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Running head: SOIL EROSION 1

Soil Erosion

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Naturally soil is removed by the combined forces of wind and/ or water. Soil erosion has

been taking place for more than 450 million years. Natural processes moved regolith from the

surface of the Earth before this time. Soil erosion occurs at probably the same rate as the

formation of soil. However a much faster rate has been observed recently with the rate of soil

erosion exceeding the rate of soil formation. Soil erosion is a form of degradation of soil among

other forms like compaction, salinisation and loss of nutrients (Pruski & Nearing, 2002, p. 7- 16).

Causes of soil erosion

One of the major causes of soil erosion is human exploitation of natural resources which

has been increasing at a higher rate recently. Deforestation, faulty farming systems, clearing of

land for construction and agriculture, mining, diverting natural courses of rivers, and dam

construction are some of the human activities that have acted to accelerate the rate of soil

erosion, by indirectly or directly making the topmost layer of the earth weak thereby making it

more vulnerable to different agents of soil erosion that wear it away. For example deforestation

and cutting off trees make soil more vulnerable to erosion since the vegetations’ roots help in

holding soil together (Brown & Drake, 2009, p. 5).

Other causes of soil erosion are more nature oriented. For example the climate can cause

soil erosion by determining the velocity of the wind and also the levels of precipitation which in

turn determine the levels of soil erosion. For example if there is more precipitation, there is an

increase in the surface flow which in turn increases the vulnerability of an area to soil erosion by

the surface flow. The same way, if the velocity of wind is high, soil erosion increases with the

eroded soil being carried to places that are farther away than where it was carried from. The

climate is a major cause of erosion especially in the case of water and wind erosion.

Another cause of soil erosion that is nature oriented is the soil properties. The chemical

and the physical properties of the soil also determine the level of vulnerability of a land to soil

erosion. Different soil types are different in terms of their chemical and physical attributes like

their structure, texture and water holding capacity. All these factors are important determinants

of the level of a soils vulnerability to different agents of soil erosion. This is a factor which is

very common in almost all types of soil erosion (Pruski & Nearing, 2002, p. 7- 16).

Prevention of soil erosion

It is important to note that almost all the geographical processes that occur on earth are

related in one way or another and altering one process always affects all the other processes

adversely. Therefore preventing soil erosion should not be so hard. For example planting trees,

crops, flowers and other types of vegetation is a very effective method of preventing soil erosion.

Vegetation helps with erosion by acting as a shield for the soil by lessening the impact of erosion

agents like wind, rainfall, and running water. Another method of preventing soil erosion is by

building retention walls around the affected areas and other lands.

The walls act shield the soil from erosion agents and reduces the rate of erosion. The

retention wall also allows the soil to soak water slowly as it retains water. Used in combination

with other soil erosion methods, it can be a very effective method. Improving the soil properties

both chemical and physical can also help in reducing soil erosion. This can be done by applying

a top layer of fertilizer and mulch on the surface of the land. It can also be very beneficial for the

plants. The mulch and fertilizer lessen the rains impact on the soil and it also improves the soils

water soaking and retention capability (Brown & Drake, 2009, p. 11).


Soil effects are being felt all over the world ant the extend keep on increasing. It is

therefore important that effective measures are adapted to reduce soil erosion to ensure the

sustainability of the human kind. Healthy soils ensure that humans have enough food and water

to live on, enough and clean oxygen to breath. It is important to observe soil erosion prevention

measures to retain these and much more.



Brown, J. & Drake, S. (2009). Classic Erosion. Venture West: Wiley.

Pruski, F. F. & Nearing, M.A. (2002). Runoff and soil loss responses to changes in precipitation:

a computer simulation study. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 57 (1), 7-16.

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