings began to melt away, he decided atudio on Hyperion Avenue, Walt Dis- tbat he was to stand by for immediate The armed services, for whom the
to try Hollywood, where, in spite of the ney and some of his colleagues were conversion to making training films. studio turned out hundreds of training
growing economic depression, anything holding a late conference. They were "This telephone conversation," the filma, proved to be more open-handed.
might happen to a skilled performer. trying to dream up a major character to Navy said, "is being recorded, and will They paid bim whatever the coat ac-
For a man whose trained voice was t-o act as a foil for four-year-old Mickey constitute your contract." Disney tually came to.
achieve anonymous fame around the Mouse; not something sweet and heroic never did receive a copy of the record- Ninety-four per cent of the studio's
globe. Nash's entry into Hollywood like Mickey, but a character that was a ing, nor of a subsequent message from strength operated nonprofit throughout
was strangely inauspicious. Lacking little on tbe rough and angry side. A the Army, the Army Air Force ajid the the war. When it ended, Disney was
train fare, he and his wife made the trip email taiile radio was going, aoftly and Marine Corps. deeply in the red. he had lost his pre-
by coastal freighter and. by prear- vaguely, ao as not to interfere with Inside twenty-four hours a lieuten- cious foreign market and be had only a
rangement, put up at the home of a converbation. ant commander, the advance guard for small stockpile of the laughing atuff a
brother-in-law of Mrs. Nash. Suddenly a series of astringent noises a corpa of technicians, blithely parked chastened world wae crying for. This
came out of the receiver in juat enough his luggage in a kind of living room, terrible condition spurred him to get
Nash began pounding the pave- caught up and. in three or four years,
ments. Most of the booking agents were strengih to be nagging. with two divans and a kitchen, which is
Someone said irritably. " T u m that part of Disney's office suite. Disney he did. He was in the midst of making a
glum. One, after having Nash go feature-length cartoon, a dog atory
through tbe audition, .said, simply and thing off." sleeps there sometimes when working
late. The Navy took it over and served called The Lady and the Tramp, when
dévastât in gly, "Lousy." Some en- "No, tum it up." Disney said, the three-dimension revolution broke.
gagements did tum up. though, and touched with one of his Hashes of in- highballs from Disney'a supplies.
"Look, Walt." said the lieutenant He took a loss on the work already done
one of them changed the direction of spiration. and began remaking the film Ln Cinema-
Nasb'e life. After a performance at a Ae the volume-control knob was commander, "if you're too bushed to Scope. It will be released next year.
country-club luncheon he received spe- spun higher, the last few linea of Mary go home tonight, why don't you hit the Henceforth the studio's entire produc-
cial congratulations from a prominent Had a Little Lamh squawked from the sack in tRe otber divan?" Disney, who tion will be made in the same medium,
dairyman with the improbable name of set. is easily imposed upon, thanked him including Twenty Thousand Leagues
Winkley. They had a long talk and dur- "That's a duck!" Disney cried. "A lamely, but said be had promised to Under the Sea. a live-action feature
ing the course of it Nash worked hard duck, blowing his t o p ! " The radio spend the night at home. As he got into which should have Bome exciting under-
at seULng Mr. Winkley on a mer- stopped rasping and began suborning a bin car, the aquatter waved him good water photography. Disney is spending
chandising idea tbat was new, at least flatting soprano in tbe throes of The night and cried. "Any old evening just about $1,000,000 for a new sound studio
in the sense that it had just popped End of a Perfect Day. Dianey snapped eay the word and the other divan is in which the Jules Verne fant-asy about
into his mind. It addfcd up to hiring yours. Walt, old boy!" the submarine Nautilus will he filmed.
Nash to appear at çrade schools during it off.
"Someday we're going to bave a When Disney got to his office a week With luck, its release date should co-
recesses and. after having bird-called or ao later another Washington call was incide roughly with the shakedown
tbe moppets around him. to extol the duck," he aaid. "Hey, somebody catch
that guy before be leaves the radio sta- waiting. With a feeling oí foreboding, cruise of another Nautilus, the Navy'B
delights and nutritional qualities of tbe he picked up the instrument. "Catch a first nuclear-powered submarine. Dia-
dairy's milk. He envisioned billing him- tion and have him in for a voice test."
Nash had left the radio station. The plane and be in the secretary's office in ney didn't plan this newa peg. It juat
self as Whistling Clarence, the Bird the morning," the voice said. It was the happened, as good things occasionally
Man; tbat and the dairy's name would receptionist, who knew him only as Treasury.
Whistling Clarence, the Bird Man, sug- happen to all gamblers.
be emblazoned on a wbite uniform and
also upon a miniature milk truck. gested calling the dairy. The night Walt caught the plane and kept the
Nash's small stature would fit in just watchman at the dairy had never heard date. Secretary Morgenthau, who was None of Dianey's employees, who
right, he pointed out. Mr. Winkley of him. Simply l>y telephoning tbe dairy suffering from a headache, explained number about 700, can ever tell what
sparked to tbe idea, but aaid he would in the morning, the Disney people the emergency. The outcome of the war Disney will do next. The atudio is sim-
have to discuss it with h'm awwciates. could have caught up with Whistling might, he »aid, hinge upon the Treas- ilar, in that respect, to the Rockefeller
ury's success in collecting the increased Institute for Medical Research, of
Clarence, but somehow he had faded income tax. The taxpayers' patriotism which a staff member once remarked,
Weeks went by with no word from from lhe sLudio'a collective conscious- had to be aroueed. "We need a symbol " It's a wise cat that knows ita own kid-
Mr. Winkley. and Nash fell into a Had not Nash himself used an old of some kind," the secretary said. neys around here."
habit of bench-.^itting with other vic- trouper's dodge for gaining attention,
tims of unemployment near a duck Donald Duck would never have come Disney offered Donald Duck. Mor- Editors' Note—Thii ii the lexond ol two nrlieleii
pond in Westlake Park —since re- eenthau was not enthusiastic. The Com- by Mr. Aleitander.

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